The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2000
Stories, Listed by Author
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- UTLEY, STEVEN (1948- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Aphrodite, God AMighty, (pm)
- * Athena, (pm)
- * Background Music, (pm) Asimovs Aug 2000
- * Bast, (pm)
- * A Biped Asks, (pm)
- * Career Moves of the Gods, (pm)
- * Chain of Life [Silurian Tales], (nv) Asimovs Oct/Nov 2000
- * Cloud by van Gogh [Silurian Tales], (ss) F&SF Dec 2000
- * A Cosmic Concept, (pm)
- * The Despoblado [Silurian Tales], (ss) Sci Fiction website Nov 22 2000
- * Fleet One, (pm)
- * From a Disgruntled Herdsman, (pm)
- * Gilgameshs Troubles Begin, (pm)
- * God?!, (pm)
- * Gods for Kids, (pm)
- * Gods Go, (pm)
- * The Gods in Their Decreptitude, (pm)
- * Hera, (pm)
- * Hitler, Stalin, (pm)
- * Iron, (pm)
- * Jealous Old Trickster, (pm)
- * Jehova, According to His Peers, (pm)
- * Leveler, (pm)
- * Matter of Proportion, (pm)
- * Memo from the Real World, (pm)
- * My Own Daily Prayer, (pm)
- * Odin and Zeus, (pm)
- * A Petition to the Other Gods, (pm)
- * Pharaohs Cats, (pm)
- * A Prayer, (pm)
- * The Real World [Silurian Tales], (ss) Sci Fiction website Aug 30 2000
- * Refreshments Are Served, (pm)
- * Senseless Deaths, (pm)
- * Set Is Happy, (pm)
- * The Sun King, (pm)
- * To a Prehistoric Huntsman Dead from Exposure, (pm)
- * Vulcans Bliss, (pm)
- * What Are Gods?, (pm)
- * When We Have Been Long Forgotten, (pm)
- * Zeus Rages, (pm)
- * Zeus Rages Some More, (pm)
- VAJRA, RAJNAR (chron.) (assoc.)
- VÁKSER, SROL (chron.)
- * Seven Days from Now and The Final Tear, (ss)
- VALENTINE, MARK (1959- ) (chron.)
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Nephoseum, or, The Play of Shadows [The Connoisseur], (ss) A Christmas Miscellany, 2000, Tartarus Press (catalog) 2000
- * Chorion and the Pleiades, (pm) Columbia v3 #31 1999
- van BELKOM, EDO (1962- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Beauty and Its Beast, (ss) On Spec Sum 2000
- * Coming of Age, (ss) Star Colonies, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & John Helfers, DAW 2000
- * Deus ex Machina, (ss) Delirium #3 2000
- * Doctor Death, (ss) Parsec Sum 2000
- * Hey Fairy, (ss) Queer Fear, ed. Michael Rowe, Arsenal Pulp 2000
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Lamia, (ss) Bad News, ed. Richard Laymon, Cemetery Dance 2000
- * Making Music, (vi) Nasty Snips, ed. Christopher C. Teague, MT Publishing 1999
- * Sex After Life, (ss) Whispered from the Grave, ed. Anon., Design Image Group 2000
- VANCE, JACK; [i.e., John Holbrook Vance] (1916- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Bagful of Dreams [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) Flashing Swords! #4, ed. Lin Carter, Dell 1977
- * The Cave in the Forest [Cugel; Dying Earth], (ss) F&SF Jul 1966
- * Cil [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) The Eyes of the Overworld, Ace 1966
- * Cugels Saga [Cugel; Dying Earth], (n.) Underwood-Miller; Columbia, PA 1983
- * The Dying Earth [Dying Earth], (oc) New York: Hillman Books 1950
- * The Eyes of the Overworld [Cugel; Dying Earth], (co) New York: Ace 1966
- * Faders Waft [Dying Earth], (na) Rhialto the Marvellous, Underwood-Miller/Brandywyne 1984
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * Green Magic, (ss) F&SF Jun 1963
- * Guyal of Sfere [Dying Earth], (nv) The Dying Earth, Hillman 1950
- * Liane the Wayfarer [Dying Earth], (ss) The Dying Earth, Hillman 1950
- * The Manse of Iucounu [Cugel; Dying Earth], (ss) F&SF Jul 1966
- * Mazirian the Magician [Dying Earth], (ss) The Dying Earth, Hillman 1950
- * Morreion [Dying Earth], (na) Flashing Swords! #1, ed. Lin Carter, Dell 1973
- * The Mountains of Magnatz [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) F&SF Feb 1966
- * The Murthe [Dying Earth], (na) Rhialto the Marvellous, Underwood-Miller/Brandywyne 1984
- * The Overworld [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) F&SF Dec 1965
- * The Pilgrims [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) F&SF Jun 1966
- * Rhialto the Marvelous [Dying Earth], (co) Underwood-Miller; Columbia, PA 1984
- * The Seventeen Virgins [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) F&SF Oct 1974
- * The Sorcerer Pharesm [Cugel; Dying Earth], (nv) F&SF Apr 1966
- * Tsais [Dying Earth], (nv) The Dying Earth, Hillman 1950
- * Turjan of Miir [Dying Earth], (ss) The Dying Earth, Hillman 1950
- * Ulan Dhor [Ulan Dhor Ends a Dream; Dying Earth], (nv) The Dying Earth, Hillman 1950
- * Ulan Dhor Ends a Dream [Dying Earth], (nv) The Dying Earth, Hillman 1950; also as Ulan Dhor.
- VANCE, MICHAEL (chron.)
- VANCE, WARLOCK; see under Vance, Greg (chron.)
- VAN CLEAVE, FRAN (chron.)
- VAN CLEAVE, RYAN G. (chron.)
- VANDERHAEGHE, GUY (Clarence) (1951- ) (chron.)
- VanderMEER, JEFF(rey Scott) (1968- ) (books) (chron.)
- VANDE VELDE, VIVIAN (1951- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- VAN GELDER, GORDON (Mark) (1966- ) (books) (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- VAN HOLLANDER, JASON (books) (chron.)
- * The Caravan of the Dead (with Darrell Schweitzer), (ss) Weirdbook #27 1992
- * The Cloth Gods of Zhamiir (with Darrell Schweitzer), (ss) Weird Tales Sum 1991
- * The Crystal-Man (with Darrell Schweitzer), (ss) Interzone Sep 1996
- * The Magical Dilemma of Mondesir (with Darrell Schweitzer), (ss) Century #2 1995
- * The Man in the White Mask (with Darrell Schweitzer), (ss) Worlds of Fantasy & Horror Sum 1994
- * Men Without Maps (with Darrell Schweitzer), (ss) MZBFM Win 1991
- * The Paloverde Lodge (with Darrell Schweitzer), (ss) Fear! Sep 1990
- * Those of the Air (with Darrell Schweitzer), (ss) Cthulhus Heirs, ed. Thomas M. K. Stratman, Chaosium 1994
- * The Throwing Suit (with Darrell Schweitzer), (ss) The Horror Show Spr 1990
- * The Unmaker of Men (with Darrell Schweitzer), (ss) Weird Tales Fll 1990
- VAN HORN, RAY, Jr. (chron.)
- VAN PELT, JAMES (1954- ) (chron.)
- * The Comeback, (ss) Analog Apr 2000
- * Friday, After the Game, (ss) Analog Oct 2000
- * Howl Above the Din, (ss) Talebones Win 2000
- * Once They Were Monarchs, (ss) AHMM Dec 2000
- * Parallel Highways, (ss) After Shocks, ed. Jeremy Lassen, Night Shade Books 2000
- * Road Decoy, (ss) Space & Time #91 2000
- * Savannah is Six, (ss) Dark Terrors 5: The Gollancz Book of Horror, ed. Stephen Jones & David Sutton, Gollancz 2000
- * That He Might Yet Find the Unknown, (ss) Altair #6&7 2000
- VARGO, JOSEPH (books) (chron.)
- * The Dark Tower (with James Pipik), (nv) Tales from the Dark Tower, ed. Joseph Vargo & Christine Filipak, Monolith Graphics 2000
- * Lilith, (ss) Tales from the Dark Tower, ed. Joseph Vargo & Christine Filipak, Monolith Graphics 2000
- * Sentinels (with James Pipik), (ss) Tales from the Dark Tower, ed. Joseph Vargo & Christine Filipak, Monolith Graphics 2000
- * Vampires Kiss (with Christine Filipak), (ss) Tales from the Dark Tower, ed. Joseph Vargo & Christine Filipak, Monolith Graphics 2000
- * Watcher at the Gate, (ss) Tales from the Dark Tower, ed. Joseph Vargo & Christine Filipak, Monolith Graphics 2000
- VARLEY, JOHN (Herbert) (1947- ) (chron.)
- * In the Hall of the Martian Kings, (na) F&SF Feb 1977
- VARNEY, ALLEN (chron.)
- VARO, VAD (chron.)
- * Thoughts on the Evolution of Current Day Flora and Fauna of Barsoom, (ms) Strange Worlds #7 2000; from the files of Keith Bruce Vaughn.
- VAUGHAN, BRIAN K. (chron.)
- VAUGHN, CARRIE (chron.)
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