The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- BORTON, DOUGLAS (Child, Jr.) (1960- ) (books)
- * Fangs, (nv) Vampire Detectives, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1995
- * Venice, CA, (ss) Freak Show, ed. F. Paul Wilson, Pocket 1992
- * Voivode, (nv) Dracula: Prince of Darkness, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1992
- * Colon, (pm) Star*Line 1981
- * Dinner Moon, (pm) Star*Line 1980
- * The Distance of Light, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Jan 1989
- * Exclamation Points, (pm) Star*Line 1981
- * H-R Diagram, (pm) Portland Review 1981
- * Looking Through a Telescope, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Sum 1985
- * M 13, (pm) Portland Review 1981
- * Meteor, (pm) Star*Line 1981
- * Moon Eclipses, (pm) Portland Review 1981
- * The Night Has Murdered, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry v3 #2 1991
- * Sharp edged cartoon bosom..., (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #49 1997
- * untitled, (pm) Star*Line v20 #6 1997
- * After Midnight, (pm) Nyctalops #19 1991
- * The Changeling, (pm) Weirdbook #19 1984
- * Cthulhu Fhtagn, (pm) Eldritch Tales #20 1989
- * Curse, (pm) Eldritch Tales #18 1989
- * The Journey, (pm) Weirdbook #25 1990
- * Lament to Her Child, (pm) Eldritch Tales #21 1989
- * None of the Above, (nv) Worlds of Women, ed. Cecilia Tam, Circlet Press 1994
- * Rendezvous, (pm) Weirdbook #26 1991
- BOSTON, BRUCE (David) (1943- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Abused Ignition, (pm)
- * The Accelerated Man, (pm) Fungi Fll 1986
- * Aerial Reconnaissance of a Conflagration at the Heart (with Robert Frazier), (pm) Chronicles of the Mutant Rain Forest, Horrors Head Press 1992
- * After a Statue of Pan, (pm) Specula, Beech Grove, IN: Talisman 1993
- * After Magic, (na) The , Boise, Idaho 1989
- * After the Age of Dragons, (pm) Figment #14 1993
- * After the Last, (pm) Cold Tomorrows, Gothic Press 1998
- * After Words, (pm) Fungi Win 1986
- * Against the Ebon Rush of Night, (pm) Aboriginal SF Sep/Oct 1988
- * Agricultural Subsidies, (pm)
- * Alchemical Texts, (co) Mountain View, CA: Ocean View Books 1985
- * The Alchemist Among Us, (pm) Fantasy and Terror #2 1984
- * The Alchemist Discovers a Universal Solvent, (pm) IASFM Dec 1984
- * The Alchemist in Place, (pm) Velocities #4 1984
- * The Alchemist in Transit, (pm)
- * The Alchemist Is Born in a Sudden Changing of Seasons, (pm)
- * The Alchemist Takes a Lover in the Infinite Variety of Fire, (pm) Velocities #4 1984
- * Alien to Alien, (vi) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Sum 1985
- * All the Clocks Are Melting, (ss)
- * Alternating Currents, (vi) Grimoire #2 1982
- * America Comes, (pm) Ice River #4 1989
- * America, America, America, (pm) Last Wave #5 1986
- * The Amnesia Addict, (pm) Aboriginal SF Sum 1992
- * Ancient Catch, (pm)
- * And Soon a Wolf for Every Door, (pm) Weird Tales Spr 1990
- * Anesthesia Man, (ss) Palace Corbie #5 1994
- * Animal Husbandry, (ss) Masques #4, ed. J. N. Williamson 1991
- * The Animist, (ss) Amazing May 1990
- * Another House, Another Home, (ss) 1987
- * Artist As Owl, (pm)
- * At Madame Tarots, (vi) Fantasy and Terror #1 1984
- * Authors Note, (aw)
- * Autumnal, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #11 1987
- * Awakening in the Mutant Rain Forest, (pm)
- * Babel Triptych, (pm) Specula, Beech Grove, IN: Talisman 1993
- * Baptismal, (vi)
- * The Beast at Vespers, (pm)
- * The Berserker Enters a Plea on the Death of Greater Los Angeles, (pm) IASFM May 1985
- * Beyond Procreation, (pm) IASFM Aug 1988
- * Beyond the Edge of Alien Desire, (pm)
- * The Biker, (vi) Berkeley Poets Co-op
- * The Bimillennial Blues, (pm) Talebones Sum 1996
- * Blue Death Variations on the American Scream, (pm)
- * Born a Royal Beast, (pm)
- * A Brave New World, They Tell Me So, (pm) SPWAO Showcase #5 1985
- * Break, (ss) New Worlds 7, ed. Hilary Bailey & Charles Platt, London: Sphere 1974
- * Breath Falls and Is Not Stone, (pm)
- * Broken Portraiture, (ss) Gallimaufry #5 1975
- * Burning Man, (ss) New Pathways Jul 1988
- * By Fire, Slowly, (pm) Pandora #14 1985
- * Carmichal & the City, (ss)
- * Carved in Bittersweet Dalliance as the Archers Nock their Bows, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #15 1987
- * Celestial Grapevine, (pm) Space & Time Win 1988
- * The Changeling Uncovered, (pm) IASFM Jan 1987
- * Chicken Thieves, (pm)
- * Clear to Eternity, (pm) Amazing Jul 1987
- * Clothed and Naked in the Mutant Rain Forest, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #38 1992
- * Coats, (pm) Visions #20 1986
- * The Cocksman Speaks, (vi)
- * Cold Fusion, (pm)
- * Conditions of Sentient Life, (pm) Star*Line
- * Confessions of a Body Thief, (pm) Miami, FL: Talisman 1998
- * Confirmed by the Mutant Rain Forest, (pm) Asimovs mid-Dec 1995
- * The Contemporary Witch, (pm) Night Cry Fll 1986
- * Cortical Jump Cut, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Spr 1992
- * A Cosmological Fable, (ss)
- * Critical Mass, (pm) Cold Tomorrows, Gothic Press 1998
- * Crucifixation, (pm) Night Songs
- * A Curse for My Demon Father, (pm) Amazing Jul 1989
- * Curse of Medusas Husband, (pm) Asimovs Jun 1997
- * Curse of the Aliens Wife, (pm) IASFM Aug 1990; also as Genna Takes a Lover.
- * Curse of the Aliens Wife, (ss) EOTU Apr 1991; the first section appeared as a poem in IASFM Aug 90.
- * Curse of the Androids Wife, (pm) Science Fiction Age Jan 1994
- * Curse of the Angels Wife, (pm) Accursed Wives, Troy, NC: Night Visions 1993
- * Curse of the Bandersnatchs Wife, (pm) Asimovs Mar 1997
- * Curse of the Berserkers Wife, (pm) Talebones Win 1997
- * Curse of the Body-Thiefs Wife, (pm) Asimovs Jan 1996
- * Curse of the Brujos Wife, (pm) Accursed Wives, Troy, NC: Night Visions 1993
- * Curse of the Clones Wife, (pm) The Zone #1 1994
- * Curse of the Cyberheads Wife, (ss) Science Fiction Age Sep 1994
- * Curse of the Cyborgs Wife, (pm) Asimovs Sep 1995
- * Curse of the Demons Wife, (pm) IASFM Aug 1987
- * Curse of the Devils Wife, (pm) Amazing Nov 1988
- * Curse of the Doppelgängers Wife, (pm) Asimovs Apr 1995
- * Curse of the Ghosts Wife, (pm) IASFM Jan 1989
- * Curse of the Hypnotists Wife, (ss) Talebones Spr 1996
- * Curse of the Mad Scientists Wife, (pm) Amazing Jul 1988
- * The Curse of the Magus (with Robert Frazier), (ss) The Dragon Aug 1988
- * Curse of the Mermans Wife, (pm) Midnight Zoo v2 #4 1992
- * Curse of the Monsters Wife, (pm) Grue #7 1988
- * Curse of the Nightmare-Collectors Wife, (pm) Asimovs Aug 1995
- * Curse of the Puppet Kings Wife, (pm)
- * Curse of the Redwoods Wife, (pm) Asimovs Dec 1995
- * Curse of the Sasquatchs Wife, (pm) IASFM Aug 1989
- * Curse of the SF Writers Wife, (pm) Asimovs Jan 1996
- * Curse of the Shapeshifters Wife, (pm) Accursed Wives, Troy, NC: Night Visions 1993
- * Curse of the Simulacrums Wife, (ss) Science Fiction Age Jul 1995
- * Curse of the Solipsists Wife, (pm) Asimovs mid-Dec 1995
- * Curse of the Super-Heros Wife, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #50 1998
- * Curse of the Telepaths Wife, (pm) Accursed Wives, Troy, NC: Night Visions 1993
- * Curse of the Time Travelers Wife, (pm) Asimovs Apr 1995
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