The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- WEAVER, MICHAEL D(avid) (stories) (continued)
- * *Wolf-Dreams (NEL 0-450-49477-2, Nov ’89, £5.99, 686pp, tp) [Bloodfang] Omnibus edition of the three books in the Bloodfang series, Wolf-Dreams (Avon 1987), Nightreaver (Avon 1988), and Bloodfang (Avon 1989). (Contents)
- WEAVER, TOM (1958- )
- * *Interviews with B Science Fiction and Horror Movie Makers: Writers, Producers, Directors, Actors, Moguls & Makeup (McFarland 0-89950-360-8, Oct ’88 [Sep ’88], $29.95, 413pp, hc) Non-fiction, interviews with veterans of the 1950s “B” movie era.
- * *The Magic in the Pool of Making (Lion 0-7459-2234-1, 1992 [Sep ’94], £2.99, 192pp, pb, cover by Alan Fraser) Young-adult fantasy novel. Published in 1992, only now seen.
- WEBB, DON (1960- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *[1998*AnubOnG]Anubis on Guard: The Selected Poetry of Don Webb (Dark Regions Press no ISBN, Sep ’98 [Aug ’98], $4.95, 34pp, ph, cover by Linda Reynolds) Collection of 22 fantastic poems, seven original. Introduction by Denise Dumars. Illustrated by Linda Reynolds. Order from Dark Regions Press, PO Box 6301, Concord CA 94524.
- * *The Bestseller & Other Tales (Chris Drumm Books 0-936055-61-8, 1990 [Oct ’93], $3.00, 44pp, ph, cover by Don Webb) Collection of seven stories, three apparently original. A signed edition (-60-X, $5.00) was announced but not seen. This has a 1990 copyright, but was not seen until now. Available from Chris Drumm, PO Box 445, Polk City IA 50226. Drumm Booklet #46. (Contents)
- * *The Double: An Investigation (St. Martin’s 0-312-19144-8, Oct ’98, $22.95, 242pp, hc, cover by Neil Shigley) Mystery novel with dark fantasy/surreal elements. A man finds his identical double dead on his living room floor.
- * *The Explanation and Other Good Advice (Wordcraft of Oregon 1-877655-25-2, May ’98, $9.95, 119pp, tp) Collection of 26 stories and vignettes, 10 apparently original. Order from Wordcraft of Oregon, PO Box 3235, La Grande OR 97850; e-mail: (Contents)
- * *The Seventh Day and After (Wordcraft of Oregon 1-877655-05-8, Oct ’93, $7.95, 78pp, tp, cover by Roman Scott) Collection of seven literary fantasy stories, a short play, and a poem, with illustrations by Roman Scott. Available from Wordcraft of Oregon, PO Box 3235, La Grande OR 97850. (Contents)
- * *A Spell for the Fulfillment of Desire (FC2/Black Ice 1-57366-012-4, May ’96 [Apr ’96], $7.95, 147pp, tp, cover by Aubrey Beardsley) Collection of 27 pieces (14 previously unpublished) of experimental short fiction, some SF or fantasy. Black Ice is being distributed through Northwestern University Press, 625 Colfax St, Evanston IL 60208-4210; 847-491-5313; orders: Northwestern University Press, Chicago Distribution Center, 11030 S Langley Avenue, Chicago IL 60628; 800-621-2736. (Contents)
- * *Stealing My Rules (Cyber-Psychos AOD 1-886988-05-6, Oct ’97, $5.00, 71pp, tp, cover by Christian Patchell) Collection of 12 stories and vignettes, five previously unpublished. Introduction by Paul Di Filippo. Illustrations by Christian Patchell. Order from Cyber-Psychos AOD, PO Box 581, Denver CO 80201; make checks payable to Jasmine Sailing; add $1.50 postage. (Contents)
- * *Uncle Ovid’s Exercise Book (Illinois State University Fiction Collective 0-932-51117-1, 1988 [Nov ’88], $18.95, 154pp, hc) Literary exercise book of “Metamorphoses No.1-95”, short pieces which are sometimes sf or fantasy or something else. This won the 1988 Illinois State University Fiction Collective Award.
- * _Wilkes the Wizard (Dragon 0-583-30751-5, Apr ’86 [Mar ’86], £1.50, 144pp, pb) Reprint (Granada 1985) juvenile fantasy novel.
- * *Wilkes the Wizard and the S.P.A.M. (Grafton 0-246-12916-6, Apr ’86 [Mar ’86], £4.95, 144pp, hc) Juvenile fantasy novel.
- * _Wilkes the Wizard and the S.P.A.M. (Dragon 0-583-30935-6, Apr ’87, £1.95, 143pp, pb) Reprint (Grafton 1986) juvenile fantasy novel.
- WEBB, JANEEN, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- WEBB, MAGGIE; see pseudonym Samantha Lee (stories)
- WEBB, SHARON (Lynn) (1936- ) (stories)
- * *The Adventures of Terra Tarkington, R.N. (Bantam 0-553-24862-6, Mar ’85 [Feb ’85], $2.95, 203pp, pb) [Terra Tarkington] Episodic sf novel; the adventures of an interstellar nurse. The listed pieces appeared previously. Somewhat tongue-in-cheek. (Contents)
- * _Earthsong (Bantam 0-553-23993-7, Feb ’84 [Jan ’84], $2.50, 176pp, pb) [Earthchild Trilogy] Reprint (Atheneum 1983) sf novel, second in “The Earth Song Triad”.
- * *The Halflife (Tor 0-312-93190-5, Aug ’89, $17.95, 406pp, hc) Medical/spy thriller with horror and sf elements.
- * _The Halflife (Tor 0-812-50911-0, Jun ’90 [May ’90], $4.95, 406pp, pb, cover by Mark Gerber & Stephanie Gerber) Reprint (Tor 1989) medical/spy thriller with horror and sf elements.
- * *Pestis 18 (Tor 0-312-93003-8, Mar ’87 [Feb ’87], $17.95, 400pp, hc) Medical suspense novel of terrorists and plague; non-sf: associational.
- * _Pestis 18 (Tor 0-812-51066-6, Feb ’88, $4.50, 400pp, pb) Associational; medical thriller.
- * _Pestis 18 (Tor 0-812-54343-2, Feb ’96 [Jan ’96], $6.99, 400pp, pb) Reissue (Tor 1987) associational medical thriller. Second printing.
- * *Ram Song (Atheneum/Argo 0-689-31058-7, Nov ’84 [Oct ’84], $13.95, 218pp, hc) [Earthchild Trilogy] Sf novel, conclusion of the “Earthchild” trilogy.
- * _Ram Song (Bantam Spectra 0-553-25168-6, Oct ’85 [Sep ’85], $2.95, 220pp, pb) [Earthchild Trilogy] Reprint (Atheneum 1984) sf novel, conclusion of a trilogy.
- WEBB, WENDY, ed. (stories)
- * *Gothic Ghosts (with Charles L. Grant) (Tor 0-312-86130-3, Oct ’97, $23.95, 256pp, hc, cover by Steven Johnson) Original anthology of 19 ghost stories. Authors include Esther M. Friesner, Brian Stableford, Nancy Holder, and Rick Hautala. (Contents)
- * _Gothic Ghosts (with Charles L. Grant) (Tor 0-312-86684-4, Sep ’98 [Aug ’98], $14.95, 256pp, tp, cover by Steven Johnson) Reprint (Tor 1997) original anthology of 19 ghost stories.
- * *More Phobias (with Richard Gilliam, Edward E. Kramer & Martin H. Greenberg) (Pocket 0-671-89547-8, Jul ’95 [Jun ’95], $5.99, 386pp, pb) Original anthology of 27 horror stories about phobias. (Contents)
- * *Phobias (with Richard Gilliam, Edward E. Kramer & Martin H. Greenberg) (Pocket 0-671-79237-7, Jan ’94 [Dec ’93], $5.50, 360pp, pb, cover by Kirk Reinert) Original anthology of 24 horror stories about phobias, with an introduction by Robert Bloch. (Contents)
- WEBBER, COLLIN (1939- )
- * *Merlin and the Last Trump (Gollancz 0-575-05534-0, Apr ’93, £14.99, 269pp, hc, cover by Ainslie MacLeod) [Merlin and the Last Trump] Humorous fantasy novel—semi-finalist in the BBC Radio 4 Bookshelf/ Gollancz first fantasy competition.
- * _Merlin and the Last Trump (Gollancz 0-575-05718-1, Jul ’94, £4.99, 269pp, pb, cover by Ainslie MacLeod) [Merlin and the Last Trump] Reprint (Gollancz 1993) humorous fantasy novel. A semi-finalist in the BBC Radio 4 Bookshelf/Gollancz first fantasy competition.
- * *Ribwash (Gollancz 0-575-05830-7, Nov ’94, £5.99, 309pp, pb, cover by Ainslie MacLeod) [Merlin and the Last Trump] Comic fantasy novel; sequel to Merlin and the Last Trump.
- WEBBER, JULIAN LLOYD; see under Lloyd Webber, Julian (stories)
- WEBBERT, DOREEN (Lee Erlenwein) (1934- )
- * *Fantasy Cookbook (with Jean Goddin) (1991 World Fantasy Convention no ISBN, Oct ’91, no price, 86pp, ph) Associational non-fiction, a spiral bound cookbook containing recipes from fantasy writers and others in the field. This was distributed free at the 1991 World Fantasy Convention in Tucson AZ.
- WEBER, DAVID M. (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *The Apocalypse Troll (Baen 0-671-57782-4, Jan ’99 [Dec ’98], $22.00, 312pp, hc, cover by Charles Keegan) SF novel. A retiring US naval officer rescues an attractive female warrior and gets tangled up in a war with alien time-travellers and cyborgs.
- * *The Armageddon Inheritance (Baen 0-671-72197-6, Dec ’93 [Nov ’93], $4.99, 344pp, pb, cover by David Mattingly) [*Mutineers’ Moon] Sf adventure novel of an astronaut captured by a sentient starship and drafted as its captain. Sequel to Mutineers’ Moon.
- * *Crusade (with Steve White) (Baen 0-671-72111-9, Mar ’92 [Feb ’92], $4.99, 426pp, pb, cover by Paul Alexander) Sf novel of an ancient spaceship appearing in the midst of an uneasy galactic peace to start a new war.
- * *Echoes of Honor (Baen 0-671-87892-1, Oct ’98 [Sep ’98], $24.00, 569pp, hc, cover by David Mattingly) [Honor Harrington] Military SF novel, eighth in the “Honor Harrington” series about a female space-navy captain. Honor and her crew are trapped on a Havenite prison planet.
- * _Echoes of Honor (SFBC #02316, Jan ’99 [Dec ’98], $11.98, 569pp, hc, cover by David Mattingly) [Honor Harrington] Reprint (Baen 1998) military SF novel, eighth in the “Honor Harrington” series. This is similar to the Baen edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * *Heirs of Empire (Baen 0-671-87707-0, Mar ’96 [Feb ’96], $5.99, 533pp, pb, cover by David Mattingly) [*Mutineers’ Moon] SF novel. The offspring of Emperor Colin have his talent for revolution. Third in the Mutineers’ Moon series.
- * _Honor Among Enemies: An Honor Harrington Adventure (Bantam UK 0-553-50492-4, Jan ’97, £4.99, 543pp, pb) Reprint (Baen 1996) SF novel. Book 6 in the ‘Honor Harrington’ series. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Honor Harrington #3: The Short Victorious War (Baen 0-671-87596-5, Apr ’94 [Mar ’94], $5.99, 376pp, pb, cover by Laurence Schwinger) [Honor Harrington] Sf adventure novel, third book of a series about a female starship commander in the tradition of the “Horatio Hornblower” series.
- * *Honor Harrington #4: Field of Dishonor (Baen 0-671-87624-4, Oct ’94 [Sep ’94], $5.99, 367pp, pb, cover by Gary Ruddell) [Honor Harrington] SF adventure novel, fourth book of a series about a female starship commander in the tradition of the “Horatio Hornblower” series.
- * *Honor Harrington: Flag in Exile (Baen 0-671-87681-3, Sep ’95 [Aug ’95], $5.99, 443pp, pb, cover by Gary Ruddell) [Honor Harrington] SF novel, fifth in the “Honor Harrington” series. On forced leave from the space navy, Honor faces bigots and sabotage on Grayson.
- * *Honor Harrington: Honor Among Enemies (Baen 0-671-87723-2, Jun ’96 [May ’96], $21.00, 538pp, hc, cover by David Mattingly) [Honor Harrington] SF novel, sixth in the series about a female space-navy captain. Honor’s enemies get her a dangerous mission chasing space pirates.
- * _Honor Harrington: Honor Among Enemies (Baen 0-671-87783-6, Jun ’97 [May ’97], $6.99, 538pp, pb, cover by David Mattingly) [Honor Harrington] Reprint (Baen 1996) military SF novel, sixth in the series.
- * *Honor Harrington: Honor of the Queen (Baen 0-671-72172-0, Jun ’93 [May ’93], $5.99, 422pp, pb, cover by Laurence Schwinger) [Honor Harrington] Sf novel; second book of a series about the adventures of a female starship commander in the tradition of the “Horatio Hornblower” series.
- * *Honor Harrington: In Enemy Hands (Baen 0-671-87793-3, Aug ’97 [Jul ’97], $22.00, 530pp, hc, cover by David Mattingly) [Honor Harrington] Military SF novel, seventh in the series about a female space-navy captain. Honor is captured by the People’s Republic of Haven.
- * _Honor Harrington: In Enemy Hands (SFBC #18425, Dec ’97 [Nov ’97], $10.98, 419pp, hc, cover by David Mattingly) [Honor Harrington] Reprint (Baen 1997) SF novel, seventh in the series about a female space-navy captain. This is similar to the Baen edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * *Honor Harrington: On Basilisk Station (Baen 0-671-72163-1, Apr ’93 [Mar ’93], $4.99, 422pp, pb, cover by Larry Schwinger) [Honor Harrington] Sf novel, first book of a new series about the adventures of a female starship commander.
- * *In Death Ground (with Steve White) (Baen 0-671-87779-8, May ’97 [Apr ’97], $6.99, 629pp, pb, cover by David Mattingly) Military SF novel. Humans and their cat-like allies wage desperate war against invading Bugs.
- * _In Enemy Hands (Baen 0-671-57770-0, Oct ’98 [Sep ’98], $6.99, 530pp, pb, cover by David Mattingly) [Honor Harrington] Reprint (Baen 1997) military SF novel, seventh in the “Honor Harrington” series.
- * *Insurrection (with Steve White) (Baen 0-671-72024-4, Nov ’90 [Oct ’90], $4.50, 408pp, pb, cover by Paul Alexander) Sf novel about rebellion in a far-future Terran Federation.
- * *More than Honor (with David A. Drake & S. M. Stirling) (Baen 0-671-87857-3, Jan ’98 [Dec ’97], $5.99, 371pp, pb, cover by David Mattingly) Anthology of three novellas set in the “Honor Harrington” universe, but not featuring Honor herself. Weber provides a story of humans’ first meeting with tree cats, and an 80-page article on “The Universe of Honor Harrington”. (Contents)
- * *Mutineers’ Moon (Baen 0-671-72085-6, Oct ’91 [Sep ’91], $4.50, 315pp, pb, cover by Paul Alexander) [*Mutineers’ Moon] Sf novel of a sentient ship and mutineers from the future on prehistoric Earth.
- * *Oath of Swords (Baen 0-671-87642-2, Feb ’95 [Jan ’95], $5.99, 489pp, pb, cover by Larry Elmore) [Bahzell Bahnakson] Fantasy novel. The War God picks Bahzell Bahnakson, a reluctant berserker of despised race, as paladin.
- * _On Basilisk Station (Baen 0-671-57772-7, Oct ’98 [Sep ’98], $1.99, 422pp, pb, cover by Larry Schwinger) [Honor Harrington] Reissue (Baen 1993 as Honor Harrington: On Basilisk Station) military SF novel, first in the series. This is a special repackaged “limited edition” at an introductory price.
- * *Path of the Fury (Baen 0-671-72147-X, Dec ’92 [Nov ’92], $4.99, 421pp, pb, cover by Paul Alexander) Sf novel of a female ex-commando leader who turns pirate-hunter when the Imperial government can’t capture the men who destroyed her home world.
- * *The War God’s Own (Baen 0-671-87873-5, May ’98 [Apr ’98], $22.00, 382pp, hc, cover by Larry Elmore) [Bahzell Bahnakson] Fantasy novel, sequel to Oath of Swords. Bahzell Bahnakson is revealed as the War God’s champion to the god’s stunned Order.
- _____, ed.
- * *Worlds of Honor (Baen 0-671-57786-7, Jan ’99 [Dec ’98], $21.00, 343pp, hc, cover by David Mattingly) [Honor Harrington] Anthology of five novellas set in the “Honor Harrington” universe, but only one featuring Honor herself; most focus on treecats. Authors include Linda Evans, Jane Lindskold, and Roland J. Green. (Contents)
- WEBER, JEAN, ed. (stories)
- WEBER, NANCY (1942- )
- * _The Playgroup (NEL 0-450-05763-1, Feb ’86 [Jan ’86], £2.50, 264pp, pb) Reprint (St. Martins Press 1982) horror novel.
- WEBSTER, JOSH (Lew) (1949- )
- * _Quarantine (Worldwide Library 0-373-97063-3, 1988 [Feb ’88], $3.95, 384pp, pb) Reprint (Random House 1973) horror/sf novel. The CIA behind a plot for the ultimate biological disaster.
- WEBSTER, LYN (1950- )
- * *The Illumination of Alice J. Cunningham (Dedalus 0-946626-15-4, May ’87, £9.95/$19.95, 306pp, hc) [Alice] Modern, feminist updating of the “through the looking glass” tale, a first novel. This single edition for British and American markets is distributed in the U.S. by Hippocrene, Inc., 171 Madison Ave., New York NY 10016.
- * _The Illumination of Alice J. Cunningham (Dedalus 0-946626-39-1, Nov ’89, £5.95, 306pp, tp) [Alice] Reprint (Dedalus 1987) literary fantasy novel. Distributed in the USA by Hippocrene Books.
- * *Short Circuit (Sphere 0-7221-7035-1, Nov ’86, £2.50, 186pp, pb) Novelization of sf film.
- WEHRENBERG, CHARLES (Craig) (1944- ) (stories)
- * *Radio-Reactive Apples (SoloZone 1-886163-00-6, 1995 [Jun ’95], $11.00, 298pp, tp) Collection of nine stories. Order from: SoloZone, PO Box 410792, San Francisco CA 94141-0792. (Contents)
- * *WillBall (SoloZone 1-886163-02-2, 1995 [Jun ’95], $11.00, 204pp, tp) SF satiric novel about a female WillBall champion determined to make a baby with Name Brand Sperm. Order from: SoloZone, PO Box 410792, San Francisco CA 94141-0792.
- WEHRSTEIN, KAREN (Miriam) (1961- ) (stories)
- * *Lion’s Heart (Baen 0-671-72044-9, Mar ’91 [Feb ’91], $4.95, 410pp, pb, cover by Larry Elmore) [Cage] Fantasy novel set in the same world as S.M. Stirling & Shirley Meier’s The Cage, first book of a new series.
- * *Lion’s Soul (Baen 0-671-72071-6, Jul ’91 [Jun ’91], $4.95, 324pp, pb, cover by Larry Elmore) [Cage] Fantasy novel set in the “Fifth Millennium” world of S.M. Stirling and Shirley Maier’s The Cage. Second book of a series, third “Fifth Millennium” novel overall.
- * _Shadow’s Son (with Shirley Meier & S. M. Stirling) See entry under Shirley Meier.
- WEIGHELL, RON (1950- ) (stories)
- * *The Greater Arcana (Haunted Library 0-906153-27-1, Jun ’94, £2.50, 32pp, ph) Chapbook of three occult stories, one revised, two original. (Contents)
- * *The White Road: The Collected Supernatural Stories of Ron Weighell (Ghost Story Press 1-900441-01-2, Mar ’97, 453pp, hc) Ghost collection. (Contents)
- WEILER, DENNIS E., ed. (stories)
- WEIN, ELIZABETH E. (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Winter Prince (Macmillan Atheneum 0-689-31747-6, Sep ’93, $14.95, 202pp, hc, cover by Scott Multer) [Winter Prince] Young-adult historical Arthurian novel based on Welsh versions of the legends. A first novel.
- * _The Winter Prince (Baen 0-671-87621-X, Sep ’94 [Aug ’94], $4.99, 202pp, pb, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) [Winter Prince] Reprint (Atheneum 1993) young-adult historical Arthurian novel based on Welsh versions of the legends.
- WEINBAUM, STANLEY G(rauman) (1902-1935) (stories)
- * _The Black Flame (Tachyon Publications 0-9648320-0-3, Dec ’95, $26.00, 202pp, hc, cover by Michael Dashow) [Black Margot] Reprint (Fantasy Press 1948) short SF novel about immortals. This is the “complete text” of part two only (the original book publication included the novella “Dawn of Flame”), from a rediscovered manuscript. The introduction by Sam Moskowitz gives the book’s publishing history. This is a limited edition of 1024; a deluxe leatherbound edition of 100, signed by Moskowitz, is available for $45.00; a boxed and lettered version of the deluxe edition is $80.00. Tachyon Publications, 1459 18th St. #139, San Francisco CA 94107; add $2.00 shipping per book.
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