The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- TOLKIEN, CHRISTOPHER (books) (continued)
- * Note on the original submission on the Lay of Leithian and The Silmarillion in 1937, (ar)
- * Notes and Commentary, (as) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * Of the Ents and the Eagles, (ar) The War of the Jewels, HarperCollins UK 1994
- * Preface, (pr)
- * Preface, (pr) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * Short Glossary of Obsolete, Archaic, and Rare Words, (ms) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * The Tale of Eärendel, (ar) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * The Tale of Years, (ar) The War of the Jewels, HarperCollins UK 1994
- * The Texts and Their Relations, (ar) The Lost Road and Other Writings, Unwin Hyman 1987
- TOLKIEN, J(ohn) R(onald) R(euel) (1892-1973) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, (pm) London: Allen & Unwin 1962
- * AElfwine and Dírhaval, (uw) The War of the Jewels, HarperCollins UK 1994
- * AElfwine of England, (ss) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * Ainulindalë, (uw) The Lost Road and Other Writings, Unwin Hyman 1987
- * The Ambarkanta, (uw) The Shaping of Middle-Earth, George Allen & Unwin 1986
- * The Annals of Aman, (uw) Morgoths Ring, HarperCollins UK 1993
- * Appendices, (ms)
- * Athrabeth Finrod Ah Andreth, (uw) Morgoths Ring, HarperCollins UK 1993
- * Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics, (ar)
- * The Bidding of the Minstrel, (pm) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * Bilbo Baggins and Smaug [from The Hobbit], (ex) London: Allen & Unwin 1937
- * Bilbos Last Song [Middle-Earth], (pm) London: Allen & Unwin 1974
- * The Cat and the Fiddle, (pm) Yorkshire Poetry v2 #19 1923
- * The Drowning of Anadûnê, (uw) Sauron Defeated, HarperCollins UK 1992
- * Éalá Éarendel Engla Beorhtast, (pm) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * The Earliest Annals of Beleriand, (uw) The Shaping of Middle-Earth, George Allen & Unwin 1986
- * The Earliest Annals of Valinor, (uw) The Shaping of Middle-Earth, George Allen & Unwin 1986
- * The Earliest Silmarillion, (uw) The Shaping of Middle-Earth, George Allen & Unwin 1986
- * The End of the Third Age, (uw) Sauron Defeated, HarperCollins UK 1992
- * English and Welsh, (ar)
- * Errantry, (pm) The Oxford Magazine Nov 9 1933
- * The Etymologies, (ms) The Lost Road and Other Writings, Unwin Hyman 1987
- * The Fall of Gondolin, (uw) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * The Fall of Númenor, (uw) The Lost Road and Other Writings, Unwin Hyman 1987
- * Farmer Giles of Ham, (na) London: Allen & Unwin 1949
- * The Fellowship of the Ring [Middle-Earth], (n.) London: Allen & Unwin 1954
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * Gawains Leave-Taking, (pm)
- * The Grey Annals, (uw) The War of the Jewels, HarperCollins UK 1994
- * The Happy Mariners, (pm) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelms Son, (pl) Essays and Studies for 1953, The English Association 1953
- * The Horns of Ylmir, (pm) The Shaping of Middle-Earth, George Allen & Unwin 1986
- * Imram, (pm) Time & Tide Christmas 1955
- * The Later Annals of Beleriand, (uw) The Lost Road and Other Writings, Unwin Hyman 1987
- * The Later Annals of Valinor, (uw) The Lost Road and Other Writings, Unwin Hyman 1987
- * The Later Quenta Silmarillion [Part 1], (uw) Morgoths Ring, HarperCollins UK 1993
- * The Later Quenta Silmarillion [Part 2], (uw) The War of the Jewels, HarperCollins UK 1994
- * The Lay of Leithian, (pm)
- * The Lay of Leithian Recommenced, (pm)
- * The Lay of the Children of Hurin, (pm)
- * Leaf by Niggle, (nv) Dublin Review Jan 1945
- * The Lhammas, (uw) The Lost Road and Other Writings, Unwin Hyman 1987
- * The Lost Road, (uw) The Lost Road and Other Writings, Unwin Hyman 1987
- * Mr. Bliss, (na) Boston: Houghton Mifflin 1982
- * Mythopoeia, (pm) Tree and Leaf 1988
- * Myths Transformed, (ms) Morgoths Ring, HarperCollins UK 1993
- * The Nameless Land, (pm) Realities, ed. G.S. Tancred, Gay & Hancock 1927
- * The Nauglafring, (uw) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * The Notion Club Papers, (uw) Sauron Defeated, HarperCollins UK 1992
- * On Fairy-Stories [from Essays Presented to Charles Williams], (ar) New York: The Oxford University Press 1947; expanded from a lecture at the University of St. Andrew in 1938.
- * On Translating Beowulf, (ar)
- * Pearl, (pm)
- * Poems Early Abandoned, (pm)
- * Prologue, (pr)
- * Prose Fragments following the Lost Tales, (uw) The Shaping of Middle-Earth, George Allen & Unwin 1986
- * Quendi and Eldar, (ar) The War of the Jewels, HarperCollins UK 1994
- * The Quenta, (uw) The Shaping of Middle-Earth, George Allen & Unwin 1986
- * Quenta Silmarillion, (uw) The Lost Road and Other Writings, Unwin Hyman 1987
- * The Return of the King [Middle-Earth], (n.) London: Allen & Unwin 1955
- * Riddles in the Dark (Original Version) [Chapter 5 of The Hobbit], (ex) London: Allen & Unwin 1937
- * The Root of the Boot, (pm) Songs for the Philologists, University College London 1936
- * Roverandom, (na) HarperCollins UK 1998
- * A Secret Vice, (ar)
- * The Shores of Faëry, (pm) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, (ar)
- * Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, (pm)
- * Sir Orfeo, (pm)
- * Smith of Wootton Major, (na) London: Allen & Unwin 1967
- * The Song of Ælfwine, (pm) The Lost Road and Other Writings, Unwin Hyman 1987
- * The Song of Eriol, (pm) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * The Sorrowful City, (pm) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * The Tale of Tinúviel, (uw) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * The Trolls [from The Hobbit], (ex) London: Allen & Unwin 1937
- * Turambar and the Foalókë, (uw) The Book of Lost Tales, Part II, George Allen & Unwin 1984
- * The Two Towers [Middle-Earth], (n.) London: Allen & Unwin 1954
- * Valedictory Address, (ar)
- * The Wanderings of Húrin, (uw) The War of the Jewels, HarperCollins UK 1994
- _____, reviews:
- TOLNAY, TOM; [i.e., Thomas G. Tolnay] (1938- ) (books)
- * Date with a Bird [Rendezvous with a Bird], (ss) On the Golden Porch, London: Virago Press 1989
- * Rendezvous with a Bird, (ss) On the Golden Porch, London: Virago Press 1989; also as Date with a Bird.
- TOLSTOI, ALEKSEI (Konstantinovich) (1817-1875)
- TOLSTOI, LEO (Nikolayevich) (1828-1910)
- * Destiny, (ar) Space & Time #86 1995; tr. by Constance Garnett
- * The Porcelain Doll [Mar 23, 1863], (ss) The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Tales, Oxford University Press 1940; from a letter to Tolstoys wifes sister.
- * The Tale of Ivan the Fool, (nv) The Kreutzer Sonata, Ogilvie 1890
- * The Three Hermits, (ss)
- * What Men Live, (ss)
- TOLSTOY, ALEXIS; see under Tolstoi, Aleksei
- TOLSTOY, LEO; see under Tolstoi, Leo
- TOMAN, MICHAEL D(avid) (1949- )
- * The Old Laughing Lady, (nv) Fantasy Tales, #6, ed. Stephen Jones & David A. Sutton, Robinson 1991
- * Why Tigers Hate Spiders, (ss) Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 6, ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Pulphouse 1990
- * A Winter Memory, (nv) Cold Shocks, ed. Tim Sullivan, Avon 1991
- * The Professor and the Mermaid, (nv) Two Stories and a Memory, Pantheon 1962
- TOMERLIN, JOHN (E.) (1930-1988)
- * Straw Dogs, (nv) Unmapped Territories 1991
- * Cats Cradle, (ss) Weird Tales Jan 1952
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