The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- McHARDY, VINCENT (continued)
- * Lava Tears, (ss) Darkness on the Edge of Town 1985
- MACHEN, ARTHUR; pseudonym of Arthur Llewellyn Jones, (1863-1947) (books) (chron.)
- * 7B Coney Court, (ss) The London Graphic Sep 26 1925
- * The Ancient Speech, (ar) Bridles & Spurs, The Romford Club 1951
- * The Ars Magna of London: A Machen Miscellany [assorted extracts], (ar)
- * Art and Luck, (ar) The Independent Nov 25 1933
- * The Art of Divination, (ar) T.P.s Weekly
- * The Autophone, (ss) The St. Jamess Gazette Aug 21 1890
- * Awaking, (ss) The Childrens Cargo, ed. Cynthia Asquith, Eyre & Spottiswoode 1930
- * Awaking: A Childrens Story, (ss) The Cosy Room, Rich Cowan 1936
- * The Bitter Impatience, (ar) Bridles & Spurs, The Romford Club 1951
- * The Bowmen, (ss) London Evening News Sep 29 1914
- * Bridles and Spurs, (ar) Bridles & Spurs, The Romford Club 1951
- * The Bright Boy, (nv) The Children of the Pool, Hutchinson 1936
- * The Brook Farm, (ar) Globe Aug 16 1890
- * By the Brook, (ar) The Queen Jul 26 1890
- * Casuistry, (ar) T.P.s Weekly
- * Celtic Magic, (ar) T.P.s Weekly
- * The Ceremony [1897], (ss) Ornaments in Jade, New York: A.A. Knopf 1924
- * Change, (ss) The Children of the Pool, Hutchinson 1936
- * The Children of the Pool, (ss) The Children of the Pool, Hutchinson 1936
- * The Compliments of the Season, (ss) The Independent Jan 13 1934
- * The Cosy Room, (ss) Shudders, Cynthia Asquith, London: Hutchinson 1929
- * The Cult of the Secret, (ar) T.P.s Weekly
- * A Curious Book - Le Moyen de Parvenir, (ar) The Observer 192?; from Machens Queer Things column that ran in The Observer from Mar 14 1926 - Feb 27 1927.
- * The Decorative Imagination, (ex) The Three Impostors, John Lane 1895
- * The Decorative Imagination, (in) The Three Impostors, John Lane 1895; dated 1890/1894. This is the frame for the following story.
- * Dr Johnsons Disappearing Act, (ar) The London Graphic May 1 1926
- * A Double Return, (ss) The St. Jamess Gazette Sep 11 1890
- * The Dover Road, (nv) Missing from Their Homes, ed. Anon., Hutchinson 1936
- * Drakes Drum, (nf) Outlook Apr 26 1919
- * Edgar Allan Poe: The Supreme Realist, (ar) T.P.s Weekly Dec 1910
- * Eleusinia, (pm) 1881
- * England and Revolution, (ar) T.P.s Weekly
- * The Exalted Omega, (ss) The Children of the Pool, Hutchinson 1936
- * Far Off Things, (ar) London: Secker Warburg 1922
- * A Forgotten Book, (ar) Bridles & Spurs, The Romford Club 1951
- * A Fragment of Life, (na) Horlicks Magazine Feb 1904 (+3)
- * A Further Account of the Academy of Lagado, (ss) The St. Jamess Gazette Jul 16 1890
- * The Gift of Tongues, (ss) T.P.s and Cassells Weekly Dec 3 1927
- * Gipsies, (ar) The Academy and Literature Dec 9 1911
- * The Grande Trouvaille, (ar) 1923
- * The Grays Inn Coffee House, (ar) 1944
- * The Great God Pan, (na) The Great God Pan, London: John Lane 1894; a portion appeared earlier in The Whirlwind, Dec 13, 1890.
- Dark Company: The Ten Greatest Ghost Stories, ed. Lincoln Child, St. Martins 1984
- The Best Ghost Stories, ed. Anon., BDD/Mallard Press 1990
- Foundations of Fear, ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor 1992
- H.P. Lovecrafts Book of Horror, ed. Stephen Jones & Dave Carson, Robinson 1994
- Shadows of Fear, ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor 1994
- Tales of Terror and the Supernatural, ed. Anon., Bracken Books 1994
- The Dunwich Cycle, ed. Robert M. Price, Chaosium 1996
- Tales of Horror and the Supernatural, Tartarus Press 1997
- * The Great Return, (nv) London Evening News Oct 21-Nov 16 1915
- * The Great Terror, (na) The Evening News Oct 16 1916 (+); also as The Terror.
- * Guinevere and Lancelot [Many-Towerd Camelot], (ss) T.P.s Weekly Apr 2 1909
- * The Happy Children, (ss) The Masterpiece Library of Short Stories, ed. J. A. Hammerton, London: Educational Book Co. 1920
- * The Hidden Mystery, (ss) The Academy and Literature Jun 6 1908; published in The Academy.
- * The Hill of Dreams, (n.) London: Grant Richards 1907
- * The Holy Graal, (ar) T.P.s Weekly
- * The Holy Grail, (ar) Bridles & Spurs, The Romford Club 1951
- * The Holy Things, (ss) Ornaments in Jade, New York: A.A. Knopf 1924
- * The Idealist, (ss) Ornaments in Jade, New York: A.A. Knopf 1924
- * Imagination and Health, (ar) T.P.s Weekly
- * The Inmost Light [Dyson], (nv) The Great God Pan, London: John Lane 1894
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Introduction (from Notes and Queries), (in) 1926
- * Introduction (from The Dragon of the Alchemists), (in) 1926
- * Introduction to A Handy Dickens, (ar) London: Constable 1941
- * The Islington Mystery, (ss) The Black Cap, ed. Cynthia Asquith, London: Hutchinson 1927
- * Jocelyns Escape, (ss) The World Jun 17 1891
- * Johnny Double, (ss) The Treasure Cave, ed. Cynthia Asquith, Jarrolds 1928
- * The Joy of London, (ar) The Evening News Jan/Apr 1914
- * Justice, Liberty - and Fallacy, (ar) T.P.s Weekly
- * Local Colour, (ar) Literature Apr 23 1898
- * London Thirty Years Ago, (ar) The Evening News Nov 17 1913
- * Lost Books, (ar) Bridles & Spurs, The Romford Club 1951
- * The Lost Club, (ss) The Whirlwind Dec 20 1890
- * Many-Towerd Camelot, (ss) T.P.s Weekly Apr 2 1909; also as Guinevere and Lancelot.
- * Midsummer, (ss) Ornaments in Jade, New York: A.A. Knopf 1924
- * The Moth and the Flame, (ar) T.P.s Weekly
- * Munitions of War, (ss) The Ghost-Book, ed. Cynthia Asquith, London: Hutchinson 1926
- * Mutterings in the Dark Grove, (ar) Bridles & Spurs, The Romford Club 1951
- * The Mystic Speech, (ar)
- * N, (nv) The Cosy Room, Rich Cowan 1936
- * Nature [The Splendid Holiday], (nf) The Academy and Literature Jan 4 1908
- * A New Christmas Carol [Scrooge: 1920; Christmas Carol], (vi) London Evening News Dec 28 1920
- * A New Year Meditation, (ar) T.P.s Weekly
- * A Note on Poetry, (ar) 1949
- * The Novel of the Black Seal, (nv) The Three Impostors, John Lane 1895
- * The Novel of the Iron Maid, (ss) The St. Jamess Gazette Sep 13 1890
- * The Novel of the White Powder, (ss) The Three Impostors, John Lane 1895
- * Of the Isle of Shadows, and of the Strange Customs of the men that dwell there, (ss) The St. Jamess Gazette Jul 8 1890
- * The Old Grammar School, (ar) Bridles & Spurs, The Romford Club 1951
- * The Only Way, (ar) The New Statesman Sep 30 1933
- * Opening the Door, (ss) When Churchyards Yawn, ed. Cynthia Asquith, London: Hutchinson 1931
- * Our Absurd Education, (ar) T.P.s Weekly
- * Out of the Earth, (ss) T.P.s Weekly Nov 27 1915
- * Out of the Picture, (nv) The Children of the Pool, Hutchinson 1936
- * Over the Gate, (ar) The St. Jamess Gazette May 30 1890
- * Parsifal: The Story of the Holy Graal, (ar) 1913
- * Pictures on the Cards, (ar) Bridles & Spurs, The Romford Club 1951
- * Preface (from Afterglow), (pr) 1924
- * A Preface to The Three Imposters, (ar) Aklo Win 1990
- * Psychology, (ss) Ornaments in Jade, New York: A.A. Knopf 1924
- * Re-Discovery of London, (ar) The Evening News Jul 1914
- * The Red Hand [Dyson], (nv) Chapmans Magazine of Fiction Dec 1895
- * A Remarkable Coincidence, (ss) The St. Jamess Gazette Aug 26 1890
- * Riddles and Symbols, (ar) Bridles & Spurs, The Romford Club 1951
- * Ritual, (ss) Path and Pavement, ed. John Rowland, Eric Grant 1937
- * The Rose Garden, (ss) The Neolith Aug 1908
- * Rouge et Noir - and the Unknown, (ar) T.P.s Weekly
- * Rus In Urbe, (ar) The St. Jamess Gazette Jul 24 1890
- * Savages [from Concealed Savages of Tudor England], (ar) The American Mercury Feb 1936
- * Scrooge: 1920 [Christmas Carol], (vi) London Evening News Dec 28 1920; also as A New Christmas Carol.
- * The Secret Glory, (vi) The Wave Feb 1922
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