The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- * _The Brothers Grimm and Folktale (University of Illinois Press 0-252-06191-8, 1991 [Apr ’92], 258pp, tp) Reprint (University of Illinois Press 1988) collection of essays on the Grimm’s fairy tales, with an introduction by the editor. This is a 1991 book not seen until now. A hardcover edition (-01549-5, $29.95), unseen, may or may not be the earlier 1988 edition. Order from Univ. of Illinois Press, 54 E. Gregory Dr., Champaign IL 61820. [Grimm, Grimm]
- * *Fairy Tale Romance: The Grimms, Basile, and Perrault (University of Illinois Press 0-252-01741-2, Mar ’91 [Mar ’92], $29.95, 226pp, hc) Non-fiction, a critical study of erotic passion in the literary folktale. This is a 1991 book not seen until now. Available from University of Illinois Press, 54 East Gregory Drive, Champaign IL 61820. [Grimm, Grimm]
- McGONIGLE, CHERYL; see pseudonym Carly Bishop
- McGOWEN, TOM (1927- )
- * *The Magician’s Apprentice (Dutton/Lodestar 0-525-67189-7, Jan ’87, $12.95, 119pp, hc) [Magician] Young-adult sf/fantasy novel, a quest for lost “magic” from the 20th century, 3000 years later.
- * *The Magicians’ Challenge (Dutton Lodestar 0-525-67289-3, Oct ’89 [Nov ’89], $13.95, 138pp, hc, cover by Michael Hays) [Magician] Young-adult sf novel with fantasy elements set in a post-Holocaust far-future world, third book in the “Magician” series.
- * *The Magician’s Company (Dutton Lodestar 0-525-67261-3, Oct ’88 [Nov ’88], $13.95, 119pp, hc) [Magician] Young-adult sf novel (despite the title), a sequel to The Magician’s Apprentice, set in a far-future post-holocaust Earth.
- * *A Question of Magic (Penguin/Lodestar 0-525-67380-6, Oct ’93, $14.99, 137pp, hc, cover by Michael Hays) [Age of Magic] Young-adult sf/fantasy novel, third book of the “Age of Magic” trilogy. The five intelligent races of prehistoric Earth are threatened by invading aliens.
- * *The Shadow of Fomor (Penguin/Lodestar 0-525-67298-2, Mar ’90 [Apr ’91], $13.95, 119pp, hc, cover by Michael Hays) Young-adult fantasy novel of an American boy and his Irish cousin transported to a Celtic fantasy world.
- * *A Trial of Magic (Penguin/Lodestar 0-525-67376-8, Apr ’92, $15.00, 148pp, hc, cover by Daniel R. Horne) [Age of Magic] Young-adult fantasy novel, second book of the “Age of Magic” trilogy.
- McGRATH, PATRICK M. (1950- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Angel and other stories (Penguin 0-14-600008-0, Jul ’95, 60p, 53pp, pb, cover by Anne Rogers) Collection of four stories. One of the ‘Penguin 60s’ collection: mini-books celebrating their 60th anniversary. (Contents)
- * *Blood and Water and Other Tales (Simon & Schuster 0-671-64405-X, Mar ’88, $15.95, 184pp, hc) Collection of 13 horror stories — eerie, sardonic, gruesome, fantastical. McGrath may be less brash than Barker, but he’s no less talented. Recommended. (FCM) (Contents)
- * _Blood and Water and Other Tales (QPB no ISBN, Aug ’88, $7.95, 184pp, tp) Reprint (Simon & Schuster 1988) collection of 13 horror stories. This is exactly the same as the Simon & Schuster hardcover, except that it has no ISBN.
- * _Blood and Water and Other Tales (Ballantine 0-345-35585-7, Apr ’89 [Mar ’89], $3.95, 214pp, pb) Reprint (Poseidon 1988) original literary horror collection. Highly recommended (FCM).
- * *Dr. Haggard’s Disease (Simon & Schuster/Poseidon 0-671-72733-8, May ’93 [Apr ’93], $20.00, 191pp, hc, cover by Caspar-David Friedrich) Literary quasi-fantasy gothic novel set in WWII Britain, of an obsessed doctor’s relationship with the son of his old love, who is maybe gradually changing into something else.
- * _Dr. Haggard’s Disease (Penguin 0-14-014643-1, Apr ’94, £5.99, 180pp, tp) Reprint (Viking UK 1993) associational gothic novel.
- * _Dr. Haggard’s Disease (Random House/Vintage 0-679-75261-7, Jul ’94 [Jun ’94], $10.00, 191pp, tp, cover by Pamela Scheier) Reprint (S&S/Poseidon 1993) literary quasi-fantasy gothic novel.
- * *The Grotesque (Simon & Schuster Poseidon 0-671-66509-X, May ’89 [Apr ’89], $17.95, 186pp, hc) Gothic mystery/horror/comic novel set in an English manor house. A first novel.
- * _The Grotesque (Ballantine 0-345-36407-4, Dec ’90 [Nov ’90], $4.95, 247pp, pb) Reprint (Poseidon 1989) gothic horror/mystery novel.
- * _The Grotesque (Penguin 0-14-023929-4, Jun ’96 [Oct ’96], £5.99, 186pp, pb) Reissue (Poseidon 1989) literary gothic novel. A film tie-in edition.
- * *Spider (Simon & Schuster/Poseidon 0-671-66510-3, Oct ’90 [Sep ’90], $18.95, 221pp, hc, cover by Wendell Minor) Associational psychological horror novel.
- * _Spider (Random House/Vintage 0-679-73630-1, Oct ’91, $10.00, 221pp, tp, cover by Mona Mark) Reprint (Poseidon 1990) associational psychological horror novel about madness.
- _____, ed.
- McGRAW, CHARLES G. (stories)
- McGRAW, ELOISE JARVIS (1915-2000) (stories)
- * _Merry-Go-Round in Oz (with Lauren McGraw Wagner) (Books of Wonder 0-929605-06-3, Jan ’90, $24.95, 303pp, hc, cover by Dick Martin) [Oz] Reprint (Reilly & Lee 1963) children’s fantasy novel in the “Oz” series, illustrated by Dick Martin.
- * *The Moorchild (Simon & Schuster/McElderry 0-689-80654-X, Apr ’96, $16.00, 241pp, hc, cover by Eloise McGraw) Young-adult fantasy about a changeling child trying to fit into the human world.
- * _The Moorchild (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin 0-689-82164-6, 1998 [Oct ’98], $2.65, 241pp, tp, cover by James Bernardin) Reprint (McElderry 1996) young-adult fantasy about a changeling child trying to fit into the human world. A Newbery Honor book. This edition has “special price” noted on the cover, has a new ISBN, and lacks the printing indicator, but is otherwise the same as the Aladdin edition (-82033-X, $4.50) seen in March.
- * _The Moorchild (Simon & Schuster/Aladdin 0-689-82033-X, Apr ’98 [Mar ’98], $4.50, 241pp, tp, cover by James Bernardin) Reprint (McElderry 1996) young-adult fantasy about a changeling child trying to fit into the human world. A Newbery Honor book.
- * *The Trouble with Jacob (Macmillan McElderry 0-689-50447-0, Apr ’88 [Oct ’88], $13.95, 280pp, hc) Young-adult ghost novel.
- MacGREGOR, LOREN J. (1950- )
- * *The Net (Ace 0-441-56941-2, Jun ’87 [May ’87], $2.95, 225pp, pb) Sf novel, a first novel and an Ace Special.
- * _The Net (Orbit 0-7088-8284-6, Jan ’89, £2.99, 225pp, pb, cover by Peter Goodwin) Reprint (Ace 1987) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- MacGREGOR, ROB(ert R.) (1948- )
- * _Hawk Moon (Dell/Laurel-Leaf 0-440-22741-0, 1998 [Jul ’98], $4.50, 191pp, pb, cover by John Mantha) Reprint (Simon & Schuster 1996) YA Native-American mystery with fantasy elements.
- * *Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Giants (Bantam Falcon 0-553-29035-5, Jun ’91 [May ’91], $4.50, 230pp, pb, cover by Drew Struzan) [Indiana Jones] Novelization, second book of a new series.
- * *Indiana Jones and the Dance of the Seven Veils (Bantam Falcon 0-553-29334-6, Dec ’91 [Nov ’91], $4.99, 275pp, pb, cover by Drew Struzan) [Indiana Jones] Novelization featuring the characters from Raiders of the Lost Ark and its sequels, third book of a series. A lost race novel.
- * *Indiana Jones and the Genesis Deluge (Bantam Falcon 0-553-29502-0, Feb ’92 [Jan ’92], $4.99, 293pp, pb) [Indiana Jones] Fantasy novelization, fourth book of a series based on characters from Raiders of the Lost Ark and its sequels.
- * *Indiana Jones and the Interior World (Bantam Falcon 0-553-29966-2, Dec ’92 [Nov ’92], $4.99, 263pp, pb, cover by Drew Struzan) [Indiana Jones] Fantasy novelization, fifth book of a series based on characters from Raiders of the Lost Ark and its sequels.
- * *Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Ballantine 0-345-36161-X, Jun ’89 [May ’89], $4.95, 216pp, pb) [Indiana Jones] Movie tie-in novelization, with photos from the film.
- * *Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Sphere 0-7474-0530-1, Jun ’89, £3.50, 248pp, pb) [Indiana Jones] Fantasy novelization. Based on the screenplay by Jeffrey Boam. Simultaneous with US (Ballantine) edition.
- * *Indiana Jones and the Peril at Delphi (Bantam Falcon 0-553-28931-4, Feb ’91 [Jan ’91], $3.95, 248pp, pb) [Indiana Jones] Fantasy novelization, first book of a new series featuring the characters from Raiders of the Lost Ark and its sequels.
- * *Indiana Jones and the Unicorn’s Legacy (Bantam Falcon 0-553-29666-3, Sep ’92 [Aug ’92], $4.99, 274pp, pb, cover by Drew Struzan) [Indiana Jones] Fantasy thriller, fifth book of a series based on characters from Raiders of the Lost Ark and its sequels. The search for a unicorn’s horn leads Indy into danger from the competition — a beautiful but deadly art historian.
- * *Spawn (Avon 0-380-79441-1, Sep ’97 [Aug ’97], $5.99, 295pp, pb) Novelization of the movie based on the comic-book character. Copyrighted by New Line Productions.
- MacGREGOR, SUSAN, ed. (stories)
- MacGREGOR, T(rish) J(aneshutz) [i.e., Patricia Marie Janeshutz MacGregor] (1947- ); see pseudonym Alison Drake
- McGREW, ROBYN, ed. (stories)
- McGUIRE, PATRICK L(lewellyn) (1949- )
- * *Red Stars: Political Aspects of Soviet Science Fiction (UMI 0-8357-1579-5, Jun ’85 [May ’85], $24.95 + postage, 152pp, hc) Non-fiction, critical study of Russian sf and its content. Recommended. (CNB)
- * *The Beasts of Never (Delacorte 0-385-29573-1, Jun ’88, $14.95, 118pp, hc) Non-fiction, young-adult fantasy reference of animals that never were, illustrated by Frank Bozzo. This is a revision of a 1968 edition (with the original illustrations) and the first of 4 volumes.
- MACHEN, ARTHUR; pseudonym of Arthur Llewellyn Jones, (1863-1947) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Collected Arthur Machen (Duckworth 0-7156-2120-3, Oct ’87, £14.95, 380pp, hc) Fantasy/horror/occult collection. [Not seen]
- * *The Collected Arthur Machen (Duckworth 0-7156-2120-3, Aug ’88, £19.95, 376pp, hc) Ghost/occult collection. Edited by Christopher Palmer. (Contents) [Not seen]
- * *Guinevere and Lancelot & Others (Purple Mouth 0-9603300-2-X, Dec ’86 [Feb ’87], $10.00, 47pp, tp) Collection of essays and stories, edited by Michael T. Shoemaker and Cuyler W. Brooks, Jr., illustrated by Steve Fabian. (Contents)
- * _The Hill of Dreams (Dover 0-486-24994-8, Jan ’86, $4.95, 248pp, pb) Reprint (Grant Richards 1907) collection of 7 stories.
- * _The Hill of Dreams (Tartarus Press 1-87262131-7, Apr ’98 [Aug ’98], $49.95, 196 + xxx, hc, cover by Sidney Sime) Reprint (Richards 1907) fantasy novel, with a new introduction by Mark Valentine, Machen’s 1923 introduction, a previously unpublished introduction by Machen, and Lord Dunsany’s 1954 introduction. This is a limited edition of 350, with tipped-in illustrations by Sidney Sime, originally published in the UK (£25.00). Available in the US from Firebird Distributing, 2030 First Stree, Unit 5, Eureka CA 95501; 707-444-1434.
- * *The New Year: Ancient Lights with Certain Modern Reflections (Tartarus Press no ISBN, Dec ’92, no price, 12pp, ph) Reprint of an essay from The Referee, January 1, 1928, in a limited edition booklet of 100 copies.
- * _Ornaments in Jade (Tartarus Press 1-872621-24-4, Oct ’97, £12.99, x+54pp, hc) Reprint (Knopf 1924) dark fantasy collection of 10 stories, with an introduction by Barry Humphries, President of the Arthur Machen Society. A Limited Edition of 400 copies, including 25 marbled presentation copies, published in association with Caermaen Books. Available from 5 Birch Terrace, Hangingbirch Lane, Horam, East Sussex TN21 0PA. (Contents) [First U.K. edition]
- * *The Red Hand (Carbonnek 0-9519396-0-2, 1992, no price, 42pp, ph) [Dyson] Reprint of story from Chapman’s Magazine, December 1895 in a limited edition booklet of 250 copies.
- * *Ritual and Other Stories (Tartarus Press 1-872621-11-2, Oct ’92, £10.00, ii+287pp, hc) A collection of Machen’s lesser known writings compiled by Ray Russell and issued in a limited edition copy of 300. (Contents)
- * *Ritual and Other Stories (Tartarus Press 1-872621-11-2, Oct ’92 [Jul ’95], £22.50, ii+286pp, hc) Collection of 32 fantasy and associated stories, most previously uncollected or from his rarer books. Published in 1992 but not seen until now, this is a Limited numbered edition of 300 copies, available from 5 Birch Terrace, Hangingbirch Lane, Horam, East Sussex TN21 0PA.
- * _Ritual and Other Stories (Tartarus Press 1-872621-27-9, Oct ’97 [Nov ’97], £25.00, 289pp, hc) Reprint (Tartarus Press 1992) dark fantasy collection, revised by replacing stories now in Ornaments in Jade with “The Red Hand”. A Limited Edition of 200 copies, including 20 marbled copies for presentation. Available from 5 Birch Terrace, Hangingbirch Lane, Horam, East Sussex TN21 0PA. (Contents)
- * *Rus In Urbe (Tartarus Press 1-872621-07-4, Jul ’92, £4.50, 32pp, ph) Collection of four essays by Machen in a limited edition booklet of 200 copies. (Contents)
- * *The Secret Glory: Chapters Five and Six (Tartarus Press 1-872621-05-8, Oct ’91 [Jul ’95], £21.50, 92pp, hc) Occult fiction. The previously unpublished last chapters about the finding of the Holy Grail, from the novel, The Secret Glory, (Secker, 1922). Includes an Introduction by Machen. The edition is limited to 250 numbered copies. Published in 1991, but not seen until now. Available from 5 Birch Terrace, Hangingbirch Lane, Horam, East Sussex TN21 0PA.
- * *The Secret of the Sangraal (Tartarus Press 1-872621-18-X, Jan ’95 [May ’95], £22.50, 286pp, hc) Collection of 39 rare essays by the acclaimed fantasy/horror writer. Selected, edited and with an Introduction by Raymond B. Russell, this edition is limited to 250 numbered copies. Available from 5 Birch Terrace, Hangingbirch Lane, Horam, West Sussex TN21 0PA. (Contents)
- * *Selected Letters (Aquarian Press 0-85030-782-1, Dec ’88, £12.95, 256pp, hc) Selection of Machen’s letters, edited by Roger Dobson, Godfrey Brangham & R.A. Gilbert.
- * _Strange Roads (Green Round Press 0-9515774-0-9, Aug ’90 [Nov ’90], £11.50, 55pp, hc) Reprint (The Classic Press 1923) collection of two articles by Machen, together with the introduction by Machen to the 1924 reprint edition and a new preface by Rita Tait. This edition is limited to 350 copies. (Contents)
- * *Tales of Horror and the Supernatural (Tartarus Press 1-872621-25-2, Oct ’97 [Nov ’97], £25.00, xviii+391pp, hc) Dark fantasy collection of 13 classic stories, with an introduction by Roger Dobson. A Limited Edition of 500 copies, including 20 marbled copies for presentation. Available from 5 Birch Terrace, Hangingbirch Lane, Horam, East Sussex TN21 0PA. (Contents)
- McHUGH, MAUREEN F. (1959- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *China Mountain Zhang (Tor 0-312-85271-1, Mar ’92 [Feb ’92], $19.95, 313pp, hc, cover by Wayne Barlowe) Sf novel set in a world dominated by Chinese Marxism. A first novel.
- * _China Mountain Zhang (Tor 0-812-50892-0, Jan ’93 [Dec ’92], $3.99, 312pp, pb, cover by Wayne Barlowe) Reprint (Tor 1992) sf novel set in a world dominated by Chinese Marxism.
- * _China Mountain Zhang (Orbit 1-85723-270-4, Jan ’95, £5.99, 313pp, pb, cover by Fernando & Mercedes) Reprint (Tor 1992) SF novel: a future where the communist Chinese way of life dominates Earth and its Martian colonies. [First U.K. edition]
- * _China Mountain Zhang (Tor/Orb 0-312-86098-6, May ’97 [Apr ’97], $13.95, 313pp, tp) Reprint (Tor 1992) SF novel. Winner of the Locus Award for first novel as well as a Hugo and Nebula nominee.
- * *Half the Day Is Night (Tor 0-312-85479-X, Oct ’94 [Sep ’94], $21.95, 352pp, hc, cover by Paul Lehr) SF thriller set in a 21st-Century undersea city.
- * _Half the Day Is Night (Tor 0-812-52410-1, Jan ’96 [Dec ’95], $5.99, 375pp, pb, cover by Paul Lehr) Reprint (Tor 1994) SF thriller set in a 21st-Century undersea city.
- * _Half the Day Is Night (Orbit 1-85723-362-X, Feb ’96, £6.99, 352pp, pb, cover by Fernando & Mercedes) Reprint (Tor 1994) SF novel. Thriller set in a 21st-century undersea city. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Mission Child (Avon Eos 0-380-97456-8, Dec ’98 [Nov ’98], $20.00, 385pp, hc, cover by Debra Lill) SF novel. Rediscovery devastates a colony world that has forgotten its roots.
- McHUGH, VINCENT (1904-1983)
- * _I Am Thinking of My Darling (Yarrow Press 1-878274-05-8, Oct ’91, $9.95, 292pp, tp, cover by Richard Eckersley) Reprint (Simon & Schuster 1943) humorous fantasy novel.
- McINTEE, DAVID A. (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Dark Path (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20503-0, Mar ’97, £4.99, 295pp, pb, cover by Alister Pearson) [Doctor Who: Missing Adventures] Novelisation based on the Doctor Who TV series. Volume 32 in “The Missing Adventures”.
- * *Doctor Who: Lords of the Storm (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20460-3, Dec ’95 [Feb ’96], £4.99, 281pp, pb, cover by Alister Pearson) [Doctor Who] Novelization based on the TV series. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $5.95.
- * *Doctor Who: Mission Impractical (BBC Books 0-563-40592-9, Jun ’98 [May ’98], £4.99, 280pp, pb) [Doctor Who] Novelization based on the TV series.
- * *Doctor Who: Sanctuary (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20439-5, Apr ’95, £4.99, 297pp, pb, cover by Peter Elson) [Doctor Who] Novelisation based on the TV series. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $5.95.
- * *Doctor Who: The Face of the Enemy (BBC Books 0-563-40580-5, Jan ’98, £4.99, 281pp, pb) [Doctor Who] Novelization based on the TV series.
- * *First Frontier (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20421-2, Sep ’94 [Oct ’94], £4.99, 294pp, pb, cover by Tony Masero) [Doctor Who] Novelization based on the Doctor Who TV series. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $5.95.
- * *The Shadow of Weng-Chiang (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20479-4, Aug ’96 [Jul ’96], £4.99, 293pp, pb, cover by Alister Pearson) [Doctor Who: Missing Adventures] Original novel based on the Doctor Who TV series. This is a world-wide edition, available in the US for $5.95. Volume 25 in “The Missing Adventures”.
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