The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- LE FANU, JOSEPH SHERIDAN (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Fortunes of Sir Robert Ardagh, (ss) Dublin University Magazine Mar 1838; also revised as Sir Dominicks Bargain.
- * The Ghost and the Bone-Setter, (ss) Dublin University Magazine Jan 1838
- * Ghost Stories of Chapelizod, (gp) Dublin University Magazine Jan 1851
- * Ghost Stories of the Tiled House, (ex) Dublin University Magazine Nov 1861; chapters 8 and 9 of The House by the Churchyard.
- * Green Tea [Martin Hesselius], (nv) All the Year Round Oct 23-Nov 13 1869
- Dark Company: The Ten Greatest Ghost Stories, ed. Lincoln Child, St. Martins 1984
- The Book of the Dead, ed. Alan K. Russell, New Orchard 1986
- Tales of the Dark, ed. Lincoln Child, St. Martins 1987
- The Illustrated J.S. Le Fanu, Crucible 1988
- In a Glass Darkly, Alan Sutton 1990
- Ghost and Horror Stories, ed. Anon., Tynron Press 1990
- The Horror Hall of Fame, ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, Carroll & Graf 1991
- In a Glass Darkly, Sheridan Le Fanu, Oxford University Press 1993
- Tales of Terror and the Supernatural, ed. Anon., Bracken Books 1994
- Carmilla and Other Classic Tales of Mystery, Sheridan Le Fanu, Penguin/Signet Classic 1996
- * The Haunted House in Westminster [Martin Hesselius], (nv) Belgravia Jan 1872; also as Mr. Justice Harbottle.
- * Laura Silver Bell, (ss) Belgravia Annual 1872
- * Madam Crowls Ghost, (ss) All the Year Round Dec 31 1870
- The Illustrated J.S. Le Fanu, Crucible 1988
- Ghost and Horror Stories, ed. Anon., Tynron Press 1990
- Terror by Gaslight, ed. Hugh Lamb, Constable 1992
- Madam Crowls Ghost and Other Tales of Mystery, Sheridan Le Fanu, Wordsworth 1994
- Carmilla and Other Classic Tales of Mystery, Sheridan Le Fanu, Penguin/Signet Classic 1996
- Twelve Victorian Ghost Stories, ed. Michael Cox, Oxford Paperbacks 1997
- * Mr. Justice Harbottle [The Haunted House in Westminster; Martin Hesselius], (nv) Belgravia Jan 1872
- The Penguin Book of Ghost Stories, ed. J. A. Cuddon, Penguin 1984
- The Book of the Dead, ed. Alan K. Russell, New Orchard 1986
- The Dark Descent, ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor 1987
- The Illustrated J.S. Le Fanu, Crucible 1988
- In a Glass Darkly, Alan Sutton 1990
- The Dark Descent 1: The Colour of Evil, ed. David G. Hartwell, Grafton 1990
- Ghost and Horror Stories, ed. Anon., Tynron Press 1990
- The Dark Descent #1: The Color of Evil, ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor 1991
- In a Glass Darkly, Sheridan Le Fanu, Oxford University Press 1993
- Horror by Lamplight, ed. Anon., Chancellor Press 1993
- Carmilla and Other Classic Tales of Mystery, Sheridan Le Fanu, Penguin/Signet Classic 1996
- * The Murdered Cousin, (nv) Ghost Stories and Tales of Mystery, James McGlashan 1851; this is the second, early, short form of Uncle Silas.
- * The Murdered Cousin [revised from Passage in the Secret History of an Irish Countess, Dublin University Magazine Nov 1838], (nv) Ghost Stories and Tales of Mystery, James McGlashan 1851
- * The Narrative of the Ghost of a Hand [from The House by the Churchyard], (ex) London: Tinsley 1863
- * Passage in the Secret History of an Irish Countess, (nv) Dublin University Magazine Nov 1838
- * The Quare Gander, (ss) Dublin University Magazine Oct 1840
- * The Room in the Dragon Volant [Martin Hesselius], (n.) London Society Feb 1872 (+4)
- * Schalken the Painter, (nv) Ghost Stories and Tales of Mystery, James McGlashan 1851; revised from an earlier story in Dublin University Magazine May 39.
- The Dark Descent, ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor 1987
- The Illustrated J.S. Le Fanu, Crucible 1988
- Ghost and Horror Stories, ed. Anon., Tynron Press 1990
- The Dark Descent: The Medusa in the Shield, ed. David G. Hartwell, Grafton 1990
- The Dark Descent #2: The Medusa in the Shield, ed. David G. Hartwell, Tor 1991
- The Mammoth Book of Zombies, ed. Stephen Jones, Robinson 1993
- Thrillers, ed. Anon., Bracken Books 1994
- The Mammoth Book of Victorian and Edwardian Ghost Stories, ed. Richard Dalby, Robinson 1995
- Carmilla and Other Classic Tales of Mystery, Sheridan Le Fanu, Penguin/Signet Classic 1996
- Great Ghost Stories, ed. Anon., London: Readers Digest Association Limited 1997
- * The Sextons Adventure, (ss) Dublin University Magazine Jan 1851
- * Sir Dominicks Bargain, (ss) All the Year Round Jul 6 1872; revised from The Fortunes of Sir Robert Ardagh, Dublin University Magazine Mar 1838.
- Devils & Demons, ed. Marvin Kaye, SFBC/Doubleday 1987
- Ghost and Horror Stories, ed. Anon., Tynron Press 1990
- Madam Crowls Ghost and Other Tales of Mystery, Sheridan Le Fanu, Wordsworth 1994
- Carmilla and Other Classic Tales of Mystery, Sheridan Le Fanu, Penguin/Signet Classic 1996
- Devilish Doings, ed. Frank J. Finamore, Random House/Gramercy 1997
- * The Spectre Lovers, (ss) Dublin University Magazine Jan 1851
- * Squire Tobys Will, (nv) Temple Bar Jan 1868
- * Stories of Lough Guir, (gp) All the Year Round Apr 23 1870
- * The Strange Investigator [from Carmilla], (ex) The Dark Blue Dec 1871 (+3)
- * Ultor de Lacy, (nv) Dublin University Magazine Dec 1861
- * Uncle Silas: A Tale of Bartram-Haugh, (ex) London: Tinsley 1864
- * The Village Bully, (ss) Dublin University Magazine Jan 1851
- * The Vision of Tom Chuff, (ss) All the Year Round Oct 8 1870
- * The Watcher, (nv) Dublin University Magazine Nov 1847
- * The White Cat of Drumgunniol, (ss) All the Year Round Apr 2 1870
- * Wicked Captain Walshawe of Wauling, (ss) Dublin University Magazine Apr 1864
- The Illustrated J.S. Le Fanu, Crucible 1988
- Ghost and Horror Stories, ed. Anon., Tynron Press 1990
- Celtic Tales of Terror, ed. Mairtin OGriofa, New York: Sterling Pub. Co., Inc. 1994
- Madam Crowls Ghost and Other Tales of Mystery, Sheridan Le Fanu, Wordsworth 1994
- Carmilla and Other Classic Tales of Mystery, Sheridan Le Fanu, Penguin/Signet Classic 1996
- Twelve Tales of the Supernatural, ed. Michael Cox, Oxford Paperbacks 1997
- The Book of Irish Weirdness, ed. Anon., Sterling 1997
- LEFANU, SARAH (1953- ) (books)
- * Difference and Sexual Politics in Naomi Mitchisons Solution Three, (ar) Utopian and Science Fiction By Women, ed. Janet L. Donawerth & Carol A. Kolmerton, Liverpool University Press 1994
- * Feminist SF: A New Dimension (with Jen Green), (ar) Interzone #9 1984
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Introduction (with Jen Green), (in)
- * The Mothers Dream, (vi) Drabble II: Double Century, ed. Rob Meades & David B. Wake, Beccon Publications 1990
- * The Womens Press, (ar) The Gate #3 1990
- LE FAY, M. MALEFICA GRENDELWOLF PENDRAGON; see under Pendragon, Michael M.
- LEFEBVRE, MARK LESLIE; see pseudonym Mark Leslie
- LE GALLIENNE, RICHARD (Thomas) (1866-1947)
- * What of the Darkness, (pm)
- LE GUIN, URSULA K(roeber) (1929- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * About a Meeting Concerning the Warriors, (ss) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * About the Train, (ms) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Adriane Sleeps, (pm) Star*Line Sep/Dec 1989
- * All in the Western Land, (pm) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Along the River, (ss) OMNI Best Science Fiction Three, ed. Ellen Datlow, OMNI Books 1993
- * Amtrak Portland to Seattle, (pm)
- * Animals of the Blue Clay, (ms) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Another Story or A Fisherman of the Inland Sea, (nv) A Fisherman of the Inland Sea, HarperPrism 1994
- * The Ant Dance, (pm) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Apples, (pm) Galley Sail Review Sum 1986
- * April in Paris, (ss) Fantastic Sep 1962
- * Ariadne Dreams, (pm) Star*Line 1989
- * Artists, (pm) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Ascension, (pm) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * The Ascent of the North Face, (vi) IASFM Jul 1983
- * Asking for a Messenger, (pm) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * At the Party, (pm) CALYX Win 1986
- * At the Springs of Orlu, (ss) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * The Author of the Acacia Seeds and Other Extracts from the Journal of the Association of Therolinguistics, (ss) Fellowship of the Stars, ed. Terry Carr, Simon & Schuster 1974
- * Authors Introduction, (in) The Word for World Is Forest, Ursula K. Le Guin, London: Gollancz 1977
- * Back in the Red Zone, (pm) Calapooya Collage Sum #8 1984; Luwit, gp.
- * The Back of the Book, (si) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Bales Mill in the Napa Valley, (pm) Going Out with Peacocks and Other Poems, HarperPerennial 1994
- * The Barrow, (ss) F&SF Oct 1976
- * The Basalt, (pm) Open Places Spr 1982
- * A Bay Laurel Song, (pm) Whole Earth Review Jul 1985
- * The Bears Gift, (pm) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Before the Moon, (pm) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Beginnings, (ss) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Betrayals [Werel & Yeowe], (nv) Blue Motel, ed. Peter Crowther, Little Brown UK 1994
- * Big Man and Little Man, (ss) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Bill Weisler, (ss) The Kenyon Review 1990
- * The Black Beetle Soul, (vi) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Black Leonard in Negative Space, (pm) 1978
- * The Black-Capped Chickadee, (pm) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * The Blue Rocks Song, (pm) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Bone Poems, (pm) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * The Book to Have, (pm) The Burnside Reader 1993
- * Boso (The Acorn Woodpecker), (pm) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * The Brave Man, (ss) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * The Bright Void of the Wind, (ss) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Bucket, (pm) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Buffalo Gals, Wont You Come Out Tonight, (nv) Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences, Capra Press 1987
- F&SF Nov 1987
- The Years Best Science Fiction: Fifth Annual Collection, ed. Gardner R. Dozois, St. Martins 1988
- The Years Best Fantasy: First Annual Collection, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, St. Martins 1988
- The Years Best Fantasy Stories: 14, ed. Arthur W. Saha, DAW 1988
- Demons and Dreams, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Legend 1989
- The Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction: A 40th Anniversary Anthology, ed. Edward L. Ferman, St. Martins 1989
- Future on Fire, ed. Orson Scott Card, Tor 1991
- The New Hugo Winners Volume II, ed. Isaac Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, Baen 1992
- Buffalo Gals, Wont You Come Out Tonight, Pomegranate 1994
- A Century of Fantasy 1980-1989, ed. Robert Silverberg & Martin H. Greenberg, MJF Books 1996
- Modern Classics of Fantasy, ed. Gardner Dozois, St. Martins 1997
- The Fantasy Hall of Fame, ed. Robert Silverberg, HarperPrism 1998
- * Buzzard Visit, (pm) Mr. Cogito 1993
- * The Buzzards, (pm) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Cabin 4, Cedarwood Lodge, (pm) Rain City Review 1993
- * The Cats Here Dont Care, (vi) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Catwings [Catwings], (nv) Orchard 1988
- * Catwings Return [Catwings], (nv) Orchard 1989
- * Chandi, (pl) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * Chart of the Nine Houses, (ms) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * A Child Bride [Kore 87], (vi) Terrys Universe, ed. Beth Meacham, Tor 1988
- * A Citizen of Mondath, (ar) Foundation #4 1973
- * The City, (ss) Always Coming Home, Harper & Row 1985
- * City of Illusions [League of All Worlds], (n.) New York: Ace 1967
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