The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- PULLMAN, PHILIP (Nicholas) (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * *His Dark Materials 2: The Subtle Knife (Knopf 0-679-87925-0, Jul 97, $20.00, 326pp, hc, cover by Eric Rohmann) [His Dark Materials] Young-adult fantasy novel, second in the trilogy His Dark Materials. Seeking her father, Lyra travels to another world, finding a boy from our world.
- * _His Dark Materials 2: The Subtle Knife (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-41336-9, May 98 [Apr 98], $5.99, 288pp, pb, cover by Eric Peterson) [His Dark Materials] Reprint (Knopf 1997) young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to the award-winning The Golden Compass.
- * _His Dark Materials 2: The Subtle Knife (BOMC/QPBC no ISBN, May 98 [Aug 98], $13.95, 326pp, tp, cover by Eric Peterson) [His Dark Materials] Reprint (Knopf 1997) young-adult fantasy novel, sequel to the award-winning The Golden Compass. This is a trade paperback reproduction of the Knopf hardcover edition.
- * *His Dark Materials: Northern Lights (Scholastic UK 0-590-54178-1, Jul 95, £12.99, 399pp, hc, cover by David Scutt) [His Dark Materials] Young-adult fantasy novel; Book 1 of a trilogy. Set in a world like, and unlike, our own, where daemons scuttle along English streets, and the mysterious Dust swirls invisibly through the air. A young womans search for her missing friend leads her to the incredible lands of the North, and their bleak horrors.
- * _Northern Lights (Scholastic UK 0-590-13961-4, Oct 96, £4.99, 399pp, tp, cover by Stuart Williams) [His Dark Materials] Reprint (Scholastic 1995 as His Dark Materials: Northern Lights)young-adult fantasy novel. Book 1 of the trilogy, His Dark Materials. Published in the US as The Golden Compass. Winner of The Carnegie Medal and the Guardian Childrens Fiction Award.
- * _Northern Lights (Scholastic UK 0-590-66054-3, Oct 98, £5.99, 399pp, tp, cover by Black Sheep) [His Dark Materials] Reissue (Scholastic UK 1995 as His Dark Materials: Northern Lights) young-adult fantasy novel. Book I of the trilogy. Published in the US as The Golden Compass.
- * *Spring-Heeled Jack (Knopf 0-679-81057-9, Jul 91 [Aug 91], $8.00, 112pp, tp, cover by Gary Hovland) Extremely bizarre young-adult combination of prose and cartoon, illustrated by David Mostyn, creating a superhero out of the 19th-century legend of the superhuman Spring-Heeled Jack with Mack the Knife as the villain. Peculiar but fascinating (SW).
- * _The Subtle Knife (Scholastic UK 0-590-54243-5, Sep 97, £12.99, 341pp, hc) [His Dark Materials] Reprint (Knopf 1997) young-adult fantasy novel. Book II of the His Dark Materials trilogy. Lyra is joined by 12-year old Will from our own Earth. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The Subtle Knife (Scholastic UK 0-590-11289-9, Oct 98, £5.99, 341pp, pb, cover by Black Sheep) [His Dark Materials] Reprint (Knopf 1997) young-adult fantasy novel. Book II of the His Dark Materials trilogy. [First U.K. edition]
- PULVER, MARY MONICA; [i.e., Mary Monica Pulver Kuhfeld] (1943- ) (stories)
- * *Murder at the War (St. Martins 0-312-00622-5, Aug 87 [Jul 87], $16.95, 260pp, hc) Associational; murder mystery set in an SCA war.
- PULVER KUHFELD, MARY MONICA; see under Pulver, Mary Monica (stories)
- * *My Journey with Aristotle to the Anarchist Utopia (III Publishing 0-9622937-6-8, Jul 94, $7.00, 125pp, tp) Anarchist utopian short novel set 1,000 years in the future, about an Australian miner guided into a new world by Aristotle. Available post free from III Publishing, PO Box 1581, Gualala CA 95445.
- * *Dark Beneath the Moon (The Bodley Head 0-370-32404-8, Jul 97, £9.99, 155pp, hc) Young-adult ghost novel based on a true story.
- * _Dark Beneath the Moon (Red Fox 0-09-921002-9, Nov 98, £3.99, 155pp, pb) Reprint (The Bodley Head 1997) young-adult ghost novel based on a true story.
- * *Paddlefeet (The Bodley Head 0-370-32414-5, Oct 97, £9.99, 156pp, hc, cover by Richard Jones) [Paddlefeet] Young-adult fantasy novel. Book One of an intended Trilogy. Children help the tiny Waterfolk when their river home is threatened.
- * *Paddlefeet (The Bodley Head 0-370-32414-5, Nov 97 [Oct 97], £9.99, 156pp, hc, cover by Richard Jones) [Paddlefeet] Young-adult fantasy novel; Book One of a series.
- PURTILL, RICHARD L(awrence) (1931- ) (stories)
- * *Enchantment At Delphi (HBJ/Gulliver 0-15-200447-5, Sep 86 [Dec 86], $14.95, 149pp, hc) Young-adult fantasy novel of an American teenager drawn back in time to the world of the Greek gods.
- * *J.R.R. Tolkien: Myth, Morality, and Religion (Harper & Row 0-06-066712-5, Mar 85 [Feb 85], $12.95, 154pp, hc) Non-fiction, a study of myth and religion in Tolkiens fantasies. The author is both a professor of philosophy and a fantasy writer. [Tolkien]
- * *The Parallel Man (DAW 0-87997-941-0, Jul 84 [Jun 84], $2.50, 158pp, pb) Sf novel of a prince cloned by a sorceror.
- * *Science Fiction and Postmodern Fiction: A Genre Study (Peter Lang 0-8204-1670-3, Oct 92 [Apr 93], $49.95, 268pp, hc) Non-fiction, criticism. A study of the relationship between sf and postmodernism. Translation by the author of Science Fiction Und Ihre Grenzberieche (Corian 1986). This is a 1992 book not seen until now.
- * *The Golden Cockerel and Other Fairy Tales (Doubleday 0-385-26252-3, Sep 90 [Aug 90], $24.95, 111pp, hc, cover by Joel Avirom) Collection of four Pushkin fairy tales, with an introduction by Rudolf Nureyev and illustrations by Boris Zvorykin.
- * *Neighbors (Leisure 0-8439-3077-2, Mar 91, $4.50, 239pp, pb) Horror novel. A newcomer to a small village realizes that her neighbor is hiding a supernatural secret.
- PYLE, HOWARD (1853-1911) (stories) (chron.)
- * _King Stork (Morrow Junior 0-688-15813-7, Mar 98 [Feb 98], $16.00, 48pp, hc, cover by Trina Schart Hyman) Reprint (Little, Brown 1973) childrens picture-book fantasy short story, with full-color illustrations by Trina Schart Hyman.
- * _The Story of King Arthur and His Knights (Scribners 0-684-14814-5, May 84 [Apr 84], $14.95, 313pp, hc) [King Arthur] Reprint (Scribners 1902). First of a four-volume retelling of the Arthurian saga, illustrated by Pyle (illustrations in black & white only).
- * _The Story of Sir Lancelot and His Companions (Scribners 0-684-18313-7, May 85 [Apr 85], $14.95, 340pp, hc) Reissue (Scribners 1907), the third of the four-part Arthurian saga written and illustrated by Pyle poorly reproduced, with the color plates omitted. Theres also no copyright date, past or present. (CNB)
- PYNCHON, THOMAS (Ruggles, Jr.) (1937- ) (stories)
- * _The Crying of Lot 49 (Harper & Row/Perennial Library 0-06-091307-X, Jan 86 [Feb 86], $4.95, 183pp, pb) Reprint (Lippincott 1966) satirical quasi-fantasy novel.
- * _The Crying of Lot 49 (Harper & Row Perennial Library 0-06-091307-X, Sep 89 [Oct 89], $7.95, 183pp, tp) Reissue (Lippincott 1966) satirical quasi-fantasy novel; fifth printing.
- * _The Crying of Lot 49 (Vintage UK 0-09-953261-1, Jun 96, £5.99, 127pp, tp, cover by Paul Burgess) Reprint (Lippincott 1966) literary fantasy novella.
- * _Gravitys Rainbow (Viking 0-670-34832-5, Feb 91 [Jan 91], $25.00, 760pp, hc) Reissue (Viking 1973) classic literary sf novel; second hardcover edition.
- * _Gravitys Rainbow (Penguin 0-14-010661-8, Feb 91 [Mar 91], $12.95, 760pp, tp) Reissue (Viking 1973) classic literary sf novel; fifth printing.
- * _Gravitys Rainbow (Penguin 0-14-018859-2, 1995 [Jun 95], $15.95, 760pp, tp) Reissue (Viking 1973) classic literary SF novel.
- * _Gravitys Rainbow (Vintage UK 0-09-953321-9, Jul 95 [Sep 95], £6.99, 760pp, tp, cover by Paul Burgess) Reprint (Viking 1973) very literary SF novel.
- * _V. (Harper & Row/Perennial Library 0-06-091308-8, Jan 86 [Feb 86], $8.95, 492pp, pb) Reprint (Lippincott 1963) satirical quasi-fantasy novel.
- * _V. (Vintage UK 0-09-953331-6, Feb 95, £6.99, 492pp, tp) Reprint (Lippincott 1963) literary novel with fantasy elements.
- QUEEN, ELLERY; house pseudonym
- * _The Madman Theory [by Jack Vance] (Kinnell 1-870532-01-5, Apr 88, £9.95, 160pp, hc) Reprint (Pocket 1966) associational novel, written by Jack Vance. [First U.K. edition]
- * _A Room to Die In [by Jack Vance] (Kinnell 1-870532-00-7, Dec 87, £9.95, 150pp, hc) Associational. Reprint (Pocket 1965) mystery novel. First UK (and first hardcover) edition. The author is actually Jack Vance.
- QUENEAU, RAYMOND (1903-1976) (stories)
- * *Saint Glinglin (Dalkey Archive Press 1-56478-027-9, Jun 93, $19.95, 169pp, hc) Literary fantasy novel of patricide in a land where it never rains. Translated from the French and with an introduction by James Sallis, originally published by Gallimard in 1948.
- QUICK, W(illiam) T(homas) (1946- ); see pseudonyms Margaret Allan, Sean Kiernan & Quentin Thomas (stories)
- * *American Gothic: Family (Corgi 0-552-14541-6, Oct 96, £4.99, 252pp, pb) Novelisation of the dark fantasy TV series.
- * *Dreams of Flesh and Sand (NAL Signet 0-451-15298-0, Apr 88 [Mar 88], $3.50, 301pp, pb) [Dreams of Flesh and Sand] Sf novel in the Cyberpunk mode. A first novel.
- * _Dreams of Flesh and Sand (Orbit 0-7088-8287-0, Feb 89, £3.50, 301pp, pb) [Dreams of Flesh and Sand] Reprint (NAL Signet 1988) sf novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * *Dreams of Gods and Men (NAL Signet 0-451-15934-9, Feb 89 [Jan 89], $3.95, 302pp, pb) [Dreams of Flesh and Sand] Sf novel about a fight between men and the computer who has become their god. A quasi-"cyberpunk" novel and a sequel to Dreams of Flesh and Sand.
- * _Dreams of Gods and Men (Orbit 0-7088-8330-3, May 90, £3.50, 302pp, pb) [Dreams of Flesh and Sand] Reprint (NAL Signet 1989) sf novel. Sequel to Dreams of Flesh and Sand.
- * *Singularities (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45032-9, Sep 90 [Aug 90], $4.50, 285pp, pb) [Dreams of Flesh and Sand] Cyberpunk sf novel, third book of the Dreams trilogy.
- * *Star Control: Interbellum (Prima/Proteus 0-7615-0196-7, Mar 96, $5.99, 279pp, pb) Novelization based on the humorous SF computer game from Accolade. Copyrighted by Prima Publishing.
- * *Systems (NAL Signet 0-451-16342-7, Dec 89 [Nov 89], $3.75, 251pp, pb) Sf noir thriller set in 21st-century San Francisco. A rollercoaster ride of a novel (SW).
- * *Yesterdays Pawn (NAL Signet 0-451-16075-4, Jul 89 [Jun 89], $3.95, 254pp, pb) Sf adventure novel about a boy pursued through space and time by interstellar agents after a powerful ancient artifact.
- QUIJANO, MARY L(ouise) (1944- )
- * *Bloodmaster (Zebra/Pinnacle 1-55817-251-3, Aug 89 [Jul 89], $3.95, 332pp, pb) Satan possesses the Pope and a young girl in San Francisco.
- * *Defending the Sword (Commonwealth Publications 1-55197-120-8, 1996 [Sep 97], $4.99, 347pp, pb) Fantasy novel. A young woman will inherit great powers and a destiny she doesnt want. This is copyrighted 1995, and states published 1996; not seen until now. The ISBN on the copyright page is -087-2.
- QUINN, DANIEL (1935- ) (stories)
- * *Dreamer (Tor 0-812-52475-6, Dec 88 [Nov 88], $3.95, 345pp, pb) Horror novel about insanity.
- * _Dreamer (Legend 0-09-965630-2, Mar 90, £3.99, 345pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 1988) superb fantasy/horror novel about a freelance writer who dreams he is a brainwashed teacher, or a brainwashed teacher who dreams he is a freelance writer. Strongly recommended. (PSP)
- * _Dreamer (Tor 0-812-51958-2, Jan 92 [Dec 91], $4.99, 345pp, pb) Reissue (Tor 1988) dark fantasy novel; second printing.
- * *Ishmael (Bantam/Turner 0-553-07875-5, Feb 92 [Jan 92], $20.00, 266pp, hc) [Ishmael] Metaphysical sf novel about an encounter between a man and an incredibly wise gorilla-creature. Winner of the Turner Tomorrow Fellowship.
- * _Ishmael (Bantam/Turner 0-553-56166-9, Aug 93 [Jul 93], $5.99, 262pp, pb, cover by Tim Jacobus) [Ishmael] Reprint (Bantam/Turner 1992) metaphysical sf novel about an encounter between a man and an incredibly wise gorilla-creature. Winner of the Turner Tomorrow Fellowship.
- * _Ishmael (Bantam 0-553-37540-7, Jun 95 [May 95], $10.95, 263pp, tp, cover by Tim Jacobus) [Ishmael] Reprint (Bantam/Turner 1992) SF novel told through philosphical conversations between a man and a gorilla.
- * _Ishmael (Bantam/Turner 0-553-07875-5, Dec 97 [Nov 97], $23.95, 273pp, hc, cover by Tim Jacobus) [Ishmael] Reissue (Bantam/Turner 1992) SF novel told through philosphical conversations between a man and a gorilla. This is the fifth-anniversary edition, with a new preface by the author. Third printing.
- * *My Ishmael (Bantam 0-553-10636-8, Dec 97 [Nov 97], $23.95, 274pp, hc, cover by Claude Anderson) [Ishmael] Philosophical SF novel, sequel to Ishmael. The telepathic gorilla has a female student.
- * _My Ishmael (Bantam 0-553-37965-8, Oct 98 [Sep 98], $13.95, 288pp, tp, cover by Claude Anderson) [Ishmael] Reprint (Bantam 1997) philosophical quasi-SF quasi-novel, sequel to Ishmael.
- QUINN, TIM (1953- )
- * *The Doctor Who Fun Book (with Dicky Howett) (Target 0-426-20300-3, May 87, £1.95, 64pp, tp) [Doctor Who] Collection of games and pastimes of associational interest.
- QUYTH, GABRIEL; pseudonym of Gary Jennings, (1928-1999) (stories)
- * *The Lively Lives of Crispin Mobey (Macmillan Atheneum 0-689-12023-0, Oct 88 [Feb 89], $18.95, 243pp, hc) [Crispin Mobey] Humorous fantasy fix-up novel of nine stories featuring missionary Crispin Mobey. Quyth is a pseudonym for Gary Jennings. Published in 1988 but not seen until 1989. (Contents)
- RABE, JEAN (Marie) (1942- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *DragonLance Fifth Age: The Dawning of a New Age (TSR 0-7869-0616-2, Aug 96 [Sep 96], $5.99, 344pp, tp, cover by Jeff Easley) [DragonLance: Tales of the Fifth Age] Novelization based on the role-playing game. Copyrighted by TSR.
- * *DragonLance Fifth Age: The Day of the Tempest (TSR 0-7869-0668-5, Aug 97 [Sep 97], $5.99, 309pp, tp, cover by Jeff Easley) [DragonLance: Dragons of a New Age] Fantasy novelization based on the role-playing game. Copyrighted by TSR.
- * *DragonLance Fifth Age: The Eve of the Maelstrom (TSR 0-7869-0749-5, Feb 98, $5.99, 312pp, tp, cover by Jeff Easley) [DragonLance: Dragons of a New Age] Fantasy novelization based on the role-playing game. Dragons of a New Age #3. Copyrighted by TSR.
- * *DragonLance: Maquesta Kar-Thon (with Tina Daniell) (TSR 0-7869-0134-9, Jul 95, $5.99, 304pp, tp, cover by Jeff Easley) [DragonLance: Warriors] Novelization based on the role-playing game, second volume of The Warriors. The cover lists Daniell alone as author; the title page gives the author as Jean Rabe with Tina Daniell. Copyrighted by TSR.
- * *Forgotten Realms: Red Magic (TSR 1-56076-118-0, Dec 91, $4.95, 311pp, tp, cover by Fred Fields) [Forgotten Realms: Harpers] Fantasy novelization based on the Forgotten Realms game, third book of The Harpers trilogy.
- * *Boldly Live as Youve Never Lived Before (with Hiyaguha Cohen) (Morrow 0-688-14371-7, Nov 95, $14.95, 241pp, hc, cover by Chris Moore) [Star Trek] Non-fiction, self-help book subtitled (Unauthorized and Unexpected) Life Lessons from Star Trek.
- * *Eileen Goudges Swept Away #5: Spellbound (Avon Flare 0-380-75132-1, Mar 87 [Feb 87], $2.50, 188pp, pb) Young-adult sf/romance novel in a series about time-traveling teens.
- * *Knight on Horseback (Macmillan 0-02-775660-2, Oct 87, $13.95, 197pp, hc) Young-adult novel about the ghost of Richard III. A first novel.
- RABKIN, ERIC S(tanley), ed. (1946- ) (stories)
- RACHLEFF, OWEN S(pencer) (1934- )
- * *Enigma (Leisure 0-8439-2736-4, Apr 89 [Mar 89], $3.50, 241pp, pb) Horror novel. Scientist creates Frankenstein-like monster.
- * *Alices Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass: Nonsense, Sense, and Meaning. (Macmillan Twayne 0-8057-9430-1, Dec 91 [Jul 92], $21.95, 178pp, hc, cover by Berthe Morisot) Non-fiction, criticism. A study of Lewis Carrolls classic childrens books. A trade paperback edition (-8553-1, $11.95) was announced but not seen. This has a 1991 copyright date but was not seen until now.
- RADCLIFFE, ANN (née Ward) (1764-1823) (stories)
- * _The Mysteries of Udolpho (Oxford University Press 0-19-282523-2, Jun 98, £7.99, 693pp, tp, cover by Carl Gustav Carus) Reprint (G.G. & J. Robinson 1794 as The Mysteries of Udolpho. A Romance; Interspersed with some Pieces of Poetry) classic gothic novel. Edited by Bonamy Dobrée, with a new introduction & notes by Terry Castle. (Contents)
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