The Magazine

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Piccirilli, Tom
- Cast in Dark Waters (by Ed Gorman & TP) (Aug 2002, Edward Bryant)
- A Choir of Ill Children (May 2003, Faren Miller)
- The Dead Letters (Nov 2006, Tim Pratt)
- Headstone City (Mar 2006, Tim Pratt)
- The Night Class (Jul 2001, Edward Bryant)
— (Mar 2003, Tim Pratt)
- November Mourns (May 2005, Tim Pratt)
Pickering, Paul
- Charlie Peace (Jan 1992, Scott Winnett)
Pierce, J. J.
- The Best of Cordwainer Smith (by Cordwainer Smith, edited by JJP) (Apr 2007, Graham Sleight) [posted 18 Oct 2007]
Pierce, John J.
- Foundations of Science Fiction (Jun 1987, Dan Chow)
- Great Themes of Science Fiction (Feb 1988, Dan Chow)
- Odd Genre: A Study in Imagination and Evolution (Jul 1994, Gary K. Wolfe)
Pierce, Meredith Ann
- Birth of the Firebringer (Mar 1986, Faren Miller)
- A Gathering of Gargoyles (Nov 1984, Faren Miller)
- The Pearl of the Soul of the World (Jul 1990, Faren Miller)
- Treasure at the Heart of the Tanglewood (Mar 2001, Carolyn Cushman)
— (Apr 2001, Faren Miller)
- The Woman Who Loved Reindeer (Oct 1985, Faren Miller)
Pierce, Richard
- Frankenstein's Children: The Creation (Aug 1994, Scott Winnett)
Pierce, Tamora
- Bloodhound (Jun 2009, Carolyn Cushman)
- Circle of Magic: Briar's Book (Jun 1999, Carolyn Cushman)
- Circle of Magic: Daja's Book (Dec 1998, Carolyn Cushman)
- Circle of Magic: Sandry's Book (Dec 1997, Carolyn Cushman)
- Circle of Magic: Tris's Book (Jun 1998, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Circle Opens: Cold Fire (Jun 2002, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Circle Opens: Magic Steps (Feb 2000, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Circle Opens: Shatterglass (Apr 2003, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Circle Opens: Street Magic (May 2001, Carolyn Cushman)
- Emperor Mage (May 1995, Carolyn Cushman)
- Mastiff (Dec 2011, Carolyn Cushman)
- Melting Stones (Oct 2008, Carolyn Cushman)
- Protector of the Small: First Test (Aug 1999, Carolyn Cushman)
- Protector of the Small: Lady Knight (Nov 2002, Carolyn Cushman)
- Protector of the Small: Page (Aug 2000, Carolyn Cushman)
- Protector of the Small: Squire (Aug 2001, Carolyn Cushman)
- Realms of the Gods (Jul 1996, Carolyn Cushman)
- Terrier (Dec 2006, Carolyn Cushman)
- Tortall and Other Lands (May 2011, Carolyn Cushman)
- Trickster's Choice (Nov 2003, Carolyn Cushman)
- Trickster's Queen (Nov 2004, Carolyn Cushman)
- Wild Magic: The Immortals (Sep 1992, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Will of the Empress (Nov 2005, Carolyn Cushman)
- Wolf-Speaker (Aug 1994, Carolyn Cushman)
Piercy, Marge
- He, She and It (Jan 1992, Gary K. Wolfe)
Pike, Christopher
- Sati (Nov 1990, Scott Winnett)
Pillar, Amanda
Pinborough, Sarah
- Behind Her Eyes (May 2017, John Langan)
- The Chosen Seed (Jun 2012, Tim Pratt)
- A Matter of Blood (May 2010, Tim Pratt)
- The Shadow of the Soul (Jul 2011, Tim Pratt)
- They Say a Girl Died Here Once (Mar 2017, John Langan) [posted 6 Mar 2017]
Pinkney, Brian
- Cosmo and the Robot (Jun 2000, Karen Haber)
Pinkwater, Daniel
- Bushman Lives (Mar 2013, Gary K. Wolfe)
Pinkwater, Daniel M.
- Borgel (Jul 1990, Scott Winnett)
- The Neddiad: How Neddie Took the Train, Went to Hollywood, and Saved Civilization (Jul 2007, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The Yggyssey: How Iggy Wondered What Happened to All the Ghosts, Found Out Where They Went, and Went There (Apr 2009, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Young Adults (Jan 1986, Debbie Notkin)
Pinto, Ricardo
- The Chosen (Aug 1999, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Standing Dead (Feb 2003, Carolyn Cushman)
Piper, H. Beam
- Fuzzies and Other People (Jul 1984, Debbie Notkin)
Pitts, J. A.
- Black Blade Blues (Jul 2010, Carolyn Cushman)
Planck, M. C.
- The Kassa Gambit (May 2013, Russell Letson)
Platt, Charles
- Free Zone (Feb 1989, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Silicon Man (Feb 1991, Dan Chow)
— (Mar 1991, Edward Bryant)
Plessix, Michel
- The Wind in The Willows: Vol. 4: Panic at Toad Hall (by Kenneth Grahame, adapted by MP) (May 2003, Karen Haber)
Plowright, Teresa
- Dreams of an Unseen Planet (Nov 1986, Faren Miller)
Plumpton, Tom, ed.
- Graphic Classics: H.G. Wells (Aug 2005, Karen Haber)
Podrug, Junius
- Frost of Heaven (Jul 1992, Edward Bryant)
Poe, Edgar Allan
- Edger Allan Poe's Dark Dreams (by EAP, illustrated by Alan M. Clark) (Feb 2003, Karen Haber)
Pogue, Bill
- The Trikon Deception (by Ben Bova & BP) (Jan 1992, Dan Chow)
Pohl, Frederik
- All the Lives He Led (Apr 2011, Russell Letson)
- The Annals of the Heechee (Feb 1987, Dan Chow)
- Black Star Rising (Jun 1985, Dan Chow)
- The Boy Who Would Live Forever (Oct 2004, Russell Letson)
- Chernobyl (Jul 1987, Dan Chow)
- The Coming of the Quantum Cats (Apr 1986, Dan Chow)
- The Day the Martians Came (Dec 1988, Dan Chow)
- The Demon in the Skull (Jul 1984, Dan Chow)
- The Far Shore of Time (Aug 1999, Russell Letson)
- Gateway (Dec 2006, Graham Sleight) [posted 16 Apr 2007]
- The Gateway Trip (Nov 1990, Dan Chow)
— (Dec 1990, Russell Letson)
- Heechee Rendezvous (Apr 1984, Dan Chow)
- Homegoing (Apr 1989, Dan Chow)
- Land's End (by FP & Jack Williamson) (Jul 1988, Dan Chow)
- Man Plus (Dec 2006, Graham Sleight) [posted 16 Apr 2007]
- Mars Plus (by FP & Thomas T. Thomas) (Sep 1994, Russell Letson)
- Mining the Oort (Jul 1992, Dan Chow)
— (Aug 1992, Russell Letson)
- Narabedla Ltd. (Feb 1988, Dan Chow)
- O Pioneer! (Jul 1998, Russell Letson)
- The Other End of Time (Oct 1996, Russell Letson)
- Our Angry Earth (by Isaac Asimov & FP) (Dec 1991, Dan Chow)
— (Jan 1992, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Outnumbering the Dead (Nov 1990, Dan Chow)
— (Dec 1990, Russell Letson)
— (Dec 1990, Mark R. Kelly)
- Platinum Pohl (Jan 2006, Damien Broderick)
— (Dec 2006, Graham Sleight) [posted 16 Apr 2007]
- Pohlstars (Oct 1984, Dan Chow)
- The Siege of Eternity (Jan 1998, Russell Letson)
- The Singers of Time (by FP & Jack Williamson) (Feb 1991, Dan Chow)
— (Feb 1991, Russell Letson)
- The Space Merchants (by FP & C. M. Kornbluth) (Dec 2006, Graham Sleight) [posted 16 Apr 2007]
- Stopping at Slowyear (Jan 1992, Russell Letson)
- Terror (Aug 1986, Dan Chow)
- The Voices of Heaven (Jul 1994, Russell Letson)
- The World at the End of Time (Jul 1990, Russell Letson)
— (Jul 1990, Dan Chow)
- The Years of the City (Jun 1984, Dan Chow)
- _____, ed.
- The SFWA Grand Masters: Volume One (May 1999, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The SFWA Grand Masters: Volume Three (Jun 2001, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The SFWA Grand Masters: Volume Two (Aug 2000, Gary K. Wolfe)
Pohl-Weary, Emily
- Better to Have Loved: The Life of Judith Merril (Judith Merril & EP) (Oct 2002, Gary K. Wolfe)
Polansky, Daniel
- The Builders (Jan 2016, Faren Miller)
- A City Dreaming (Jan 2017, Faren Miller)
- Low Town (Sep 2011, Tim Pratt) [posted 15 Sep 2011]
— (Oct 2011, Faren Miller)
Policoff, Stephen
- Come Away (May 2015, Faren Miller)
Polikarpus, Viido
- Downtown (by VP & Tappan King) (May 1985, Debbie Notkin)
Pollack, Rachel
- Godmother Night (Nov 1996, Shira Daemon)
- Temporary Agency (Jul 1994, Faren Miller)
- Unquenchable Fire (Dec 1988, Faren Miller)
- _____, ed.
- Tarot Tales (RP & Caitlin Matthews, eds.) (Oct 1989, Faren Miller)
Pollotta, Nick
- Bureau 13 (Aug 1991, Scott Winnett)
- Illegal Aliens (by NP & Phil Foglio) (Apr 1989, Carolyn Cushman)
Pontiero, Giovanni
- Blindness (by José Saramago, translated by GP) (Dec 1998, Gary K. Wolfe)
Poore, Michael
- Reincarnation Blues (Aug 2017, Gary K. Wolfe)
Popkes, Steven
- Slow Lightning (Feb 1991, Dan Chow)
Porter, Sarah
- Vassa in the Night (Dec 2016, Carolyn Cushman)
Posse, Abel
- The Dogs of Paradise (Sep 1990, Faren Miller)
Potter, J. K.
- Horripilations: The Art of J. K. Potter (by JKP & Nigel Suckling) (Jul 1994, Gary K. Wolfe)
Potts, Stephen W., ed.
- Chasing Shadows: Visions of Our Coming Transparent World (David Brin & SWP, eds.) (Jul 2017, Rich Horton)
— (Locus Online 18 Jan 2017, Paul Di Filippo)
Pournelle, Jerry
- The Burning City (by Larry Niven & JP) (May 2000, Carolyn Cushman)
- Burning Tower (by Larry Niven & JP) (Mar 2005, Carolyn Cushman)
- Escape from Hell (by Larry Niven & JP) (Mar 2009, Russell Letson)
- Fallen Angels (by Larry Niven, JP & Michael F. Flynn) (Jul 1991, Tom Whitmore)
- Footfall (by Larry Niven & JP) (Jun 1985, Dan Chow)
- The Gripping Hand (by Larry Niven & JP) (Feb 1993, Russell Letson)
- Higher Education (by Charles Sheffield & JP) (May 1996, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The Legacy of Heorot (by Larry Niven, JP & Steven Barnes) (May 1987, Dan Chow)
- Starswarm (Jul 1998, Russell Letson)
- _____, ed.
- The Science Fiction Yearbook (Jul 1985, Debbie Notkin)
Powell, Gareth L.
- The Recollection (Dec 2011, Russell Letson)
Power, Dermot
- The Art of the Film: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Aug 2017, Karen Haber)
Powers, Richard
- Galatea 2.2 (Aug 1995, Faren Miller)
- Generosity: An Enhancement (Jan 2010, Gary K. Wolfe)
Powers, Tim
- The Bible Repairman (Jan 2006, Nick Gevers)
- The Bible Repairman and Other Stories (Aug 2011, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Declare (Jul 2000, Jonathan Strahan)
— (Feb 2001, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The Devils in the Details (by James P. Blaylock & TP) (Sep 2003, Nick Gevers)
- Dinner at Deviant's Palace (Nov 1984, Faren Miller)
- Down and Out in Purgatory (Jun 2016, Gary K. Wolfe)
— (Locus Online 23 Jun 2016, Paul Di Filippo)
- Earthquake Weather (Aug 1997, Faren Miller)
- Expiration Date (Sep 1995, Faren Miller)
— (Feb 1996, Shira Daemon)
- Hide Me Among the Graves (Feb 2012, Gary K. Wolfe) [posted 14 Mar 2012]
- Last Call (Feb 1992, Faren Miller)
— (Mar 1992, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Medusa's Web (Feb 2016, Gary K. Wolfe) [posted 24 Feb 2016]
- Night Moves and Other Stories (Apr 2001, Jonathan Strahan)
- Nobody's Home (Jan 2015, Gary K. Wolfe)
— (Locus Online 28 Dec 2014, Lois Tilton)
— (Locus Online 29 Jul 2015, Paul Di Filippo)
- On Stranger Tides (Sep 1987, Faren Miller)
- Salvage and Demolition (Jan 2013, Gary K. Wolfe)
- A Soul in a Bottle (Nov 2006, Nick Gevers)
- Strange Itineraries (Sep 2005, Faren Miller)
— (Sep 2005, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The Stress of Her Regard (Jul 1989, Faren Miller)
- Three Days to Never (Jul 2006, Nick Gevers)
- Where They Are Hid (Mar 1996, Edward Bryant)
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