Sunday 20 July 2003

- Awards News
Winners in the translated categories of the Seiun Awards, presented by The Federation of Science Fiction Fan Groups of Japan at T-con2003, the 42nd Japan Science Fiction Convention, are Robert J. Sawyer's Illegal Alien (Hayakawa Publishing, translated by Masayuki Uchida) and Greg Egan's "Luminous" (Hayakawa Publishing, translated by Makoto Yamagishi). Photos from the ceremony are posted at http://www.sf-fan.gr.jp/seiun/.
Seiun winners in these categories, even if already announced, are traditionally presented at the annual World Science Fiction Convention, which this year is Torcon 3, to be held in Toronto, August 28 - Sept. 1, 2003.
Friday 18 July 2003

(Further details of these and many other news stories will be published in the August issue of Locus Magazine.)
- Publishing News
For Us, the Living, the first novel Robert A. Heinlein wrote, has been sold to Scribner's and Pocket Books. All copies of the novel, which is believed to have been written between late 1938 and April 1939, were thought to have been lost or destroyed, but a copy was located recently and passed on to the Heinlein Society, which turned it over to Heinlein's literary estate, and which subsequently sold at auction. No publication date has yet been announced.
- Analog Science Fiction & Fact and Asimov's Science Fiction magazines, both published by Dell Magazines, will be changing their schedules to two double issues a year, ten issues per year altogether for each magazine.
- People News
- Charles Stross, whose novel Singularity Sky is due from Ace Books in August, has announced via his mailing list that he
has sold sequel The Iron Sunrise to Ace for publication in July 2004. Meanwhile his "big fat fantasy novel" A Family Trade, sold to Tor, will appear in two volumes, with the first part scheduled for next June.
- Lawrence Person announces, with great pride, his receipt of a coveted Dishonorable Mention in the prestigious Bulwer-Lytton Contest. Complete results of this year's contest are posted here.
- Photos of the first collaboration between SF writers Syne Mitchell and Eric S. Nylund, born July 2, 2003, and named Kai Mitchell Nylund, are available at http://www.sff.net/people/syne/kai.
- Awards
- Finalists for the 2003 Endeavour Awards, for SF or fantasy book by an author from the Pacific Northwest, have been announced. The winner will be announced at OryCon 25, November 14 - 16, 2003.
- Finalists for the 2003 Gaylactic Spectrum Awards, given by the Gaylactic Network to honor SF/F/H works published in 2002 with significant positive gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender content, have been released. Winners will be announced at Worldcon, August 28 -September 1, 2003 in Toronto, Canada.
- Nominations for the German language Phantastik Preis 2003 have been posted, with online voting open until September 30, 2003. Winners will be announced October 11, 2003, at BuchmesseCon in Frankfurt.
Earlier July News