Friday 6 June 2003

Sidewise Finalists
Finalists for this year's Sidewise Awards for Alternate History have been announced:
- The Peshawar Lancers, S. M. Stirling
- Ruled Britannia, Harry Turtledove
- The Separation, Christopher Priest
(UK: Scribner)
- The Severed Wing, Martin J. Gidron
(Livingston Press)
- The Year of the Hangman, Gary L. Blackwood
- "Empire", William Sanders
(Alternate Generals II Harry Turtledove, ed.; Baen, Jul 2002)
- "The Invisible Empire", John Kessel
(Conjunctions #39)
- "The Last Ride of German Freddie", Walter Jon Williams
(Worlds That Weren't Roc, Jul 2002)
- "We Come Not to Praise Washington", Charles Coleman Finlay
(F&SF Aug 2002)
- "With Caesar in the Underworld", Robert Silverberg
(Asimov's Oct 2002)
The Sidewise Awards, founded in 1995 to recognize excellence in
alternate history, are named for Murray Leinster's 1934 short story "Sidewise
in Time". Winners will be presented at this year's World Science Fiction Convention, Torcon 3, in Toronto, August 28 to September 1, 2003.
Sidewise Awards for Alternate History official site
This page (scroll down) also lists judges for the awards for works published in 2003, who are:
Locus Index to SF Awards
Sidewise Awards
Past winners by Year
Past nominees and winners
Sunburst Short List
The short list for the third annual Sunburst Award for Canadian Literature of the Fantastic has been announced.
- Dead Man's Gold, Paul Yee
(Douglas & McIntyre)
- Permanence, Karl Schroeder
- Salt Fish Girl, Larissa Lai
(Thomas Allen)
- Skin Folk, Nalo Hopkinson
(Warner Aspect)
- Talon, Paulette Dubé
Authors are either Canadian citizens or landed immigrants. The winner, announced in September 2003, will be presented with a cash prize of $1000 and a hand-crafted stainless-steel medallion of the "Sunburst", from a design by Marcel Gagné. Jurors for this award are Lesley Choyce, Hiromi Goto, Terence M. Green, Eileen Kernaghan, and Arthur Slade.
Sunburst Award Website
Locus Index to SF Awards
Sunburst Awards
Past winners by Year
May News