The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2007
Stories, Listed by Author
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- HEULER, KAREN (chron.)
- HICKMAN, TRACY (Raye) (1955- ) (books) (chron.)
- HIGGINS, PETER (chron.)
- * The Original Word for Rain, (ss) Zahir Spr 2006
- HIGHAM, GEORGE (chron.)
- HILL, JOE; pseudonym of Joseph Hillstrom King, (1971- ) (books) (chron.)
- * 20th Century Ghost, (ss) High Plains Literary Review v17 #1 2002 (+2)
- * Abrahams Boys [Van Helsing], (ss) The Many Faces of Van Helsing, ed. Jeanne Cavelos, Ace 2004
- * Acknowledgments, (ms)
- * Best New Horror, (ss) Postscripts Spr 2005
- * Better Than Home, (nv)
- * The Black Phone, (ss) The Third Alternative #39 2004
- * Bobby Conroy Comes Back from the Dead, (nv) Postscripts Aut 2005
- * The Cape, (nv) 20th Century Ghosts, PS Publishing 2005
- * Dead-Wood, (vi) Subterranean Press e-newsletter Feb 2005
- * In the Rundown, (ss) Crimewave #8 2005
- * Last Breath, (ss) Subterranean #2 2005
- * My Fathers Mask, (nv) 20th Century Ghosts, PS Publishing 2005
- * Pop Art, (nv) With Signs & Wonders, ed. Daniel M. Jaffe, Invisible Cities Press 2001
- * Saved, (nv)
- * The Saved, (nv) The Clackamas Literary Review v5 2001
- * Scheherazades Typewriter, (vi)
- * Thumbprint, (ss) Postscripts May 2007
- * Voluntary Committal, (na) Subterranean Press 2005
- * The Widows Breakfast, (ss) The Clackamas Literary Review v6 2002
- * You Will Hear the Locust Sing, (ss) The Third Alternative #37 2004
- _____, reviews:
- HILLEN, HENRY J. (chron.)
- HILLMAN, JACK (chron.)
- HILLMAN, LEE C. (books) (chron.)
- HINES, JIM C. (1974- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Bloodlines, (nv) Places to Be, People to Kill, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Brittiany A. Koren, DAW 2007
- * Daddys Little Girl, (nv) If I Were an Evil Overlord, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Russell Davis, DAW 2007
- * The Haunting of Jigs Ear, (ss) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #31 2007
- * Introduction, (in) Heroes in Training, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Jim C. Hines, DAW 2007
- * Sister of the Hedge, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Jun 2006
- HINKS, DARIUS (chron.)
- * The Sleep of the Dead [Warhammer], (ss) Inferno! #38 2003
- HIRSHBERG, GLEN (chron.)
- * Devils Smile, (nv) Alone on the Darkside, ed. John Pelan, Roc 2006
- * I Am Coming to Live in Your Mouth, (ss) Dark Delicacies II: Fear, ed. Del Howison & Jeff Gelb, Carroll & Graf 2007
- * The Janus Tree, (nv) Inferno, ed. Ellen Datlow, Tor 2007
- * Millwell, (ss) Rolling Darkness Revue Chapbook 2006, Earthling Publications 2006
- * The Muldoon, (nv) American Morons, Earthling Publications 2006
- HITE, KENNETH (chron.)
- HJORTSBERG, WILLIAM (Reinhold) (1941- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Sidekick, (ss) Rocky Mountain Magazine Sep/Oct 1980
- HOBSON, J. H. (chron.)
- HOBSON, M(ary Catherine, née) K(oroloff) (chron.)
- HOBSON, M. N. (chron.)
- HOBSON, RICHARD (chron.)
- HODGE, BRIAN (Keith) (1960- ) (chron.)
- HODGES, LARRY (chron.)
- HODGSON, WILLIAM HOPE (1877-1918) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Ballade, (pm)
- * My Babe, My Babe, (pm)
- * Robert E. Howard: Twentieth-Century Mythmaker, (ar)
- HOFFMAN, ERIN (chron.)
- HOFFMAN, NINA KIRIKI (1955- ) (chron.)
- * Art Therapy, (nv) If I Were an Evil Overlord, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Russell Davis, DAW 2007
- * Hostile Takeover, (nv) Wizards, Inc., ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Loren L. Coleman, DAW 2007
- * In Appreciation of Karen Joy Fowler, (bg) Readercon 18 Souvenir Book 2007
- * The Listeners, (ss) Coyote Road, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Viking 2007
- * Sea Air, (nv) Elemental: The Tsunami Relief Anthology, ed. Steve Savile & Alethea Kontis, Tor 2006
- HOFFMAN, PEARL (chron.)
- HOFMANN, JANIE (chron.)
- HOGAN, JAMES P(atrick) (1941- ) (books) (chron.)
- HOGAN, JOHN (chron.)
- HOGG, JAMES (1770-1835) (chron.)
- * Some Terrible Letters from Scotland, (ss) Metropolitan Magazine Apr 1832
- HOHL, JARED (chron.)
- HOING, DAVID (1956- ) (chron.)
- HOLDEN, GARTH (chron.)
- HOLDER, BELLE (chron.)
- HOLDER, NANCY (Lindsay Jones) (1953- ) (books) (chron.)
- HOLDSTOCK, ROBERT (Paul) (1948-2009) (books) (chron.)
- * Gate of Ivory, Gate of Horn [Mythago], (n.) Penguin/Roc 1997
- * The Hollowing [Mythago], (n.) HarperCollins UK 1993
- * The Silvering, (nv) Narrow Houses, ed. Peter Crowther, Little Brown UK 1992
- HOLLAMAN, JAMES (chron.)
- HOLLY, EMMA (books) (chron.)
- * The Demons Angel, (na) Demons Delight, ed. Anon., Berkley Sensation 2007
- * Hunting Midnight, (n.) Berkley Sensation 2003
- * The Night Owl, (na) Hot Blooded, ed. Anon., Jove 2004
- * Queen of All She Surveys, (na) Beyond the Dark, ed. Anon., Berkley Trade 2007
- HOLMAN, STEPHEN (chron.)
- HOLMES, ANDREW (chron.)
- HOLMES, TERESA (chron.)
- * The Benefits of Holistic Therapies, (iv) Khrizma Spr 2007
- * Fate, (ar) Khrizma Sum 2007
- * Fate, (pm) Khrizma Sum 2007
- * Ghostly Union, (ss) Khrizma Aut 2007
- * Haunted Hotels, (ar) Khrizma Aut 2007
- * It, (pm) Khrizma Win 2007
- * Life Forces, (ss) Khrizma Sum 2007
- * Living in the Past, (ar) Khrizma Aut 2007
- * Queen For A Day, (ss) Khrizma Spr 2007
- * Retribution, (ss) Khrizma Win 2007
- * Superstar, (ss) Khrizma Spr 2007
- * Top Ten Tips:
___ On Avoiding Stress, (cl) Khrizma Spr 2007
- * Transitions, (ss) Khrizma Win 2007
- * Voices from the Past, (ss) Khrizma Aut 2007
- * Waves, (vi) Khrizma Spr 2007
- HOLT, THOMAS; see under Holt, Tom (books) (chron.)
- HOLT, TOM; [i.e., Thomas Charles Louis Holt] (1961- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Subpoenaed in Syracuse, (vi) Nature Oct 19 2000
- HOMER, FRANCIS D. (chron.)
- HONG, CATHY PARK (books) (chron.)
- * Dance Dance Revolution, (pm)
- HONKEN, HENRY (chron.)
- HOOD, MARTHA A. (chron.)
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