The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2005
Stories, Listed by Author
- 1331279207716 (chron.)
- 7ARS (chron.)
- ABDULLAH, ACHMED; common form of name of Achmed Abdullah Nadir Khan el-Durani el Iddrissyeh; pseudonym of Alexander Nicholayevitch Romanoff, (1881-1945) (chron.)
- * Fear, (ss) Detective Story Magazine Feb 4 1919
- ABDULLAH, AHMED; see under Abdullah, Achmed (chron.)
- ABNETT, DAN (books) (chron.)
- ABRAHAM, DANIEL (James) (1969- ) (books) (chron.)
- ACKERMAN, FORREST J(ames) (1916-2008) (chron.)
- ACKERSON, DUANE (Wright) (1942- ) (chron.)
- ACKLEY-McPHAIL, DANIELLE (books) (chron.)
- * The Forest of a Thousand Lost Souls, (ss) No Longer Dreams, ed. Danielle Ackley-McPhail, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Lee Hillman & Jeff Lyman, Lite Circle Books 2005
- * Hollow Ground, (ss) No Longer Dreams, ed. Danielle Ackley-McPhail, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Lee Hillman & Jeff Lyman, Lite Circle Books 2005
- * No Longer Dreams, (pm)
- * Self-Reflection, (ss) No Longer Dreams, ed. Danielle Ackley-McPhail, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Lee Hillman & Jeff Lyman, Lite Circle Books 2005
- * Sweet Liam Roanes, (ss) No Longer Dreams, ed. Danielle Ackley-McPhail, L. Jagi Lamplighter, Lee Hillman & Jeff Lyman, Lite Circle Books 2005
- ACORD, DAVID J. (chron.)
- ADAMS, ANNE-MARIE (chron.)
- ADAMS, DANNY (chron.)
- ADAMS, DOUGLAS (Noel) (1952-2001) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, (n.) London: Pan 1979
- _____, reviews:
- ADAMSON, MIKE (chron.)
- ADDISON, LINDA D. (chron.)
- ADIN, MARC B. (chron.)
- ADKINS, TRAVIS (chron.)
- ADRIAN, JACK; pseudonym of Christopher Lowder, (1945- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Illegitimate, the Barely Legitimate, and the Impenetrable, (si) (*) 2005
- * Introduction, (in) (*) 2005
- * ’The Technique of the Ghost Story’ and Others, (si) (*) 2005
- * Undiscovered Fred, (ar) (*) 2005
- * The Weirds of Wallace, (ar) All Hallows #39 2005
- AEGARD, JOHN (chron.)
- AGNEW, LISA (chron.)
- AGUIRRE, FORREST (books) (chron.)
- * Among the Ruins, (ss) Polyphony, Volume 5, ed. Deborah Layne & Jay Lake, Wheatland Press 2005
- * Bearing Seed, (vi) The Yellow Bat Review Fll 2002
- * Beyond the Flame, (ss) Fugue XXIX, Raw Dog Screaming 2005
- * The Bones of Ndundi, (ss) Notre Dame Review
- * The Butterfly Artist, (ss) The Butterfly Artist, Flesh & Blood Press 2002
- * The Color of Laughter, (ss) The Fifth Dimension
- * Convergence on a Panoptic Newtonian: The Interstices of Heaven, (ss) Apocalypse Fiction
- * The Death Machines, (ss) Fugue XXIX, Raw Dog Screaming 2005
- * Downstream Flow: A Fugue, (ss) Flesh & Blood #10 2002
- * Four Canopus, (vi) Exquisite Corpse
- * Frenzy, (vi) Problem Child
- * The Further Adventures of Star Boy, (ss) Surreal #2 2005
- * Headlong, (ss) Fugue XXIX, Raw Dog Screaming 2005
- * Hopless: A Triptych, (ss) Fugue XXIX, Raw Dog Screaming 2005
- * Improv and the Man of Means, (ss) Fugue XXIX, Raw Dog Screaming 2005
- * In the Place Where Suffering Was Not, (ss) The Dream People (online)
- * Kaleidoscopes of Africa, (ss) 3rd Bed
- * Loyal, (ss) DeathGrip e-zine
- * Matriarch, (vi) All-Star Zeppelin Adventure Stories, ed. David Moles & Jay Lake, Wheatland Press & All-Star Stories 2004
- * Mystic Flower, (nv) Fugue XXIX, Raw Dog Screaming 2005
- * The Night Factory, (vi) Vicious Shivers
- * The Nut Lady’s Cabin, (ss) The Earwig Flesh Factory Fll/Win 2000
- * Over Alsace, (ss) Polyphony, Volume 4, ed. Deborah Layne & Jay Lake, Wheatland Press 2004
- * Precognitive Myopia, (ss) Strangewood Tales, ed. Jack Fisher, Eraserhead Press 2002
- * Queen Phoebe, (ss) Whispers from the Shattered Forum #9 2002
- * Return from Abaddon, (ss) The Butterfly Artist, Flesh & Blood Press 2002
- * The Reverie Styx, (ss) Flesh & Blood v2 #8 2001
- * Soma, (ss) TEL: Stories, ed. Jay Lake, Wheatland Press 2005
- * Tickest, Please, (vi) Crown of Bones
- * The Universal Language of Silence, (ss) infinity plus (online) Apr 2003
- * Waiting for Felicity, (ss) Journal of Experimental Fiction
- AIKEN, JOAN (Delano) (1924-2004) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- AIKMAN, SANDRA (chron.)
- AINSWORTH, GILL (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- ALAN, THERESA (chron.)
- ALBIE (chron.)
- ALBRECHT, AARON (chron.)
- ALCOCK, CELINA (chron.)
- ALDANI, LINO (1926-2009) (chron.)
- * Red Rhombuses, (nv) Terra SF, ed. Richard D. Nolane, DAW 1981
- ALDISS, BRIAN W(ilson) (1925- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Aboard the Beatitude, (nv) 30th Anniversary DAW: Science Fiction, ed. Elizabeth R. Wollheim & Sheila E. Gilbert, DAW 2002
- * Appreciation, (ob) Locus v55:5 No.538 Nov 2005
- * A Chinese Perspective, (na) Anticipations, ed. Christopher Priest, Scribner’s 1978
- * Commander Calex Killed, (ss) The Third Alternative #33 2003
- * Dusk Flight, (ss) Cultural Breaks, Tachyon Publications 2005
- * The Eye-Opener, (ss) Interzone Nov 1995
- * The Hibernators, (ss) Asimov’s Oct/Nov 2003
- * How the Gates Opened and Closed, (ss) The Secret of this Book, HarperCollins UK 1995
- * Introduction, (in) InterNova Spr 2005
- * The Man and a Man with His Mule, (ss) Pataphysics: Psychomilitary Issue 2002
- * Monemvasia, (pm) At The Caligula Hotel and other poems, Sinclair-Stevenson 1995
- * The National Heritage, (ss) Cultural Breaks, Tachyon Publications 2005
- * Old Hundredth, (ss) New Worlds Nov 1960
- * Pipeline, (nv) Asimov’s Sep 2005
- * Tarzan of the Alps, (ss) Postscripts Spr 2004
- * Ten Billion of Them, (ss) Constellations, ed. Peter Crowther, DAW 2005
- * Total Environment, (nv) Galaxy Feb 1968
- * Tralee of Man Young, (ss) Cultural Breaks, Tachyon Publications 2005
- * “Goodnight, Marvin”, (ar) The Anthology at the End of the Universe, ed. Glenn Yaffeth, BenBella Books 2005
- * This Body of Death, (nv) Lost on the Darkside, ed. John Pelan, Roc 2005
- * Veil of Skin, (ss) Blood Surrender, ed. Cecilia Tan, Blue Moon Books 2005
- * Soul Stains [as by Anon.], (ss) Nemonymous #5 2005
- ALLAN, NINA (chron.)
- ALLEN, (Charles) GRANT (Blairfindie) (1848-1899) (chron.)
- * Pallinghurst Barrow, (ss) The Illustrated London News Nov 28 1892
- ALLEN, JEFF (chron.)
- ALLEN, MIKE (books) (chron.)
- * Afterword, (aw) Disturbing Muses, Prime Books 2005
- * Aranea (with Sonya Taaffe), (pm) Not One of Us #34 2005
- * The Asteroid Painter, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #67 2004
- * Bananotech, (pm) Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #19 2005
- * The Best of All Probable Worlds, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #66 2004
- * The Captive Pleads with the Memory Carver, (pm) Tales of the Unanticipated #26 2005
- * Chagall’s Lamp, (pm) Strange Horizons (online) Mar 7 2005
- * The Clairvoyant, Between Dark & Dream, (pm) Jabberwocky, ed. Sean Wallace, Prime Books 2005
- * Cosmic Ego, (pm) Asimov’s Dec 2005
- * Dee-Dee and the Dumpy Dancers (with Ian Watson), (ss) Interzone Mar/Apr 2005
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