The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2003
Books, Listed by Author
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- MARTIN, GEORGE R(aymond) R(ichard) (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * _Tuf Voyaging (Meisha Merlin 1-59222-005-3, Sep 2003, $16.00, 447pp, tp, cover by Michael Komarck) [Haviland Tuf] Reprint (Baen 1986) collection/quasi-novel of seven linked stories, one that won the Locus Award. This has new illustrations by Janet Aulisio. A bibliography of Martin’s books and teleplays is included. A hardcover edition (-004-5, $30.00), a numbered edition (-016-9, $125.00), and a lettered edition (-015-0, $175.00) were announced but not seen. Meisha Merlin, PO Box 7, Decatur GA 30031; [].
- * _Windhaven (with Lisa Tuttle) (Bantam Spectra 0-553-57790-5, May 2003, $6.99, 400pp, pb, cover by Stephen Youll) [Maris] Reprint (Timescape 1981) SF novel.
- _____, ed.
- * _Wild Cards (ibooks 0-7434-7520-8, Dec 2003, $4.99, 426pp, pb, cover by Brian Bolland) [Wild Cards] Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1987) shared-world anthology of superhero stories, the first in the series. This has the 2001 introduction by Martin as an afterword.
- * _Wild Cards 6: Ace in the Hole (ibooks 0-7434-5837-0, Mar 2003, $7.99, 385pp, pb, cover by Brian Bolland) Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1989) shared-world anthology.
- MARTIN, GRAHAM DUNSTAN (1932- ) (chron.)
- * *An Inquiry into the Purposes of Speculative Fiction — Fantasy and Truth (Edwin Mellen Press 0-7734-6735-1, Sep 2003, $119.95, 281 + xxii, hc) Non-fiction, critical, an exploration of the human need for fantasy, and its expression in literature and folklore. Introduction by Roger Cardinal. Includes bibliography and index. #58 in “Studies in Comparative Literature”. Order from the Edwin Mellen Press, Box 450, Lewiston NY 14092-0450; [].
- MARTIN, MICHAEL A. (stories) (chron.)
- MARTINDALE, LEE (1950?- ) (stories) (chron.)
- MARZULLI, L. A. (chron.)
- * *The Unholy Deception (HarperCollins/Zondervan 0-310-24064-6, Nov 2002, $14.99, 423pp, tp) [Nephilim] Christian fantasy/UFO novel, sequel to The Nephilim. The “alien” Nephilim plan to convince the world Jesus was merely a man aided by aliens. This is dated 2002, but not seen until now.
- MASSEY, BRANDON R. (1973- ) (chron.)
- * *Dark Corner (Kensington/Dafina 0-7582-0249-0, Jan 2004, $14.00, 449pp, tp) Supernatural thriller. An undead evil haunts a small Mississippi town.
- * _Thunderland (Kensington/Dafina 0-7582-0247-4, Nov 2003, $6.99, 352pp, pb) Reprint (Writers Club 1999) supernatural suspense novel. This follows the Dafina Books 2002 third revised edition with added scenes.
- MASSON, SOPHIE (Veronique) (1959- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Tempestuous Voyage of Hopewell Shakespeare (Hodder Silver 0-340-86581-4, Apr 2003, £5.99, 292pp, tp, cover by Larry Rostant) Young-adult fantasy novel, inspired by Treasure Island, Twelfth Night and The Tempest, featuring a contemporary though distant young relative of Shakespeare himself.
- * _The Tempestuous Voyage of Hopewell Shakespeare (Hodder Silver 0-340-86581-4, Nov 2003, £5.99, 292pp, tp, cover by Larry Rostant) Reissue (Hodder Silver 2003) young-adult fantasy novel. Second printing.
- MASTERTON, GRAHAM (1946- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Charnel House and Other Stories (Gale Group/Five Star 0-7862-4312-0, Oct 2002, $25.95, 274pp, hc) Reprint (Pinnacle 1978) horror novel, plus three added stories. Packaged and edited by Martin H. Greenberg and Ed Gorman. This is dated 2002, but not seen until now. Order from Five Star, 295 Kennedy Memorial Drive, Waterville ME 04901; 207-859-1000; []. (Contents)
- * +The Doorkeepers (Leisure 0-8439-5240-7, Oct 2003, $6.99, 371pp, pb) Horror novel. First US edition (Heinemann 1995).
- * _Genius (Severn House 0-7278-5993-5, Sep 2003, £18.99, 543pp, hc) Reprint (Corgi 1998 as by Alan Blackwood) thriller about a new drug which can increase intelligence. Copyrighted 1998, 2003, suggesting some revisions.
- * *Hidden World (Severn House 0-7278-5962-5, Mar 2003, £17.99, 182pp, hc) Dark fantasy novel. A grieving orphan discovers children lost in the hidden world behind her wallpaper.
- * *A Terrible Beauty (Pocket Star 0-7434-6293-9, Mar 2003, $6.99, 369pp, pb, cover by John Vairo, Jr.) Horror novel with possible supernatural elements. Irish Detective Superintendant Katie Maguire finds new ritual murders may be linked to a mass grave of women killed 80 years before.
- * _A Terrible Beauty (SFBC #56989, Sep 2003, $10.99, 369pp, hc) Reprint (Pocket Star 2003) horror novel with possible supernatural elements. This has ISBN 0-7394-3444-6; it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- MATHESON, RICHARD (Burton) (1926- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _7 Steps to Midnight (Tor/Forge 0-765-30837-1, Jul 2003, $14.95, 318pp, tp, cover by David Grove) Reprint (Forge 1993) associational thriller.
- * _Collected Stories, Volume 1 (Gauntlet Press/Edge 1-887368-62-0, Dec 2003, $16.95, 399pp, tp, cover by Harry O. Morris) Reprint (Dream/Press 1989 as part of Richard Matheson: Collected Stories, not seen) collection of 28 stories. This is the first of three volumes reprinting the contents of the Dream/Press limited edition; it includes the original introduction by Matheson and tributes from Ray Bradbury, Robert Bloch, and William F. Nolan. There is a new introduction by Matheson, who also adds comments on the writing of each story. Gauntlet Press/Edge Books, 5307 Arroyo St., Colorado Springs CO 80922; []; []. (Contents) [ed: Stanley Wiater]
- * *Come Fygures, Come Shadowes (Gauntlet Press 1-887368-60-4, Mar 2003, $50.00, 144pp, hc, cover by Michael Bayouth) Dark fantasy novel about a young woman with real psychic powers being trained to follow her mother’s footsteps as a spirit medium. This is a signed, limited editon of 500.
- * _Hunted Past Reason (Tor/Forge 0-765-34508-0, May 2003, $6.99, 294pp, pb) Reprint (Tor 2002) associational thriller.
- * _Now You See It... (Tor 0-765-30872-X, Oct 2003, $12.95, 220pp, tp) Reprint (Tor 1995) associational horror/mystery novel.
- * *Off Beat: Uncollected Stories (Subterranean Press 1-931081-58-1, May 2003, $40.00, 194pp, hc) Collection of 12 stories, four original, of fantasy, horror, and shock. Afterword by Matheson. Edited and with an introduction and a checklist of first editions by William F. Nolan. This is a signed, limited edition of 750; a lettered, traycased edition of 52 (-59-X, $200.00) with an extra story is also available. (Contents)
- * _Richard Matheson’s The Twilight Zone Scripts Volume Two (Gauntlet Press/Edge Books 1-887368-52-3, May 2002, $16.95, 406pp, tp, cover by Marcelo M. Martinez) Reprint (Cemetery Dance as part of Richard Matheson’s The Twilight Zone Scripts, not seen) associational collection of six scripts, edited and with added text by Stanley Wiater.
- * _The Shrinking Man (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07463-9, Jan 2003, £6.99, 200pp, tp, cover by Chris Moore) Reprint (Fawcett 1956) SF novel. Volume 51 in the “SF Masterworks” series.
- * _A Stir of Echoes (Tor 0-812-57212-2, Jul 2003, $5.99, 211pp, pb) Reissue (Lippincott 1958) dark fantasy novel. This is a movie tie-in edition. Second printing.
- MAXEY, JAMES A. (chron.)
- * *Nobody Gets the Girl (Phobos Books 0-9720026-2-6, Jul 2003, $14.95, 242pp, tp, cover by Bob Wiacek & JayJay Jackson) Fantasy novel drawing on superhero comic-book conventions. A man wakes to find himself invisible and becomes a superhero called Nobody. Introduction by James Shooter. A first novel.
- MAY, J. C.; see under May, Julian (chron.)
- MAY, JULIAN; [i.e., Julian “Judy” May Dikty] (1931- ) (chron.)
- * *Conqueror’s Moon (HarperCollins/Voyager 0-00-712318-3, Sep 2003, £18.99, 302 + v, hc, cover by Dominic Harman) [Boreal Moon Tale] Fantasy novel, first in the “Boreal Moon” trilogy. A prince asks a sorceress to help unite the kingdom but her solution has a price.
- MAYER, BOB; [i.e., Robert Mayer] (1959- ); see pseudonyms Robert Doherty & Greg Donegan (chron.)
- MAYHAR, ARDATH (Frances Hurst) (1930- ) (chron.)
- * *The Exiles of Damaria, Book I: Riddles & Dreams (Images Publishing 0-9677017-4-0, Jun 2003, $9.95, 197pp, tp) [Exiles of Damaria] Fantasy novel, the first book in a new series. Survivors of an Ancient Race seek refuge in the Western Islands. Images Publishing, 39 Seneca Loop, Staten Island NY 10314; [].
- MAYNARD, L(en) H., ed. (1953- ) (stories) (chron.)
- MAYR, DALLAS WILLIAM (1946- ); see pseudonym Jack Ketchum (stories) (chron.)
- MEAD, GEORGE R. (chron.)
- * *Portal (E-Cat Worlds 0-9741973-1-9, Oct 2003, $19.95, 283pp, tp, cover by Noel Peden) Fantasy novel. A man from a small town in Oregon finds himself living a fairy tale life. Order from E-Cat Worlds, 57744 Foothill Road, La Grande OR 97850; [].
- MEADE, PHIL (stories) (chron.)
- MEADLEY, ROBERT G. (1947- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *A Tea Dance at Savoy (Savoy Books 0-86130-112-9, Feb 2003, £20.00, viii+268pp, hc, cover by John Coulthart) Associational non-fiction collection of seven articles by the sometime New Worlds writer. Subjects include genre fiction, Nazism, Diana, the Moors’ murders, with anecdotes about the British literary scene. Introduction by Michael Moorcock. Though all the essays seem previously published, no ascriptions are given. (Contents)
- MEANEY, JOHN (stories) (chron.)
- MEIKLE, WILLIAM (chron.)
- * *Watchers: The Battle for the Throne (KHP Industries/Black Death Books 0-9679220-7-0, Sep 2003, $16.00, 231pp, tp) [Watchers] Historical horror novel, second in the “Watchers” trilogy. This is a print-on-demand book available online at [], or from KHP Industries, PO Box 588, Effort PA 18330.
- * *Watchers: The Coming of the King (KHP Industries/Black Death Books 0-9679220-4-6, Jan 2003, $16.00, 235pp, tp) Historical horror novel. Charles Stuart raises an army of the undead in 1745 Scotland in an effort to take the British throne. This is a print-on-demand book available online at [], or from KHP Industries, PO Box 588, Effort PA 18330.
- MENDLESOHN, FARAH (stories) (chron.)
- MERZ, JON F. (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *The Destructor (Kensington/Pinnacle 0-7860-1535-7, Mar 2003, $5.99, 337pp, pb) [Lawson] Vampire novel, the third featuring the vampire fixer Lawson.
- * *The Syndicate (Kensington/Pinnacle 0-7860-1536-5, Oct 2003, $5.99, 348pp, pb) [Lawson Vampire] Vampire novel, the fourth in the “Lawson Vampire” series. Lawson seeks a missing cousin in NYC, where a vampire Syndicate doesn’t always play by Council rules.
- METZGER, ROBERT A(lan) (1956- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Picoverse (Ace 0-441-01030-X, Mar 2003, $6.99, 389pp, pb, cover by Danilo Ducak) Reprint (Ace 2002) SF novel.
- MICHAEL, LIVI (chron.)
- * *Frank and the Chamber of Fear (Puffin 0-14-131429-X, Jul 2003, £4.99, 201pp, tp, cover by David Wyatt) Young-adult fantasy novel. Second in a series.
- * _N.C. Wyeth: A Biography (HarperPerennial 0-06-008926-1, Feb 2003, $24.95, 555pp, tp, cover by N. C. Wyeth) Reprint (Knopf 1998, not seen) art book, a biography, with 32 unpaginated pages of color reproductions. Includes notes, bibliography, and index. [Wyeth]
- MICHALSON, KAREN (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Hecate’s Glory (Tor 0-312-89060-5, Feb 2003, $27.95, 477pp, hc, cover by Todd Lockwood) [Enemy Glory] Fantasy novel, sequel to Enemy Glory, about a young magician who works hard to be good at being evil.
- MIÉVILLE, CHINA (Tom) (1972- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _Perdido Street Station (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-45940-7, Aug 2003, $7.99, 623pp, pb) [New Crobuzon] Reprint (Macmillan UK 2000) fantasy novel.
- * _The Scar (Macmillan/Pan 0-330-39290-5, Apr 2003, £7.99, 795pp, pb, cover by Edward Miller) [New Crobuzon] Reprint (Macmillan UK 2002) fantasy novel set in the world of the award-winning Perdido Street Station.
- MILES, ROSALIND (chron.)
- * _Isolde: Queen of the Western Isle (Random House/Three Rivers 1-4000-4786-2, Jun 2003, $12.95, 359pp, tp, cover by David Bowers) [Tristan and Isolde] Reprint (Crown 2002) Arthurian novel, first in the “Tristan and Isolde” series. This includes a Reader’s Guide.
- * *The Maid of White Hands (Random House/Crown 0-609-60961-0, Aug 2003, $23.95, 322pp, hc, cover by David Bowers) [Tristan and Isolde] Arthurian novel, second in the “Tristan and Isolde” series.
- MILLAR, MARTIN; see pseudonym Martin Scott (stories) (chron.)
- MILLER, DEANNA (chron.)
- * *Sky Bounce (Miller, Deanna 0-9725424-1-8, May 2003, $6.50, 210pp, pb, cover by Janet J. E. Chui) Young-adult fantasy novel. A young winged woman travels to a parallel plane of existence to the plane’s destruction. This is copyrighted 1995, 2001, and 2003, but has not been previously published. Order from Deanna Miller, PO Box 63, Merrifield VA 22116; [].
- MILLER, GEORGIA M(yrle) (1933- ); see pseudonym Sasha Miller (chron.)
- MILLER, JOHN A. (1946- ) (chron.)
- * *Coyote Moon (Tor/Forge 0-765-30627-1, Nov 2003, $24.95, 302pp, hc, cover by Shasti O’Leary Soudant) Trailer park residents think a mysterious baseball player is the reincarnation of a physicist.
- MILLER, JOHN J(oseph) (1954- ) (chron.)
- * *The Twilight Zone, Book 1: Shades of Night, Falling (ibooks 0-7434-5858-3, May 2003, $12.95, 266pp, pb) Novelization based on the TV series. Copyrighted by CBS Broadcasting.
- MILLER, RICHARD (Connelly) (1925- ) (chron.)
- * +Sowboy (DFI Books/Synergy 0-9658423-4-7, Apr 2003, $19.50, 240pp, tp, cover by Michael Kane Miller) [Squed] Literary fantasy novel, sequel to Squed. Billy and his boss decide pig raisers should get the same romantic status as cowboys. This first US edition (Bloomsbury 1991) is copyrighted 2003, and has been updated somewhat.
- MILLER, RYDER W., ed. (chron.)
- * _From Narnia to a Space Odyssey: The War of Ideas Between Arthur C. Clarke and C.S. Lewis See entry under Arthur C. Clarke.
- MILLER, SASHA; pseudonym of Georgia M. Miller, (1933- ) (chron.)
- MILLER, STEPHEN T. (chron.)
- * *Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index (1890-2002) (with William G. Contento) (Locus Press, May 2002, $49.95, 3,166pp, CD-ROM) Non-fiction, reference. This edition indexes more than 15,000 issues of 1,000 magazines published from 1890 through 2002. Includes listings by author, title, cover artist, and issue.
- MILLER, STEVE(n R.) (1950- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- _____, ed.
- MILTON, WALTER R. (chron.)
- * *Independence Day Testimony (Xlibris 1-4010-6496-5, Jan 2003, $26.99, 519pp, tp) Science fiction novel. A promising young officer is given command of a new warship’s shakedown flight when interstellar war breaks out. This is copyrighted 1992 but not published until now. A print-on-demand book available online at []; or from Xlibris Corporation, 426 Walnut St., Philadelphia PA 19106; 888-795-4274.
- MITCHELL, D. M., ed. (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Starry Wisdom: A Tribute to H.P. Lovecraft (Creation Books 1-871592-32-1, Dec 2003, $19.95, 221pp, tp, cover by Peter Smith) Reprint (Creation 1995) anthology of 24 stories, some in graphic form, plus four articles, inspired by H.P. Lovecraft. This has been updated and adds four articles and two stories; it drops one graphic story. (Contents)
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