The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2002
Stories, Listed by Author
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- NORTON, ANDRE (books) (chron.) (continued)
- NOTO, JOHN (chron.)
- NOVAK, RICHARD (chron.)
- NOVOTNY, NORBERT F. (chron.)
- * Task of the Temponaut (with Van Del Rio), (vi) Perry Rhodan #33 1973
- NOYES, ALFRED (1880-1958) (chron.)
- * Midnight Express, (ss) This Week Nov 3 1935
- NUETZEL, CHARLES (Alexander) (1934- ) (chron.)
- NUTT, CHARLES (Leroy) (1929-1967); see under Beaumont, Charles (books) (chron.)
- NUWAR, STEPHEN (chron.)
- NYE, JODY LYNN (1957- ) (books) (chron.)
- * And So, ad Infinitum, (ss) Familiars, ed. Denise Little, DAW 2002
- * Doing the Gods’ Work, (nv) Thieves’ World: Turning Points, ed. Lynn Abbey, Tor 2002
- * Even Tempo, (ss) Vengeance Fantastic, ed. Denise Little, DAW 2002
- * Pyrats!, (nv) Oceans of Space, ed. Brian M. Thomsen & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 2002
- * The Voice of Authority, (nv) Pharaoh Fantastic, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Brittiany A. Koren, DAW 2002
- NYLUND, ERIC S. (1964- ) (books) (chron.)
- OAKMAN, ANTHONY (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- OAKRIDGE, HAZEL (chron.)
- OAKS, AMANDA (chron.)
- OAKWOOD, MIKE (chron.)
- OATES, JOYCE CAROL (1938- ) (books) (chron.)
- O’BRIANT, SANDRA (chron.)
- O’BRIEN, EDWARD (chron.)
- O’BRIEN, GREIG (chron.)
- O’BRIEN, JOSEPH (chron.)
- O’BRIEN, RICHARD (1942- ) (chron.)
- O’BRIEN, RICHARD J. (chron.)
- O’BRIEN, SEANA (chron.)
- OCHSE, WESTON (chron.)
- * A Day in the Life of a Dust Bunny, (ss) Asylum, Vol. 2: The Violent Ward, ed. Victor Heck, DarkTales Publications 2002
- * First Impressions, (ss) Freaks, Geeks & Sideshow Floozies, ed. Tina L. Jens & John Weagly, Twilight Tales 2002
- * Glue and the Art of Supermodel Maintenance, (vi) Tourniquet Heart, ed. Christopher C. Teague, Prime 2002
- * Into the Darkness Gently, (ss) The Dead Inn, ed. Shane Ryan Staley, Delirium Books 2001
- * The Prayers of Dead Things, (ss) Roadworks #14 2002
- O’CONNELL, JACK (1959- ) (chron.)
- * Legerdemain, (nv) F&SF Oct/Nov 2001
- ODOM, MEL(vin Lewis, III) (1957- ) (books) (chron.)
- O’DRISCOLL, MIKE (1960- ) (chron.)
- OFFUTT, ANDREW J(efferson, V) (1934- ) (books) (chron.)
- OFFUTT, JASON (chron.)
- OGDEN, MARGARET (Astrid Lindholm) (1952- ); see under Lindholm, Megan (books) (chron.)
- O’GREEN, JENNIFER MITCHELL ROBERSON; see under Roberson, Jennifer (books) (chron.)
- Ò GUILÍN, PEADAR (chron.)
- O’HEHIR, ANDREW (chron.)
- * Gorilla Warfare, (ar) Sight & Sound Sep 2001
- _____, reviews:
- * Sleepy Hollow, (mr) Sight & Sound Feb 2000
- O’KEEFE, KENNETH (chron.)
- O’KEEFE, MARY (chron.)
- OKORAFOR(-Mbachu), NNEDI(ma) (chron.)
- OLBERT, TOM (chron.)
- O’LEARY, PATRICK (1952- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- OLIVER, RON (chron.)
- OLSEN, ANDI (chron.)
- * Sewing Shut My Eyes (with Lance Olsen), (ss) Fiction International #30 1997
- OLSEN, BENJAMIN R. (chron.)
- OLSEN, LANCE (Martin) (1956- ) (chron.)
- OLSON, KEVIN NOEL (chron.)
- OLTION, JERRY (Brian) (1957- ) (books) (chron.)
- OLTION, KATHY (chron.) (assoc.)
- O’MAHONY, DANIEL (1973- ) (chron.)
- O’NEIL, DENNY; [i.e., Dennis Joseph O’Neil] (1939- ) (chron.)
- O’NEIL, GENE (chron.)
- O’NEILL, GENE (1938- ) (chron.)
- O’NEILL, JOHN (chron.)
- ONIONS, OLIVER (chron.)
- * The Beckoning Fair One, (na) Widdershins, Secker 1911
- ONOPA, ROBERT (1943- ) (chron.)
- ORDOVER, JOHN J. (books) (chron.)
- O’REILLY, EDWARD S(innott) (Tex) (chron.)
- * The Saga of Pecos Bill, (ss) The Century Oct 1923
- O’RIORDAN, KATE (chron.)
- ORLOCK, CAROL (Ellen) (1947- ) (chron.)
- ORMAN, KATE (1968- ) (chron.)
- O’ROURKE, MONICA J. (books) (chron.)
- OTTEN, CHARLOTTE F. (books) (chron.)
- * Introduction, (in)
- * PART EIGHT The Unabsolved Werewolf, (si)
- * PART FIVE The Victimized Werewolf, (si)
- * PART FOUR The Supernatural Werewolf, (si)
- * PART NINE The Voluntary Werewolf, (si)
- * PART ONE The Erotic Werewolf, (si)
- * PART SEVEN The Guilty Werewolf, (si)
- * PART SIX The Avenging Werewolf, (si)
- * PART THREE The Diabolical Werewolf, (si)
- * PART TWO The Rapacious Werewolf, (si)
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