The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2002
Books, Listed by Author
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- PRATCHETT, TERRY (David John) (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * _Moving Pictures (HarperTorch 0-06-102063-X, Feb 2002, $6.99, 337pp, pb) [Discworld] Reprint (Gollancz 1990) humorous fantasy novel, ninth in the “Discworld” series.
- * *Night Watch (HarperCollins 0-06-001311-7, Oct 2002, $24.00, 338pp, hc, cover by Istvan Orosz) [Discworld] Humorous fantasy novel, “Discworld” #27 (or 29 if you count The Amazing Maurice and The Last Hero). Simultaneous with the Doubleday UK edition.
- * _Night Watch (SFBC #52825, Nov 2002, $12.99, 338pp, hc, cover by Istvan Orosz) [Discworld] Reprint (HarperCollins 2002) humorous fantasy novel, “Discworld” #27. This is similar to the HarperCollins edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * *Night Watch (Transworld/Doubleday UK 0-385-60264-2, Nov 2002, £16.99, 364pp, hc, cover by Paul Kidby) [Discworld] Humorous fantasy novel; volume 29 in the “Discworld” series. Simultaneous with the US (HarperCollins) edition. Commander Vimes of the City Watch is blasted into his own past, and the middle of a rebellion.
- * _Reaper Man (HarperTorch 0-06-102062-1, Aug 2002, $6.99, 353pp, pb) [Discworld] Reprint (Gollancz 1991) humorous fantasy novel, “Discworld” #10.
- * _The Science of Discworld (with Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen) (Ebury Press 0-091-88657-0, May 2002, £6.99, 434pp, pb, cover by Paul Kidby) [Discworld] Reprint (Ebury Press 1999) associational non-fiction; this is a revised edition with two new chapters.
- * *The Science of Discworld II: The Globe (with Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen) (Ebury Press 0-091-88273-7, May 2002, £16.99, 368pp, hc, cover by Paul Kidby) [Discworld] Associational non-fiction using a “Discworld” frame story for explorations of science, culture, language, and art.
- * _Thief of Time (HarperTorch 0-06-103132-1, May 2002, $6.99, 357pp, pb, cover by Chip Kidd) [Discworld] Reprint (HarperCollins 2001) humorous fantasy novel, “Discworld” #26.
- * _Thief of Time (Transworld/Corgi 0-552-14840-7, May 2002, £6.99, 430pp, pb, cover by Josh Kirby) [Discworld] Reprint (HarperCollins; Doubleday UK 2001) humorous fantasy novel. Volume 26 in the “Discworld” series.
- * _The Unadulterated Cat — A Campaign for Real Cats (with Gray Joliffe) (Orion/Gollancz 0-75285-369-4, Sep 2002, £7.99, 159pp, hc, cover by Gray Joliffe) Reprint (Gollancz 1989) associational humorous non-fiction, illustrated by Joliffe. This edition adds further revisions to the 1997 (Vista) edition.
- * _Witches Abroad (HarperTorch 0-06-102061-3, Aug 2002, $6.99, 350pp, pb) [Discworld] Reprint (Gollancz 1991) humorous fantasy novel, “Discworld” #12.
- PRATT, (Murray) FLETCHER (1897-1956) (chron.)
- PRATT, TIM; [i.e., Timothy Aaron Pratt] (1976- ) (stories) (chron.)
- PREISS, BYRON (Cary) (1953-2005) (chron.)
- * _Dragonworld (with J. Michael Reaves) (Pocket/ibooks 0-7434-5253-4, May 2002, $7.99, 545pp, tp, cover by Joseph Zucker) Reprint (Doubleday 1979) fantasy novel. Illustrated by Joseph Zucker. Copyrighted by Byron Preiss Visual Publications.
- PRESTON, DOUGLAS (1956- ) (chron.)
- * *The Cabinet of Curiosities (with Lincoln Child) (Warner 0-446-53022-0, Jun 2002, $25.95, 466pp, hc) [Relic] Thriller with fantasy elements, bringing together characters from Relic and Thunderhead, with a seemingly immortal serial killer in Manhattan.
- * _Mount Dragon (with Lincoln Child) (Tor 0-812-56437-5, Jun 2002, $6.99, 482pp, pb) Reissue (Forge 1996) SF medical thriller of genetic engineering gone wrong. Second printing.
- PRESTON, H. (chron.)
- * *Project Deep Space ( Club Press 0-595-15448-4, 2000, $19.95, 413pp, tp) SF novel. A new propulsion system that makes space travel beyond the solar system feasible is discovered in 2117. This is dated 2000, but not seen until now; a print-on-demand book, available online at [];, 5220 S. 16th, Suite 200, Lincoln NE 68512.
- PRICE, ROBERT M(cNair), ed. (1954- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Book of Eibon (Chaosium 1-56882-129-8, Apr 2002, $15.95, 398 + xxiv, tp, cover by Harry Fassl) Anthology of 84 Lovecraftian pieces of prose and poetry that make up the mythic book created by Clark Ashton Smith and expanded by numerous others including Lin Carter, Laurence J. Cornford, Richard L. Tierney, and others. Price provides introductions to the overall book and to individual items. Order from Chaosium, 900 Murmansk St., Oakland CA 94607; []. (Contents)
- * _The Necronomicon: Second Edition (Chaosium 1-56882-162-X, Nov 2002, $19.95, 543 + xxiv, tp, cover by H. E. Fassl) Reprint (Chaosium 1996) anthology of nine Lovecraftian horror stories, five “fragments” and “translations” of the Necronomicon, and five pieces of commentary, two new to this expanded edition. (Contents)
- * _Tales of the Lovecraft Mythos (Ballantine Del Rey 0-345-44408-6, Oct 2002, $14.95, 370pp, tp, cover by John Jude Palencar) Reprint (Fedogan & Bremer 1992) anthology of 20 Lovecraftian stories.
- PRICE, SUSAN (1955- ) (chron.)
- * *The King’s Head (Scholastic Press UK 0-439-97906-4, May 2002, £12.99, 188pp, hc, cover by Liz Pyle) Young-adult fantasy novel.
- * _Nightcomers (Hodder Signature 0-340-65605-0, Dec 2001, £5.99, 154pp, tp, cover by Graham Bence) Reprint (Hodder Children’s Books 1997) young-adult original collection. Seventh printing.
- PRIEST, CHRISTOPHER (McKenzie) (1943- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *The Separation (Simon & Schuster/Scribner UK 0-7432-2033-1, Aug 2002, £10.99, 464pp, tp) SF novel of an alternate World War II. A hardcover edition (-03836-6, £17.99) was announced but not seen.
- PRINGLE, DAVID (William), ed. (1950- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Warhammer 40,000: Deathwing (with Neil Jones) See entry under Neil Jones.
- * *Warhammer: The Laughter of Dark Gods (Black Library 1-84154-243-1, Jun 2002, £5.99, 248pp, pb, cover by Clint Langley) [Warhammer] Anthology of eleven stories based on the role-playing game. (Contents)
- * +Warhammer: The Laughter of Dark Gods (with Neil Jones) (Games Workshop/Black Library 0-7434-4309-8, Jul 2002, $6.95, 248pp, pb, cover by Clint Langley) [Warhammer] Anthology of 11 stories based on the role-playing game. First US edition (Black Library UK 6/02). (Contents)
- PRUE, SALLY (chron.)
- * *Cold Tom (Oxford University Press 0-19-271887-8, Jan 2002, £6.99, 136pp, tp) Young-adult fantasy novel. In a world where humans and elves can intermingle, an exiled elf must make his way among the demons. A first novel.
- * _Cold Tom (Oxford University Press 0-19-275272-3, Nov 2002, £4.99, 136pp, tp) Reprint (Oxford University Press 2002) young-adult fantasy novel. An elf exiled from his own people must make his way in the human world. Winner of the Branford Boase Award.
- * *The Devil’s Toenail (Oxford University Press 0-19-271911-4, Nov 2002, £6.99, 145pp, tp) Young-adult fantasy novel. A bullied boy finds a stone that tutors him in how to succeed.
- * *Dawn of the New Man (Xlibris 1-4010-4547-2, Sep 2002, $26.99, 506pp, tp) SF novel of an Earth divided between two nations, one a utopian democracy, the other a militaristic state. A companion to Memoirs of the Future. This is a print-on-demand book, also available in hardcover (-4548-0, $36.99); order online at []; or from Xlibris Corporation, 426 Walnut St., Philadelphia PA 19106; credit card orders 888-795-4274.
- PULLMAN, PHILIP (Nicholas) (1946- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _Count Karlstein (Transworld/Doubleday UK 0-385-60511-0, Nov 2002, £10.99, xii+243pp, hc, cover by Tracey Hurst & Jerry Paris) Reprint (Chatto & Windus 1982) humorous young-adult fantasy novel, based on a play by Pullman. This edition adds a new author’s note. Illustrated by Diana Bryan.
- * _His Dark Materials, Book I: The Golden Compass (Random House/Knopf 0-679-89310-5, Sep 2002, $11.95, 399pp, tp) [His Dark Materials] Reprint (Scholastic UK 1995 as His Dark Materials: Northern Lights) young-adult alternate-world fantasy.
- * _His Dark Materials, Book II: The Subtle Knife (Random House/Knopf 0-375-82346-8, Sep 2002, $11.95, 326pp, tp) Reissue (Knopf 1997) fantasy novel, second in a trilogy.
- * _His Dark Materials, Book III: The Amber Spyglass (Random House/Knopf 0-375-82335-2, Sep 2002, $11.95, 518pp, tp) Reissue (Knopf 2000) young-adult fantasy novel, third in the trilogy.
- * _I Was a Rat! (Random House/Dell Yearling 0-440-41661-2, Feb 2002, $4.99, 165pp, pb, cover by Kevin Hawkes) Reprint (Doubleday UK 1999) young-adult fantasy novel. Cinderella’s page boy tries to survive as a human.
- PUTNAM, DAVE (chron.)
- * *The Gamekeeper’s Night Dog (Bulldog Press 0-9672710-4-5, Oct 2002, $19.95, 490pp, tp) Alternate history SF novel. Bulldogs make a major difference in the Boer War in 1891 South Africa. Available from Bulldog Press, PO Box 620358, Woodside CA 94062; [].
- PYLE, HOWARD (1853-1911) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Garden Behind the Moon (Tor/Starscape 0-765-34242-1, Jun 2002, $5.99, 132pp, tp, cover by James Bernardin) Reprint (Scribner 1895) young-adult fantasy novel.
- QUICK, WILLIAM T(homas) (1946- ) (chron.)
- * *Planet of the Apes: The Fall (HarperEntertainment 0-06-008620-3, Jun 2002, $6.99, 280pp, pb) [Planet of the Apes] Novelization inspired by Tim Burton’s film version of the Pierre Boulle novel. Copyrighted by Twentieth Century Fox Film.
- QUINN, DANIEL (1935- ) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _After Dachau (Context Books 1-893956-23-7, 2002, $14.00, 231pp, tp) Reprint (Context 2001) alternate-history SF novel.
- * *The Holy (Context Books 1-893956-30-X, Oct 2002, $25.00, 413pp, hc) Metaphysical thriller. Four contemporary individuals are influenced by beings once called gods, demons, tricksters, and guardians.
- RABE, JEAN (Marie) (1942- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _DragonLance: Betrayal (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-2718-6, Apr 2002, $7.99, 437pp, pb, cover by Jerry Vanderstelt) [DragonLance: Dhamon Saga] Reprint (Wizards of the Coast 2001) fantasy novelization based on the role-playing game, Volume Two in “The Dhamon Saga”. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- * *DragonLance: Redemption (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-2763-1, Jul 2002, $24.95, 346pp, hc, cover by Jerry Vanderstelt) [DragonLance: Dhamon Saga] Fantasy novelization based on the role-playing game, volume three in “The Dhamon Saga”. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- * _DragonLance: The Dawning of a New Age (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-2842-5, Jun 2002, $6.99, 344pp, pb, cover by Matt Stawicki) [DragonLance: Dragons of a New Age] Reprint (TSR 1996 as DragonLance Fifth Age: The Dawning of a New Age) fantasy novelization based on the role-playing game, first in the “Dragons of a New Age” trilogy. Copyrighted 1996 by TSR, 2002 by Wizards of the Coast.
- * _DragonLance: The Day of the Tempest (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-2857-3, Aug 2002, $6.99, 309pp, pb, cover by Matt Stawicki) [DragonLance: Dragons of a New Age] Reprint (TSR 1997 as DragonLance Fifth Age: The Day of the Tempest) fantasy novelization based on the role-playing game, second in the “Dragons of a New Age” trilogy. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- * _DragonLance: The Eve of the Maelstrom (Wizards of the Coast 0-7869-2860-3, Nov 2002, $6.99, 312pp, tp, cover by Jeff Easley) [DragonLance: Dragons of a New Age] Reissue (TSR 1998 as DragonLance Fifth Age: The Eve of the Maelstrom) fantasy novelization based on the role-playing game, third volume of “Dragons of a New Age”. Copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast.
- _____, ed.
- * *Sol’s Children (with Martin H. Greenberg) (DAW 0-7564-0082-1, Aug 2002, $6.99, 315pp, pb) Original anthology of 16 SF stories set in the solar system. Introduction by Rabe. Authors include Timothy Zahn, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, and Brian M. Thomsen. (Contents)
- RACKHAM, ARTHUR (1867-1939) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Rackham’s Fairy Tale Illustrations in Full Color (Dover 0-486-42167-8, Feb 2002, $12.95, 62pp, tp, cover by Arthur Rackham) Art book with 55 full-color plates. Edited and with an introduction by Jeff A. Menges.
- RADFORD, IRENE (stories) (chron.)
- * _Guardian of the Vision (DAW 0-7564-0071-6, May 2002, $6.99, 538pp, pb, cover by Gordon Crabb) [*Merlin’s Descendants] Reprint (DAW 2001) Arthurian fantasy novel set in Elizabethan England, third in the “Merlin’s Descendants” series.
- * *The Hidden Dragon (DAW 0-7564-0051-1, Feb 2002, $6.99, 395pp, pb, cover by John Howe) [Stargods] Science fiction novel, first in “The Stargods” series. Criminals fleeing the Galactic Terran Empire find a world of primitive humans who worship dragons.
- * *The Mantra (Jove 0-515-13433-3, Dec 2002, $7.99, 473pp, pb) Horror novel. A rapper-DJ uses an insidious mantra to control listeners. Translated by David Gurevich.
- RAHIMI, ATIQ (stories) (chron.)
- * *Earth and Ashes (Chatto & Windus 0-7011-7375-0, Oct 2002, £8.99, 54pp, hc) Literary fantasy novel. Translated from the original Khakestar-o-khak (Afghanistan 1999).
- RAIN, DAVID (C.) (1961- ); see pseudonym Tom Arden (stories) (chron.)
- RAMONE, DEE DEE (chron.)
- * *Chelsea Horror Hotel (Thunder’s Mouth Press 1-56025-304-5, May 2001, $13.95, 244pp, tp, cover by Paul Kostabi) Horror novel. The musician tells of his experiences in the New York hotel haunted by the ghosts of old friends, and even the devil. This is dated 2001, but not seen until now.
- RAMSLAND, KATHERINE M(arie Johnston) (1953- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *The Heat Seekers (Kensington/Pinnacle 0-7860-1435-0, Aug 2002, $5.99, 348pp, pb) [Heat Seekers] Vampire novel, first in a series. A first novel by the author of numerous non-fiction books about vampires and Anne Rice.
- * *The Science of Vampires (Berkley Boulevard 0-425-18616-4, Oct 2002, $12.95, 276pp, tp) Associational non-fiction look at possible scientific explanations for vampires.
- RAND, KEN (1946-2009) (stories) (chron.) (assoc.)
- RANDISI, ROBERT J(oseph) (1951- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Curtains of Blood (Leisure 0-8439-5068-4, Dec 2002, $5.99, 353pp, pb) Associational historical horror novel. Theater manager Bram Stoker’s dramatization of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is disrupted when the star is suspected of being Jack the Ripper.
- RANDLE, KEVIN D(ouglas) (1949- ) (chron.)
- * *Operation Roswell (Tor 0-312-86710-7, Sep 2002, $25.95, 432pp, hc) SF novel of the Roswell incident.
- RANKIN, ROBERT (Fleming) (1949- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * _The Fandom of the Operator (Transworld/Corgi 0-552-14897-0, Apr 2002, £5.99, 367pp, pb) [Lazlo Woodbine] Reprint (Doubleday UK 2001) humorous fantasy novel in the “Lazlo Woodbine” sequence.
- * *The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of the Apocalypse (Orion/Gollancz 0-575-07313-6, Sep 2002, £9.99, 342pp, hc) [Eddie Bear] Humorous fantasy novel. A serial killer is stalking Toy City murdering nursery rhyme characters.
- RAPP, ADAM (chron.)
- * _The Copper Elephant (HarperTempest 0-06-447261-2, Mar 2002, $6.95, 281pp, tp, cover by Kunio Hagio) Reprint (Front Street Books 1999, not seen) young-adult post-holocaust SF novel set in a future where imperfect children are sent to labor and die in the Pits.
- RASMUSSEN, ALIS A. (1958- ); see pseudonym Kate Elliott (stories) (chron.)
- RavenWOLF, SILVER; pseudonym of Jenine E. Trayer, (1956- ) (chron.)
- * _Beneath a Mountain Moon (Llewellyn Publications 1-56718-722-6, Feb 2002, $14.95, 343pp, tp) Reissue (Llewellyn 1995) pagan/occult murder mystery. Second printing. Available from Llewellyn Publications, PO Box 64383, St. Paul MN 55164-0383; 800-THE-MOON; [].
- RAYNER, JACQUELINE, ed. (chron.)
- * *Doctor Who: Short Trips: Zodiac (Big Finish, Dec 2002, £14.99, hc, cover by Clayton Hickman) Anthology of original stories based on the TV series. Each story has special astrological introduction by Jim Sangster. Volume one in the series. (Contents) [Not seen]
- REARDON, JOYCE (chron.)
- * _The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: My Life at Rose Red (Hodder & Stoughton 0-340-82558-8, Jun 2002, £12.99, 253pp, hc) Reprint (Hyperion 2001) fictionalised diary based on the dark fantasy TV series, Stephen King’s Rose Red (based on the Stephen King novel), with an afterword by “Steven Rimbauer”. The author was revealed as Ridley Pearson. [First U.K. edition]
- _____, ed.
- * *The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: My Life at Rose Red (Hyperion 0-7868-6801-5, Jan 2002, $22.95, 252pp, hc) Novelization, the diary of a character in the television mini-series written by Stephen King. Copyrighted by Hyperion.
- REAVES, J(ames) MICHAEL (1950- ) (stories) (chron.)
- REAVES, MICHAEL; see under Reaves, J. Michael (stories) (chron.)
- REED, CHRIS, ed. (stories) (chron.)
- * *Angel Body and Other Magic for the Soul (with David Memmott) (Back Brain Recluse 0-872588-05-0, Oct 2002, £9.95, 186pp, tp) This is #24 of Back Brain Recluse and #26 in the “Wordcraft Speculative Writers” series. (Contents)
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