The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2001
Stories, Listed by Author
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- MANISON, PETE D. (chron.)
- MANN, ANTONY (chron.)
- MARANO, MICHAEL (chron.)
- MARGINTER, PETER (1934- ) (chron.)
- MARILLIER, JULIET (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Otherling, (nv) Voyager 5: Collectors Edition, ed. Anonymous, Voyager 2000
- * Terraforming Mars (with Christopher P. McKay), (ar) Analog Apr 1994; originally as by Robert M. Zubrin and Christopher P. McKay.
- MARKUS, DEBORAH (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- MARLOWE, CHRISTOPHER (1564-1593) (chron.)
- * The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus [The Tragicall History of Doctor Faustus], (ex) 1604
- * The Tragicall History of Doctor Faustus, (ex) 1604; also as The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus.
- MARNACH, NYE (chron.)
- MARSDEN, ROD (chron.)
- MARTENS, PAUL E. (chron.)
- MARTIN, GEORGE R(aymond) R(ichard) (1948- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Black and White and Red all Over, (uw) Quartet, NESFA Press 2001
- * Blood of the Dragon [Song of Fire and Ice], (na) Asimovs Jul 1996
- * Introduction, (in) 2001
- * Introduction to Black and White and Red all Over, (is) Quartet, NESFA Press 2001
- * Introduction to Blood of the Dragon, (is) Quartet, NESFA Press 2001
- * Introduction to Starport, (is) Quartet, NESFA Press 2001
- * Introduction to The Skin Trade, (is) Quartet, NESFA Press 2001
- * Introduction to Travel Diary, (is) Strange Days: Fabulous Journeys with Gardner Dozois, NESFA Press 2001
- * Night of the Vampyres, (nv) Amazing May 1975
- * Path of the Dragon [Song of Fire and Ice], (na) Asimovs Dec 2000
- * The Plague Star [Haviland Tuf], (na) Analog Jan 1985 (+1)
- * Sandkings, (nv) Omni Aug 1979
- * The Skin Trade, (na) Night Visions 5, ed. Douglas E. Winter, Arlington Heights, IL: Dark Harvest 1988
- * Starport, (pl) Quartet, NESFA Press 2001; screenplay for an unproduced TV series.
- _____, reviews:
- MARTINDALE, LEE (1950?- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Doin the Drive-In (with Bradley H. Sinor), (ss) Bubbas of the Apocalypse, ed. Selina Rosen, Yard Dog Press 2001
- * The Folly of Assumption, (ss) The Folly of Assumption, Yard Dog Press 2001
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Neighborhood Watch, (ss) MZBFM Sum 1998
- * Porter Piedmont and the Office Party Santa, (ss) Rump Parliament Magazine Nov/Dec 1992
- * Porter Piedmonts Not-So-Wonderful Life, (ss) Rump Parliament Magazine Nov/Dec 1998
- * What Goes Around, (ss) Rump Parliament Magazine Sep/Oct 1996
- MARTINEZ, STEVE (chron.)
- MARTINOV, IVAN (chron.)
- MARUSEK, DAVID (1951- ) (chron.)
- MASEAR, (Scott) ARTHUR (chron.)
- * Black Butterflies, (nv) All-Story Weekly Jun 24 1916
- MASON, RAYMOND (chron.)
- MASSEY, KEITH (chron.)
- MASSIE, ELIZABETH (1953- ) (books) (chron.)
- MASSIE-FERCH, KATHLEEN M. (1954-2002) (chron.)
- MASSIN, KAIN (chron.)
- * Wrong Dreaming, (ss) On Spec Fll 2000
- MASSON, SOPHIE (Veronique) (1959- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- MASTERTON, GRAHAM (1946- ) (books) (chron.)
- MATHESON, RICHARD (Burton) (1926- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Blood Son [Drink My Red Blood], (ss) Imagination Apr 1951
- * Buried Talents, (ss) Masques #2, ed. J. N. Williamson 1987
- * The Children of Noah, (ss) AHMM Mar 1957
- * Crickets, (ss) Shock May 1960
- * Dance of the Dead, (ss) Star Science Fiction Stories #3, ed. Frederik Pohl, Ballantine 1954
- * Disappearing Act, (ss) F&SF Mar 1953
- * The Distributor, (ss) Playboy Mar 1958
- * Dress of White Silk, (ss) F&SF Oct 1951
- * Drink My Red Blood, (ss) Imagination Apr 1951; also as Blood Son.
- * Duel, (nv) Playboy Apr 1971
- * First Anniversary, (ss) Playboy Jul 1960
- * The Holiday Man, (ss) F&SF Jul 1957
- * The Invaders, (pl)
- * The Last Flight, (pl)
- * Legion of Plotters, (ss) Detective Story Magazine Jul 1953
- * The Likeness of Julie [as by Logan Swanson], (ss) Alone By Night, ed. Michael & Don Congdon, Ballantine 1962
- * Little Girl Lost, (pl)
- * Long Distance Call [Sorry, Right Number], (ss) Beyond Fantasy Fiction Nov 1953
- * Mad House, (nv) Fantastic Jan/Feb 1953
- * The Near Departed, (vi) Masques #2, ed. J. N. Williamson 1987
- * Nick of Time, (pl)
- * Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, (ss) Alone By Night, ed. Michael & Don Congdon, Ballantine 1962
- * Old Haunts, (ss) F&SF Oct 1957
- * Once Upon a Time, (pl)
- * Prey, (ss) Playboy Apr 1969
- * Slaughter House, (nv) Weird Tales Jul 1953
- * Sorry, Right Number, (ss) Beyond Fantasy Fiction Nov 1953; also as Long Distance Call.
- * Through Channels, (ss) F&SF Apr 1951
- * Wet Straw, (ss) Weird Tales Jan 1953
- * Witch War, (ss) Startling Stories Jul 1951
- * A World of Difference, (pl)
- * A World of His Own, (pl) Twilight Zone Mar/Apr 1983
- * Young Mans Fancy, (pl)
- * Bedlam, (ss) Dystopia: Collected Stories, Gauntlet 2000
- * Deathbed, (vi) Masques #2, ed. J. N. Williamson 1987
- * Third Wind, (ss) Masques #1, ed. J. N. Williamson 1984
- MATHEW, DAVID (chron.)
- MATHEWS, JEFF (chron.)
- MATTHEWS, JOHN (1952- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Amairgins Story, (ss) The Song of Taliesin, Aquarian Press 1991
- * The Battle of the Trees, (ss) The Song of Taliesin, Aquarian Press 1991
- * The Cauldron-Born, (ss) The Song of Taliesin, Aquarian Press 1991
- * The Contention of Llud and Llevelys, (ss) The Song of Taliesin, Aquarian Press 1991
- * The Crow, the Salmon, and the Oldest of the Old, (nv) The Song of Taliesin, Aquarian Press 1991
- * Culhwchs Day, (ss) The Song of Taliesin, Aquarian Press 1991
- * The Death of Aneurin, (ss) The Song of Taliesin, Aquarian Press 1991
- * The Defense of the Chair, (ss) The Song of Taliesin, Aquarian Press 1991
- * The Doorway to the Summer Stars, (ss) The Song of Taliesin, Aquarian Press 1991
- * The Entertainment of the Noble Head, (nv) The Song of Taliesin, Aquarian Press 1991
- * The Fall of the Great Trees, (ss) The Song of Taliesin, Aquarian Press 1991
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