The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2001
Stories, Listed by Author
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- LEWIS, ANTHONY R(ichard) TONY; (1941- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Requiescat in Pace, (ss) Aboriginal SF Spr 2001
- * Upcoming Events, (ms) Analog Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul/Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec 2001
- LEWIS, BETH (chron.)
- LEWIS, C(live) S(taples) (1898-1963) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe [Narnia], (ex) London: Geoffrey Bles 1950
- * Out of the Silent Planet [Cosmic], (n.) London: John Lane 1938
- * Perelandra [Cosmic], (n.) London: John Lane 1943
- LEWIS, D. F. (1948- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Ancient Ponds, (vi) Dark Horizons #39 2001
- * Bobtail, (ss) Dark Legacy v3 #1 2001
- * The Broom-cupboard of Crossed Destinies (with Rhys H. Hughes), (ss) Psychotrope #9 2001
- * Fall from Grace, (ss) Song of Cthulhu, ed. Stephen Mark Rainey, Chaosium 2001
- * Gates, (ss) The Ultimate Unknown #23 2001
- * The Ghouldom of the Grand Guignol, (in)
- * Jack the Cutter, (vi) Stygian Articles Spr 1996
- * Nipping the Bud, (ss) Flesh & Blood v2 #7 2001
- * The Purgatory and the Polish (with Anthea Holland), (vi) Songs of Innocence #4 2001
- * Sonnet, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #58 2001
- * Soul of the Party, (ss) Black Satellite Fll 2001
- * Wasted Meals, (ss) Dread #6 1998
- * The Weirdmonger, (ss) Back Brain Recluse #11 1988
- * Wooden Boys Dont Bleed (with Keith N. Brooke & Lawrence Dyer), (ss) Strange Pleasures, ed. Sean Wallace, Cosmos Books 2001
- LEWIS, DES (chron.)
- LEWIS, JULY (chron.)
- LEWIS, KAREN (chron.)
- LEWIS, MATTHEW GREGORY (1775-1818) (chron.)
- * The Monk [from The Monk: A Romance], (ex) London: J. Bell 1796
- LEWIS, PAUL (chron.)
- LEWIS, R. J. (chron.)
- LEWIS, TONY; see under Lewis, Anthony R. (chron.)
- LIGHT, JOHN (1943- ) (chron.)
- LIGHT, PAULA (chron.)
- LIGOTTI, THOMAS (1953- ) (chron.)
- * The Dark Beauty of Unheard Horrors, (ar) Tekeli-li! #4 1992
- * I Have a Special Plan for This World, (nv) Horror Garage #2 2000
- * My Case for Retributive Action, (ss) Weird Tales Sum 2001
- * Our Temporary Supervisor, (ss) Weird Tales Fll 2001
- LILLEY, ERNEST (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- LIMA, ROBERT (chron.)
- LINAWEAVER, BRAD(ford Swain) (1952- ) (chron.)
- * Executing a Pirouette for Belphegor, (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com 1999; also as Executing a Pirouette in Orange.
- * Executing a Pirouette in Orange [Executing a Pirouette for Belphegor], (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com 1999
- * Imagicide, (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com 1999; also as Yellow Imagicide.
- * Moon of Ice, (na) Amazing Mar 1982
- * Yellow Imagicide [Imagicide], (ss) Clownface, Pulpless.Com 1999
- LINDHOLM, MEGAN; [i.e., Margaret Astrid Lindholm Ogden] (1952- ); see pseudonym Robin Hobb (books) (chron.)
- LINDOW, SANDRA J. (chron.)
- LINDSEY, FORREST R. (chron.)
- LINDSKOLD, JANE M. (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * A Block of Time, (nv) Truth Until Paradox, ed. Staley Krause & Stewart Wieck, White Wolf 1995
- * Jeffs Best Joke, (ss) Past Imperfect, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, DAW 2001
- * Lies of Omission, (nv) Silicon Dreams, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, DAW 2001
- * A Touch of Poison, (nv) Assassin Fantastic, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Alexander Potter, DAW 2001
- LINEBARGER, PAUL M(yron) A(nthony) (1913-1966); see pseudonym Cordwainer Smith (chron.)
- LINGARD, BRIAN S. (chron.)
- LINGEN, MARISSA K. (chron.)
- LINK, KELLY (Denise) (1969- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose, (ss) Fence 1998
- * Flying Lessons, (nv) Asimovs Oct/Nov 1996
- * The Girl Detective, (nv) Event Horizon Online Mar 16 1999
- * Louises Ghost, (nv) Stranger Things Happen, Small Beer Press 2001
- * Most of My Friends Are Two-Thirds Water, (ss) Stranger Things Happen, Small Beer Press 2001
- * Ship, Sea, Mountain, Sky (with Gavin J. Grant), (ss) Altair #6&7 2000
- * Shoe and Marriage, (nv) 4 Stories, Jelly Ink Press 2000
- * The Specialists Hat, (ss) Event Horizon Online Nov 15 1998
- * Survivors Ball, or The Donner Party, (ss) Lady Churchills Rosebud Wristlet Sum 1998
- * Travels with the Snow Queen, (ss) Lady Churchills Rosebud Wristlet Win 1996
- * Vanishing Act, (ss) Realms of Fantasy Jun 1996
- * Water Off a Black Dogs Back, (ss) Century #3 1995
- LINSLEY, MONTE (chron.)
- * Five Million Words! In his life as in his writing word for Price is colorful, (bg) Palo Alto (California) Times Jul 17 1947
- LINZNER, GORDON (Bruce) (1949- ) (chron.)
- LISS, JEFFREY G. (chron.)
- * Did the Martians Kill Our Space Program? The Snamu-Hrofton Chronicles, (hu) Artemis Spr 2001
- LISS, MILES (chron.)
- LITTLE, BENTLEY (1960- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- LITTLE, DENISE (books) (chron.)
- LIVELY, PENELOPE (Margaret) (1933- ) (chron.)
- * The Picnic, (ss) Young Winters Tales 6, ed. M. R. Hodgkin, London: Macmillan 1975
- LIVINGS, MARTIN J. (chron.)
- LOCASCIO, PHIL (chron.)
- LOCK, N(an) K. (1906- ) (chron.)
- * Solitaire, (ss) The Tatler May 31 1939
- LOCKEY, PAUL J. (chron.)
- LOCKLEY, STEVE (chron.)
- LOCUS STAFF (chron.)
- LOFTON, S(teven) C. (chron.)
- LOGAN, SIMON (chron.)
- LOGDSON, RICH (chron.)
- LOHR, (Lloyd) MICHAEL (chron.) (assoc.)
- LOKEN, LARRY (chron.)
- LONG, BETH ADELE (chron.)
- LONG, BILL (chron.)
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