The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 2000
Stories, Listed by Author
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- McDEVITT, JACK; [i.e., John Charles McDevitt] (1935- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Foreword, (fw)
- * The Hercules Text, (n.) 2000; revised from Ace 1986 edition.
- * Promises to Keep, (nv) IASFM Dec 1984
- * A Talent for War [Alex Benedict], (n.) New York: Ace 1989
- McDEVITT, JOHN CHARLES; see under McDevitt, Jack (books) (chron.)
- MacDONALD, ANGUS (chron.)
- MacDONALD, GEORGE (1824-1905) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * The Carasoyn, (nv) Works of Fancy and Imagination 1871; expanded from “The Fairy Fleet”, Argosy 1866.
- * Cross Purposes, (nv) Beeton’s Christmas Annual 1862
- * The Day Boy and the Night Girl, (nv) The Graphic Christmas 1879; also as “The History of Photogen and Nycteris”.
- * Diamond’s Dream, (ss) 1886
- * The Fantastic Imagination, (ar) 1893; originally printed as the Preface to the American edition of The Light Princess and Other Fairy Tales.
- * The Giant’s Heart [“Tell Us a Story”], (nv) The Illustrated London News Christmas 1863
- * The Golden Key, (nv) Dealings with the Fairies, Arthur Strahan 1867
- * The History of Photogen and Nycteris [“The Day Boy and the Night Girl”], (nv) The Graphic Christmas 1879
- * The Light Princess, (na) Adela Cathcart, Hurst and Blackett 1864
- * Little Daylight, (ss) Works of Fancy and Imagination 1871
- * The Lost Princess, (na); also as “The Wise Woman”.
- * Nanny’s Dream, (ss) 1886
- * The Shadows, (nv) Adela Cathcart, Hurst and Blackett 1864
- * Tell Us a Story, (nv) The Illustrated London News Christmas 1863; also as “The Giant’s Heart”.
- * The Wise Woman [“The Lost Princess”], (na)
- McDONALD, IAN (Neil) (1960- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Days of Solomon Gursky, (na) Asimov’s Jun 1998
- * Pot O’ Rice Horowitz’s House of Solace, (ss) The Caribbean Writer v5 1991
- * Tendeléo’s Story [Chaga], (na) PS Publishing 2000
- MACDONALD, JAMES D(ouglas) (1954- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Stealing God (with Debra Doyle), (nv) Tales of the Knights Templar, ed. Katherine Kurtz, Warner Aspect 1995
- McDONALD, KERIS (chron.)
- McDONALD, MELANIE (chron.)
- McDOWELL, IAN (1958- ) (chron.)
- McELHATTON, GREG (chron.)
- McFADDEN, EDWARD J., III (chron.)
- McGARRY, MARK J. (1958- ) (chron.)
- * The Mercy Gate, (nv) F&SF Mar 1998
- McGARRY, TERRY (1962- ) (chron.)
- McGLYNN, PAUL D. (chron.)
- McGOUGH, SCOTT (chron.)
- McGRATH, PATRICK M. (1950- ) (chron.)
- * from Asylum, (ex) Viking UK 1996
- McGRAW, ELOISE JARVIS (1915-2000) (chron.)
- McGRAW, LAUREN LYNN (chron.)
- McGREW, ROBYN (chron.)
- McGROARTY, JILL (chron.)
- MACHEN, ARTHUR; pseudonym of Arthur Llewellyn Jones, (1863-1947) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * A Fragment of Life, (na) Horlick’s Magazine Feb 1904 (+3)
- * Opening the Door, (ss) When Churchyards Yawn, ed. Cynthia Asquith, London: Hutchinson 1931
- McINTOSH, NEIL (chron.)
- MacINTYRE, F(eargus) GWYNPLAINE (1949- ) (chron.) (assoc.)
- MACK, BARBARA (chron.)
- MACK, DAVID (chron.)
- * Mackenzie Calhoun, (bg)
- McKAY, A. S. (chron.)
- MACKAY, SCOTT (1957- ) (chron.)
- McKEE, DAVID (chron.)
- McKIERNAN, DENNIS L(ester) (1932- ) (books) (chron.)
- * The Dark Tide [Iron Tower], (n.) Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1984
- * The Darkest Day [Iron Tower], (n.) Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1984
- * For the Life of Sheila Morgan, (ss) Spell Fantastic, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Larry Segriff, DAW 2000
- * Foreword Anew, (fw)
- * Journal Notes, (ms)
- * Perfidy, (vi) Treachery and Treason, ed. Laura Anne Gilman & Jennifer Heddle, Roc 2000
- * Shadows of Doom [Iron Tower], (n.) Garden City, NY: Doubleday 1984
- McKILLIP, PATRICIA A(nne) (1948- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Jean Karl: An Appreciation, (ob) Locus v44:5 No.472 May 2000
- * Moby James, (ss) 2041, ed. Jane Yolen, Delacorte 1991
- * Toad, (ss) Silver Birch, Blood Moon, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Avon 1999
- * The Twelve Dancing Princesses, (ss) A Wolf at the Door and Other Retold Fairy Tales, ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, Simon & Schuster 2000
- McLAUGHLIN, CAROLE A. (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
- McLAUGHLIN, MARK (books) (chron.)
- * Cinema Diabolique, (vi) Cyber-Psychos AOD #8 1998
- * Dainty Magic Pixie Dust, (pm) Dark Regions & Horror #14 2000
- * Dawn of the Incredibly Strange, Mixed-Up Film Critics Who Have Risen from the Grave (with Michael McCarty), (cl) Delirium #2, #3 2000
- * The Doorknob Song, (pm) Indigenous Fiction #4 2000
- * Drool Tool: The Meltdown Mix, (ss) The Urbanite #1 1991
- * Everyone Loves Salami, (ss) The Bone Marrow Review #1 1991
- * The Formulaic Ways of the Abysmal Elite, (vi) Cenotaph #1 1997
- * Gorgon, (pm) Penny Dreadful #13 2000
- * Illustration, (il)
- * In the Gutter, (ss) Masque Noir Jan 2000
- * Learning to Spell, (vi) New Altars, ed. Dawn Albright & Sandra J. Hutchinson, Angelus Press 1997
- * Melinda Mavrodakis and the Five Something-Or-Others of the Apocalypse, (ss) I Gave at the Orifice, Eraserhead Press 2000
- * Muffler, (pm) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #8 2000
- * The Murdermobile, (pm) Talebones Win 2000
- * My Daddy, (vi) Mystic Fiction #1 1993
- * My Goodness, Those Robots Are Bleeding, (pm) The Edge, Tales of Suspense #8 2000
- * The Prince of Dreadful Magick, (ss) Not One of Us Feb 1995
- * Sheep, (ss) Gaslight Aug 1992
- * Spawn of the Rancid Deepness, (ss) Nuthouse #15 1994
- * Spiderbread, (vi) The Dream Zone May 2000
- * The Ten Klown-Mandments (with Michael McCarty), (ss) Delirium #2 2000
- * What Must You Think Of Us? (with Marni Scofidio Griffin), (ss) Roadworks #10 2000
- * What the Noisy Little Idiot in the Seat Next to Me Had to Say, (pm) Delirium #1 2000
- * Why the Cathartoleptic Approach Is Now Looked Upon with Disfavour, (ss) Roadworks #7 2000
- * Zombiology, (pm) Talebones Fll 2000
- _____, reviews:
- MacLAUGHLIN, ROBERT (chron.)
- MACLAY, JOHN (B., Jr.) (1944- ) (chron.)
- * The Flood, (ss) The Horror Show Fll 1986
- McLEAN, CRAIG (chron.)
- MacLEAN, KATHERINE (Anne) (1925- ) (chron.)
- * Contagion, (nv) Galaxy Oct 1950
- MacLEOD, CATHERINE (chron.)
- MacLEOD, D. PETER (chron.)
- MacLEOD, IAN R. (1956- ) (chron.)
- MacLEOD, LOREN (chron.)
- McMAHON, DONNA (chron.) (assoc.)
- McMORROW, THOMAS (1886-1957) (chron.)
- * Mr. Murphy of New York, (ss) The Saturday Evening Post Mar 22 1930
- McMULLEN, SEAN (Christopher) (1948- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- McNAUGHTON, BRIAN (1935-2004) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- McPHERSON, R. THOMAS (chron.)
- MACQUART, RENÉ (chron.)
- _____, reviews:
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