Pirate Writings [v2 #2, No. 5, Fall 1994] ed. Edward J. McFadden (Pirate Writings Publishing; Islip, NY, $4.99, 72pp+, quarto, cover by Lissanne Lake)
Prairie Fire [v15 #2, No.67, Summer 1994] ed. Candas Jane Dorsey (Prairie Fire; Winnipeg, Canada, C$24/4 issues, 256pp+, 6"x9" s/b) Canadian Speculative Fiction Issue.
Premonitions [#3, Spring 1994] ed. Tony Lee (S.A. Publishing, £2.50, 71pp, A5, cover by Kevin Cullen) Small press sf/horror fiction magazine. Available from S.A. Publishing, 13 Hazely Combe, ARRETON, Isle of Wight, PO30 3AJ.
Pulphouse: A Fiction Magazine [#17, 1994] ed. Dean Wesley Smith (Pulphouse Publishing; Eugene, OR, $4.95, 64pp+, quarto, cover by Susan Wade)
Realms of Fantasy [v 1 #1, October 1994] ed. Shawna McCarthy (Sovereign Media Co., Inc.;Herndon, VA, $3.50, 92pp, quarto, cover by Michael Whelan)