The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- MALLONEE, DENNIS (continued)
- MALLORY, MICHAEL (J.) (1955- )
- * Age of Democracy, (ss) Eidolon Spr 1990
- * Cock of the Dunghill, (ss) Eidolon Win 1991
- * The Embargo Traders, (ss) Aurealis #16 1995
- * The Existential Beer, (ss) Overspace #12 1991
- * 5 Cigarettes and 2 Snakes, (ss) Aurealis #1 1990
- * Green on Red, (ss) Eidolon Spr 1991
- * Greening, (ss) Eidolon Fll 1992
- * Keeping the Motor Running, (ss) Aurealis #20/21 1998
- * The Last Lion in Africa Is Dead, (ss) Eidolon Sum 1991
- * Meat Puppets, (ss) Intimate Armageddons, ed. Bill Congreve, Five Islands Press 1992
- * Memories of the Colour-Field, (ss) Eidolon Spr 1992
- * Moving with the Herd, (ss) Aurealis #9 1992
- * Remnants of the Virago Crypto-System, (ss) The Silver Web Sum 1995
- * Requiem for the General, (ss) Eidolon Sum 1992
- * The Shifting Sands of the Interior, (vi) Nova SF Win 1990
- * The Taxi-Driver, (ss) Aurealis #8 1992
- MALORY, [Sir] THOMAS (1394?-1471)
- * Arthur and Accolon [from Le Morte d’Arthur], (ex) 1485
- * excerpt from The Death of King Arthur [Le Morte d’Arthur], (ex) 1485
- * Morte d’Arthur, (ex) 1469
- MALZBERG, BARRY N(athaniel) (1939- ) (books) (chron.)
- * Afterword, (aw)
- * Afterword: Flash Point, Middle, (aw)
- * Afterword: Isaac and the Slime God, (aw)
- * Agony Column, (ss) EQMM Dec 1971
- * All Assassins, (ss) What Might Have Been? Volume I: Alternate Empires, ed. Gregory Benford & Martin H. Greenberg, Bantam Spectra 1989
- * Allegro Marcato, (ss) By Any Other Fame, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1993
- * Ambition, (vi) Twilight Zone Oct 1987
- * Amos, (ss) F&SF Jul 1992
- * Andante Lugubre, (ss) Science Fiction Age May 1993
- * Another Goddamned Showboat, (ss) What Might Have Been? Volume II: Alternate Heroes, ed. Gregory Benford & Martin H. Greenberg, Bantam Spectra 1990
- * Art Apprecation (with Jack M. Dann), (ss) Omni Sep 1993
- * Away, (ss) A Treasury of American Horror Stories, ed. Frank D. McSherry, Jr., Charles G. Waugh & Martin H. Greenberg, Bonanza/Crown Books 1985
- * Bedside Manor, (ss) F&SF Nov 1984
- * Beyond Sleep, (vi) EQMM Nov 1970
- * Blessing the Last Family (with Batya Swift Yasgur), (ss) Realms of Fantasy Apr 1997
- * Blues and the Abstract Truth (with Jack M. Dann), (ss) F&SF Jan 1988
- * Bringing It Home (with Jack M. Dann), (ss) Twilight Zone Feb 1987
- * Buyer’s Remorse (with Kathe Koja), (ss) How to Save the World, ed. Charles Sheffield, Tor 1995
- * The Careful Geometry of Love (with Kathe Koja), (ss) Little Deaths, ed. Ellen Datlow, Millennium 1994
- * Celebrating, (ss) F&SF Aug 1987
- * Chained, (ss) Specter!, ed. Bill Pronzini, Arbor House 1982
- * Close-Up Photos Reveal JFK Skull on Moon!, (ss) Alien Pregnant by Elvis, ed. Esther M. Friesner & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1994
- * Concerto Accademico, (ss) Dragon Fantastic, ed. Rosalind M. Greenberg & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1992
- * Corridors, (ss) Engines of the Night, Barry N. Malzberg, Doubleday 1982
- * Darwinian Facts, (ss) Stalkers, ed. Ed Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, Penguin/Roc 1990
- * A Delightful Comedic Premise, (ss) F&SF Feb 1974
- * Dogs, Masques, Love, Death: Flowers [Sherlock Holmes], (ss) Sherlock Holmes in Orbit, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1995
- * Dumbarton Oaks, (ss) MetaHorror, ed. Dennis Etchison, Dell Abyss 1992
- * Dwellers of the Deep [as by K. M. O’Donnell], (n.) New York: Ace 1970
- * Epilogue Again, (aw)
- * Every Man a God (with Mike Resnick) [Riverworld], (nv) Tales of Riverworld, ed. Philip José Farmer, Warner Questar 1992
- * The Falcon and the Falconeer, (ss) F&SF Dec 1969
- * Folly for Three, (ss) A Whisper of Blood, ed. Ellen Datlow, Morrow 1991
- * A Formal Feeling Comes, (ar) Amazing Nov 1993
- * From the Heart’s Basement, (cl) Pulphouse Jul, Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov 1992, #15, #16 1993, #17 1994
- * Fugato, (ss) Alternate Warriors, ed. Mike Resnick, Tor 1993
- * Galaxies, (n.) New York: Pyramid 1975
- * A Galaxy Called Rome, (nv) F&SF Jul 1975
- * Gather in the Hall of the Planets [as by K. M. O’Donnell], (n.) New York: Ace 1971
- * Gehenna, (ss) Galaxy Mar 1971
- * Getting Up (with Jack M. Dann), (ss) Tropical Chills, ed. Tim Sullivan, Avon 1988
- * Ghosts (with Mike Resnick) [Bolo], (ss) Bolos: Honor of the Regiment, ed. Bill Fawcett, Baen 1993
- * Girl’s Night Out (with Kathe Koja), (ss) Vampire Detectives, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1995
- * Going Down, (nv) Dystopian Visions, ed. Roger Elwood, Prentice-Hall 1975
- * Götterdämmerung, (ss) After the King, ed. Martin H. Greenberg, Tor 1992
- * Grand Tour, (ss) Aladdin: Master of the Lamp, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1992
- * Heavy Metal, (ss) Alternate Presidents, ed. Mike Resnick, Tor 1992
- * Heliotrope Bouquet Murder Case, (vi) Non-Stop #3 1997
- * The Helmet, (ss) F&SF Sep 1973
- * Here They Be!: Century’s End, Fortune’s Wheel and the Knight of Doleful Countenance, (in)
- * Herovit’s World, (n.) New York: Random House 1973
- * The High Ground (with Kathe Koja), (ss) Temporary Walls, ed. Greg Ketter & Robert T. Garcia, Dreamhaven/1993 World Fantasy Convention 1993
- * The High Purpose (with Carter Scholz), (ss) F&SF Nov 1985
- * Hitler at Nuremberg, (ss) By Any Other Fame, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1993
- * Homage to Custom (with Kathe Koja), (ss) Twists of the Tale, ed. Ellen Datlow, Dell 1996
- * Hop Skip Jump, (ss) Omni Oct 1988
- * How I Take Their Measure, (ss) F&SF Jan 1969
- * The Idea [as by K. M. O’Donnell], (ss) In the Pocket and Other Stories, Ace 1971
- * In the Greenhouse (with Kathe Koja), (ss) Love in Vein, ed. Poppy Z. Brite & Martin H. Greenberg, HarperPrism 1994
- * In the Last Chaamber (with Kathe Koja), (ss) Alternate Tyrants, ed. Mike Resnick, Tor 1997
- * In the Stone House, (nv) Alternate Kennedys, ed. Mike Resnick, Tor 1992
- * Indigestion, (ss) Fantastic Sep 1977
- * Introduction, (in)
- * Is This the Presidential Palace?, (vi) Science Fiction Age Nov 1992
- * It Comes from Nothing, (ss) Weird Tales from Shakespeare, ed. Katharine Kerr & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1994
- * January, 1975, (vi) Analog Jan 1975
- * Job’s Partner (with Batya Swift Yasgur), (ss) F&SF Jun 1998
- * Johann Sebastian Brahms, (ss) Universe 15, ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday 1985
- * July 24, 1970 [as by K. M. O’Donnell], (vi) Venture May 1969
- * Kingfish, (ss) Alternate Presidents, ed. Mike Resnick, Tor 1992
- * The Known Inequities of Love, (ss) Non-Stop Win 1995
- * Kris Neville: An Appreciation, (bg)
- * The Lady Louisiana Toy, (ss) More Whatdunits, ed. Mike Resnic & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1993
- * Le Croix (The Cross), (nv) Their Immortal Hearts, ed. Anon., West Coast Poetry Review 1980
- * Letters in the Wall (with Batya Swift Yasgur), (ss) Alternate Worldcons/Again, Alternate Worldcons, ed. Mike Resnick, WC Books 1996
- * Life in the Air (with Jack M. Dann), (vi) Amazing Apr 1992
- * Linkage, (ss) Demon Kind, ed. Roger Elwood, Avon 1973
- * Literary Lives (with Kathe Koja), (nv) Alternate Outlaws, ed. Mike Resnick, Tor 1994
- * Major League Triceratops (with Joyce Malzberg), (nv) The Ultimate Dinosaur, ed. Byron Preiss & Robert Silverberg, Bantam Spectra 1992
- * Making It All the Way Into the Future on Gaxton Falls of the Red Planet, (ss) Nova 4, ed. Harry Harrison, Walker 1974
- * Making the Connections, (ss) Continuum #4, ed. Roger Elwood, Putnams 1975
- * Modern Romance (with Kathe Koja), (ss) Dark Voices 6, ed. David Sutton & Stephen Jones, London: Pan 1994
- * Moishe in Excelsis, (ss) Deals with the Devil, ed. Mike Resnick, Martin H. Greenberg & Loren Estelman, DAW 1994
- * Morning Light, (ss) Cold Shocks, ed. Tim Sullivan, Avon 1991
- * Most Politely, Most Politely, (ss) Universe 2, ed. Robert Silverberg & Karen Haber, Bantam Spectra 1992
- * Mysterious Elisions, Riotous Thrusts (with Kathe Koja), (ss) Forbidden Acts, ed. Nancy A. Collins, Edward E. Kramer & Martin H. Greenberg, Avon 1995
- * Nightshapes, (ss) Werewolf!, ed. Bill Pronzini, Arbor 1979
- * 1984, (vi) F&SF Feb 1985
- * No Hearts, No Flowers, (ss) 14 Vicious Valentines, ed. Rosalind M. Greenberg, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh, Avon 1988
- * Nordic Blue [Dick Tracy], (ss) Dick Tracy: The Secret Files, Max Allan Collins & Martin H. Greenberg, Tor 1990
- * Notes Toward a Usable Past [“Some Notes Toward a Useable Past”], (ss) Nova 2, ed. Harry Harrison, Walker 1972
- * O Thou Last and Greatest!, (ss) F&SF Oct 1989
- * Of Dust and Fire and the Night, (ss) Christmas Bestiary, ed. Rosalind M. Greenberg & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1992
- * On Account of Darkness (with Bill Pronzini), (ss) F&SF Nov 1977
- * On Ice, (ss) Amazing Jan 1973
- * On the Campaign Trail, (ss) Future Corruption, ed. Roger Elwood, Warner 1975
- * On the Heath, (ss) Aladdin: Master of the Lamp, ed. Mike Resnick & Martin H. Greenberg, DAW 1992
- * One Ten Three, (ss) Horse Fantastic, ed. Martin H. Greenberg & Rosalind M. Greenberg, DAW 1991
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