The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Title
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- The Xothic Legend Cycle: The Complete Mythos Fiction of Lin Carter Lin Carter (co)
- Yamato II: The Way of the Warrior Part 1 Ken Kato (n.)
- Yamato II: The Way of the Warrior Part 2 Ken Kato (n.)
- Yamato: A Rage in Heaven Ken Kato (n.)
- Yamato: A Rage in Heaven: Part 1 Ken Kato (n.)
- Yamato: A Rage in Heaven: Part 2 Ken Kato (n.)
- Yankee Witches ed. Charles G. Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg & Frank D. McSherry, Jr. (an)
- Yankee Witches: 15 Short Stories of Horror and Humor ed. Charles G. Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg & Frank D. McSherry, Jr. (an)
- Yarils Children Marcia J. Bennett (n.)
- Yarrow Charles de Lint (n.)
- The Yattering and Jack Clive Barker (gc)
- The Yattering and Jack Clive Barker, Steve Niles & Fred Burke (gn)
- Yaxleys Cat Robert Westall (n.)
- Ye Gods Tom Holt (n.)
- Ye Gods! Tom Holt (n.)
- Yeager: An Autobiography Chuck Yeager & Leo Janos (nf)
- Year 1: A Time of Change ed. Edward J. McFadden, III & Tom Piccirilli (oa)
- A Year and a Day Monica Furlong (n.)
- The Year Before Yesterday Brian W. Aldiss (n.)
- A Year Near Proxima Centauri Michael Martin (n.)
- Year of the Cat: The Amulet Zoe Daniels (n.)
- Year of the Cat: The Dream Zoe Daniels (n.)
- Year of the Cat: The Hunt Zoe Daniels (n.)
- Year of the Cat: The Trilogy Zoe Daniels (n.)
- The Year of the Hare Arto Paasilinna (n.)
- The Year of the Lucy Anne McCaffrey (n.)
- Year of the Phial Joe Boyle (n.)
- Year of the Quiet Sun Wilson Tucker (n.)
- The Year of the Quiet Sun Wilson Tucker (n.)
- The Year of the Ransom Poul Anderson (n.)
- Year of the Unicorn Andre Norton (n.)
- The Year Seven Molleen Zanger (n.)
- The Year the Horses Came Mary Mackey (n.)
- The Yearbook Peter Lerangis (n.)
- The Years Best Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy ed. Jonathan Strahan & Jeremy G. Byrne (an)
- The Years Best Australian Science Fiction and Fantasy Volume 2 ed. Jonathan Strahan & Jeremy G. Byrne (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy and Horror: Third Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy and Horror: Fourth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy and Horror: Fifth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventh Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy and Horror: Eighth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy and Horror: Ninth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy and Horror: Tenth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy and Horror: Eleventh Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy Stories: 10 ed. Arthur W. Saha (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy Stories: 11 ed. Arthur W. Saha (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy Stories: 12 ed. Arthur W. Saha (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy Stories: 13 ed. Arthur W. Saha (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy Stories: 14 ed. Arthur W. Saha (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy: First Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy: Second Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy and Horror: Seventh Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (an)
- The Years Best Fantasy and Horror: Eighth Annual Collection ed. Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories VIII ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories IX ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories X ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories XI ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories: Series XII ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories: Series XIII ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories XIV ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories: XV ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror XVI ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories: XVII ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories XVIII ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories: XIX ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories: XX ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories: XXI ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- The Years Best Horror Stories: XXII ed. Karl Edward Wagner (an)
- Years Best Science Fiction ed. David G. Hartwell (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction, First Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction, Second Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction, Third Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction, Fourth Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction: Fifth Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction: Sixth Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction: Seventh Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction: Eighth Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction: Ninth Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction: Tenth Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction: Eleventh Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction: Twelfth Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction: Thirteenth Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction: Fourteenth Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- The Years Best Science Fiction: Fifteenth Annual Collection ed. Gardner R. Dozois (an)
- Years Best SF 2 ed. David G. Hartwell (an)
- Years Best SF 3 ed. David G. Hartwell (an)
- The Years of the City Frederik Pohl (n.)
- Years of the City Frederik Pohl (co)
- The Years of the City Frederik Pohl (co)
- The Years Scholarship in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Literature Marshall B. Tymn (nf)
- The Years Scholarship in Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Literature, 1981 Marshall B. Tymn (nf)
- Yearwood Paul E. Hazel (n.)
- Yellow Fog Les Daniels (n.)
- The Yellow Knight of Oz Ruth Plumly Thompson (n.)
- Yellow Matter William Barton (ss)
- Yellow Men Sleep Jeremy Lane (n.)
- The Yellow Room Conspiracy Peter Dickinson (n.)
- The Yellow Wall-paper and other stories Charlotte Perkins Gilman (co)
- The Yellow Wallpaper Charlotte Perkins Gilman (ss)
- The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Writings Charlotte Perkins Gilman (co)
- Yendi Steven Brust (n.)
- Yes, Lets: New and Selected Poems Thomas M. Disch (co)
- Yesterday Comes Tomorrow Rebecca Flanders (n.)
- Yesterday We Saw Mermaids Esther M. Friesner (n.)
- Yesterdays Bestsellers Brian M. Stableford (nf)
- Yesterdays Child Barbara Wood (n.)
- Yesterdays Men George Turner (n.)
- Yesterdays Passion Cheryl Biggs (n.)
- Yesterdays Pawn W. T. Quick (n.)
- Yesterdays Tomorrows: Past Visions of the American Future Joseph J. Corn & Brian Horrigan (nf)
- Yesterdays Tomorrows: The Golden Age of Science Fiction Movie Posters Bruce Lanier Wright (pi)
- Yestermorrow: Obvious Answers to Impossible Futures Ray Bradbury (nf)
- Yeti of the Glen Mary Welfare (n.)
- The Yngling John Dalmas (n.)
- The Yngling and the Circle of Power John Dalmas (n.)
- The Yngling in Yamato John Dalmas (n.)
- A Yoke of Magic Robert E. Vardeman & George W. Proctor (n.)
- Yon Ill Wind Piers Anthony (n.)
- Yonder Comes the Other End of Time Suzette Haden Elgin (n.)
- Yorath the Wolf Cherry Wilder (n.)
- Yors Revenge Roy V. Young (n.)
- You Bright and Risen Angels William T. Vollmann (n.)
- You Cant Sing Without Me Anne Worboys (n.)
- You Never Believe Me and Other Stories Davis Grubb (co)
- You Remember Me! Nicholas Fisk (n.)
- Young Adults Daniel M. Pinkwater (co)
- The Young Astronauts Rick North (n.)
- The Young Astronauts #2: Blastoff! Rick North (n.)
- The Young Astronauts #3: Space Blazers Rick North (n.)
- The Young Astronauts #4: Destination Mars Rick North (n.)
- The Young Astronauts #5: Space Pioneers Rick North (n.)
- The Young Astronauts #6: Citizens of Mars Rick North (n.)
- Young Bleys Gordon R. Dickson (n.)
- Young Blood Mike Baker (an)
- Young Blood Brian M. Stableford (n.)
- Young Extraterrestrials ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh (an)
- Young Ghosts ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh (an)
- Young Goodman Brown and Other Short Stories Nathaniel Hawthorne (co)
- Young Goodman Brown and Other Stories Nathaniel Hawthorne (co)
- Young Legionary Douglas Hill (n.)
- Young Legionary: The earlier adventures of Keill Randor Douglas Hill (n.)
- Young Merlin Robert D. San Souci (pi)
- Young Miles Lois McMaster Bujold (om)
- Young Monsters ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh (an)
- Young Mutants ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh (an)
- The Young Oxford Book of Aliens ed. Dennis Pepper (an)
- The Young Oxford Book of Ghost Stories ed. Dennis Pepper (an)
- The Young Oxford Book of Nasty Endings ed. Dennis Pepper (an)
- The Young Oxford Book of Supernatural Stories ed. Dennis Pepper (an)
- Young Rissa F. M. Busby (n.)
- Young Star Travelers ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh (an)
- Young Witches & Warlocks ed. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg & Charles G. Waugh (an)
- Young Wolfe Gene Wolfe (co)
- Younger than Springtime Greg Williams (n.)
- Your Personal Net Sci-Fi Michael Wolff (nf)
- Your Time, My Time Ann Walsh (n.)
- Youre All Alone Fritz Leiber (co)
- Youre Next Nick Sharman (n.)
- Yours Till Forever David Gifaldi (n.)
- Yours Truly, from Hell Terrence Lore Smith (n.)
- Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper Robert Bloch (ss)
- Yours, Isaac Asimov Isaac Asimov (nf)
- Yuckers! Mel Gilden (n.)
- Yurth Burden Andre Norton (n.)
- Yvgenie C. J. Cherryh (n.)
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