The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- RUSCH, KRISTINE KATHRYN (stories) (chron.) (continued)
- * *Alien Influences (Millennium 1-85798-104-9, Oct ’94 [Sep ’94], £15.99, 424pp, hc, cover by Fred Gambino) SF novel. A trade paperback (-105-7, £8.99) was announced but not seen.
- * _Alien Influences (Millennium 1-85798-249-5, Jun ’95, £4.99, 424pp, pb) Reprint (Millennium 1994) SF novel. The impressionable children of human colonists come under the influence of aliens.
- * +Alien Influences (Bantam Spectra 0-553-56998-8, Dec ’97 [Nov ’97], $5.99, 340pp, pb, cover by Stephen Youll) SF novel. Nominated for the Arthur C. Clarke Award. First US edition (Millennium 1994).
- * *The Devil’s Churn (Dell 0-440-21795-4, Apr ’96 [Mar ’96], $5.99, 320pp, pb) Horror novel. A man drowned in the Churn returns 50 years later, looking no older.
- * *Façade (Dell Abyss 0-440-21290-1, Mar ’93 [Feb ’93], $4.99, 386pp, pb) Horror thriller. A well-known actor returns to the house on the beach where murder has been done and his daughter disappeared, only to have his arrival spark a new series of incidents.
- * _Facade (Millennium 1-85798-075-1, Apr ’94, £4.99, 386pp, pb, cover by Fred Gambino) Reprint (Dell 1993) fantasy novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * *The Fey: Changeling (Millennium 1-85798-487-0, May ’96, £9.99, 514pp, tp, cover by David O’Connor) [Fey] Fantasy novel. Second in the series after The Fey: Sacrifice. A hardcover edition (-484-6, £15.99) is also available.
- * _The Fey: Changeling (Orion 0-75280-991-1, Jun ’97, £6.99, 514pp, pb, cover by David O’Connor) [Fey] Reprint (Millennium 1996) fantasy novel, second book in the series.
- * *The Fey: Rival (Millennium 1-85798-489-7, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], £9.99, 503pp, tp, cover by David O’Connor) [Fey] Fantasy novel. Book three in the series after The Fey: Sacrifice and The Fey: The Changeling. Simultaneous with the US (Bantam Spectra) edition. A hardcover edition (-488-9, £16.99) is also available.
- * *The Fey: Sacrifice (Millennium 1-85798-271-1, Aug ’95, £8.99, 550pp, tp, cover by David O’Connor) [Fey] Fantasy novel. The warlike Fey finally manage to invade the isolated Blue Isle, but are unable to subdue the inhabitants, and find themselves confined to an invisible forest fortress, waging guerilla warfare. A hardcover edition (-270-3, £15.99) is also available.
- * _The Fey: Sacrifice (Orion 1-85798-310-6, Jun ’96, £6.99, 550pp, pb, cover by David O’Connor) [Fey] Reprint (Millennium 1995) fantasy novel. #1 in “Saga of the Fey”.
- * +The Fey: The Changeling (Bantam Spectra 0-553-56895-7, Jun ’96 [May ’96], $5.99, 611pp, pb, cover by Yvonne Gilbert) [Fey] Fantasy novel, second in the trilogy. First US edition (Millennium 1996).
- * *The Fey: The Resistance (Bantam Spectra 0-553-57713-1, Jun ’98 [May ’98], $6.50, 517pp, pb, cover by Yvonne Gilbert) [Fey] Fantasy novel, fourth book in the series.
- * *The Fey: The Rival (Bantam Spectra 0-553-56896-5, Apr ’97 [Mar ’97], $5.99, 581pp, pb, cover by Yvonne Gilbert) [Fey] Fantasy novel, third book in the trilogy.
- * +The Fey: The Sacrifice (Bantam Spectra 0-553-56894-9, Jan ’96 [Dec ’95], $5.99, 660pp, pb, cover by Dawn Wilson) [Fey] Fantasy novel, first book of “The Fey”. First US edition (Millennium 1995).
- * *The Fey: Victory (Bantam Spectra 0-553-57714-X, Nov ’98 [Oct ’98], $6.50, 499pp, pb, cover by Yvonne Gilbert) [Fey] Fantasy novel, fifth and final book in the series.
- * *The Gallery of His Dreams (Pulphouse/Axolotl no ISBN, Jul ’91 [May ’91], $10.00, 80pp, tp) Time-travel sf novella about Civil War-era pioneer photographer Matthew Brady. A 300-copy hardcover limited edition ($35.00) and a 75-copy deluxe leatherbound edition ($65.00) are also available.
- * *Heart Readers (Millennium 1-85798-052-2, Mar ’93 [Feb ’93], £7.99, 250pp, tp, cover by Tom Canty) Fantasy novel. A hardcover edition (-051-4, £14.99) was announced but not seen.
- * +Heart Readers (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45282-8, Oct ’93 [Sep ’93], $4.99, 287pp, pb, cover by Tom Canty) Fantasy novel of a young “heart-reader” who must judge the purity of princes’ hearts in order to save the kingdom. First American edition (Millennium 1993).
- * _Heart Readers (Millennium 1-85798-151-0, Mar ’94, £4.99, 250pp, pb, cover by Fred Gambino) Reprint (Millennium 1993) fantasy novel.
- * *Hitler’s Angel (St. Martin’s 0-312-15498-4, May ’98 [Apr ’98], $20.95, 213pp, hc) Associational mystery/secret history about the death of Hitler’s niece in 1931 Germany, and how close it could have come to preventing WWII.
- * *Sins of the Blood (Dell 0-440-21540-4, Dec ’94 [Nov ’94], $5.50, 388pp, pb) Vampire novel of siblings, one a vampire and the other a vampire slayer.
- * _Sins of the Blood (Millennium 1-85798-450-1, May ’95, £8.99, 357pp, tp, cover by Mark Harrison) Reprint (Dell 1994) fantasy/horror novel. Contemporary vampires have evolved the ability to make children. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Sins of the Blood (Millennium 1-85798-243-6, Dec ’95 [Nov ’95], £5.99, 357pp, pb, cover by Mark Harrison) Reprint (Dell Abyss 1994) dark fantasy novel.
- * _Star Trek Voyager: Echoes (with Nina Kiriki Hoffman & Dean Wesley Smith) See entry under Dean Wesley Smith.
- * _Star Trek Voyager: The Escape (with Dean Wesley Smith) See entry under Dean Wesley Smith.
- * _Star Trek, the Next Generation #41: Invasion! Book Two: The Soldiers of Fear (with Dean Wesley Smith) See entry under Dean Wesley Smith.
- * _Star Trek, the Next Generation: Klingon! (with Dean Wesley Smith) See entry under Dean Wesley Smith.
- * _Star Trek: Day of Honor #4: Treaty’s Law (with Dean Wesley Smith) See entry under Dean Wesley Smith.
- * _Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Captain’s Table, Book Three: The Mist (with Dean Wesley Smith) See entry under Dean Wesley Smith.
- * _Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Long Night (with Dean Wesley Smith) See entry under Dean Wesley Smith.
- * _Star Trek: Rings of Tautee (with Dean Wesley Smith) See entry under Dean Wesley Smith.
- * *Star Wars: The New Rebellion (Bantam UK 0-593-04084-8, Nov ’96 [Oct ’96], £12.99, 383pp, hc, cover by Drew Struzan & Jamie S. Warren Youll) [Star Wars] Star Wars novelization. Simultaneous with the US (Bantam Spectra) edition.
- * *Star Wars: The New Rebellion (Bantam Spectra 0-553-10093-9, Dec ’96 [Nov ’96], $22.95, 383pp, hc, cover by Drew Struzan) [Star Wars] Novelization based on characters from the movies. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm. Simultaneous with the Bantam UK edition.
- * _Star Wars: The New Rebellion (SFBC #14441, Dec ’96, $8.98, 386pp, hc, cover by Drew Struzan) [Star Wars] Reprint (Bantam Spectra 1996) novelization based on characters from the movies. This is similar to the Bantam Spectra edition, except it lacks a price and has the SFBC number on the back jacket.
- * _Star Wars: The New Rebellion (Bantam Spectra 0-553-57414-0, Oct ’97 [Sep ’97], $5.99, 532pp, pb, cover by Drew Struzan) [Star Wars] Reprint (Bantam UK; Bantam Spectra 1996) novelization based on characters from the movies. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm.
- * _Star Wars: The New Rebellion (Bantam UK 0-553-50497-5, Oct ’97 [Sep ’97], £5.99, 532pp, pb, cover by Drew Struzan) [Star Wars] Reprint (Bantam UK; Bantam Spectra 1996) novelization based on characters from the movies. Copyrighted by Lucasfilm.
- * *Traitors (Millennium 1-85798-055-7, Sep ’93 [Aug ’93], £8.99, 358pp, tp, cover by Fred Gambino) Sf/fantasy novel about rebellion on a distant colony. A hardcover edition (-054-9, £14.99) is also available.
- * +Traitors (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45415-4, Oct ’94 [Sep ’94], $4.99, 382pp, pb, cover by Tom Canty) Fantasy novel about political intrigue surrounding a kingdom where artistic ability is the only measure of a person. First American edition (Millennium 1993).
- * _Traitors (Millennium 1-85798-449-8, Jan ’96 [Feb ’96], £4.99, 358pp, pb, cover by Fred Gambino) Reprint (Millennium 1993) SF/fantasy novel.
- * *The White Mists of Power (Penguin/Roc 0-451-45120-1, Nov ’91 [Oct ’91], $3.99, 302pp, pb, cover by Thomas Canty) Fantasy novel of a bard’s mysterious heritage, which endangers not only his friends, but the entire world they live in. A first novel. Recommended (SW).
- * *The White Mists of Power (First Books no ISBN, Nov ’91, $40.00, 290pp, hc) Fantasy novel of a bard’s mysterious heritage, which not only endangers his friends, but the entire world they live in. A first novel. This is a signed slipcased limited edition of 400 copies published simultaneously with the Roc paperback listed last month.
- * _The White Mists of Power (Millennium 1-85798-001-8, Sep ’92, £7.99, 264pp, tp, cover by Tom Canty) Reprint (Roc 1991) fantasy novel about a bard’s mysterious heritage. A first novel. Recommended (PSP). A hardcover edition (-000-X, £14.99) is also available. [First U.K. edition]
- * _The White Mists of Power (Millennium 1-85798-020-4, Sep ’93 [Aug ’93], £4.99, 286pp, pb, cover by Fred Gambino) Reprint (Roc 1991) fantasy novel.
- _____, ed.
- * _The Best from Fantasy & Science Fiction: A 45th Anniversary Anthology (with Edward L. Ferman) See entry under Edward L. Ferman
- * *The Best of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine (St. Martin’s 0-312-06564-7, Sep ’91 [Aug ’91], $22.95, 352pp, hc, cover by Thomas Canty) Anthology of 25 stories, representing the best from the pages of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine, with a foreword by Kate Wilhelm and an introduction by Rusch. (Contents)
- * _The Best of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine (SFBC #19362, Jan ’92 [Aug ’92], $10.98, hc, cover by Thomas Canty) Reprint (St. Martin’s 1991) anthology of 25 stories, representing the best from the pages of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine. Similar to the St. Martin’s edition except it lacks an ISBN and price and the SFBC number is on the back jacket.
- * _The Best of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine (St. Martin’s 0-312-08317-3, Sep ’92 [Aug ’92], $13.95, 328pp, tp, cover by Thomas Canty) Reprint (St. Martin’s 1991) anthology of 25 stories, representing the best from the pages of Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine.
- * *Pulphouse, The Hardback Magazine: Issue Twelve, The Last Issue (Pulphouse no ISBN, Sep ’93 [Aug ’93], $20.00, 255pp, hc) Original anthology of 20 stories and one non-fiction piece, long-delayed final issue of the hardback magazine. With an introduction by the editor. A limited signed 250-copy leatherbound edition was announced but not seen. Available from Pulphouse Publishing, PO Box 1227, Eugene OR 97440. (Contents)
- * *Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 3: Spring 1989, Fantasy (Pulphouse no ISBN, Mar ’89 [Apr ’89], $17.95, 308pp, hc) Original anthology/quarterly magazine of 20 stories plus three non-fiction pieces. contributors include Ellison, Bishop, Davidson, and de Lint. Also available in a boxed, signed, and numbered leatherbound limited edition ($50.00). (Contents)
- * *Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 4: Summer 1989, Science Fiction (Pulphouse no ISBN, Jul ’89, $17.95, 247pp, hc) Original anthology/quarterly magazine of 18 stories plus three non-fiction pieces. Contributors include Damon Knight, Robert Sheckley, and Algis Budrys. Also available in a boxed, signed, and numbered leatherbound limited edition ($50.00). (Contents)
- * *Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 5: Fall 1989, Horror (Pulphouse no ISBN, Oct ’89 [Nov ’89], $17.95, 280pp, hc, cover by C. A. Beal) Original anthology/quarterly magazine of 21 stories plus two non-fiction pieces. Also available in a boxed, signed, and numbered leatherbound limited edition ($50.00). (Contents)
- * *Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 6: Winter 1990, Fantasy (Pulphouse no ISBN, Apr ’90, $20.00, 306pp, hc) Original anthology/quarterly magazine of 24 stories plus two non-fiction pieces. Also available in a boxed, signed, numbered leatherbound limited edition ($60.00). (Contents)
- * *Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 7: Spring 1990, Horror (Pulphouse no ISBN, Jun ’90, $20.00, 311pp, hc, cover by Allen Koszowski) Original anthology/quarterly magazine of 22 stories plus two non-fiction pieces. Also available in a signed, numbered, leatherbound boxed limited edition ($60.00). (Contents)
- * *Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 8: Summer 1990, Science Fiction (Pulphouse no ISBN, Sep ’90, $20.00, 243pp, hc) Original anthology/quarterly magazine containing 16 stories and one non-fiction piece. A signed, numbered, boxed, leatherbound limited edition ($60.00) is also available. (Contents)
- * *Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 9: Fall 1990, Dark Fantasy (Pulphouse no ISBN, Nov ’90, $20.00, 259pp, hc) Original anthology/quarterly magazine of 15 stories plus two non-fiction pieces. A slipcased leatherbound limited edition of 250 copies ($60.00) is also available. (Contents)
- * *Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 10: Winter 1991, Special Issue (Pulphouse no ISBN, Mar ’91, $20.00, 247pp, hc) Original anthology/quarterly magazine of 14 stories plus one non-fiction piece. A signed leatherbound limited slipcased edition ($60.00) is also available. (Contents)
- * *Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine Issue 11: Spring 1991, Speculative Fiction (Pulphouse no ISBN, Sep ’91 [Aug ’91], $20.00, 311pp, hc) Original anthology/quarterly magazine of 18 stories plus two non-fiction pieces. A signed limited leatherbound slipcased edition ($60.00) is also available. (Contents)
- * *Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine: Issue One: Fall—Horror (Pulphouse no ISBN, Oct ’88 [Sep ’88], $17.95 trade, $50.00 signed, numbered, 267pp, hc) Original anthology of 21 horror stories, as well as four non-fiction pieces. (Contents)
- * *Pulphouse: The Hardback Magazine: Issue Two: Winter 1988 (Pulphouse no ISBN, Dec ’88, $17.95, 243pp, hc) Original anthology of 17 stories plus some nonfiction. A signed, numbered boxed edition was also announced, but not seen. (Contents)
- * *SFWA Handbook: The Professional Writer’s Guide to Writing Professionally (with Dean Wesley Smith) (Pulphouse/Writer’s Notebook Press 1-56146-406-6, Dec ’90, $10.00, 248pp, tp) Non-fiction; reference. A guide to the professional side of the writing game with 31 essays by various sf professionals.
- RUSE, GARY ALAN (1946- ) (stories)
- * *Death Hunt on a Dying Planet (NAL Signet 0-451-15615-3, Oct ’88 [Sep ’88], $3.95, 396pp, pb) Science fiction novel. A scientist awakes after 700 years in suspended animation and is trapped between two rival societies.
- * *Morlac, the Quest of the Green Magician (NAL/Signet 0-451-14447-3, Aug ’86 [Jul ’86], $3.50, 396pp, pb) Fantasy novel.
- * _The Last of Danu’s Children (Tor 0-812-55250-4, Jan ’84 [Dec ’83], $2.95, 315pp, pb) Reprint (Allen & Unwin 1982) young-adult fantasy novel.
- RUSHDIE, (Ahmed) SALMAN (1947- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * +East, West (Pantheon 0-679-43965-X, Jan ’95 [Dec ’94], $21.00, 214pp, hc) Collection of nine stories, some with fantasy elements, six previously published “in somewhat different form.” First American edition (Jonathan Cape 1994).
- * _East, West (Vintage 0-679-75789-9, Jan ’96, $11.00, 211pp, tp) Reprint (Jonathan Cape 1994) collection of nine stories, some with fantasy elements.
- * _Grimus (Paladin 0-586-08614-5, Aug ’89, £3.99, 253pp, tp, cover by John Clementson) Reprint (Grafton 1977) literary fantasy novel.
- * _Grimus (Penguin 0-14-014731-4, Jan ’91 [Dec ’90], $9.95, 317pp, tp, cover by Mary Ann Smith) Reprint (Gollancz 1975) literary fantasy novel.
- * _Grimus (Vintage UK 0-09-959271-1, Jul ’96, £6.99, 253pp, pb, cover by Ian Howard) Reprint (Gollancz 1975) literary SF novel.
- * *Haroun and the Sea of Stories (Granta 0-140-14223-1, Sep ’90 [Oct ’90], £12.99, 218pp, hc, cover by James Marsh) Young-adult fantasy novel. Effectively simultaneous with the Viking edition.
- * *Haroun and the Sea of Stories (Viking/Granta 0-670-83804-7, Nov ’90, $18.95, 215pp, hc, cover by James Marsh) Children’s literary fantasy novel, with adult overtones, of the storyteller Rashid, and his son’s efforts to restore his gift of gab. Effectively simultaneous with the UK edition from Granta.
- * _Haroun and the Sea of Stories (BOMC/QPBC no ISBN, May ’91, $9.95, 216pp, tp, cover by James Marsh) Reprint (Granta 1990) young-adult fantasy novel. This edition is identical to the 1990 Granta one except it lacks an ISBN and price and the jacket is printed as the soft cover.
- * _Haroun and the Sea of Stories (Granta 0-14-014035-2, Aug ’91, £4.99, 218pp, pb, cover by James Marsh) Reprint (Granta 1990) young-adult fantasy novel.
- * _Haroun and the Sea of Stories (Penguin 0-14-015737-9, Nov ’91 [Oct ’91], $8.95, 216pp, tp, cover by David Eldridge) Reprint (Granta 1990) young-adult fantasy novel.
- * _Haroun and the Sea of Stories (Puffin 0-14-036650-4, Apr ’93, £3.99, 218pp, pb, cover by Paul Birkbeck) Reprint (Granta 1990) young-adult fantasy novel.
- * _Midnight’s Children (Penguin 0-14-013270-8, Jan ’91, $10.95, 552pp, tp, cover by Adam Niklewicz) Reprint (Cape 1980) literary novel of a thousand telepathic children born in the first hour of India’s independence.
- * _Midnight’s Children (Vintage UK 0-09-957851-4, May ’95 [Jun ’95], £5.99, 463pp, tp, cover by Ian Howard) Reprint (Cape 1980) literary fantasy novel.
- * +The Moor’s Last Sigh (Random House/Pantheon 0-679-42049-5, Jan ’96, $25.00, 434pp, hc, cover by Dennis Leigh) Literary fantasy novel. First US edition (Jonathan Cape 1995).
- * *The Satanic Verses (Viking UK 0-670-82537-9, Sep ’88 [Oct ’88], £12.95, 546pp, hc) Literary fantasy novel.
- * +The Satanic Verses (Viking 0-670-82537-9, Feb ’89 [Jan ’89], $19.95, 547pp, hc) Magical realism literary novel with elements of fantasy, involving Islamic India, expatriates, mystics, demagogues, and dreams. First U.S. edition (Viking UK 1988).
- * _The Satanic Verses (QPBC no ISBN, Oct ’89, $8.95, 547pp, tp) Reprint (Viking 1989) controversial literary novel of magi realism. This edition is the same as the Viking except it lacks an ISBN and has the jacket printed as the soft cover.
- * _The Satanic Verses (BOMC #77-4547, Jul ’90 [May ’90], $17.95, hc) Reprint (Viking UK 1989) controversial fantasy novel.
- * _The Satanic Verses (The Consortium 0-9632707-0-2, Apr ’92, $10.00, 547pp, tp) Reprint (Viking UK 1988) controversial literary fantasy novel. This edition is being published by a cooperative group, not a regular publishing house.
- * _The Satanic Verses (The Consortium 0-9632707-0-2, Feb ’97, $14.00, 549pp, tp) Reissue (Viking UK 1988) controversial literary fantasy novel. There is no printing number, but the price has increased from the 1992 edition.
- * _The Satanic Verses (Holt/Owl 0-8050-5309-3, Jul ’97 [Jun ’97], $14.00, 561pp, tp) Reprint (Viking UK 1988) controversial literary fantasy novel.
- RUSHKOFF, DOUGLAS (Mark) (1961- ) (stories)
- * *Ecstasy Club (HarperSanFrancisco/HarperEdge 0-06-017309-2, May ’97 [Jun ’97], $17.50, 315pp, tp) SF novel/cyberthriller. A band of young people seek to develop time travel through cyberspace, and find a mysterious conspiracy against them.
- * _Ecstasy Club (Penguin/Riverhead 1-57322-702-1, Nov ’98 [Oct ’98], $13.00, 315pp, tp) Reprint (HarperEdge 1997) SF novel/cyberthriller of a rave club and conspiracies.
- RUSS, JOANNA (Ruth) (1937- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * _The Adventures of Alyx (The Women’s Press 0-7043-3972-2, Sep ’85 [Oct ’85], £1.95, 192pp, pb) [Alyx] Reprint (Gregg 1976 as Alyx) collection of five tales featuring the fantasy/sf heroine, including the novel Picnic on Paradise (1968). First British edition. (The dates on the copyright page are wrong.)
- * _The Adventures of Alyx (Baen 0-671-65601-5, Nov ’86 [Oct ’86], $2.95, 270pp, pb) [Alyx] Reprint (Gregg 1976 as Alyx) collection of fantasy stories featuring the female fighter-thief.
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