The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Books, Listed by Author
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- GARNER, ALAN (stories) (continued)
- * _The Weirdstone of Brisingamen (Lions 0-00-674293-9, May ’92, £3.50, 265pp, pb) [Alderley Edge] Reissue (Collins 1960) young-adult fantasy novel; 32nd printing.
- * _The Weirdstone of Brisingamen (Harcourt Brace/Magic Carpet 0-15-201766-6, Apr ’98 [Mar ’98], $6.00, 268pp, pb, cover by Ed Gazsi) [Alderley Edge] Reprint (Collins 1960) classic young-adult fantasy novel.
- * *The Well of the Wind (DK Ink 0-7894-2519-X, Sep ’98 [Nov ’98], $14.95, 44pp, hc, cover by Hervé Blondon) Young-adult fantasy story about a foundling brother and sister and a witch. Illustrated by Hervé Blondon.
- * *Night Music (Zebra/Pinnacle 1-55817-567-9, Mar ’92 [Feb ’92], $3.99, 256pp, pb) Horror novel. A nurse falls in love with a rock guitarist who has a pact with a demon.
- GARNETT, BILL; [i.e., William John Garnett] (1941- )
- * +The Crone (St. Martin’s 0-312-90747-8, Aug ’87 [Jul ’87], $3.50, 215pp, pb) Horror novel. First American edition (Sphere 1984).
- * *Helltrain (St. Martin’s 0-312-91077-0, Mar ’88 [Feb ’88], $2.95, 186pp, pb) Horror novel. Rewritten from an earlier version, Down-Bound Train (1973).
- GARNETT, DAVID S. (1947- ); see pseudonym David Ferring (stories) (chron.)
- * *Stargonauts (Orbit 1-85723-186-4, Nov ’94 [Oct ’94], £4.99, 314pp, pb, cover by Mike Posen) Wildly extravagant space operetta: the second-richest man on Earth makes a bid for the top job—and finds himself penniless (sort of), criminalised (well...), and powering through space on a quest that will reveal The Master of the Universe.
- _____, ed.
- * *New Worlds (with Michael Moorcock) (White Wolf 1-56504-190-9, Aug ’97, $12.99, 357pp, tp) Original anthology of 14 stories. Authors include Brian Aldiss, Pat Cadigan, Howard Waldrop, and William Gibson. The introduction is by Garnett; Moorcock is credited as “Consulting Editor." (Contents)
- * *New Worlds 1 (Gollancz 0-575-05134-5, Sep ’91, £4.99, 267pp, pb) Reincarnation of New Worlds magazine, with ten new stories, including pieces by Moorcock and Aldiss, plus an introduction from Moorcock and an excellent article on “SF Novels of the Year” by John Clute. Gollancz have numbered this as #1, but a note inside explains that it is really Vol. 62 No. 217. Recommended. (PSP) (Contents)
- * *New Worlds 2 (Gollancz 0-575-05145-0, Aug ’92, £5.99, 291pp, tp, cover by Jim Burns) Original anthology of ten sf stories, two plot outlines by Philip K. Dick, and an article by David Langford. Recommended (PSP). (Contents)
- * *New Worlds 3 (Gollancz 0-575-05146-9, Sep ’93, £6.99, 219pp, tp, cover by Steve Read) Original anthology of nine sf stories. This is Vol 62, No. 219 in the overall numbering scheme. (Contents)
- * *New Worlds 4 (Gollancz 0-575-05147-7, Nov ’94, £6.99, 223pp, tp, cover by Peter Szumowski) High quality original anthology of a dozen stories, including work by Moorcock, McDonald, Holdstock, Kilworth, McDonald, Hamilton, and so on. (Contents)
- * *The Orbit Science Fiction Yearbook (Orbit 0-7088-8292-7, Nov ’88, £4.99, 336pp, tp) Another ‘Best of 1987’ anthology, with surprisingly little overlap with the versions, and articles by Brian Aldiss and John Clute. Recommended. (PSP) (Contents)
- * *The Orbit Science Fiction Yearbook Three (Orbit 0-7088-8337-0, Aug ’90, £4.99, 361pp, tp) Anthology of 12 of the best short stories of 1989, plus articles on the year in sf by Brian Aldiss, John Clute and David Garnett. Recommended. (PSP) (Contents)
- * *The Orbit Science Fiction Yearbook Two (Orbit 0-7088-8316-8, Aug ’89, £4.99, 347pp, tp) Sf anthology. (Contents)
- * *Zenith (Sphere 0-7474-0341-4, Jun ’89 [Apr ’89], £3.50, 298pp, pb, cover by Peter Gudynas) Original sf/fantasy anthology featuring some of the best of the current crop of British authors. The stories are of a consistently high calibre and this promises to be a series worth watching. Recommended. (PSP) (Contents)
- * *Zenith 2: The Best in New British Science Fiction (Orbit 0-7474-0591-3, Jul ’90, £3.99, 320pp, pb, cover by Peter Gudynas) Original sf anthology. (Contents)
- GARRETT, MICHAEL, ed. (1949- ) (stories) (chron.)
- GARRETT, (Gordon) RANDALL (Phillip David) (1927-1987) (stories)
- * _Brain Twister (with Laurence M. Janifer) (Carroll & Graf 0-88184-845-X, Aug ’92 [Jul ’92], $3.95, 144pp, pb) Reprint (Pyramid 1962 as by Mark Phillips) humorous sf novel. US scientific secrets are being stolen and a telepath who thinks she is Queen Elizabeth helps solve the case.
- * *The Gandalara Cycle I (with Vicki Ann Heydron) (Bantam Spectra 0-553-25942-3, May ’86 [Apr ’86], $4.95, 516pp, pb) [Gandalara] Omnibus edition of the first three books in the “Gandalara” fantasy adventure series. (Contents)
- * *The Gandalara Cycle II (with Vicki Ann Heydron) (Bantam Spectra 0-553-25943-1, Jun ’86 [May ’86], $4.95, 439pp, pb) [Gandalara] Omnibus edition of the second three books in the “Gandalara” fantasy series. (Contents)
- * *Return to Eddarta (with Vicki Ann Heydron) (Bantam 0-553-24709-3, Mar ’85 [Feb ’85], $2.75, 150pp, pb) [Gandalara] Fantasy novel, #6 in the “Gandalara” series. Although Garrett outlined the beginning of the series, it’s now written entirely by his wife.
- * *The River Wall (with Vicki Ann Heydron) (Bantam Spectra 0-553-25565-7, Jun ’86 [May ’86], $3.50, 275pp, pb) [Gandalara] Fantasy novel, conclusion of the “Gandalara Cycle”.
- * *The Search for Ka (with Vicki Ann Heydron) (Bantam 0-553-24120-6, Aug ’84 [Jul ’84], $2.50, 180pp, pb) [Gandalara] Fantasy novel, fifth in “The Gandalara” cycle.
- * *Takeoff Too! (Donning/Starblaze 0-89865-455-6, Apr ’87, $7.95, 311pp, tp) A second volume of sf parodies and pastiches, following Takeoff. Introduction and afterword by Vicki Ann Heydron, who made the selections and tells why. (Contents)
- * _Takeoff! (Donning/Starblaze 0-915442-84-1, Jul ’86, $7.95, 247pp, pb) Reissue (Donning/Starblaze 1979) collection of parodies, pastiches, and versified book reviews.
- * *Forever Knight: Intimations of Mortality (Boulevard 1-57297-313-7, Nov ’97 [Oct ’97], $5.99, 284pp, pb) Novelization based on the vampire-detective TV show. Copyrighted by TriStar Television.
- * *Eileen Goudge’s Swept Away #6: Once Upon a Kiss (Avon Flare 0-380-75133-X, May ’87 [Apr ’87], $2.50, 170pp, pb) Teenage romance/sf novel, latest in a series about time travel by computer. This one takes the heroine back to the days of King Arthur.
- * *Jailbreak to Triassica (The Book Guild 1-85776-006-9, Jun ’95 [Mar ’95], £15.95, 487pp, hc, cover by Guy Passey) SF novel. In a massive cavern extending far out under the continental shelf below England, a scientist discovers survivors from 65 million years ago: flora and rather large fauna. A first novel.
- GARTH, G. G.
- * *Bad Dog (Bantam 0-553-56730-6, Mar ’95 [Feb ’95], $3.50, 149pp, pb, cover by Joe Burleson) Young-adult vampire dog story. Copyrighted by Ghia Szwed Truesdale.
- * *Nightmare Matinee (Bantam 0-553-56566-4, Mar ’94 [Feb ’94], $3.50, 134pp, pb, cover by Jim Warren) Young-adult horror novel about a horror movie that causes monstrous changes in the teenagers who see it. Copyrighted by Ghia Szwed.
- * *Party Till You Scream! (Bantam Starfire 0-553-56733-0, Sep ’95 [Aug ’95], $3.99, 131pp, pb, cover by John Stevens) Young-adult horror novel. A crazed stranger and bloodthirsty ghosts spoil a beach parth.
- GARTON, RAY (1965- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Crucifax (Pocket 0-671-62629-9, Jun ’88, $3.95, 387pp, pb) Horror novel of evil in the San Fernando Valley: “A cult of blood and lust. A small town gone mad. A horrible obsession....” There is a more gruesome limited edition hardcover, Crucifax Autumn, from Dark Harvest.
- * _Crucifax (Futura 0-7088-4189-9, Jan ’89, £3.50, 387pp, pb) Reprint (Pocket 1988) horror novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Crucifax (Macdonald 0-356-17559-6, Apr ’89 [Nov ’89], £11.95, 352pp, hc) Reprint (Pocket 1988) horror novel.
- * *Crucifax Autumn (Dark Harvest 0-913165-29-8, Jun ’88 [Sep ’88], $18.95, 326pp, hc) Horror novel set in California’s San Fernando Valley. An edited version appeared from Pocket Books as Crucifax.
- * *Crucifax Autumn (Dark Harvest 0-913165-30-0, Jun ’88 [Sep ’88], $38.00, 326pp, hc) Limited edition of the above.
- * *Dark Channel (Bantam Falcon 0-553-29190-4, May ’92 [Apr ’92], $4.99, 436pp, pb, cover by Roger Bergendorff) Horror novel about a Marin County channeler whose followers protect an ancient evil cult planning to open a gateway from hell to Earth.
- * _Dark Channel (SFBC #19812, Sep ’92 [Aug ’92], $8.98, hc, cover by Roger Bergendorff) Reprint (Bantam 1992) horror novel. This lacks an ISBN and price and the SFBC number is on the back jacket. First hardcover edition.
- * *Invaders from Mars (Pocket 0-671-62697-3, Jun ’86 [May ’86], $2.95, 221pp, pb) Novelization of a screenplay by Dan O’Bannon and Don Jakoby, based on a screenplay by Richard Blake.
- * _Invaders from Mars (Grafton 0-586-07176-8, Sep ’86, £1.95, 221pp, pb) Reprint (Pocket 1986) sf film novelisation.
- * *Live Girls (Pocket 0-671-62628-0, Jan ’87 [Dec ’86], $3.95, 311pp, pb) [Live Girls] Horror novel of vampires and a sex club.
- * _Live Girls (Futura 0-7088-8239-0, Oct ’87, £2.95, 311pp, pb) [Live Girls] Reprint (Pocket 1987) vampire novel. [First U.K. edition]
- * _Live Girls (Macdonald 0-356-14799-1, Nov ’87, £11.95, 320pp, hc) [Live Girls] Reprint (Pocket 1987) vampire novel. [Not seen]
- * _Live Girls (CD Publications 1-881475-23-9, Oct ’97, $65.00, 324pp, hc, cover by Jeff Pittarelli) [Live Girls] Reprint (Pocket 1987) vampire novel, with a new introduction by the author, and a CD “score” by Scott Vladimir Licina. This is a signed, slipcased limited edition of 500. Order from CD Publications, PO Box 943, Abingdon MD 21009.
- * *Lot Lizards (Mark V. Ziesing 0-929480-59-7, Sep ’91 [Oct ’91], $22.00, 188pp, hc, cover by Arnie Fenner & Lainie Koepke) Horror novel about a trucker who picks up a vampire hooker. A signed limited edition (-60-0, $50.00) was announced but not seen.
- * *Methods of Madness (Dark Harvest 0-913165-45-X, Jul ’90, $19.95, 243pp, hc, cover by Paul Sonju) Collection of six horror stories, five original, illustrated by Paul Sonju. A limited edition ($45.00) was announced but not seen. (Contents)
- * *The New Neighbor (Charnel House 0-927389-03-7, Jul ’91 [Nov ’91], $125.00, 280pp, hc) Erotic horror novel. This is a limited edition of 500 numbered signed slipcased copies. Available from Charnel House, PO Box 633, Lynbrook NY 11563.
- * *Pieces of Hate (CD Publications 1-881475-17-4, Mar ’96 [Apr ’97], $50.00, 276pp, hc, cover by Keith Minnion) Collection of nine stories, six original to this volume. This is a boxed, signed, limited edition of 500. This has a 1996 copyright, but was not seen until now. Order from CD Publications, PO Box 18433, Baltimore MD 21237. (Contents)
- * *Sabrina, the Teenage Witch: All that Glitters (Pocket Archway 0-671-02116-8, Jul ’98, $4.50, 162pp, pb) [Sabrina, the Teenage Witch] Young-adult novelization, 12th in the series based on the TV show based on the Archie Comic. Copyrighted by Viacom Productions.
- * *Shackled (Bantam 0-553-29891-7, May ’97 [Apr ’97], $5.99, 550pp, pb, cover by Alan Ayers) Associational non-supernatural horror novel. A tabloid reporter investigates child abuse and Satanists.
- * *Trade Secrets (Mark V. Ziesing 0-929480-15-5, Feb ’90 [Mar ’90], $25.00, 292pp, hc, cover by Bob Eggleton) Horror thriller. A signed limited edition (-16-3, $65.00) was announced but not seen.
- * *Warlock (Avon 0-380-75712-5, Feb ’89, $3.50, 228pp, pb) Novelization of a horror movie based on a screenplay by D.T. Twohy.
- * *Website (Subterranean Press no ISBN, Sep ’97, $8.00, 29pp, ph, cover by Scott Vladimir Licina) Horror story in chapbook form. This is a signed, limited edition of 250. Order from Subterranean Press, PO Box 190106, Burton MI 48519. The price includes postage.
- * *1994 Writer’s Market (Writer’s Digest Books 0-89879-607-5, Oct ’93, $26.95, 1001pp, hc) Non-fiction, reference. The yearly bible for aspiring writers. Includes a brief article on author L. Warren Douglas’ first sale to Del Rey. Order from Writer’s Digest Books, 1507 Dana Ave., Cincinnati OH 45207.
- * *1995 Writer’s Market (Writer’s Digest Books 0-89879-673-3, Oct ’94 [Sep ’94], $26.99, 999pp, hc) Non-fiction, reference. The yearly market bible for aspiring writers. Order from Writer’s Digest Books, 1507 Dana Ave., Cincinnati OH 45207.
- GASCOIGNE, MARC (1962- ) (chron.)
- * +Dream Time (with Jo Goodman & Margot Tyrrell) (Houghton Mifflin 0-395-57434-X, Sep ’91 [Oct ’91], $13.95, 184pp, hc, cover by Thomas Canty) Original anthology of 16 stories by Australian authors about the “dream time.” Most of the stories are sf or fantasy and the contributors include Gillian Rubinstein, Patricia Wrightson, and Victor Kelleher. First American edition (Penguin Australia 1989). (Contents)
- GASKELL, JANE; [i.e., Jane Gaskell Lynch] (1941- ) (stories)
- * _Atlan (DAW 0-88677-049-1, Jun ’85 [May ’85], $3.50, 334pp, pb) [Atlan] Reprint (Hodder 1965) fantasy novel, #3 in the “Atlan Saga”.
- * _The City (DAW 0-88677-085-8, Oct ’85 [Sep ’85], $3.50, 276pp, pb) [Atlan] Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1966) fantasy novel, “Atlan” #4.
- * _The Dragon (DAW 0-88677-021-1, Mar ’85 [Feb ’85], $2.95, 240pp, pb) [Atlan] Reprint (St. Martin’s 1977) of the second half of The Serpent (Hodder 1963), now the second book in the “Atlan” fantasy saga.
- * _The Serpent (DAW 0-87997-990-9, Jan ’85 [Dec ’84], $2.95, 320pp, pb) [Atlan] Reprint (St. Martins 1977) fantasy novel, the first half of The Serpent (Hodder 1963), now the first book in the “Atlan” saga.
- * _Some Summer Lands (DAW 0-88677-114-5, Mar ’86 [Feb ’86], $3.50, 365pp, pb) [Atlan] Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1977) fantasy novel, #5 in “The Atlan Saga”, or #4 in the original series before Vol. 1 was split. This was written a decade after the earlier books and is the best of the series. (CNB)
- * _Some Summer Lands (Macdonald 0-356-12118-6, Mar ’86, £8.95, hc) [Atlan] Reprint (Hodder & Stoughton 1977) fantasy novel, conclusion of the “Atlan” series. Library edition.
- GATES, R(andy) PATRICK (1954- ) (stories) (chron.)
- * *Fear (NAL Onyx 0-451-40101-8, Oct ’88 [Sep ’88], $3.95, 316pp, pb) Horror novel. Fiendish force engulfs entire community.
- * *Grim Memorials (Penguin/Onyx 0-451-40199-9, Jun ’90 [May ’90], $4.95, 367pp, pb) Horror novel of a new England town bedevilled by a witch.
- * *Jumpers (Dell 0-440-21471-8, May ’97 [Apr ’97], $5.99, 388pp, pb) Horror novel. An injured girl discovers the power to jump into an alternate reality where the dead mingle with the living.
- * *Tunnelvision (Dell Abyss 0-440-21090-9, Nov ’91 [Oct ’91], $4.50, 430pp, pb) [Bill Gage] Horror novel. A policeman is haunted by serial killers’ claims that they were inspired by voices from the tv set — because they might be telling the truth.
- GATES, SUSAN (chron.) (assoc.)
- * *Don’t Mess with Angels (Walker UK 0-7445-5490-X, 1997 [Mar ’98], £3.99, 111pp, pb, cover by Angelo Rinaldi) Young-adult fantasy novel. Published in 1997 but not seen until now.
- * *Fires of Bride (The Women’s Press 0-7043-5010-6, Nov ’86, £8.95, 240pp, hc) Feminist novel with elements of fantasy.
- * *Fires of Bride (The Women’s Press 0-7043-4020-8, Nov ’86, £4.95, 229pp, pb) Paperback edition of the above.
- GATISS, MARK (chron.)
- * *Doctor Who: The Roundheads (BBC Books 0-563-40576-7, Nov ’97, £4.99, 282pp, pb) [Doctor Who: New Adventures] Novelization based on the TV series. Book 6 of the BBC “New Adventures” series.
- * *Nightshade (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20376-3, Aug ’92 [Jul ’92], £3.99, 231pp, pb) [Doctor Who] Original novel based on the Doctor Who TV series, with echoes of the “Quatermass” TV series as well. Recommended (PSP). This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $5.95.
- * *St. Anthony’s Fire (Doctor Who Books 0-426-20423-9, Oct ’94 [Nov ’94], £4.99, 274pp, pb) [Doctor Who] Novelization based on the Doctor Who TV series, one of “The New Doctor Who Adventures”. This is a world-wide edition and is available in the US for $5.95.
- * *War and Peace in the 1940s (Harold Gauer 1-877831-03-4, 1991 [May ’95], $19.95, 283pp, tp) Non-fiction associational autobiography, second volume of “The History”, derived from a humorous journal originally put together by Gauer and Robert Bloch. This volume is of interest because it chronicles the time Gauer and Bloch engineered the election of Milwaukee mayor Carl F. Zeidler, among other antics. Numerous photos are included. Copyrighted 1991, but not seen until now. Precision Process Books, 6040 N. Apple Blossom Lane, Glendale WI 53217.
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