The Magazine

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Miller, Sam J.
- The Art of Starving (Jul 2017, Gary K. Wolfe)
Miller, Sasha
- Ladylord (Mar 1996, Carolyn Cushman)
Miller, Stephen T.
- Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Weird Fiction Magazine Index (1890-1998) (by STM & William G. Contento) (Dec 1999, Gary K. Wolfe)
Miller, Steve
- Balance of Trade (by Sharon Lee & SM) (Apr 2004, Carolyn Cushman)
- Carpe Diem (by SM & Sharon Lee) (Nov 1989, Scott Winnett)
- Conflict of Honors (by SM & Sharon Lee) (Jul 1988, Carolyn Cushman)
- Crystal Soldier (by Sharon Lee & SM) (Apr 2005, Carolyn Cushman)
- Duainfey (by Sharon Lee & SM) (Oct 2008, Carolyn Cushman)
- I Dare (by Sharon Lee & SM) (Nov 2001, Carolyn Cushman)
- Longeye (by Sharon Lee & SM) (Mar 2009, Carolyn Cushman)
- Plan B (by Sharon Lee & SM) (Aug 1999, Carolyn Cushman)
- _____, ed.
- Low Port (Sharon Lee & SM, eds.) (Sep 2003, Rich Horton)
Miller, Walter M., Jr.
- Saint Leibowitz and the Wild Horse Woman (by WMM, with Terry Bisson) (Sep 1997, Gary K. Wolfe)
Millet, Lydia
- Oh Pure and Radiant Heart (Nov 2005, Matthew Cheney)
Millhauser, Steven
- Enchanted Night (Jan 2000, Faren Miller)
- The Knife Thrower and other stories (Aug 1998, Faren Miller)
- Voices in the Night (Jul 2015, Faren Miller)
Millidge, Gary Spencer
- Alan Moore: Portrait of an Extraordinary Gentleman (by smoky man & GSM) (Locus Online 2 Jul 2003, Claude Lalumière)
Milligan, Peter
- Johnny Nemo, Volume One: Existentialist Hitman of the Future (by PM & Brett Ewins) (Locus Online 2 Jul 2003, Claude Lalumière)
Mills, K. E.
- The Accidental Sorcerer: Rogue Agent, Book One (Dec 2008, Carolyn Cushman)
- Witches Incorporated (Sep 2009, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Wizard Squared (Jul 2010, Carolyn Cushman)
- Wizard Undercover (Jun 2012, Carolyn Cushman)
Milne, A. A.
- Once On a Time (Oct 1988, Carolyn Cushman)
Ming-Yi, Wu
Mink Mole
- Alligator Alley (by MM & Dr. Adder) (Oct 1989, Faren Miller)
Minns, Karen Marie Christa
- Virago (May 1990, Scott Winnett)
Minsky, Marvin
- The Turing Option (by Harry Harrison & MM) (Jun 1992, Dan Chow)
Miranda, Megan
- Hysteria (Mar 2013, Gwenda Bond)
- Red Spider, White Web (Aug 1990, Faren Miller)
Missen, Lynne
- Shivers (by Greg Ioannou & LM) (Jun 1990, Scott Winnett)
Mistry, Nilesh
- The Seven Wise Princesses: A Medieval Persian Epic (by Waqfa Tarnowska, illustrated by NM) (May 2001, Karen Haber)
Mitchell, David
- The Bone Clocks (Jan 2015, Rich Horton)
- Cloud Atlas (Dec 2004, Faren Miller)
- The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet (Sep 2010, Faren Miller)
Mitchell, Elizabeth, ed.
- After the Flames (Nov 1985, Debbie Notkin)
- Alien Stars (Jan 1985, Debbie Notkin)
- Free Lancers (Sep 1987, Faren Miller)
Mitchell, Joni
- Chelsea Morning (by JM, illustrated by Brian Froud) (Nov 2004, Karen Haber)
Mitchell, Ken
- Stones of the Dalai Lama (Sep 1993, Scott Winnett)
Mitchell, Kirk
- Never the Twain (Jan 1988, Faren Miller)
- Procurator (Jun 1984, Debbie Notkin)
Mitchell, Mary Ann
- Sips of Blood (Dec 1999, Edward Bryant)
Mitchell, Syne
- The Changeling Plague (Mar 2003, Carolyn Cushman)
(Mar 2003, Alyx Dellamonica)
- Murphy's Gambit (Dec 2000, Carolyn Cushman)
- Technogenesis (Feb 2002, Alyx Dellamonica)
(Apr 2002, Carolyn Cushman)
Mixon, Laura J.
- Burning the Ice (Oct 2002, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Glass Houses (Apr 1992, Scott Winnett)
(May 1992, Edward Bryant)
(Jun 1992, Russell Letson)
- Proxies (Aug 1998, Russell Letson)
(Nov 1998, Gary K. Wolfe)
Miyabe, Miyuki
- Apparitions: Ghosts of Old Edo (Mar 2014, Faren Miller)
Mlynowski, Sarah
- Bras & Broomsticks (May 2005, Carolyn Cushman)
Modesitt, L. E., Jr.
- Antiagon Fire (May 2013, Carolyn Cushman)
- Fall of Angels (Jun 1996, Monica Simmons)
- Imager (Apr 2009, Carolyn Cushman)
- Imager's Battalion (Feb 2013, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Magic of Recluce (Apr 1991, Tom Whitmore)
(Apr 1991, Carolyn Cushman)
(Nov 1992, Lou Liberty)
- Of Tangible Ghosts (Jan 1995, Russell Letson)
- The One-Eyed Man (Jan 2014, Carolyn Cushman)
- Princeps (Sep 2012, Carolyn Cushman)
- Rex Regis (Apr 2014, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Soprano Sorceress (Jan 1997, Shira Daemon)
Moffett, Judith
- The Bird Shaman (Oct 2008, Faren Miller)
- Pennterra (Sep 1987, Debbie Notkin)
- The Ragged World (Jan 1991, Faren Miller)
(Feb 1991, Dan Chow)
- Time, Like An Ever-Rolling Stream (Aug 1992, Faren Miller)
Moffett, Kevin
- The Silent History (by Eli Horowitz, Matthew Derby & KM) (Apr 2015, Adrienne Martini)
Moffitt, Donald
- Crescent in the Sky (Mar 1990, Carolyn Cushman)
- A Gathering of Stars (Mar 1990, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Genesis Quest (Dec 1986, Dan Chow)
- Second Genesis (Dec 1986, Dan Chow)
Mogen, David
- Wilderness Visions: The Western Theme in Science Fiction Literature (Sep 1994, Gary K. Wolfe)
Mohan, Kim, ed.
- Amazing Stories: The Anthology (Aug 1995, Mark R. Kelly)
- More Amazing Stories (May 1998, Mark R. Kelly)
Mok, DK
- Hunt for Valamon (Jul 2015, Carolyn Cushman)
Moles, David
- Seven Cities of Gold (Jul 2010, Gardner Dozois)
(Jul 2010, Rich Horton)
- _____, ed.
- All-Star Zeppelin Adventure Stories (DM & Jay Lake, eds.) (Feb 2005, Rich Horton)
(Mar 2005, Nick Gevers)
- Twenty Epics (DM & Susan Marie Groppi, eds.) (Oct 2006, Rich Horton)
(Nov 2006, Nick Gevers)
Moloney, Susie
- The Dwelling (Feb 2003, Tim Pratt)
Monaco, Richard
- Unto the Beast (Mar 1987, Dan Chow)
Monahan, Brent
- The Bell Witch (May 1997, Edward Bryant)
Monette, Sarah
- An Apprentice to Elves (by SM & Elizabeth
Bear, Elizabeth Bear) (Nov 2015, Faren Miller) [posted 24 Dec 2015]
- The Bone Key (Feb 2008, Faren Miller)
- A Companion to Wolves (by SM & Elizabeth Bear) (Oct 2007, Faren Miller)
- Corambis (Apr 2009, Faren Miller)
- Melusine (Aug 2005, Faren Miller)
- The Mirador (Aug 2007, Faren Miller)
- Somewhere Beneath Those Waves (Feb 2012, Faren Miller)
- The Tempering of Men (by SM & Elizabeth Bear) (Aug 2011, Faren Miller)
- The Virtu (Jun 2006, Faren Miller)
Monk, Devon
- Cold Copper (Jun 2013, Faren Miller)
- A Cup of Normal (Oct 2010, Faren Miller)
Monteleone, Thomas F.
- Between Floors (Apr 1997, Edward Bryant)
- The Blood of the Lamb (Mar 1992, Scott Winnett)
(Jul 1992, Edward Bryant)
- Borderlands (Nov 1990, Edward Bryant)
- Fantasma (Aug 1989, Edward Bryant)
- _____, ed.
- Borderlands 2 (May 1992, Edward Bryant)
Monti, Joe, ed.
- Diverse Engines (Tobias S. Buckell & JM, eds.) (Feb 2013, Karen Burnham)
Montrose, Catherine
- The Wendigo Border (Dec 1995, Edward Bryant)
Montross, Sarah J.
Moody, Rick, ed.
- Tin House: Fantastic Women (Jan 2008, Faren Miller)
Moon, Elizabeth
- Against the Odds (Nov 2000, Carolyn Cushman)
- Change of Command (Nov 1999, Carolyn Cushman)
- Cold Welcome (Mar 2017, Carolyn Cushman)
- Divided Allegiance (Aug 1988, Carolyn Cushman)
- Generation Warriors (by Anne McCaffrey & EM) (Apr 1991, Scott Winnett)
- Hunting Party (Aug 1993, Carolyn Cushman)
- Liar's Oath (Jun 1992, Carolyn Cushman)
- Lunar Activity (Jun 1990, Scott Winnett)
- Once a Hero (Jan 1997, Carolyn Cushman)
- Remnant Population (Mar 1996, Carolyn Cushman)
- Rules of Engagement (Nov 1998, Carolyn Cushman)
- Sassinak (by Anne McCaffrey & EM) (Apr 1990, Scott Winnett)
- Sheepfarmer's Daughter (Aug 1988, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Speed of Dark (Jan 2003, Faren Miller)
- Sporting Chance (Oct 1994, Carolyn Cushman)
- Surrender None: The Legacy of Gird (Jun 1990, Carolyn Cushman)
- Trading in Danger (Sep 2003, Carolyn Cushman)
- Winning Colors (Aug 1995, Carolyn Cushman)
Mooney, J. E., ed.
- Shadows of the New Sun: Stories in Honor of Gene Wolfe (JEM & Bill Fawcett, ed.) (Aug 2013, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Sep 2013, Gardner Dozois)
(Feb 2014, Rich Horton)
Moorcock, Michael
- Behold the Man (Jul 1996, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The Best of Michael Moorcock (Sep 2009, Paul Witcover)
- Blood (Mar 1995, Faren Miller)
- Casablanca (Feb 1990, Faren Miller)
- The City in the Autumn Stars (Jul 1986, Faren Miller)
- The Dancers at the End of Time (Locus Online 20 Dec 2001, Claude Lalumière)
- The Dreamthief's Daughter (Feb 2001, Faren Miller)
(Jul 2001, Jennifer A. Hall)
- Fabulous Harbours (Nov 1995, Faren Miller)
- Fantasy: The 100 Best Books (by James Cawthorn & MM) (Dec 1988, Faren Miller)
- The Fortress of the Pearl (Aug 1989, Faren Miller)
- Into the Media Web: Selected Short Non-Fiction, 1956-2006 (Oct 2010, Gary K. Wolfe) [posted 27 Oct 2010]
- Jerusalem Commands (May 1993, Faren Miller)
- King of the City (Aug 2000, Faren Miller)
- The Laughter of Carthage (Jan 1985, Faren Miller)
- The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius: Stories of the Comic Apocalypse (Oct 2003, Faren Miller)
- Mother London (Jan 1989, Faren Miller)
- New Worlds (by David Garnett, ed, MM, consulting editor) (Oct 1997, Jonathan Strahan)
- The Opium General (Jan 1985, Faren Miller)
- The Revenge of the Rose (May 1991, Faren Miller)
- Silverheart (by MM & Storm Constantine) (Dec 2000, Faren Miller)
(Jul 2001, Jennifer A. Hall)
- The Skrayling Tree (Feb 2003, Faren Miller)
- Tales from the Texas Woods (Nov 1997, Faren Miller)
- The Vengeance of Rome (Aug 2006, Faren Miller)
- The War Amongst the Angels (Nov 1996, Faren Miller)
- The Whispering Swarm (Locus Online 21 Jan 2015, Paul Di Filippo)
- Wizardry and Wild Romance (Nov 1987, Dan Chow)
- _____, ed.
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