The Magazine

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McQuay, Mike
- Jitterbug (Jun 1984, Faren Miller)
- Memories (Apr 1987, Dan Chow)
- The Nexus (May 1989, Faren Miller)
(May 1989, Dan Chow)
- Pure Blood (Dec 1984, Faren Miller)
- Richter 10 (by Arthur C. Clarke & MM) (Mar 1996, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Robot City 2: Suspicion (Sep 1987, Dan Chow)
McQuinn, Donald E.
- Wanderer (Jan 1994, Russell Letson)
- Warrior (Dec 1990, Carolyn Cushman)
(Jan 1991, Russell Letson)
- Witch (Dec 1994, Russell Letson)
McSherry, Frank D., Jr., ed.
- Hollywood Ghosts (FDM, & Charles G. Waugh, eds.) (Jul 1991, Edward Bryant)
- Western Ghosts (FDM, & Charles G. Waugh, eds.) (Jul 1990, Edward Bryant)
Meacham, Beth, ed.
- Terry's Universe (Jun 1988, Tom Whitmore)
Mead, Richelle
- Gameboard of the Gods (Apr 2013, Carolyn Cushman)
- Succubus Blues (Jun 2007, Carolyn Cushman)
- Succubus on Top (Mar 2008, Carolyn Cushman)
- Succubus Revealed (Oct 2011, Carolyn Cushman)
Meades, Rob, ed.
- Drabble II: Double Century (RM & David B. Wake, eds.) (Aug 1990, Mark R. Kelly)
Meadows, Foz
Meaney, John
- Black Blood (Jan 2010, Faren Miller)
- Bone Song (Mar 2008, Faren Miller)
- Dark Blood (Jun 2008, Faren Miller)
(Jan 2010, Faren Miller)
Medeiros, Teresa
- Breath of Magic (Apr 1996, Carolyn Cushman)
Medley, Linda
- Castle Waiting (Jul 2006, Carolyn Cushman)
Meikle, William
- Millennium Macabre (by WM, with Graeme Hurry) (Jun 2000, Edward Bryant)
Melko, Paul
- Singularity's Ring (Feb 2008, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The Walls of the Universe (Jan 2009, Paul Witcover)
(Jan 2009, Gary K. Wolfe)
Melling, O. R.
- The Singing Stone (Apr 1988, Carolyn Cushman)
Mellor, Anne K.
- Mary Shelley: Her Life, Her Fiction, Her (May 1989, Faren Miller)
Meluch, R. M.
- Chicago Red (Nov 1990, Scott Winnett)
Menden, A. J.
- Phenomenal Girl 5 (Mar 2009, Carolyn Cushman)
Mendlesohn, Farah
- Diana Wynne Jones: Children's Literature and the Fantastic Tradition (Apr 2006, Graham Sleight)
- The Inter-Galactic Playground: A Critical Study of Children's and Teens' Science Fiction (Jan 2010, Adrienne Martini)
- Rhetorics of Fantasy (Jun 2008, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The True Knowledge of Ken MacLeod (by Andrew M. Butler & FM) (Feb 2004, Gary K. Wolfe)
- _____, ed.
- Glorifying Terrorism (Apr 2007, Nick Gevers)
Menges, Jeff A.
- Maidens, Monsters & Heroes: The Fantasy Illustrations of H.J. Ford (Feb 2011, Karen Haber)
Merbeth, K. S.
- Raid (Sep 2017, Liz Bourke)
Merriam, Daniel
- The Art of Daniel Merriam: The Eye of a Dreamer (Jan 2008, Karen Haber)
- Daniel Merriam Taking Reality by Surprise (Feb 2011, Karen Haber)
Merrick, Helen
- The Secret Feminist Cabal: A Cultural History of Science Fiction Feminisms (Jun 2010, Adrienne Martini) [posted 25 Jun 2010]
Merril, Judith
- Better to Have Loved: The Life of Judith Merril (JM & Emily Pohl-Weary) (Oct 2002, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The Merril Theory of Lit'ry Criticism (Feb 2016, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Apr 2016, Russell Letson) [posted 13 May 2016]
- _____, ed.
- Tesseracts (Jan 1986, Faren Miller)
Merritt, A.
- A. Merritt: Reflections in the Moon Pool (by AM, edited by Sam Moskowitz) (Aug 1985, Dan Chow)
- The Face in the Abyss (Sep 1991, Dan Chow)
Meseldzija, Petar
- The Legend of Steel Bashaw (Feb 2011, Karen Haber)
Messner-Loebs, William
- Brave Old World (WM, Guy Davis & Phil Hester) (Locus Online 21 May 2001, Philip Shropshire)
- Epicurus the Sage (WM & Sam Kieth) (Dec 2003, Carolyn Cushman)
Metzger, Barbara
- An Angel for the Earl (Apr 1994, Carolyn Cushman)
- Miss Treadwell's Talent (Dec 1999, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Painted Lady (Sep 2001, Carolyn Cushman)
Metzger, Robert A.
- Picoverse (May 2002, Nick Gevers)
Meyer, Ilene
- Ilene Meyer: Paintings, Drawings, Perceptions (by IM, edited by Cathy & Arnie Fenner) (Mar 2005, Karen Haber)
Meyer, Kai
- The Glass Word (Mar 2008, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Stone Light (Mar 2007, Carolyn Cushman)
- The Water Mirror (by KM, translated by Elizabeth D. Crawford) (Jan 2006, Carolyn Cushman)
Meyer, Marissa
- Cinder (Feb 2012, Adrienne Martini)
Meyer, Nicholas
- The Canary Trainer (Sep 1993, Scott Winnett)
Meynard, Yves
- The Book of Knights (Jan 1998, Faren Miller)
- _____, ed.
- Tesseracts5 (Robert Runté & YM, eds.) (May 1997, Faren Miller)
Mezlekia, Nega
- The God Who Begat a Jackal (May 2002, Faren Miller)
Mezrich, Ben
- The X-Files: Skin (Nov 1999, Edward Bryant)
Michaels, Kasey
- The Haunted Miss Hampshire (Jul 1992, Carolyn Cushman)
Michaels, Melisa
- Cold Iron (Jul 1997, Carolyn Cushman)
- Sister to the Rain (Sep 1998, Carolyn Cushman)
Michalson, Karen
- Enemy Glory (Feb 2001, Carolyn Cushman)
- Hecate's Glory (Jan 2003, Carolyn Cushman)
- Victorian Fantasy Literature: Literary (Nov 1992, Gary K. Wolfe)
Michlig, John
- Kong: King of Skull Island (by Brad Strickland, with JM) (Aug 2005, Karen Haber)
Micklem, Sarah
- Firethorn (Jun 2004, Faren Miller)
- Wildfire (Jul 2009, Faren Miller)
Miesel, Sandra
- Shaman (Sep 1989, Carolyn Cushman)
Miéville, China
- The City & the City (Apr 2009, Gary K. Wolfe) [posted 3 Jun 2009]
(Jun 2009, Faren Miller)
- Embassytown (May 2011, Faren Miller)
(May 2011, Gary K. Wolfe) [posted 18 May 2011]
- Iron Council (Sep 2004, Nick Gevers)
- King Rat (Jan 1999, Faren Miller)
- Kraken (Jun 2010, Gary K. Wolfe) [posted 27 Jun 2010]
(Jul 2010, Faren Miller)
- The Last Days of New Paris (Aug 2016, Gary K. Wolfe) [posted 7 Sep 2016]
- Looking for Jake (Sep 2005, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Sep 2005, Nick Gevers)
- Perdido Street Station (Jul 2000, Jonathan Strahan)
(Jul 2000, Faren Miller)
- Railsea (May 2012, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Jul 2012, Faren Miller)
- The Scar (Mar 2002, Jonathan Strahan)
(Aug 2002, Nick Gevers)
- The Tain (Locus Online 25 Feb 2003, Rich Horton)
- This Census-Taker (Jan 2016, Gary K. Wolfe) [posted 31 Jan 2016]
- Three Moments of an Explosion (Jul 2015, Faren Miller)
(Aug 2015, Gary K. Wolfe) [posted 16 Sep 2015]
(Aug 2015, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Un Lun Dun (Dec 2006, Gary K. Wolfe)
(Feb 2007, Faren Miller)
Milán, Victor
- The Cybernetic Samurai (Sep 1985, Debbie Notkin)
- The Cybernetic Shogun (Apr 1990, Edward Bryant)
(Apr 1990, Scott Winnett)
Milano, Roy
- Monsters: A Celebration of Classics from Universal Studio (Nov 2006, Karen Haber)
Milford, Kate
- The Boneshaker (Sep 2010, Faren Miller)
- Greenglass House (by KM & Jaime Zollars) (Nov 2014, Faren Miller)
- The Left-Handed Fate (Feb 2017, Colleen Mondor)
Milford, Nancy
- Zelda (Nov 1989, Fritz Leiber)
Millar, Martin
- The Good Fairies of New York (Jul 1993, Scott Winnett)
Miller, Christopher
- The Cardboard Universe: A Guide to the World of Phoebus K. Dank (May 2009, Gary K. Wolfe)
Miller, Chuck
- Kingdom of Fear: The World of Stephen King (by Tim Underwood & CM) (Apr 1986, Dan Chow)
Miller, Edwin Haviland
- Salem Is My Dwelling Place: A Life of Nathaniel Hawthorne (Mar 1992, Scott Winnett)
Miller, Faren
- The Illusionists (Jan 1991, Scott Winnett)
(Jan 1991, Carolyn Cushman)
Miller, Frank
Miller, Ian
- The Art of Ian Miller (by IM & Tom Wyte) (Jun 2015, Karen Haber)
- Ratspike (by John Blanche & IM) (Jul 1990, Paul S. Clift)
Miller, John J., ed.
- Wild Cards VII: Dead Man's Hand (George R. R. Martin & JJM, ed.) (Jun 1990, Tom Whitmore)
Miller, Karen
- The Innocent Mage (Sep 2007, Carolyn Cushman)
Miller, Linsey
- Mask of Shadows (Oct 2017, Carolyn Cushman)
Miller, Rex
- Butcher (Jan 1995, Edward Bryant)
- Chaingang (Aug 1992, Edward Bryant)
- Iceman (Jan 1991, Edward Bryant)
- Profane Men (Jan 1990, Edward Bryant)
- Savant (Sep 1994, Edward Bryant)
- Slice (Apr 1990, Edward Bryant)
- St. Louis Blues (Oct 1995, Edward Bryant)
- Stone Shadow (Nov 1989, Edward Bryant)
Miller, Ron
- The Art of Chesley Bonestell (by RM & Frederick C. Durant III) (Jul 2001, Karen Haber)
(Aug 2001, Gary K. Wolfe)
- The Dream Machines: Illustrated History of the Spaceship in Art, Science, and Literature (Nov 1993, Gary K. Wolfe)
- Spaceships: An Illustrated History of the Real and the Imagined (Mar 2017, Karen Haber)
- _____, ed.
- The Art of Space: The History of Space Art, from the Earliest Visions to the Graphics of the Modern Era (Jun 2015, Karen Haber)
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