Issue 202, February 2006, £3.50, 80pp, cover art by Dan Dos Santos
SF magazine, currently bimonthly, published since 1982, co-founded by David Pringle; edited since 2004 by Andy Cox
This issue has stories by F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre, Carlos Hernandez, Jack Mangan, Richard Calder (part 2 of a 3-part novella), and Gareth Lyn Powell.
Features include interviews with Terry Pratchett and with Gerry Anderson & Richard Morris. Regular columns include David Langford's "Ansible Link", film reviews by Nick Lowe, game reviews by Alan Fraser, manga reviews by Sarah Ash, John Clute's "Scores" book review column (covering titles by Alexander C. Irvine and Terry Bisson), and other book reviews by Niall Harrison, Paul Raven, Sandy Auden, and others.
The editorial "Interface" column has results of the readers' poll ranking stories published in issues 194-200, which are led by Dominic Green, Jason Stoddard, Chris Beckett, and Paul Di Filippo.
The magazine's current issue page already displays the next issue, March/April.
Issue 8, 2006, C$6.95/$7.95, 80pp, cover art by Janice Blaine
Quarterly SF magazine published from Vancouver, Canada, debuting 2003; edited by Karl Johanson
This issue has fiction by David McGillveray, Virginia O'Dine, Hank Quense, William Steinmetz, Fran Jacobs, and Rae Dawn Carson.
Nonfiction includes an editorial by Karl Johanson, letters, editorial column "A Walk Through the Periodic Chart" this time about Aluminum, reports and photos from author readings and awards winners, book reviews, and several cartoons illustrating the feature "Trivial Things to do With a Time Machine".
The magazine's website includes subscription info, submission guidelines, and a description of this issue.
The issue comes with a CD ROM of "Amazingly Neat Stuff", including excerpts of reviews, photos, etc. from previous issues.
The New York Review of Science Fiction
Issue 210, Vol. 18 No. 6, February 2006, $4.00, 24pp
Monthly review and criticism magazine, published since 1988; edited by David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer, et al.
This special "Read It Afresh" issue has a long essay by Sylvia Kelso about Patricia A. McKillip's fantasy novels, and a review by L. Timmel Duchamp of Joanna Russ' 1977 novel We Who Are About To.... Inside, Darrell Schweitzer introduces R. A. Lafferty's 1971 The Fall of Rome.
Reviews include David V. Griffin on Bret Easton Ellis, Niall Harrison on Michael Cunningham, Lucy Kemnitzer on Maureen F. McHugh, Farah Mendlesohn on Nova Scotia, and others.
David G. Hartwell's editorial continues a series of comments splitting long books into two for economic or other reasons.
The New York Review of Science Fiction
Issue 211, Vol. 18 No. 7, March 2006, $4.00, 24pp
Monthly review and criticism magazine, published since 1988; edited by David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer, et al.
This special "Critics & Gorillas" issue leads with a 1989 interview with Roger Zelazny by John Nizalowski, and Michael Bishop's introduction by a collection of stories by Bruce Holland Rogers.
Inside are essays by Michael Levy on recent young adult SF, David V. Griffin on Peter Jackson's King Kong, and Darrell Schweitzer on a 1929 story by J. Allan Dunn that could have used a giant gorilla in it.
Reviews include Gregory Benford on books by Ray Kurzweil and Robert Markley, Damien Broderick on John Meaney, Greg L. Johnson on Damien Broderick, John Clute on David Marusek, Adam Roberts on Fredric Jameson, and others.
True Review
Vol. 16 No. 5 (whole #63), February 2006, $2.50, 6pp
Quarterly SF/F/H reviewzine, published and edited by Andrew M. Andrews
Publisher/editor Andrews editorializes about the breakup of his marriage, then reviews anthologies Elemental and Nebula Awards Showcase 2006, collections by Jack Dann and Kit Reed, and books by Ray Harryhausen and Don Watson. There are also brief descriptions of other books received.
(Sat 4 Mar 2006)|