Aberrant Dreams
Issue 6, Winter 2006, $5.50, 62pp, cover art by Tony Diana
Quarterly print and online magazine of speculative fiction, published since 2005; editors Joseph W. Dickerson and J. Lonny Harper
Website: http://www.hd-image.com/aberrant_dreams/
This issue has fiction by Gerald W. Page, Justin Stanchfield, Josh Rountree, Eugie Foster, Eric Marin, Rob Shelsky, and R.G. Larsen. There's also poetry by R.M. Thompson, M. Lynn Ferris, Jeff Orton, and Marcie Lynn Tentchoff.
Departments include an editorial, movie reviews, interviews with Gerald W. Page and Eugie Foster, and a writer's challenge. Special features include a letter and a book review.
The magazine's website has this page for the current issue with links to the entire contents.
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Vol. 126 No. 4, April 2006, $3.99/C$4.99, 144pp, cover art by Bob Eggleton
Near-monthly (10 times/year) magazine of science fiction and nonfiction; published since 1930 (originally Astounding); edited by Stanley Schmidt
Website: http://www.analogsf.com/
Message Board: http://www.analogsf.com/discus/
The April issue has a novella by Wil McCarthy, novelettes by John G. Hemry and Richard A. Lovett, and short stories by Stephen L. Burns, Stephen Baxter, and Michael Shara & Jack McDevitt. There's also a 'Probability Zero' vignette by Carl Frederick.
The science fact article by Alexis Glynn Latner is "The Shape of Wings to Come" about the technology of gliders.
Departments include Stanley Schmidt's editorial; Jeffery D. Kooistra's "The Alternate View" column about plans to return to the Moon; a Biolog of Stephen Baxter by Richard A. Lovett; book reviews by Tom Easton, covering Allen Steele, Sharon Lee & Steve Miller, and others; "Brass Tacks" letters; and "Upcoming Events" from Anthony Lewis.
The magazine's website has an excerpt of Wil McCarthy's novella.
Asimov's Science Fiction
Vol. 30 No. 3 (whole #362), March 2006, $3.99/C$4.99, 144pp, cover art by J. K. Potter
Near-monthly (10 times/year) SF magazine; published since 1977; edited by Sheila Williams
Website: http://www.asimovs.com/
Message Board: http://www.asimovs.com/discus/
This issue has novelettes by Neal Asher, Chris Beckett, Paul J. McAuley, and David Ira Cleary, plus short stories by Deborah Coates, Robert Reed, and Chris Roberson. Poetry is by Laurel Winter, Leslie What, and William John Watkins.
Departments include Sheila Williams' editorial, presenting the magazine's first SF Sudoku; Robert Silverberg's "Reflections" column, Plutonium for Breakfast; a 'Thought Experiments' nonfiction essay by Joe Lazzaro, "More Than Halfway to Anywhere"; book reviews by Paul Di Filippo; and Erwin S. Strauss' convention calendar.
The magazine's website has the table of contents with links to several departments and to excerpts of the McAuley and Cleary stories.
Nick Gevers' review in the February Locus Magazine calls McAuley's "Dead Men Walking" the "major highlight" of the issue; he also recommends the story by Robert Reed. Rich Horton's review in the same issue recommends the stories by David Ira Cleary and Paul J. McAuley.
Dark Wisdom
Issue 8, Winter 2006, $6/C$8, 80pp, cover art by Steven Gilberts
Quarterly publication of Dark Fiction and Lovecraftian horror, edited by William Jones
Website: http://www.darkwisdom.com/darkwisdom.htm
This quarterly horror magazine, formerly knows as The Book of Dark Wisdom and published in a digest-sized format, has trimmed its name and expanded its format to 8 1/2 by 11". This issue has fiction by John Shirley, Terry Bramlett, Tyree Campbell, James R. Cain, Paul Finch, Paul Melniczek, Greg Beatty, Gerard Houarner, and part 2 of a serial by Patricia Lee Macomber & David Niall Wilson. There's also poetry by Lee Clark Zumpe, Ann K. Schwader, and Bruce Boston.
Nonfiction includes an interview with Joe R. Lansdale, Richard A. Lupoff's "Writer at Large" column, an article by Philip Gardiner about "The Serpent Grail", and reviews.
The complete table of contents includes brief excerpts of each story.
Dreams and Nightmares
Issue 73, January 2006, $5, 28pp, cover art by Megan Stringfellow
Magazine of fantastic poetry, published approximately quarterly since 1986, by David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Website: http://home.earthlink.net/~dragontea/
This issue has poems by Ruth Berman, Mary E. Choo, G.O. Clark, Sandra Lindow, Bruce Boston, Steve Sneyd, Jessica Langer, Yoon Ha Lee, Deborah P. Kolodji, W. Gregory Stewart, Kendall Evans & David C. Kopaska-Merkel, Jaime Lee Moyer, Leah Bobet, Brian Biswas, Marcie Lynn Tentchoff, Robert E. Porter, Donna Taylor Burgess, and Richard Pitaniello.
Editorial "From the Brain Stem" notes that this is the magazine's 20th anniversary issue.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
Vol. 110 No. 4 (whole #649), April 2006, $3.99/C$5.99, 162pp, cover art by Maurizio Manzieri
Near-monthly (11 times/year) magazine of fiction, reviews, and features; published since 1949; edited by Gordon Van Gelder
Website: http://www.fsfmag.com/
Message Board: http://www.nightshadebooks.com/discus/messages/378/378.html?1081904411
This issue has novelets by Daryl Gregory, Donald Mead, and Claudia O'Keefe, plus short stories by Robert Reed and Bruce McAllister.
Departments, which aren't yet online as of this posting, include Charles de Lint's "Books to Look For", reviewing Gabrielle Zevin, Kevin Brockmeier, Charlie Huston, and Gary Westfahl; book reviews by James Sallis, looking at China Miéville, Lucius Shepard, and Mike Ashley; film reviews by Lucius Shepard; a science column by Pat Murphy & Paul Doherty, "Weirder Than You Think"; and a 'Curiosities' page by Michael Swanwick concerning Hugo Gernsback's 1930 advice about how to write 'scientific' fiction.
Digital versions of F&SF are available from eReader.com and Fictionwise.
Nick Gevers reviews this issue in the March Locus Magazine, recommending the stories by Bruce McAllister and Claudia O'Keefe.
Weird Tales
Issue 338, January-February 2006, $5.95/C$7.5, 82pp, cover art by Rowena Morrell
Dark fantasy magazine, published since 1923; currently published quarterly, edited by George H. Scithers, Darrell Schweitzer, & John Betancourt
Website: http://www.weirdtalesmagazine.com/
This issue has fiction by Park Godwin, Carrie Vaughn, William Alexander, Maurice Broaddus, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Charles L. Harness, and (the conclusion of a 2-part serial) William F. Nolan.
Verse is by George Filip, M.V. Moorehead, Ann K. Schwader, Nicholas Ozment, and George Barr.
Features include editorial "The Eyrie", concerning the magazine's roots and purpose; Scott Connors' "The Den", reviewing books by and about H.P. Lovecraft, Arthur Machen, and M.P. Shiel; and a classic horror illustration by Allen Koszowski.
The magazine's website has this page with the complete table of contents.