Convention listings are compiled by Locus Magazine; please send all convention information to Locus, Box 13305, Oakland CA 94661; email: We draw from a multitude of sources, each prone to typos (not to mention our own), and places and dates have a way of changing suddenly. So be sure to check with the convention committee before making final plans. We take no responsibility for errors.
SHADOWCON X (Jan 6-7 '06) Holiday Inn Mt. Moriah, Memphis TN. Guests: P.N. Elrod, Tom Foster, Dean Zachary, Mitch Faust, Erich Von Hase. Memb: $30. Info: ShadowCon X., 5310 Hungerford, Memphis TN 38118; email:; website:
ARISIA (Jan 13-15 '06) The Boston Park Plaza Hotel, Boston MA. GoH: Allen Steele. AGoH: Frank Wu. FGoH: Barb Schofield. Special Musical Guest: Heather Dale. Memb: $35 to 12/15/05, $40 at door. Info: Arisia, Bldg. 600, PMB 322, 1 Kendall Sq., Cambridge MA 02139; email:; website:
RUSTYCON 23 (Jan 13-15 '06) Radisson Hotel Seattle Airport, Seattle WA. GoH: Mike Moscoe. AGoH: Ruth Thompson. FGoH: Clan Burnout. Memb: $45 to 12/1/06, then $50. Info: Rustycon 23, Box 27075, Seattle WA 98165-1475; email:; website:
CHATTACON XXXI (Jan 20-22 '06) The Chattanooga Choo Choo, Chattanooga TN. GoHs: L.E. Modessitt, Jr., Michael Gear. AGoH: Theresa Mather. Special Guest: Bruce Bethke. TM: Wendy Webb. Memb: $40 to 12/31/05, $50 at door. Info: Chattacon 31, Box 23908, Chattanooga TN 37422-3908; email: Robert Zielke,; website:
COSINE (Jan 20-22 '06) Clarion Hotel, Colorado Springs CO. GoHs: Sharon Lee, Steve Miller. Memb: $30 to 12/10/05, then $35. Info: COsine, Box 50618, Colorado Springs CO 80949-0618; website:
MARSCON 16 (Jan 20-22 '06) The Holiday Inn Patriot, Williamsburg VA. Guests: Tony Ruggiero, David Coffman, Rich Burlew, Zap! The Magic of Electricity by Virginia Air & Space Center. Memb: $20 to 12/15/05. Info: Marscon, 4618 Olde Stone Way, Chesapeake VA 23321; email:; website:
SYNTHETIC CONFUSION (Jan 20-22 '06) Troy Marriott, Troy MI. GoH: Vernor Vinge. AGoH: Steve Stiles. Sci. GoH: Mitchell Burnside Clapp. FGoH: Chuck Firment. TM: Heather Alexander. Memb: $30 to 12/1/05, then $45. Info: ConFusion 32, Box 8284, Ann Arbor MI 48107; email:; website:
VERICON 2006 (Jan 27-29 '06) Sever Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge MA. GoH: George R.R. Martin. Guests: Tim Buckley, Henry Jenkins, more. Memb: $35 / $25 students. Info: Vericon VI, c/o 4 University Hall, Harvard University, Cambridge MA 02138; email:; website:
CAPRICON XXVI (Feb 9-12 '06) Sheraton Chicago Northwest, Arlington Heights IL. Guests: Peter Beagle, Brian Palaszewski, Kat Eggleston, Mary Crowell, Michael Longcor, Nick Pollotta, Jody Lynn Nye, Bill Fawcett, Phyllis Eisenstein. Memb: $40. Info: Capricon XXVI, Box 2862, Chicago IL 60690-2862; email:; website:
BOSKONE 43 (Feb 17-19 '06) Sheraton Boston, Boston MA. GoH: Ken MacLeod. Official Artist: Donato Giancola. Special Guest: Cory Doctorow. Featured Filker: Steve Macdonald. Memb: $43 to 1/16/06, more at door. Info: Boskone 43, Box 809, Framingham MA 01701; fax: 617-776-3243; email:; website:
FARPOINT (Feb 17-19 '06) Marriott's Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley MD. Guests: Harve Bennett, Penny Johnson Jerald, Robert Aspirin, Jody Lynn Nye, Jack Stauffer, Prometheus Radio Theatre, The Great Luke Ski, Terry Rioux. Memb: $50, more later. Info: Farpoint Enterprises, Inc., 11708 Troy Ct., Waldorf MD 20601; email:; website:
LIFE, THE UNIVERSE & EVERYTHING: THE MARION K. "DOC" SMITH SYMPOSIUM ON SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY (Feb 16-18 '06) [NEW DATES] Brigham Young University, Provo UT. GoHs: Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta, Michael R. Collings, Stephanie Pui-Mun Law. Special Guests: Dave Wolverton / David Farland, Howard Tayler. Memb: Free. Info: LTUE, 4171 JFSB, Provo, UT 84602; email: or website: or
STELLARCON 30 (Feb 17-19 '06) Downtown Radisson, High Point NC. GoH: Lynn Abbey. Media GoH: Richard Hatch. Gaming GoH: Sean K. Reynolds. Memb: $30 to 1/1/06, then $35. Info: Stellarcon/SF3, Box I-1 Elliott University Center, UNCG, Greensboro NC 27412; email:; website:
VISIONCON 2006 (Feb 17-19 '06) Clarion Hotel, Springfield MO. GoH: Charlaine Harris. AGoH: Mitchell Davidson Bentley. Guests: Gary Bedell, Diana Botsford, Mary Capps, Fred Gorham, Hollie Linn, Bradley H. Sinor, Susan P. Sinor, Mike Strain, Al Turner, Mike Worley. Memb: $25 to 12/31/05, then $30. Info: email:; website:
POTLATCH 15 (Feb 24-26 '06) Best Western Executive Inn, Seattle WA. Literary convention. Book of Honor: The Avram Davidson Treasury, Robert Silverberg & Grania Davis, eds. Memb: $45. Info: Potlatch 15 2006, c/o S. Tompkins, Box 25075, Seattle WA 98165; email:; website:
SHEVACON 14 2006 (Feb 24-26 '06) Holiday Inn Roanoke Tanglewood, Roanoke VA. GoH: Catherine Asaro. AGoH: Joe Devito. Memb: $25 to 2/1/06, $30 at door. Info: SheVaCon, Box 416 Verona VA 24482-0416; email:; website:
MARSCON 2006 (Mar 3-5 ’06) Holiday Inn Select, Bloomington MN. Theme: Things that go bump in the night. Guests: Dean Haglund, Paul Lawrence, Beth Hansen, Walter H. Hunt, Gigi Edgley, Tom Smith. Memb: $55. Info: MarsCon, Box 21213, Eagan MN 55121; email:; website:
MADICON 15 (Mar 10-12 ’06) College Center, James Madison University, Harrisonburg VA. Guests: Ursula Vernon, Patricia C. Wrede, Heather Lee Fleming, Armand Rosamilia, PST Productions. Memb: $15. Info: Madicon 15, 760A Collicello St., Harrisonburg, VA 22801; email:; website:
P-CON III (Mar 11-12 ’06) Ashling Hotel, Dublin, Ireland. 3rd Phoenix Con. GoH: Susanna Clarke. Guests: Colin Greenland, Ian McDonald, Juliet E. McKenna, more. Memb: €35. Info: email:; website:
ICFA-27 (Mar 15-19 ’06) Wyndham Fort Lauderdale Airport Hotel, Ft. Lauderdale FL. Theme: Drawn by the Fantastic: Comics, Graphic Novels, Art, and Literature. GoH: Charles Vess. Guest Scholar: M. Thomas Inge. Special Guest Writer: Kathleen Ann Goonan. Permanent Special Guest: Brian Aldiss. Memb: $135. Info: Katy Hatfield, ICFA Registrar, Box 50517, Eugene OR 97405; website:
FANTASCICON 2006 (Mar 17-19 ’06) Comfort Inn, Chattanooga TN. Guests: P.M. Griffin, Julia Morgan Scott, Jana Oliver, R.D. Hammond, Walter M. Rice, Ernest Saylor, Rob Shelsky. Memb: $45. Info: FantaSciCon, c/o L. D. Stacy, 395 Stancil Rd., Rossville GA 30741; email:; website:
LUNACON (Mar 17-19 ’06) Hilton Hasbrouck Heights / Meadowlands, Hasbrouck Heights NJ. GoH: Jim Butcher. AGoH: David B. Mattingly. FGoH: Byron Connell. Costumer GoH: Lisa Ashton. Memb: $50. Info: Lunacon 2006, PMB 234, 847A Second Ave., New York NY 10017-2945; email:; website:
AGGIECON 37 (Mar 23-26 ’06) Memorial Student Center, Texas A&M University, College Station TX. GoH: Steven Brust. Comic AGoH: BrianStelfreeze. Cinema GoH: Peter Mayhew. Memb: $25 ($5 discount for students). Info: AggieCon, Cepheid Variable (958460), Box 5688, Aggieland Station, College Station TX 77844-9081; email:; website:
COASTCON 29 (Mar 24-26 ’06) Holiday Inn Airport, Gulport MS. FGoHs: Dave & Vicki Perry. Artist/Author/All-Around Guest: Debbora Wiles. Memb: $25. Info: CoastCon, Box 1423, Biloxi MS 39533; email:; website:
ICON XXV (Mar 24-26 ’06) Stony Brook University, New York. Featured Guests: Terry Brooks, George Takei, Stan Sakai, Kevin Sorbo, Michael Pondsmith, Michael Uslan, Ron Glass, Sandra Lira. Guests: Tom Doherty, Carol Emshwiller, Michael Kandel, Yoji Kondo, Barry Malzberg, Spider Robinson, Rowena, Charles Stross, many more. Memb: $49. Info: I-CON, Box 123, Mineola NY 11501-0123; email:; website:
MIDSOUTHCON 24 (Mar 24-26 ’06) Holiday Inn Select, Memphis TN. GoHs: Glen Cook, David Weber. AGoH: Lubov. Media GoHs: Regina Pancake, Christian Colquhoun. Filk GoH: Tom Smith. Costuming GoH: Christopher "Tyger" Roth. Comics GoH: John Jackson Miller. Gaming GoH: Rich Burlew. Memb: $35. Info: Midsouthcon, Box 11446, Memphis TN 38111-0446; email:; website:
AD ASTRA 2006 (Mar 31-Apr 2 ’06) Crowne Plaza Toronto Don Valley Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. GoHs: Terry Brooks, Peter David, Betsy Mitchell, David Warren, Kelley Armstrong. Memb: C$65. Info: Ad Astra, Box 7276, Station A, Toronto, ON, Canada M5W 1X9; (866) 563-5426; email:; website:
ISTRACON (Mar 31-Apr 2 ’06) Spomen dom, Pazin, Croatia. GoH: Brian W. Aldiss. Memb: Kuna 50.00 (Euro 7.00). Info: Gorana Rabar, ++385 98 942 62 88; email:; website:
TECHNICON 23: CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT (Mar 31-Apr 2 ’06) Ramada Limited, Blacksburg VA. Special Guests: Holly Lisle, Diana Harlan Stein. Memb: $30 pre-reg., more at door. Info: Technicon 23, Box 256, Blacksburg VA 24063-0256; email:; website:
WillyCon VIII (Mar 31-Apr 2 ’06) Wayne State College, Wayne NE. Theme: Young Adult SF & Fantasy. GoH: Robert Reed. AGoH: John & Denise Garner. FGoHs: Townsend family. Memb: $20. Info: SF & F Club – WillyCon, c/o Ron Vick (or Stan Gardner), Wayne State College, 1111 Main St.,
Wayne NE 68787; Ron, (402) 375-7321; fax: (402) 375-7058; email:; website: 2006 (Apr 1-2 ’06) Milwaukee School of Engineering Campus, Milwaukee WI. Guests: Matt Forbeck, James Lowder, Matt Wilson. Memb: $10. Info: email: Travis Marg,; website:
ODYSSEY CON VI (Apr 7-9 ’06) Radisson Inn, Madison WI. GoHs: Jane Lindskold, Gardner Dozois. Memb: $25. Info: Odyssey Con, Box 7114, Madison WI 53707; (608) 260-9924; email:
EUROCON 2006 / PORTAL 2006 (Apr 13-16 ’06) Sport Exhibition Center, Kiev, Ukraine. 28th European SF Con. GoH: Harry Harrison. AGoH: Sergey Poyarkov. Special Guests: Ellen Datlow, Eileen Gunn.. Memb: $35 / €35. Info: Eurocon-2006, POB 570/8, Kiev 03126, Ukraine; Boris Sidyuk, +380 44 4553575 or (mobile) +380 50 6694838; for email address see website:
FROLICON: THE NAUGHTY SIDE OF PARADISE (Apr 13-16 ’06) Crowne Plaza, Atlanta GA. Adult-oriented con, 18+ only. Think Track Presenters: Eugie Foster, Davey Beauchamp, Shaun O’Rourke, Mahirima, Michaelle, Bob Morrison. Kink Track Presenters: Catherine Gross, Viola Johnson, more. Memb: $55. Info: Herding Cats LLC, POB 7155, Greensboro NC 27417; email:; website:
NORWESCON (Apr 13-16 ’06) Doubletree Hotel Seattle Airport, SeaTac WA. Theme: Journeys, Adventures, and Quests of Fantastic Fiction. GoH: Lois McMaster Bujold. AGoH: Donato Giancola. TM: Robert J. Sawyer. Featured Publisher: DAW Books. Info: Norwescon, Box 68547, Seattle WA 98168-0547; 206-270-7850; email:; website:
CONCUSSION: THE 2006 EASTERCON (Apr 14-17 ’06) Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow, Scotland. 57th British National SF Con. GoHs: M. John Harrison, Brian Froud, Elizabeth Hand, Justina Robson, Ian Sorenson. Special Guests: Dan Abnett, Marc Gascoigne, Mat Irvine, Dee Parker, Johanna Sinisalo. Memb: $100 / £55. Info: 23 Ranelagh Road, Bruce Grove, London N17 6XY, UK; mobile: Farah Mendlesohn, 07799 771309; email:; website:
CONJURE (Apr 14-17 ’06) Mercure Hotel Brisbane, Brisbane, Australia. 45th Australian National SF Con. International GoHs: Cory Doctorow, Bruce Sterling. Australian GoH: Sean Williams. Special Guest Editor: Jonathan Strahan. TM: Kim Wilkins. Fan Guest: Erika Maria Lacey. Memb: A$250 to 4/14/06. Info: Conjure, Box 1394, Toowong, QLD 4006, Australia; email:; website:
MINICON 2006 (Apr 14-16 ’06) Sheraton Bloomington Hotel , Minneapolis South, Minneapolis MN. GoH: Harlan Ellison, FGoH: Douglas Friauf. AGoH: John Picacio. Memb: $45 to 3/15/06. Info: Minicon 41, Box 8297, Lake St. Station, Minneapolis MN 55408; email:; website:
EERIECON EIGHT (Apr 21-23 ’06) Days Inn at the Falls, Niagara Falls NY. GoHs: Harry Turtledove, Tanya Huff, Esther Friesner. Memb: $40. Info: Buffalo Fantasy League, Box 412, Buffalo NY 14226; email: or; website:
RAVENCON 2006 (Apr 21-23 ’06) Doubletree Inn at the Richmond Airport, Sandston VA. GoH: Terry Brooks. AGoH: Tom Kidd. FGoHs: Lee & Alexis Gilliland. Memb: $30 to 4/20/06, $35 at door. Info: RavenCon, 9623 Hollyburgh Tce., Charlotte NC 28215; email:; website:
SFerakon 2006 (Apr 21-23 ’06) Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (Fakultet elektrotehnike i racunarstva - FER), Unska 3, Zagreb, Croatia, Europe. GoH: Michael Swanwick. Info: email: sferakon-info(at); website:
SHOWMECON 2006 (Apr 21-23 ’06) Airport Hilton, St. Louis MO. GoH: Peter David. AGoH: John Kaufmann. Media Guest: Noel Neill. FGoH: Phil Senturia. TM: Tom Meserole. Memb: $40. Info: ShowMeCon, Box 410115, Creve Coeur MO 63141-9998; email:; website:
Penguicon 4.0 (Apr 21-23 ’06) Livonia Holiday Inn, Livonia MI. Open source software & science fiction convention. GoHs: Steve Miller, Sharon Lee. Tech GoH: Chris DiBona. Filk GoH: Frank Hayes. Gaming GoHs: Andy Looney, Kristin Looney, Alison Looney, Fluxx, Icehouse, Are You a Werewolf. Memb: $45. Info: Penguicon, Box 401302, Redford MI 48240-9302; email:; website:
CTHULHU ONE (Apr 29-May 1 ’06) Best Western Inn on the Park Capitol Square, Madison WI. GoHs: J.T. Joshi, Robert M. Price. Memb: $40. Info: Darrick Dishaw, 437 W. Gorham St. Apt.# 126, Madison WI 53703; (608) 257-1583; email:; website:
Nebula Awards Weekend 2006 (May 4-7 '06) Tempe Mission Palms Hotel, Tempe AZ. Grand Master: Harlan Ellison. Author Emeritus: William F. Nolan. TM: Connie Willis. Memb: full weekend (incl. banquet) $135; panels & parties (all events except banquet) $50. Info: Nebulas 2006, c/o Lee Whiteside, 3370 N. Hayden Rd. #123, PMB 224, Scottsdale AZ 85251; (480) 423-0649; email:; website:
BORÉAL 2006 (May 5-7 '06) Université Concordia, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. GoHs: Guy Gavriel Kay, Sylvie Bérard. Special Guests: Jacques Baudou, Joël Champetier, Patrick Senécal, Élisabeth Vonarburg. Guests: Sheryl Curtis, Eric Gauthier, Louis-Philippe Hébert, Yves Meynard, Daniel Sernine, Mario Tessier, Jean-Louis Trudel. Memb: C$35; students C$20. Info: Henry F. Hall de l'Université Concordia, 1455 boulevard de Maisonneuve Ouest, Montréal, Quebec, Canada; email: website:
CORFLU 23 (May 5-7 '06) Comfort Hotel Downtown, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Fanzine con. Memb: $50 / C$60 / £25. Info: CORFLU 23, 148 Howland Ave., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5R 3B5; Catherine, (416) 516-3571 or Colin, (416) 516-8686; email: and; website:
LEPRECON 32: TRANSCENDING WORLDS (May 5-7 '06) Embassy Suites Phoenix North, Phoenix AZ. Art-oriented SF & Fantasy con. AGoH: Alan M. Clark. Writer GoH: John Vornholt. Special Media Guest: Bill Blair. Music Local AGoH: Gilead. Music Guest: Bill Laubenheimer. Special Guest: Ray Gish. Memb: $45. Info: LepreCon 32, Box 26665, Tempe AZ 85285; (480) 945-6890; email:; website:
EGOCON (May 6 '06) Country Springs Hotel, Stevens Point WI. Guests: Jody Lynn Nye, Bill Fawcett, Kathryn Sullivan, David Cohen, John K.E. Reed, Lance & Chastity Sleeter, Brad Kankelfitz, Adam Netzler. Info: NEWFOD's Ego Con, Box 5065, Wausau WI 54402; (715) 298-1640 or (715) 573-3021; email:; website:
GENRECON 2006 (May 6 '06) Sarnia Library, Sarnia, ON, Canada. Memb: Free. Info: Genrecon, Sarnia Library, 124 Christina St. South, Sarnia, ON, Canada N7T 8E1; Jeffrey Allan Beeler, Reference Librarian, (519) 337-3291; email:
IMAGINALES (May 11-14 '06) Epinal, France. Guests: Jean-Pierre Andrevon, James Barclay, Robin Hobb, Wojtek Siudmak, many more. Info: email:; website:
WORLD HORROR CONVENTION 2006 (May 11-14 '06) Holiday Inn San Francisco – Golden Gateway, San Francisco CA. TM: Peter Straub. GoHs: Kim Newman, Koji Suzuki. Media GoH: Clive Barker. Publishing GoH: John Pelan. AGoH: Brom. Memb: $135 pre-reg., $140 at door. Info: World Horror Convention 2006, 655 Montgomery St., 5th fl., San Francisco CA 94111; email:; website:
LITUANICON (May 12-14 '06) Holiday Inn Vilnius, Seimyniskiu 1, Lithuania. Theme: "Ex Oriete Lux" – oriental aspects of science fiction and fantasy. Info: website:
TO BE CONTINUED 5: LEGENDS (May 12-14 '06) DoubleTree Suites Downers Grove, Downers Grove IL. Guests: Robert J. Sawyer, Weta Workshop, Javier Grillo-Marxuach, Bob Eggleton, Larry Elmore. Memb: $45. Info: To Be CONtinued P.O. Box 5211 River Forest, IL 60305-5211; website:
KEYCON 23 (May 19-21 '06) Radisson Winnipeg Downtown, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. GoHs: Jacqueline Carey, Robert J. Sawyer, Ruth Thompson, Frantic Films, Barron Vangor Toth. Memb: $40. Info: Keycon, Box 3178, Winnipeg, MB R3C 4E7, Canada; email:; website:
MOBICON 9 (May 19-21 '06) Ashbury Hotel & Suites, Mobile AL. Author Guests: Jody Lynn Nye, Chris A. Jackson, Debbora Williams, David Beauchamp. Artist Guests: Ellisa Mitchell. Steve Bennett. Media Guests: Billy West, Ellen Muth, Lucien Eisenach, Mike Ensley, Chip Chism. FGoH: Tony Kimsey. Memb: $35 to 5/1/06, then $40. Info: Mobicon, Box 161632, Mobile AL 36616-2632; website:
OPUS FANTASY ARTS FESTIVAL (May 19-21 '06) Hyatt DTC, Denver CO. GoH: Steven Brust. AGoH: L.A. Williams. Memb: $34 to 5/7/06, then $39. Info: Fantasy Arts Enterprises, 397 S. Revere St., Aurora CO 80012; (303) 364-6003; email:; website:
NORDCON 2006 (May 20-21 '06) Hamburg House, Hamburg, Germany. Info: email:; website:
BALTICON 40 (May 26-29 '06) Marriott's Hunt Valley Inn, Baltimore MD. GoH: Neil Gaiman. AGoH: Lisa Snellings-Clark. Musical GoH: Lorraine a' Malena. Special GoH: Gene Wolfe. 2005 Compton Crook Award Winner: Tamara Siler Jones. Memb: $55. Info: Balticon 40, Box 686, Baltimore MD 21203-0686; (410) 563-2737; fax: (410) 879-3602; email:; website:
BAYCON 2006 (May 26-29 '06) San Jose DoubleTree Hotel, San Jose CA. GoH: Larry Niven. Science GoH: Jerry Pournelle. AGoH: Jim Burns. FGoH: Craig Miller. TM: James Stanley Daugherty. Memb: $75. Info: BayCon 2006, Box 610427, San Jose CA 95161-0427; email:; website:
CONDUIT XVII: WIZARDS OF CONDUIT (May 26-28 2006) Sheraton City Centre Hotel, Salt Lake City UT. GoH: L.E. Modessit, Jr. AGoH: Bob Eggleton. Media GoH: Sam Longoria. Memb: $40. Info: email:; website:
CONQUEST 37 (May 26-28 '06) Airport Hilton, Kansas City MO. GoH: Kage Baker. FGoH: Charles Piehl. AGoH: Mitch Bentley. TM: Howard Waldrop. Memb: $40 to 5/1/06, then $50. Info: ConQuesT 37, P. O. Box 36212, Kansas City MO 64171; email:; website:
MARCON (May 26-28 '06) Hyatt Regency, Columbus OH. GoH: George RR Martin. AGoH: Jody Lee. Costuming GoH: Chris Kramer. Gaming GoH: Pieramyd Productions. Electronic Gaming GoH: EB Games / Gamestop. Fan GoH: B.J. Mitias. Filk GoH: Dave and Judith Hayman. Science GoH: Steve Lee. Editor GoH: David G. Hartwell. Media GoHs: Eugene Roddenberry, Jr., David Franklin, Michael DeMeritt. TM: Bill Roper. Memb: $35 until 5/10/06; $50 at door. Info: MARCON, Box 141414, Columbus OH 43214; (614) 378-1248; email:; website:
MISCON 20: THE FAMILY REUNION (May 26-29 '06) Ruby's Inn & Convention Center, Missoula MT. GoH: Jerry Oltion. AGoH: Frank Wu. Special Media Guest: Dragon Dronet. Memb: $30. Info: Miscon, Box 7721, Missoula MT 59807; (406) 251-9463; email:; website:
OASIS 19 (May 26-28 '06) Sheraton World Resort, Orlando FL. GoH: Steven Brust. AGoH: Ellisa Mitchell. Filk GoH: Carla Ulbrich. Memb: $30. Info: OASFiS, Box 592905, Orlando FL 32859; email:; website:
WISCON 30 (May 26-29 '06) Concourse Hotel, Madison WI. GoHs: Jane Yolen, Kate Wilhelm. Memb: $60. Info: WisCon, c/o SF3, Box 1624, Madison WI 53701-1624; email:; website:
CONCAROLINAS 2006 (Jun 2-4 '06) Marriott Executive Park, Charlotte NC. GoHs: Spider & Jeanne Robinson. Media GoH: Tony Amendola. Special Music Guest: Boogey Knights. MC: Brian Holloway. Memb: $25 to 5/26/06, then $35. Info: ConCarolinas, Box 9100, Charlotte NC 28299-9100; email:; website:
CONCLAVE 2006 (Jun 2-5 '06) Allenby Park Motor Inn, Auckland, New Zealand. 27th New Zealand National SF Con. GoHs: Steve Jackson, Joan Vinge, Jim Frenkel. FGoH: Kevin MacLean. Memb: NZ$80 to 5/31/06, then NZ$90. Info: Conclave, Box 74013, Market Rd., Auckland, New Zealand; +64-9-2753080; email:; website:
COLONIACON 17 (Jun 3-4 '06) Jugendpark, Sachsenbergstraße, Köln-Deutz (unterhalb der Zoobrücke), Germany. Memb: €16. Info: email:; website:
CONCOMCON 13 (Jun 2-4 '06) Cascade Mountain Inn, Cle Elum WA. Conrunner's con. Topic: The sharing of information. Memb: $25 to 5/31/06, $35 at door. Info: ConComCon 12 c/o SWOC, Box 1066, Seattle WA 98111; website:
CONFLUX 3: A CONVENTION OF FANTASTIC WORLDS (Jun 9-12 '06) Rydges Lakeside Canberra / National Museum of Australia, Canberra, ACT, Australia. Honoured Virtual Guests: Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury, Lloyd Alexander. Int'l. Editor GoH: Ellen Datlow. Australian GoH: Kate Forsyth. Int'l. Special Guests: Steve Jackson, Joan D. Vinge, Jim Frenkel, Dan Abnett. Special Guest: Sara Douglass. Invited Guest: Jackie French. Invited Comic Artist: Jason Paulos. Invited Manga Guest: Queenie Chan. Exhibiting Guest Artists: Nick Stathopoulos, Greg Bridges, Les Petersen. MC: Nick Stathopoulos. Memb: A$220. Info: Conflux 3, Box 903, Belconnen, ACT 2616; +61-2-6241-3211; email:; website:
DUCKON XV: BEWARE THE IDES OF DUCK (Jun 9-11 '06) Naperville Holiday Inn Select, Naperville IL. GoH: Jo Walton. AGoH: Theresa Mather. Filk GoH: Jordin Kare. FGoH: Brendan Lonehawk. Klingon GoH: Keith R.A. DeCandido. Memb: $35 pre-reg., $50 at door. Info: DucKon 14, Box 4843, Wheaton IL 60189-4843; email:; website:
GAYLAXICON (Jun 16-18 '06) Best Western Primrose Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Actor GoH: Ellen Muth. Author GoH: Nalo Hopkinson. Media GoH: Richard Arnold. Writer / Editor GoH: Michael Rowe. Memb: $40 / C$50 pre-reg., $60 / C$60 at door. Info: Gaylaxicon 2006, 1206-44 Dunfield Ave., Toronto, ON M4S 2H2, Canada; email:; website:
SFRA 2006 (Jun 22-24 '06) Crowne Plaza Hotel, White Plains NY. 37th Annual Conference of the Science Fiction Research Association. GoH: Norman Spinrad. Featured Guests: Nancy Kress, Nalo Hopkinson, R. Garcia y Robertson, William Sleator. Distinguished Member Participant: Joan Slonczewski. Special Guest Artist: Michael Whelan. Info: email: Oscar De Los Santos and Tom Morrissey,; website:
APOLLOCON (Jun 23-25 '06) Doubletree Houston Intercontinental Airport, Houston, TX. GoH: Peter S. Beagle. AGoH: Alain Viesca. FGoH: Tim Miller. Memb: $35. Info: Apollocon, Box 541822, Houston TX. 77254; email:; website:
C-ACE (Jun 23-25 '06) Best Western Victoria Park Suites Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Author Guest: Julie E. Czerneda. Comics Guest: Mark Oakley. Art Guest: Melita Curphy. Memb: C$30 to 5/26/06, C$40 at door. Info: C-ACE, 181 Bank St., Box 71091, Ottawa, ON K2P 2L9, Canada; email: David Gordon,; website:
HYPERICON 2 (Jun 23-25 '06) Days Inn Stadium, Nashville TN. GoH: Tim Powers. Special Guests: Sherrilyn Kenyon, Brian Keene, Glen Cook, John Skipp. Guests: Mary M. Buckner, Julianne Lee, Deborah LeBlanc, Bryan Smith, James Newman, Elizabeth Donald, Dr. Amy Sturgis, Alethea Kontis, Hunter Cressall, Stephen and Suzie Lackey, Jason Sizemore, Todd Lyles, Melissa Gay. Memb: $35. Info: HyperiCon, 6001 Old Hickory Blvd., Apt. 411, Hermitage TN 37076; email:; website:
LYCON 2 (Jun 23-25 '06) Hause des CVJM (YMCA House), Lübeck, Northern Germany. 2006 German National SF Con. GoH: James P. Hogan. Memb: €20. Info: email:; websites: and
THE GATHERING OF THE FELLOWSHIP 2006 (Jul 1-4 '06) Sheraton Centre Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Guests: Ted Nasmith, John Howe, Alison Baird, Craig Parker, Bruce Hopkins, more. Memb: $115 / C$134.34 / €97.50 to 4/1/06. Additional cost for special events. Info: Corporate Headquarters, 603 Kitty Hawk, Unit D, Beeville TX 78102; Toronto Office, Treasury Office, 82 Ravenswood Dr., Brampton, Ontario L6Y 4A1, Canada; (647) 893-0755; fax: (905) 450-0440; email:; website:
WESTERCON 59: CONZILLA (Jul 1-4 '06) San Diego Marriott Mission Valley, San Diego CA. GoH: Walter Jon Williams. AGoH: Bob Eggleton. FGoH: Bobbi Armbruster. TM: Kevin J. Anderson. Memb: $70 to 6/15/06, $80 at door. Info: Conzilla, Box 845, Ramona CA 92065-0845; email:; website:
CONVERGENCE 2006 (Jul 7-9 '06) Sheraton Bloomington Hotel, Bloomington MN. Guests: David Weber, Kenneth Hite, Miles Teves, Greg Weisman. Memb: $40 to 5/15/06, $55 at door. Info: CONvergence, 1437 Marshall Ave., Suite 203, St. Paul MN 55104; (651) 647-3487; email:; website:
INCONJUNCTION (Jul 7-9 '06) Indianapolis Sheraton Hotel & Suites, Indianapolis IN. GoH: Lori Skov-Jansen. AGoH: Mike More. Music GoH: Tom Smith. FGoH: Melissa Anelli. TM: Robert Pyatt. Memb: $40 to 6/1/06, then $45. Info: InConJunction XXVI, Box 68514, Indianapolis IN 46268-0514; email:; website:
READERCON 17 (Jul 7-9 '06) Boston Marriott Burlington, Burlington MA. GoHs: China Miéville, James Morrow. Memorial GoH: Jorge Luis Borges. Memb: $43 to 6/30/06, $50 at door. Info: Readercon 17, Box 38-1246, Cambridge MA 02238-1246; email:; website:
TT20 (Jul 7-9 '06) DoubleTree International Plaza Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, GoHs: Michael Shanks, Amber Benson, Adam Busch, Garrett Wang, Lexa Doig, Richard Hatch. MC: Larry Stewart. Memb: $54 / C$60 to 5/26/06, $70 at door. Info: TT20, Box 7097, Station A, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5W 1X7; (416) 410-8266; email:; website:
Michinoku SF Festival ZUNCON (Jul 8-9 '06) 45th Japanese National SF Con. Hotel Sokan, Matsushima-cho, Shizugawa, Miyagi, Japan. Memb (incl. 2 meals & hotel): JPY 35,000. Info: email:; website:
NECON 26 (Jul 13-16 '06) Roger Williams University, Bristol RI. GoHs: Tim Lebbon, Gary Braunbeck, Edward Lee. AGoH: Gahan Wilson. Necon Legend: Rick Hautala. TM: Steven Spruill. Memb: $300 dbl. / $350 sgl. – incl. room & board. Info: Necon 26, 67 Birchland Ave., Pawtucket RI 02860; (401) 726-2003 or (401) 338-4093; email: or; website:
CONSTRUCTION 2006 (Jul 15-16 '06) San Jose Hilton Hotel, San Jose CA. Memb: $45 to 5/31/06, $50 to 7/1/06, $55 at door. Info: Construction 2006, Box 61363, Sunnyvale CA 94088-1363; email:; website:
TRINOC*CON / DEEP SOUTH CON 44 (Jul 21-23 '06) North Raleigh Hilton, Raleigh NC. GoHs: David Drake, John Kessel. AGoH: Patrick Meadows. Special Guest: Barry N. Malzberg. TM: David G. Hartwell. Info: email:; website:
VIDCON '06 (Jul 21-23 '06) Hilton Garden Inn, Tampa FL. Fan Fiction convention. Memb.: $40 to 7/15/06 (incl. dinner Fri. & Sat.), $45 at door (checks to Vidcon or Stone Hill). Info: Stone Hill SF Assoc., Box 22134 Plant City FL 33564-2213; email:; website:
Writercon 2006: Craft, Style, Myth: Exploring the Art of Fan Fiction (Jul 21-23 '06) Holiday Inn Select (Perimeter), Atlanta GA. Guests: Anna Louise Genoese, Susan Sizemore, Rhonda V. Wilcox, Rachel Caine. Memb: $65. Info: email:; website:
LUMOS 2006: A HARRY POTTER SYMPOSIUM (Jul 27-30 '06) Las Vegas NV. Theme: Back to School. 14 & over. Memb: Sold out; see website to add yourself to waitlist. If avail., price will be $180. Info: email:; website:
CONESTOGA 10 (Jul 28-30 '06) Tulsa OK. GoH: David Drake. AGoH: Don Maitz. TM: Robin Wayne Bailey. FGoHs: Lynn Stranathan, Selina Rosen. Memb: $25 to 6/1/06, then $35. Info: Conestoga 10, 440 S. Gary Ave. # 45, Tulsa OK 74104; (918) 445-2094; email:; website:
CONFLUENCE (Jul 28-30 '06) Four Points by Sheraton Pittsburgh Airport, Pittsburgh PA. GoH: Geoffrey Landis. Filk Guest: Lawrence Dean. Memb: $35 pre-reg., $45 at door. Info: Confluence, Box 3681, Pittsburgh PA 15230-3681; (412) 344-0456; email:; website:
CONVERSATION (Jul 28-30 '06) Doubletree Hotel, Novi MI. Relaxacon, 16 & over. Memb: $30. Info: ConVersation, 3790 Rohr Rd., Lake Orion MI 48359; email:; website:
DEMICON 17 (Jul 28-30 '06) Hotel Fort Des Moines, Des Moines IA. AGoH: Janet Chui. FGoHs: Ted Poovey, Darice Schirber-Poovey. TM Emeritus: Rusty Hevelin. TM: Tadao Tomomatsu. Ghost of Honor: Rod Serling. Memb: $40 to 7/1/06. Info: DemiCon 17, Box 7572, Des Moines IA 50322-7572; email:; website:
LIBERTYCON 19 (Jul 28-30 '06) Comfort Inn & Suites, Chattanooga TN. GoH: TBA. AGoH: Pete Abrams. Special Guest: Travis Taylor. MC: John Steakley. Memb: $30 to 7/17/06, then $45. Info: LibertyCon 19, Box 695, Hixson TN 37343-0695; email:; website:
TATRACON (Jul 29-Aug 5 '06) Tatra Mountains, Slovakia. Info: website:
PULPCON 35 (August 3-6, 2006) Dayton Convention Center, Dayton, Ohio, Guests of Honor are William Tenn and Ernest Chiriacka. Memberships arriving May 14th through July 15th are: $30 T-S, $20 F-S and $10 S-S. Those arriving July 16th or later will be held for at-the-door registration: $40 T-S, $20 F-S and $10 S-S. 100 tables of pulps and related ephemera, panels, banquet at local restaurant, and two nights of auctions. Pulpcon, PO Box 90424, Dayton, Oh 45490-0424 or
CONTINUUM 4: RETRORAMA: the future was then (Aug 4-6, '06). The Victoria Hotel, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. GoHs: Margo Lanagan, Charles Stross, Shaun Tan. Fan GoH: Bruce Gillespie Memb: A$145 to 8/3/06, door rates TBA. Info: Continuum 4, Box 603, Melbourne, VIC 3001; email: website:
MECON 9 (Aug 4-6 '06) Queen's Elms Centre, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Guests: Ian McDonald, Diane Duane, Peter Morwood, Hal Duncan, Paul J. Holden, Ken MacLeod, Leah Moore, John Reppion.. Memb: £18 / €30 pre-reg., £20 / €33 at door. Info: MeCon 9, 115 Malone Road, Belfast BT9 6SP, Northern Ireland; email:; website:
MYTHCON XXXVII (Aug 4-7 '06) University of Oklahoma, Norman OK. Theme: The Map and the Territory: Maps and Landscapes in Fantasy. GoHs: Lois McMaster Bujold, Amy H. Sturgis. Memb: $150 members, $175 non-members, $110 students. Info: Burning Hill Farm, Inc., c/o Janet B. Croft, 17550 E. Cedar Ln., Norman OK 73026; (405) 325-1918; email:; website:
ArmadilloCon 28 (Aug 11-13 '06) Doubletree Hotel, Austin TX. GoH: Julie Czerneda. Editor GoH: Diana Gill. FGoH: Grant Kruger. TM: Esther Friesner. Special Guest: James P. Hogan/ Memb: $40. Info: ArmadilloCon 28, Box 27277, Austin TX 78755; (512) 477-6259; email:;
CONGLOMERATION 2006 (Aug 11-13 '06) Louisville KY. GoH: Harry Turtledove. AGoHs: Omar & Shelia Rayyan. Returning Guests: Steve & Sue Francis. Memb: $25 to 7/25/06 , then $35. Info: ConGlomeration, Attn: Registration, Box 32095 Louisville, KY 40232-209; email: or; website:
HORRORFIND WEEKEND (Aug 11-13 '06) Marriott Hunt Valley Inn, Hunt Valley MD. Guests: Edward Lee, Jack Ketchum, Brian Keene, Brian Lumley, John Skipp, Michael Laimo, Edward Holsclaw, Doug Bradley, Denise Crosby, more. Memb: $45. Info:, 9722 Groffs Mill Dr. #109, Owings Mills MD 21117; (443) 465 0645; email:; website:
BUBONICON 38 (Aug 18-20 '06) Wyndham Airport Hotel, Albuquerque NM. GoH: Ben Bova. TMs: Catherine Cogswell, David Mattingly. Guest Artist: Kathleen Lowe. Memb: $35 to 7/31/06, $40 at door. Info: NMSF Conference, Box 37257, Albuquerque NM 87176; Craig Chrissinger, (505) 266-8905; email:; website:
DISCWORLD CONVENTION 2006 (Aug 18-21 '06) Hinckley Island Hotel, Hinckley, Leicestershire, UK. GoH: Terry Pratchett. Guests: Stephen Briggs, Bernard Pearson, Trevor Truran, Colin Smythe, Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen, Diane Duane, Peter Morwood, David Langford, Lionel Fanthorpe, more TBA. Memb: £50. Info: Discworld Convention 2006, Box 102, Royston, Herts, SG8 7ZJ, UK; +44 (0)7092 394940; email:; website:
FINNCON 2006 (Aug 18-20 '06) Paasitorni Conference Centre, Helsinki, Finland. Guests: Jeff VanderMeer, Justina Robson, Risto Isomäki. Memb: Free. Info: website:
L.A.CON IV / WORLDCON 64 (Aug 23-27 '06) Hilton Anaheim / Anaheim Marriott / Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim CA. GoH: Connie Willis. AGoH: James Gurney. FGoH: Howard DeVore. Special Guest: Frankie Thomas. Memb: $175 / C$210 / €150 / £100 / A$225 to 7/1/06. Info: L.A.con IV, c/o S.C.I.F.I., Inc., Box 8442, Van Nuys CA 91409. International Agents: Canada: Lloyd & Yvonne Penney, 1706 - 24 Eva Rd., Etobicoke, ON M9C 2B2, Canada (Canadian cheques to Lloyd Penney). UK: John Harold, Robbie Bourget, 8 Warren Close, Langley Slough, Berkshire SL3 7UA, UK (UK / Euro cheques to John Harold); Australia: Edwin Scribner, 12 Richmount St., Cronulla, NSW 2230, Australia (Australian cheques to Edwin Scribner). Email:; website:
BELLAING 2006 (Aug 24-27 '06) 33rd French National SF Con. Bellaing, France. Memb: €45 to 5/31/06, then €50. Info: à l'ordre de ‘‘L'association d'aide aux auteurs'', 34 rue Jean Jaurès, 59135 Bellaing, France; email: or; website:
JVL-CON VIII (Aug 25-27 '06) Ramada Inn, Janesville WI. Guests: Stacy Keach, Peter Jason, T.W. Miller, more TBA. Memb: $35 to 8/1/06, then $40. Info: JVL-CON VIII, 1316 Monterey Ln., Janesville WI. 53545; (608) 290-7025; website:
CopperCon 26 (Sept 1-4 '06) Tempe Mission Palms, Tempe AZ. GoHs: Marc Zicree, Diane Duane, Peter Morwood. AGoH: Sarah Clemens. Music GoH: Seanan McGuire. Memb: $30 to 3/31/06, more later. Info: CopperCon 26, Box 62613, Phoenix AZ 85082; (480) 949-0415; email:; website:
DRAGONCON (Sept 1-4 '06) Atlanta Marriott Marquis / Hyatt Regency Atlanta / Atlanta Hilton, Atlanta GA. Guests: Charles Band, Timothy Bradstreet, Denise Crosby, Peter David, Phil Foglio, Stephen Furst, Eva Hopkins, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Joseph Michael Linsner, Erin Moran, Ted Naifeh, George Perez, Eric Powell, William ‘Bill' Stout, Anson Williams, Marv Wolfman. Memb: $60 to 5/15/06, $70 to 7/14/06, then $85. Info: Dragon*Con, Box 16459, Atlanta GA 30321-0459; (770) 909-0115; fax: 770-909-0112; email:; website:
OXONMOOT (Sept 15-17 '06) Oxford, England. Tolkien Society event. Info: website:
FANTASYCON 2006 (Sept 22-24 '06) Britannia Hotel, St James Street, Nottingham, UK. Annual convention of the British Fantasy Society. Guests: Neil Gaiman, Juliet E. McKenna, Ramsey Campbell, Raymond E. Feist, Clive Barker. MC: David J. Howe. Memb: BFS members: £40 to 6/30/06, then £50; non-members: £45 to 6/30/06, then £55. Info: Fantasycon, c/o Beech House, Chapel Lane, Moulton, Cheshire, CW9 8PQ, UK; website:
FENCON III (Sept 22-24 '06) Holiday Inn Select – North Dallas, Dallas TX. GoH: Alan Dean Foster. AGoH: Darrell K. Sweet. Music GoH: Heather Alexander. FGoH: Judith Ward. TM: Jim Butcher. Special Guest: Lawrence Watt-Evans. Memb: $25 to 6/1/06, $30 to 9/1/06, $35 at door. Info: FenCon, Box 560576, The Colony TX 75056-0576; email:; website:
FOOLSCAP VIII (Sept 22-24 '06) Bellevue Sheraton, Bellevue WA. GoHs: C.J. Cherryh, Kage Baker. Memb: $50 to 9/21/06, $60 at door. Info: Foolscap, c/o Little Cat Z, Box 2461, Seattle WA 98111-2461; email:; website:
RIMCON VICTORIA (Sept 22-24 '06) Holiday Inn, Victoria, BC, Canada. GoHs: Spider & Jeanne Robinson. AGoH: Grant Gould. Guest: Dave Duncan. Memb: C$25 to 5/31/06. Info: RimCon Victoria, Box 32108, Victoria, BC, V8P 4H0, Canada; website:
ARCANA 36 (Sep 29-Oct 1 '06) Holiday Inn Express, Bandana Square, St. Paul MN. GoH: David G. Hartwell. Memb: $25 to 9/4/06, $35 at door. Info: ARCANA 36, Box 8036, Lake St. Station, Minneapolis MN 55408; Eric, (612) 721-5959; email:; website:
THE FIFTH CONJECTURE: FANTASTIC WOMEN (Sep 29-Oct 1 '06) Red Lion Hanalei Hotel, San Diego CA. GoH: Holly Lisle. Memb: $40 to 5/1/06, $50 at door. Info: Conjecture, Box 927388, San Diego CA 92192-7388; email:; website:
ARCHON 30 (Oct 5-8 '06) Collinsville IL Gateway Center / Holiday Inn, Collinsville IL. GoH: Elizabeth Moon. AGoH: Romas Kukalis. Media GoH: Billy West. Gaming GoH: Hex Games. Costuming GoH: Gypsy Ames. FGoH: jan howard finder. TM: Robin Wayne Bailey. Masquerade MC: Vic Milán. Memb: $35 to 6/30/06, $40 to 8/31/06, then $45. Info: Archon 30, Box 8387, St. Louis MO 63132-8387; Rich or Michelle Zellich, (636) 326-3026; email:; website:
ALBACON 2006 (Oct 6-8 '06) Crowne Plaza, Albany NY. GoH: Peter David. AGoH: Omar Rayyan. Info: Albacon, Box 2085, Albany NY 12220-0085;; website:
CONCLAVE 31 (Oct 6-8 '06) Crowne Plaza Detroit Metro Airport, Romulus MI. GoH: Catherine Asare. AGoH: Voltaire. FGoH: Rene & Carol Gobeyn. Music GoH: Emerald Rose. Memb: $40 to 9/4/06, $45 at door. Info: ConClave, Inc., Box 2915, Ann Arbor MI 48106; email:; website:
Context 19 (Oct 6-8 '06) Holiday Inn on the Lane, Columbus OH. GoH: Maureen McHugh. Horror GoH: Tim Waggoner. Special Guests: Gary A. Braunbeck, Kay Kenyon, Louise Marley, Mike Resnick. Editor GoH: Ellen Datlow. Memb: $35 to 9/1/06, then $45. Info: FANACO, Inc., Box 153391, Columbus OH 43216; (614) 868-8366; email:; website:
SILCON 2006: COMICS ON & OFF THE PAGE (Oct 6-8 '06) DoubleTree Hotel, San Jose CA. GoHs: Mark Bode, Steve Englehart. Memb: $35 to 8/31/06, then $45. Info: SiliCon 2006, 1009 E. Capitol Expressway #415, San Jose CA 95121-2415; email:; website:
VCON 31 (Oct 6-8 '06) Executive Airport Plaza, Richmond, BC, Canada. GoH: Barbara Hambly. AGoH: Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk. FGoH: Randy McCharles. Memb: C$50 to 9/15/06, C$60 at door. Info: VCON 31, #302 - 1330 Graveley St., Vancouver, BC V5L 3A2, Canada; email:; website:
ICON 31: GALLIUM (Oct 13-15 '06) Clarion Hotel, Cedar Rapids IA. GoH: C.S. Friedman. AGoH: Larry Price. Memb: $40 pre-reg. Info: ICON 31, 308 E. Burlington St. PMB #201, Iowa City IA 52240; website:
IMAGICON – SWECON 2006 (Oct 13-15 '06) Students' Union, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. GoH: Joe Haldeman. FGoH: Martin Andreasson. Memb: SEK 300 to 10/1/06, SEK 350 at door. A substantial amount of the program will be in English. Info: email:; website:
VALLEYCON 32 (Oct 13-15 '06) Best Western Doublewood Inn, Fargo ND. Media Guest: William Shatner. Author Guests: Diane Duane, Peter Morwood, Janny Wurtz. Artist Guests: Don Maitz, Rowena. Memb: $40 to 7/10/06, $55 at door. Info: The Fargo Fantasy Festival: ValleyCon 32, Attn: Tony Tilton, Box 7202, Fargo ND 58106; email:; website:
CON*CEPT 2006 (Oct 14-15 '06) Days Hotel, Montréal, Québec, Canada. Info: email:; website:
CAPCLAVE 2006 (Oct 20-22 '06) Hilton Washington / Silver Spring, Silver Spring MD. GoH: Kim Stanley Robinson. FGoH: Tom Whitmore. Memb: $30 to 5/31/06, $40 to 9/30/06, $50 at door. Info: Capclave 2006, 7113 Wayne Dr., Annandale VA 22003-1734; email:; website:
CON*STELLATION 25: CYGNUS (Oct 20-22 '06) Huntsville AL. GoH: David Drake. AGoH: Theresa Mather. MC: Stephen Hickman. Special GoH: Glen Cook. Memb: $35 to 9/15/06, then $40. Info: Con*Stellation XXV: Cygnus, Box 4857, Huntsville AL 35815-4857; email:; website:
HALLOWCON 06 (Oct 27-29 '06) Comfort Inn & Suites, Chattanooga TN. Theme: 1001 Arabian Vampires. Info: HallowCon C/O L. D. Stacy, 395 Stancil Rd., Rossville, GA 30741; email:; website:
MILEHIGHCON 38 (Oct 27-29 '06) Hyatt Regency – Tech Center, Denver CO. GoHs: Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens, Robert J. Sawyer. AGoH: Alan Clark. TM: Mark Ferrari. Memb: $36 to 6/30/06, $38 to 10/10/06, $40 at door. Info: MileHiCon 38, Box 487, Westminster CO 80036; email:; website:
NECRONOMICON 2006 (Oct 27-29 '06) Hyatt Downtown Tampa, Tampa FL. GoHs: Vernor Vinge, Harry Turtledove. Memb: $25 to 9/15/06, $35 at door. Info: Necronomicon 2006, Box 2213, Plant City FL 33564-2213; email:; website:
World Fantasy Convention 2006: ROBERT E. HOWARD CENTENNIAL (Nov 2-5 '06) Renaissance Hotel, Arboretum, Austin TX. GoHs: Glen Cook, Dave Duncan. TM: Bradley Denton. Editor GoH: Glenn Lord. AGoH: John Jude Palencar. Robert E. Howard Artist Guest: Gary Gianni. Memb: $125 to 7/31/06. Info: FACT, Inc., Box 27277, Austin TX 78755; website:
Utopiales International SF Festival (Nov 2-5 '06) Nantes, France. Guests include Cory Doctorow, Kim Stanley Robinson, Martha Wells, Lucius Sheppard and Norman Spinrad. Website:
ARMADACON: 18 (Nov 10-12 '06) Novotel, Plymouth, Devon, England. Guests: TBA. Memb: £25. Info: Marion Pritchard, 4 Gleneagle Ave., Mannamead, Plymouth, PL3 5HL, England; +44 (0) 1752 267873; email: or; website: or
ASTRONOMICON 10 (Nov 10-12 '06) Clarion Riverside Hotel, Rochester, NY. GOHs: Catherine Asaro, Julie Czerneda, Pamela Sargent, AGOH: Julie Bell, FGOH: Bjo & John Trimble, Editor GOH: Toni Weisskopf, Info: The Rochester Fantasy Fans, P.O.Box 31701, Rochester, N.Y. 14603-1701. email:; website:
NOVACON 36 (Nov 10-12 '06) Quality Hotel, Bentley, Walsall, West Midlands, England. GoH: Ken MacLeod. Memb: £36 to 10/31/06, £40 at door. Info: Steve Lawson, 379 Myrtle Rd., Sheffield, England S2 3HQ; 0114 281 1572; email:; website:
TUSCON 33 (Nov 10-12 '06) InnSuites Hotel, Tucson AZ. TM: Edward Bryant. GoHs: TBA. Memb: $35 to 5/8/06, $40 to 9/5/06, then $45. Info: TusCon, Box 2528, Tucson AZ 85702-2528; fax: (520) 571-7180; email:; website:
WINDYCON 2006 (Nov 10-12 '06) Wyndham O'Hare Hotel, Rosemont IL. GoH: Jack McDevitt. AGoH: Stephan Martiniere. Editor GoH: Jacob Weisman. FGoH: Mark and Priscilla Olson. TM: Tom Smith. Special Guests: Barry Malzberg, Mike Resnick, Robert Weinberg. Memb: $45 to 10/13/06, then $55. Info: WindyCon 33, Box 184, Palatine IL 60078-0184; (847) 310-0725; email:; website:
ORYCON 28 (Nov 17-19 '06) Portland Marriott Waterfront, Portland OR. GoH: Cory Doctorow. AGoH: Vincent DiFate. Editor GoH: Ellen Datlow. Memb: $35 to 7/15/06, $45 to 10/31/06, then $55. Info: Orycon 28, Box 5464, Portland OR 97228-5464; website:
PHILCON 2006 (Nov 17-19 '06) Franklin Wyndam Plaza, Philadelphia PA. Info: email:; website:
CONVENTUS (CONTREATY 2006) (Nov 24-26 '06) Grand Hotel de l'Empereur, Maastricht, The Netherlands. The 27th Beneluxcon. GoHs: James P. Hogan, Alastair Reynolds, Tais Teng, Thomas Olde Heuvelt. Memb: €50. Info: ConVentus, Steenstraat 16, 6155 KH Puth, Netherlands; website:
DARKOVER GRAND COUNCIL MEETING XXIX (Nov 24-26 '06) Holiday Inn Timonium, Timonium MD. GoH: Jacqueline Carey. Special Guest: Katherine Kurtz. Musical GoH: Clam Chowder. Memb: $45 to 11/1/06, then $50 (checks to Armida Council). Info: Armida Council, Box 7203, Silver Spring MD 20907; email: or; website:
LOSCON 33 (Nov 24-26 '06) Los Angeles Airport Marriott, Los Angeles CA. Theme: Exploring the Golden Ages of Science Fiction. GoH: William Tenn. FGoH: Fred Patten. Memb: $35. Info: Loscon 33, C/O Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society, 11513 Burbank Blvd., North Hollywood CA 91601; email:; website:
SMOFCON 24 (Dec 1-3 '06) Hotel Phillips, Kansas City MO. Convention runners con. Info: