Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine
• Issue 19, Vol. 4 No. 1, June/July 2005, A$7.95, 128pp, cover art by Shane Parker
• Bimonthly Australian magazine focusing on humorous and light-hearted SF and fantasy
• Website:
• This issue of the Australian SF and Fantasy magazine, edited this time by Ian Nichols, has fiction by Lou Antonelli, Jay Lake, Will McIntosh, Lee Emmett, and others, plus poetry by Mikal Trimm, Terrie Leigh Relf, Greg Beatty, and Mike Allen.
• Special features include a piece on Elven Grammar by 'Philologa Majora', and a piece on "Naming the Novel" by Ashley Arnold.
• Regular features include interviews of Lee & Lyn Battersby, and Ellen Datlow, plus book reviews by Ian Nichols.
• The magazine's current issue page has the table of contents.
• Issue 260, Vol. 27 No. 6, June 2005, $5.95/C$6.95, 46pp, cover art by NASA
• Monthly SFFH trade journal, founded in 1979 by Andrew I. Porter as Science Fiction Chronicle; now published by Warren Lapine, with news editor Ian Randal Strock
• Website:
• This issue returns news to the front of the magazine, with a report on April's Nebula Awards in Chicago and stories about Scholastic Books, Meisha Merlin's Heinlein publication plans, and many other stories under headings for News Notes and Authors & Editors.
• The issue includes a short story, "Far From Home" by Jamie Wild.
• Other items include a Market Report for print magazines, Jeff Rovin's SF Cinema column, Tanya Brown's UK Report, and book reviews by Don D'Ammassa and Michael Johnson.
• Issue 199, July/August 2005, £3.50, 66pp, cover art by Jim Burns
• Monthly SF magazine, published since 1982, co-founded by David Pringle; edited since 2004 by Andy Cox
• Website:
• This issue, with a refurbished cover design and interior layout, has fiction ("Intermission") by Steven Mohan, Jr., Neal Asher, Jay Caselberg, Nina Allan, and Jeremiah Tolbert.
• There's an Interview with Charles Stross; "Interface" editorial by Andy Cox and "Ansible Link" by David Langford; and "Interlocutions" (reviews) by Nick Lowe on films, John Clute on books (covering Kelly Link, Jay Lake, and Paul Park), and shorter book reviews by Niall Harrison, Paul Kincaid, Farah Mendlesoh, Rick Kleffel, and others.
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction
• Vol. 109 No. 3 (whole #643), September 2005, $3.99/C$5.99, 162pp, cover art by Michael Garland
• Near-monthly (11 times/year) magazine of fiction, reviews, and features; published since 1949; edited by Gordon Van Gelder
• Website:
• Message Board:
• This issue publishes Kelly Link's novella "Magic for Beginners", title story of her new collection, in effect simultaneously with the book publication.
• The issue opens and closes with a pair of stories by David Gerrold: "A Quantum Bit Exists in Two States Simultaneously: On" and "A Quantum Bit Exists in Two States Simultaneously: Off". There are also short stories by Richard Mueller, Carter Scholz, Arthur Porges, Albert E. Cowdrey, and Bruce Sterling.
• Departments include Charles de Lint's "Books to Look For", covering Graham Joyce, Luis Ortiz on Lee Brown Coye, and Richard Cox; a book review essay by Robert K.J. Killheffer, wondering if British SF writers are more interesting than American ones, by way of covering John Scalzi, Richard K. Morgan, Chris Moriarty, Charles Stross, and others; a new "Plumage from Pegasus" story by Paul Di Filippo; Kathi Maio's film review of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; and a Curiosities page by Darrell Schweitzer about a book by Mervyn Wall.
• The magazine's current issue page has the table of contents with links to all the departments.
• Nick Gevers reviews the issue in the August Locus Magazine, recommending the Link and Sterling stories; Kelly Link's "is both a significant statement about fantasy and, likely, the best fantasy story of the year."
• Summer 2005, $6.00/C$7.50, 96pp, cover art by Jeff Sturgeon
• Magazine of SF and dark fantasy, published since 1995; publishers and editors Patrick & Honna Swenson
• Website:
• This 10th anniversary issue has fiction by Anne Harris, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, James Van Pelt, Ray Vukcevich, David J. Schwartz, Brian Scott Hiebert, Jason D. Wittman, and Michael Poore. There's also poetry and verse by Katherine Elwevar, Roger Dutcher, and William John Watkins.
• Departments include an editorial by Patrick and Honna Swenson, letters from readers, an interview with Ben Bova, film, TV, and book reviews by Edward Bryant, short book reviews ("The Boneyard") by various hands, contributor bios, and a preview of the next issue.
• The magazine is published by Fairwood Press, which just issued new books by James Van Pelt and Jay Lake. The magazine site links to a page with the table of contents and ordering information.