Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
• Vol. 15 No. 2 (whole #58), Spring 2005, $7.50, 97-183pp
• Quarterly academic journal published by Florida Atlantic University; edited by W.A. Senior
• Website:
• This issue has articles by David L. Cross (on Faulkner), Anne E. Hardcastle (on Guillermo del Toro), John Pennington (on Arthur Conan Doyle), C.W. Sullivan III (on Kenneth Grahame), and David H. Wilson (on Dark City).
• Reviews are by Christine Mains, P. Andrew Miller, Amie Rotruck, and Nicholas Ruddick.
• W.A. Senior editorializes on "Defending the Fantastic--Redux", contrasting fantasy with the 'doom and gloom' sub-genre of books for kids.
Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts
• Vol. 15 No. 1 (whole #57), Spring 2004, $7.50, 96pp
• Quarterly academic journal published by Florida Atlantic University; edited by W.A. Senior
• Website:
• This issue has features Daína Chaviano's Guest of Honor Address from ICFA 2004, printed both in English and in Spanish, and other articles by Amanda Cockrell, Peter Goodrich, Duke Pesta, and Marcial Souto.
• Reviews are by Carolyn Adele Gardner, Zsolt Gyori, Fiona Kelleghan, Scott Vander Ploeg, and Gary Westfahl. There's also a list of manuscripts held by the Merrill Collection in Toronto compiled by Sherryl Vint.
• W.A. Senior editorializes on "The Politics of Fantasy".
Mythic Delirium
• Issue 12, Winter/Spring 2005, $5.00, 32pp, cover art by Tim Mullins
• Bi-annual poetry magazine since 1998; published by Warren Lapine and edited by Mike Allen
• Website:
• Poetry in this issue is by Ursula K. Le Guin (another classic reprint from 1981), plus long poems by Sonya Taaffe and Kendall Evans, and shorter poems by Charles Saplak, Robert Frazier, Roger Dutcher, Bruce Boston, Yoon Ha Lee, and many others.
• Editor Mike Allen notes new poetry review site MultiVerse, and SFPA's Rhysling anthology The Alchemy of Stars, as signs that speculative poetry is healthy.
• The Mythic Delirium site has the wraparound cover image, and complete table of contents.
The New York Review of Science Fiction
• Issue 203, Vol. 17 No. 11, July 2005, $4.00, 24pp
• Monthly review and criticism magazine, published since 1988; edited by David G. Hartwell, Kathryn Cramer, et al.
• Website:
• This Special "Return to Readercon" issue leads with a long review by Samuel R. Delany of the 10th volume of Theodore Sturgeon's Complete Stories, and an introduction by Brian Aldiss to Solzhenitsyn's The Gulag Archipelago.
• Reviews include John Clute on Charles Stross, Jim Mann on Clifford D. Simak, Greg L. Johnson on Liz Williams, and Gwyneth Jones on Joanna Russ.
• Michael Swanwick contributes a lexicon from Hope Mirrlees' Lud-in-the-Mist, and a short interview with Gregory Frost.
• David G. Hartwell's editorial, first of a series, addresses the recently controversial practice of publishing long novels in multiple volumes.
• Issue 1, 2005, $7.95, 128pp
• Speculative fiction stories, novel excerpts & industry insights, debuting 2005
• Website:
• Debut issue of Australian magazine compiling contributions from attendees of EnVision workshops in Brisbane, 2003 and 2004, sponsored by Fantastic Queensland.
• Fiction includes stories and novel excerpts, each with an introduction by the author, by Jason Nahrung, Kaaren Sutcliffe, Rick Kennett, Lynne Green, Nea Beauville, Michele Cashmore, and 9 others.
• Industry Insights includes nonfiction pieces and interviews by Sean Williams, Kaaren Sutcliffe, Keith Stevenson, and others.
• The magazine's webpage has ordering information, and links to information on the workshops.
The Third Alternative
• Issue 42, Summer 2005, £4/$7, 66pp, cover art by Camille Kuo
• Quarterly UK magazine of science fiction, fantasy, and horror, edited by Andy Cox
• Website:
• This issue has fiction by Paul Meloy, Elizabeth Bear, Douglas Lain, Matthew Francis, Darren Speegle, and Jason Erik Lundberg.
• Regular columns include Stephen Volk's "Electric Darkness" on films; book reviews by Peter Tennant; John Paul Catton's "Japan's Dark Lanterns" on Japanese culture; and Allen Ashley's "The Dodo Has Landed".
• Andy Cox's editorial, "The Next Alternative", explains the magazine's name change, with the next issue, to Black Static.
• The magazine's current issue page has the table of contents, and excerpts from the stories.