New Books Jan. #1
Elizabeth Bear
Ben Bova
Sara Douglass
S.L. Farrell
Terry Goodkind
Robert A. Metzger
L.E. Modesitt Jr.
Stan Nicholls
Alastair Reynolds
Justina Robson
Al Sarrantonio
John Scalzi
Harry Turtledove
New Books Dec. #3
Douglas Clegg
David Gerrold
Diana Hignutt
Elizabeth Ann Scarborough
Michael Shermer
Allen Steele
2004 Archive
This page lists selected newly published SFFH books seen by Locus Online (independently from the listings compiled by Locus Magazine).
Review copies received will be listed (though reprints and reissues are on other pages), but not galleys or advance reading copies. Selections, some based only on bookstore sightings, are at the discretion of Locus Online.
* = first edition
+ = first US edition
Date with publisher info is official publication month;
Date in parentheses at paragraph end is date seen or received.
New SF, Fantasy, and Horror books seen : January 2005 Week #2
(Roc 0-451-46010-3, $6.99, 338pp, mass market paperback, January 2005, cover art David Seeley)
Fantasy novel, third in the "Weather Wardens" series about people who can control the weather, following Ill Wind (2003) and Heat Stroke (2004).
The author's site has these descriptions, and a sample chapter.
The PW review comments "It's all a bit confusing, for Joanne and readers alike, especially those who haven't followed her through Ill Wind and Heat Stroke, but it's a rollicking good ride. Caine's prose crackles with energy, as does her fierce and lovable heroine."
Carolyn Cushman's review in the November '04 Locus concluded "this is mostly a thoroughly entertaining, nail-biting thriller with the fate of the world - and of some of Joanne's friends - in the balance."
(Sun 9 Jan 2005)
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(DAW 0-7564-0234-4, $6.99, 310pp, mass market paperback, January 2005)
Anthology of 15 original SF stories by British writers. The authors are Eric Brown, Paul McAuley, Brian W. Aldiss, Tony Ballantyne, Stephen Baxter, Roger Levy, Ian Watson, Keith Brooke, Gwyneth Jones, James Lovegrove, Ian McDonald, Adam Roberts, Justina Robson, Colin Greenland, and Alastair Reynolds. The editor explains that it was originally intended to be simply a follow-up to previous hard SF anthologies Moon Shots and Mars Probes, but when early submissions all came from British authors, the book became defined as a showcase for contemporary British SF authors as well.
Nick Gevers reviews the book in the upcoming February issue of Locus, with a review by Rich Horton following in the March issue.
(Tue 11 Jan 2005)
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(Roc 0-451-45991-1, $7.5, 392pp, mass market paperback, December 2004, cover art Alan Pollack)
Fantasy novel, sequel to Path of Fate (2003), about a guardian magician battling mistrust, plague, and famine.
The author's website includes an excerpt, as well as an excerpt and pronunciation guide from the first book.
Amazon reprints the Booklist review by Frieda Murray, which concludes "The tone of Path of Honor is darker than that of its predecessor, for the personal and political problems in it are much harder to fight against. But, well plotted and exhibiting superior characterization, it is definitely a worthy sequel that Path of Fate readers will want to read."
Carolyn Cushman reviewed the book in the January issue of Locus: "...likeable characters and plenty of action keep things entertaining and involving for those who like this sort of thing."
(Sun 9 Jan 2005)
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Gaiman, Neil, illustrated by Dagmara Matuszak :
(Hill House 0-931771-04-8, $90, 60pp, hardcover, January 2005)
Graphic story-poem by Gaiman, about a young girl in a devastated future landscape, with illustrations by Dagmara Matuszak. The illustrations are both black & white and in color, the latter separately printed and hand-laid onto the pages.
This is a limited edition of 1000, to be signed and numbered by Gaiman.
The publisher's description includes numerous photos of sample pages.
Rick Kleffel just published this review, which concludes "Whatever 'Melinda' might be, it is without doubt powerful, intelligently conceived and flawlessly executed."
(Thu 30 Dec 2004)
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(Eos 0-06-050676-8, $7.99, 513pp, mass market paperback, January 2005)
Fantasy novel, conclusion of the trilogy begun in The Fifth Ring and The Emerald Cavern, about the search for a powerful ring.
The publisher's site has this description and an excerpt.
The author's site has numerous excerpts from the earlier books.
(Sun 9 Jan 2005)
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(Tor 0-312-87482-0, $27.95, 493pp, hardcover, August 2004, jacket art Tristan Elwell)
Fantasy novel, sequel to Mother Ocean, Daughter Sea (2001) and The Sea Lark's Song (2002), about a young shari'a witch who discovers she is not the last of her kind.
Amazon has a description and background of the author. Reader reviews indicate that, despite anticipations, it is not the conclusion of a trilogy.
Though publication is indicated as August 2004, it appeared prominently at Locus Online's local Barnes & Noble in January 2005.
(Sun 9 Jan 2005)
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(DAW 0-7564-0279-4, $23.95, 310pp, hardcover, January 2005, jacket art Romas Kukalis)
Military SF novel, first of a series, about 25th century humanity facing an alien threat called the Hive.
The author's website provides this excerpt.
Publishers Weekly gave the book a starred review in its December 20th issue: "...the true joy of this outstanding effort, her first novel since 1992's The Queen's Squadron and the first of a new series, lies in its inspired use of current speculation on the origins of the universe, quantum singularities and even the old chestnut of time travel."
(Sun 9 Jan 2005)
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(Heisenberg Press 0-9653136-4-6, $14.95, 348pp, trade paperback, September 2004)
Nonfiction, subtitled "The rise and fall of a phony charity", about two Lord of the Rings fans who created a phony charity as a ploy to meet their favorite celebrities.
The publisher's press release has a description of how the book came to be written, and chapter excerpts.
The Amazon page has several reader reviews.
(Wed 5 Jan 2005)
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(ASI Publishing 0-9759271-0-8, $6.5, 319pp, mass market paperback, October 2004)
SF novel about sister planets competing for a common resource, dattan, which is available on Earth but illegal to collect there.
The publisher's site has a description, with the book's Foreword, and a biography of the author.
Amazon has the description, and two 5-star reader reviews.
(Wed 5 Jan 2005)
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(Baen 0-7434-9872-0, $25, 389pp, hardcover, January 2005, cover art David Mattingly)
Collection of 4 novellas, one original, in the multi-author Bolo series, originally created by Keith Laumer, about gigantic robot machines designed to protect humanity.
Baen's site has a description and chapter excerpts.
Amazon has reader reviews.
(Tue 11 Jan 2005)
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(Ace 0-441-01265-5, $19.95, 315pp, hardcover, January 2005, jacket illustration Tim Jessel)
Animal fantasy novel about a holocaust in Birddom, in which magpies have wiped out many other species. First US edition. The original UK edition drew much acclaim; sequel Seven for a Secret is due in March.
The US publisher's site has this description.
Amazon has the PW review, which comments "Contrary to the hype in the U.K. press, this avian fantasy lacks the depth of that modern animal classic, Watership Down" yet which concludes "Still, given the compelling plot of 'One for Sorro' in particular, one can understand why Disney has optioned the novel 'in a million-dollar deal.' It should make a wonderful Disney feature-length cartoon, suitably sanitized."
Reader reviews range from 1 to 5 stars, which Harriet Klausner echoing other descriptions: "Cross Watership Down with Jonathan Livingston Seagull".
(Tue 4 Jan 2005)
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(Eos 0-06-105070-9, $25.95, 468pp, hardcover, December 2004, jacket art Iain McCaig)
Fantasy novel, conclusion of a trilogy whose previous volumes were written by Zicree with, respectively, Barbara Hambly and Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff. It's "a modern-day fantasy epic in which all the machines in the world stop working and magic comes back."
Zicree's site has this page of description and review quotes. Set to debut on the site in early 2005 is a 30-second trailer, directed by Star Wars designer Iain McCaig, depicting a climactic scene from the book.
Amazon has the PW review, and Harriet Klausner's review.
(Tue 11 Jan 2005)
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