April 2004 issue of Locus Magazine includes
- Three interviews -- with writers Guy Gavriel Kay and Charles Coleman Finlay, and with F&SF editor Gordon Van Gelder
- News reports about this year's Jack Williamson Conference, the obscenity charges against Asimov's SF magazine, the resurrection of Amazing magazine, and sale of Andre Norton's library
- People & Publishing items about Robert Silverberg, Harry Harrision, Brian Aldiss, Charles L. Grant, Salman Rushdie, Terry Pratchett, Dean Koontz, Allen Steele, Graham Joyce, and many others
- Appreciations of Julius Schwartz by Paul Levitz, Brad Linaweaver, F. Gwynplaine MacIntyre, and Kevin J. Anderson, and Obituaries of Mel Hunter, Bradford Marshall Day, Peter T. Garratt, Martin Booth, Samuel E. Konkin III, and Fausto Cunha
- International Reports describing what's happening in the United Kingdom, India, and Brazil
- A new feature by Terry Bisson, "This Month In History" (adapted from a series that first appeared at The Infinite Matrix)
- Book and magazine reviews, including Nick Gevers and Rich Horton covering short fiction, Gary K. Wolfe on John Crowley, Faren Miller on Juliet Marillier and Isabel Glass, Russell Letson on Karen Traviss, Carolyn Cushman on Laurell K. Hamilton and Sharon Lee & Steve Miller, among many others

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Cover Design: Arnie Fenner |