Bestsellers Thread
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Locus Bestsellers
November Issue Thread
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- Mailing Date:
30 October 2003

Indexes to the Magazine:
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Locus Bestsellers
Months on list |
Last month |
1) | Naked Empire, Terry Goodkind (Tor) | 2 | - |
2) | Ilium, Dan Simmons (Eos) | 2 | 3 |
3) | The Lord of Castle Black, Steven Brust (Tor) | 1 | - |
4) | Spirits in the Wires, Charles de Lint (Tor) | 1 | - |
5) | Crown of Slaves, David Weber & Eric Flint (Baen) | 1 | - |
6) | Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, J. K. Rowling (Scholastic/Arthur A. Levine Books) | 3 | 2 |
7) | American Empire: The Victorious Opposition, Harry Turtledove (Ballantine Del Rey) | 2 | 10 |
8) | The Wolves in the Walls, Neil Gaiman & Dave McKean (HarperCollins) | 1 | - |
9) | Mad Maudlin, Mercedes Lackey & Rosemary Edghill (Baen) | 2 | 4 |
10) | First Rider's Call, Kristen Britain (DAW) | 1 | - |
1) | Something M.Y.T.H. Inc., Robert Asprin (Ace) | 1 | - |
2) | Death Masks, Jim Butcher (Roc) | 1 | - |
3) | The Shiva Option, David Weber & Steve White (Baen) | 1 | - |
4) | The Paths of the Dead, Steven Brust (Tor) | 1 | - |
5) | The Scoundrel Worlds, Chris Bunch (Roc) | 1 | - |
6) | The Mocking Program, Alan Dean Foster (Warner Aspect) | 1 | - |
7) | Perdido Street Station, China Miéville (Ballantine Del Rey) | 1 | - |
8) | Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card (Tor) | 6 | 5 |
9) | Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury (Del Rey) | 2 | 9 |
10) | Wolf's Head, Wolf's Heart, Jane Lindskold (Tor) | 1 | - |
1) | The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time, Douglas Adams (Ballantine) | 1 | - |
2) | Across the Nightingale Floor, Lian Hearn (Riverhead Books) | 2 | - |
3) | Coraline, Neil Gaiman (HarperTrophy) | 1 | - |
4) | The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twentieth Annual Collection, Gardner Dozois, ed. (St. Martin's) | 2 | 1 |
5) | The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Sixteenth Annual Collection, Ellen Datlow & Terri Windling, eds. (St. Martin's Griffin) | 1 | - |
1) | Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way, Walter Jon Williams (Del Rey) | 1 | - |
2) | Star Trek: The Lost Era: The Sundered, Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels (Pocket) | 1 | - |
3) | Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic III: Reunion, Sean Williams & Shane Dix (Del Rey) | 2 | - |
4) | Star Trek, the Next Generation: Stargazer, Book Three: Three, Michael Jan Friedman (Pocket) | 1 | - |
5) | Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic II: Refugee, Sean Williams & Shane Dix (Del Rey) | 4 | - |
1) | The Thousand Orcs, R. A. Salvatore (Wizards of the Coast) | 6 | 1 |
2) | Forgotten Realms: Dissolution, Richard Lee Byers (Wizards of the Coast) | 1 | - |
3) | Halo: The Flood, William C. Dietz (Del Rey) | 5 | 2 |
*) | Warhammer 40,000: Crusade for Armageddon, Jonathan Green (Black Library) | 1 | - |
5) | MechWarrior: Dark Age: Truth and Shadows, Martin Delrio (Roc) | 1 | - |
Naked Empire easily won first place on the hardcover list. New runner-up: Orson Scott Card's First Meetings: In the Enderverse (Tor Teen). We had 69 nominees, well down from 78 last month.
Something M.Y.T.H. Inc. dominated the paperback category. New runner-up: Manta's Gift by Timothy Zahn (Tor). Nominees: 92, down from 93.
The Salmon of Doubt had no close competition in the trade paperback category. New runner-up: Myth-told Tales by Robert Asprin & Jody Lynn Nye (Meisha Merlin). Nominees: 60, up from 54.
Star Wars: The New Jedi Order: Destiny's Way demolished the competition, with almost twice as many votes as the next title. Nominees: 22, down from 29.
Forgotten Realms: The Thousand Orcs continues to dominate gaming-related titles. Nominees: 25, just down from 26.
Compiled with data from Barnes & Noble/B. Dalton (USA), Basilisk Dreams (Canada), Borderlands (CA), Borders Bookstores (USA), Heroes & Dragons (CO), Lone Star (TX), Midtown Comics (NY), Mysterious Galaxy (CA), Pandemonium Books & Games (MA), John W. Rollins, Bookseller (MI), Saint Mark’s (NY), The Stars Our Destination (IL), Toadstool (2 in NH), Totem Bookshop (WA), Uncle Hugo’s (MN), University Bookstore (WA), White Dwarf (WA). Data period: August 2003.
November 2003
