New and Notable Books
Richard Bleiler, ed., Supernatural Fiction Writers: Contemporary Fantasy and Horror (Charles Scribner’s Sons 11/02) Bleiler expands on his father E.F. Bleiler’s invaluable reference Supernatural Fiction Writers: Fantasy and Horror (1982), moving into the future with this new two-volume set, which focuses on 116 significant authors active since 1985.
C.J. Cherryh, Explorer (DAW 11/02) Fascinating human-alien interactions continue in this final volume in the second trilogy in the series begun in Foreigner. Humans and the alien atevi together cross interstellar space to meet with a new alien race.
Charles de Lint, Tapping the Dream Tree (Tor 11/02) This collection gathers 18 previously uncollected stories set in and around de Lint’s magical town of Newford, including one original ghost story, and the dazzling novella ‘‘Seven Wild Sisters’’, originally published as a small press limited edition book.
Paul Di Filippo, Little Doors (Four Walls Eight Windows 12/02) Innovative short fiction writer Di Filippo’s sixth collection presents 17 compelling fantasy stories ranging from surrealism to dark urban fantasy.
Philip K. Dick, Selected Stories of Philip K. Dick (Pantheon 11/02) A strong selection of 21 stories spanning the career of one of SF’s iconoclastic masters. Introduction by Jonathan Lethem.
Bob Eggleton & John Grant, Dragonhenge (Paper Tiger 10/02) Eggleton explores new media for his art in this extensively illustrated book of dragons’ myths, with text by John Grant (AKA Paul Barnett).
Cathy Fenner & Arnie Fenner, Spectrum 9: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art (Underwood Books 11/02) The latest in this series of lavishly illustrated annual art books offers an overview of the year with over 300 works by more than 200 artists.
Edward Gorey & Hilaire Belloc, Cautionary Tales for Children (Harcourt 12/02) Belloc’s satirical poems for children take on new life with over 50 witty and macabre illustrations by Gorey, discovered in his studio after his death.
Nina Kiriki Hoffman, A Fistful of Sky (Ace 11/02) A young woman develops her family’s magic powers unexpectedly late, and in a difficult form that provides plenty of entertaining complications and lively humor.
Stephen Jones, ed., The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror: Volume Thirteen (Carroll & Graf 10/02) Noted editor Jones presents his annual selection of the best horror in 2001, with a detailed overview of the year.
Greg Ketter, ed., Shelf Life: Fantastic Stories Celebrating Bookstores (DreamHaven Books 11/02) Noted bookseller, publisher, and fan Greg Ketter celebrates the 25th anniversary of his store with this anthology of 16 stories, all but two original, by authors including Gene Wolfe, Charles de Lint, and Nina Kiriki Hoffman.
Susan R. Matthews, The Devil and Deep Space (Roc 11/02) Tormented torturer Andrej Kosciusko returns to the forefront in this latest SF novel of the far-future Judiciary universe, with its haunting parallels to the worst horrors of the 20th century.
Sean McMullen, Voyage of the Shadowmoon (Tor 10/02) The colorful crew of the spy vessel Shadowmoon oppose the ruthless emperor Warsovran and his deadly Silverdeath device in this sprawling fantasy adventure, which evokes elements of both Jack Vance and L. Sprague de Camp.
Charlotte F. Otten, The Literary Werewolf: An Anthology (Syracuse University Press 10/02) Writers throughout the centuries, including notable names from Ovid to Stephen King, provide the 22 tales in this sampler of stories about shapechangers. The editor discusses werewolves’ enduring appeal, and ways the stories reflect aspects of the human condition.
Brian Stableford, The Omega Expedition (Tor 12/02) Stableford wraps up his panoramic ‘‘Emortality’’ future history series with this sixth volume, which pulls together the philosophical threads of previous novels, exploring the nature of humanity and the implications of immortality through characters from previous novels, revived in the year 3263.
Allen Steele, Coyote (Ace 11/02) Eight stories combine to form a moving single narrative of planetary colonization and human survival, from the original hijacking of Earth’s first starship to establishment of a new nation on the challenging planet Coyote.