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Mailing Date:
27 September 2002




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New and Notable Books

Greg Bear, The Collected Stories of Greg Bear (Tor 9/02) Twenty-five powerful stories, including Hugo and Nebula winners, span the career of an author known for tackling Big Ideas.

Carol Berg, Restoration (Roc 8/02) Demon fighter Seyonne must come to terms with the demon inside him in this third volume in the distinctive 荘Rai-Kirah鋳 fantasy series begun in Revelation.

Fredric Brown, Martians and Madness: The Complete SF Novels of Fredric Brown (NESFA Press 9/02) An omnibus of Brown痴 five SF novels, including classics Martians, Go Home and What Mad Universe.

Algis Budrys, ed., L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume XVIII (Galaxy Press 9/02) The latest anthology presenting winning stories by new authors from the long-running Writers of the Future contest, illustrated by Illustrators of the Future winners.

Ramsey Campbell, Scared Stiff: Tales of Sex and Death (Tor 9/02) This creepy collection of ten erotic horror stories has been significantly expanded from the 1987 Scream/Press edition, with three added stories and a new afterword.

Orson Scott Card, Shadow Puppets (Tor 8/02) Political intrigue and moral dilemmas reach a peak in this third volume in the 荘Shadow鋳 series related to the 荘Ender鋳 series.

Orson Scott Card & Keith Olexa, eds., Empire of Dreams and Miracles (Phobos Books 9/02) Anthology of winning stories from the 1st Annual Phobos Fiction Contest.

Peter David, The Woad to Wuin (Pocket 8/02) A darkly humorous mock-heroic fantasy novel, the second featuring antihero Sir Apropos of Nothing, with a satiric bent 荘closer to Jonathan Swift than to modern fantasy痴 airy punsters.鋳 (Faren Miller)

Kelley Eskridge, Solitaire (Eos 9/02) A young woman goes from a life of privilege to virtual prison in this near-future SF novel of a corporate controlled world. A powerful first novel.

Charles L. Harness, Cybele, with Bluebonnets (NESFA Press 9/02) An autobiographical novel set in West Texas during the Great Depression. A warm, quasi-religious, fantastic tale of love beyond death.

Brian Hodge, Lies & Ugliness (Night Shade Books 8/02) This collection of 21 horror stories is 荘a bravura performance by a true virtuoso.鋳 (Faren Miller)

P.C. Hodgell, Blood & Ivory: A Tapestry (Meisha Merlin 9/02) Fans of Hodgell痴 Jamethiel Priest痴-Bane won稚 want to miss this collection, which adds four stories - three original - to the previous Blood & Ivory collection, available only in a small-press edition.

Nancy Kress, Probability Space (Tor 9/02) Four humans may hold the key to ending the war between humanity and the alien Fallers. The dramatic conclusion to the trilogy begun in Probability Moon.

Laura J. Mixon, Burning the Ice (Tor 8/02) A distant sequel to Proxies, this combines adventure, first contact, and social science in a complex mix, set on an ice world where cloned colonists struggle to survive.

Alastair Reynolds, Turquoise Days (Golden Gryphon 9/02) Life on the backwater planet Turquoise, inhabited by humans and the mysterious Pattern Jugglers, is disrupted when a spaceship arrives. A powerful SF novella, set in the same universe as Reynolds痴 three novels.

James H. Schmitz, Eternal Frontier (Baen 9/02) The sixth volume in Baen痴 project to reprint the complete writings of Schmitz brings together 21 stories - 20 previously uncollected - and the novel The Eternal Frontiers.

Darrell Schweitzer, Speaking of the Fantastic (Wildside Press 8/02) This collection gathers eleven interviews conducted by Schweitzer with some of the genre痴 biggest names, including Jonathan Carroll, Ursula K. Le Guin, Fritz Leiber, and Dan Simmons.

Brian M. Thomsen & Martin H. Greenberg, eds., The American Fantasy Tradition (Tor 9/02) The distinctive nature of American fantasy is explored in this anthology of 43 stories, by authors ranging from Washington Irving and Nathaniel Hawthorne to Stephen King and Gene Wolfe.

Jerry Weist, Bradbury: An Illustrated Life: A Journey to Far Metaphor (Morrow 10/02) A lavishly illustrated biography of Ray Bradbury, full of photos, cover art, and illustrations, and even art by Bradbury himself.

October 2002











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