Ansible (
British sf/fan newsletter, published by Dave Langford. Updated monthly.
• Issue 172 November 2001
News from Brian Aldiss, Arthur C. Clarke, China Mieville (about the putative Asimov-bin Laden connection), Michael Moorcock (on Harry Potter Satanism); obit of Josh Kirby; outraged letters (including a link to our John Norman letter), etc. (Date Seen: Wed 14 Nov 2001)
Electric Story (
Publisher of new and reprint e-books
• Columns on this website include film reviews by Lucius Shepard, most recently of Donnie Darko and Hearts in Atlantis; and Howard Waldrop, with the eighth installment of his column, "Crimea River". (Date Seen: Wed 14 Nov 2001)
The Eternal Night (
Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Fiction. Updated monthly.
• Issue 7 November 2001
Fiction by Colleen Drippe, Paul Kane, Colin Munro, W.B. Vogel, and W.B. Vogel; sample chapters by Steven Philip Jones, Bill Liggins, and Christopher Leadem; interviews with Angelique Armae, Mayra Calvani, Steven Philip Jones, and Bill Liggins. (Date Seen: Wed 14 Nov 2001)
Fantastic Metropolis (
SF web portal devoted to literary SF, founded by Gabe Chouinard. Updated regularly.
• Recent posts include an essay on Arthur C. Clarke by Zoran Zivkovic, reviews by Jeff Topham and Charles Wynn, interviews of Jeff VanderMeer and John Marco, fiction by Rhys Hughes and M. Lynn Booker. (Date Seen: Wed 14 Nov 2001)
Fantastica Daily (
SF and fantasy reviews, news, and commentary. Updated daily.
• Commentary on DVD releases, bestseller lists, new and upcoming films, the SF Book Club; reviews of Norman Spinrad and Meditations on Middle-Earth; and a pointer to (Date Seen: Wed 14 Nov 2001)
Made In Canada (
Newsletter of Canadian SF, published by Don Bassie. Updated monthly.
• Issue 19 Nov 3, 2001
Guest editorial by Starfish and Maelstrom author Peter Watts; plus SF news, awards news, con news, media file, recent and upcoming releases, etc. (Date Seen: Wed 14 Nov 2001)
RevolutionSF (
Daily webzine of science fiction, fantasy, comics, anime, and gaming. Updated daily.
• Recent posts include the latest iteration of Bruce Sterling's famous Workshop Lexicon; reviews of Donnie Darko and The X-Files; features on Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings. Fiction is by Scott A. Cupp, Steve Aylett, Ambrose Bierce, Neal Barrett Jr, and Michael Moorcock. (Date Seen: Wed 14 Nov 2001)
Sci Fiction (
Fiction webzine, edited by Ellen Datlow. Updated weekly (Wednesdays).
• Fiction posted in September was a four-part novella, "AZTECHS", by Lucius Shepard. In October, stories by Scott Westerfeld, James P. Blaylock, A.R. Morlan, and Richard Paul Russo. November stories so far are by Jessica Reisman & A.M. Dellamonica, and Richard Bowes. See Archive directory for story links. (Date Seen: Tue 13 Nov 2001)
Science Fiction Weekly (
News and review webzine, edited by Scott Edelman. Updated weekly (late Mondays).
• Issue 237 November 5, 2001
John Clute reviews Jack Dann; interviews with Billy Crystal and Walter Mosley; reader letters debate Harry Potter and the Hugos; plus reviews of books, movies, music, gaming, etc. (Date Seen: Wed 14 Nov 2001)
Science Fiction Weekly (
News and review webzine, edited by Scott Edelman. Updated weekly (late Mondays).
• Issue 238 November 12, 2001
Includes an interview with Neil Gaiman, reviews of books by Ernest Hogan and S.L. Viehl, review of a China Mieville website, letters (including several about Locus), and Scott Edelman's editorial on owning vs. reading books. (Date Seen: Wed 14 Nov 2001)
SF Site (
Reviews, interviews, feature, links; published by Rodger Turner. Updated semi-monthly.
• Reviews of books by Paul McAuley, Stephen Baxter, William F. Wu, etc.; interview with Steven J. Gould & Laura Mixon; an audio column by Scott Danielson; etc. Features include a Kim Stanley Robinson reading list. (Fixed URL after mid-November will be this) (Date Seen: Wed 14 Nov 2001)
Strange Horizons (
Fiction, art, articles, poetry, and reviews, edited by Mary Anne Mohanraj. Updated weekly (Mondays).
• Posts in recent weeks include articles by Brian Tung and Rachel Hartman; interviews with James Van Pelt and Joan Aiken; an 'exegesis' of Neil Gaiman's American Gods; fiction by Beth Bernobich, Angela Boord, Joan Aiken, Justine Labalestier, John Scalzi, and Benjamin Rosenbaum; poetry by Joan Aiken, Robert Frazier, and Tim Pratt; reviews; editorials. The editors also invite you to take a Reader Survey. (Date Seen: Wed 14 Nov 2001)