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Electronic SFFH
Friday 20 July 2001
SF Site for mid-July has
- A Gormenghast give-away contest;
- Nick Gevers review of Asimov's June 2001;
- Reviews of books by Miéville, Williams, Byrne, Cadigan, Lee & Miller, and others;
- "Second Looks" reviews of books by Tepper, Heinlein, Engh, and Boyett;
- Gabriel Chouinard's Dislocated Fictions column, which interviews Del Rey editor Kuo-Yu Liang
Sci Fiction:
Science Fiction Weekly this week:
- John Clute's Excessive Candour column about William Tenn's collection short fiction Immodest Proposals
- A review by Kathie Huddleston of The Mists of Avalon: B.
New E-zine
Future Orbits, Short Science Fiction for the Digital World is a new bimonthly digital science fiction magazine published in major electronic book formats and distributed via email, with a premiere issue scheduled for release this Fall (2001). See site for submission guidelines.
Monday 16 July 2001
SF Site for early July announces its addition of Michael Swanwick's official site, with news, fiction, a bibliography, links, etc. Also:
Science Fiction Weekly has recently posted:
- Wil McCarthy's Lab Notes column about the state of real artificial intelligence and computer technology.
- Mark Wilson's reviews Peter Crowther's Futures -- the four-novella volumn that includes Ian McDonald's Sturgeon-winner "Tendeléo's Story" -- and Paul Di Filippo reviews Starlight 3
- Michael Cassutt follows up on his The Sci in Sci-Fi column and responses to it
Sci Fiction:
Strange Horizons:
Made In Canada Newsletter has a Guest Editorial by Campbell Award finalist Douglas Smith.
(Note: "Mezine" is Slate term for political journalists' personal websites, often containing links or quotations but otherwise entirely written by their publishers.)
David Langford's Ansible 168, July 2001 includes
- A scandalously incorrect Sunday Times article about Douglas Adams
- Maureen Kincaid Speller's report from "2001: A Celebration of British SF", held last month in Liverpool [Gary K. Wolfe's report will appear in the August issue of Locus Magazine]
- A "Thog's Masterclass" entry from Locus's own Edward Bryant
Mervius's Fantastica Daily has
Lisa DuMond's MEviews has been updated with lots of new reviews.
June E-publications