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Mailing date: 30 April 2001
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The May issue has
- interviews with John Crowley and Steve Erikson
- lists of this year's Hugo, Retro-Hugo, and Chesley Awards nominations
- reports and photos from March's International Conference on the Fantastic in Ft. Lauderdale
- obituaries of R. Chetwynd-Hayes, Donald A. Reed, and others
- and lots of Data File and People & Publishing news
Online from this issue:
Locus Bestsellers
New and Notable Books
Reviews in the May issue:
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews by Mark R. Kelly
Supertoys Last All Summer Long, Brian Aldiss
Dream Factories and Radio Pictures, Howard Waldrop
Absolute Magnitude, Spring 2001
Artemis, Spring 2001
The Third Alternative, Issue #26
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe
The Secret of Life, Paul McAuley
Cosmonaut Keep, Ken MacLeod
Tales from Earthsea, Ursula K. Le Guin
Nebula Awards Showcase 2001, Robert Silverberg, ed
Reviews by Faren Miller
Appleseed, John Clute
Something More, Paul Cornell
The Wooden Sea, Jonathan Carroll
Passage, Connie Willis
House of Leaves, Mark Z. Danielewski
Redgunk Tales: Apocalypse and Kudzu from Redgunk, Mississippi, William R. Eakin
Tales from Earthsea, Ursula K. Le Guin
Reviews by Russell Letson
Cosmonaut Keep, Ken MacLeod
The Last Harbor, George Foy
Short Reviews by Carolyn Cushman
Riders of Leviathan, Toni Anzetti
Artemis Fowl, Eoin Colfer
The Astrologer: Heart of Stone, Denny DeMartino
Reunion, Alan Dean Foster
Lirael, Daughter of the Clayr, Garth Nix
The Circle Opens: Street Magic, Tamora Pierce
Betrayal in Death, J.D. Robb
Otherland: Sea of Silver Light, Tad Williams
Reviews by Divers Hands
Corsair, Chris Bunch
The Gospel According to Philip K. Dick, Mark Steensland, director
Fools Errant, Matthew Hughes
Bloodlover, Nancy Kilpatrick
Time Future, Maxine McArthur
Locus Looks at Art Books Reviews by Karen Haber
Visions of Adventure: N.C. Wyeth and the Brandywine Artists, John Edward Dell, ed.
Nick Bantock: The Artful Dodger, Nick Bantock
Wonder Woman: The Complete History, Les Daniels
Little Lit: Folklore & Fairy Tale Funnies, Art Spiegelman & Françoise Mouly, eds.
Peter Pan by Sir J.M. Barrie, Cooper Edens, ed.
The Seven Wise Princesses: A Medieval Persian Epic, Waqfa Tarnowska, illustrated by Nilesh Mistry
Sowa's Ark: An Enchanted Bestiary, Michael Sowa