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Mailing date: 28 December 2000
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The January issue has interviews with Vernor Vinge and Wil McCarthy; news about GalaxyOnline; bestsellers and best-of-year selections from chain booksellers and newspapers; reports on the World Fantasy Convention and on Eurocon 2000; obituaries of Rayner Unwin, James Allen, Jack S. Leibowitz, Bill Donaho, and Kevin B. Hancer; and more.
To be posted online from this issue:
Vernor Vinge interview excerpts
Wil McCarthy interview excerpts
Locus Bestsellers
New and Notable Books
Reviews in the January issue:
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews by Mark R. Kelly
Asimov’s 10-11/00
Making History, Paul J. McAuley
Reality Dust, Stephen Baxter
Sci Fiction 8/00
Sci Fiction 9/00
Sci Fiction 10/00
Sci Fiction 11/00
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe
Space: Manifold 2 (US as Maniford: Space), Stephen Baxter
The Coming, Joe Haldeman
Zeitgeist, Bruce Sterling
The Last Hot Time, John M. Ford
Reviews by Faren Miller
The One Kingdom, Sean Russell
Bad Medicine, Jack Dann
Plumage, Nancy Springer
Freak Nest, Lance Olsen
The Beyond, Jeffrey Ford
Other Voices, Other Doors, Patrick O’Leary
Reviews by Russell Letson
Ventus, Karl Schroeder
Wheelers, Ian Stewart & Jack Cohen
Making History, Paul J. McAuley
Reviews by Edward Bryant
Father Panic’s Opera Macabre, Thomas Tessier
Shadows Bend, David Barbour & Richard Raleigh
The Crow: Wicked Prayer, Norman Partridge
One Night a Year, Daniel Conan Young
Frost, Donald Wandrei
The Big Blow, Joe R. Lansdale
Short Reviews by Carolyn Cushman
Fire Bringer, David Clement-Davies
The Crooked House, Dave Duncan
Beyond the Blue Moon, Simon R. Green
Island of the Aunts, Eva Ibbotson
Blueprint, Charlotte Kerner
The Lesser Kindred, Elizabeth Kerner
The Riddled Night, Valery Leith
The Wind Singer, William Nicholson
The One Kingdom, Sean Russell
Locus Looks at Art Books: Reviews by Karen Haber
Out of Time: Designs for the Twentieth-Century Future, Norman Brosterman
Peter Pan, J.M. Barrie, illustrated by Raquel Jaramillo
Frank Kelly Freas: As He Sees It, Frank Kelly Freas & Laura Brodian Freas
Journeyman: The Art of Chris Moore
Art After Apogee, Brian Aldiss & Rosemary Phipps
A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens, illustrated by William Geldart
The Art of Rowena, Rowena Morrill & Doris Vallejo
Tales From Old Ireland, illustrated by Niamh Sharkey
Petronella, Jay Williams, illustrated by Margaret Organ-Kean