Books Published this week:
Neil Gaiman American Gods (Morrow) (19 June)
Frederik Pohl, ed. The SFWA Grand Masters, Volume 3 (Tor)
UK Books due 21 June:
Storm Constantine The Way of Light (Orion/Gollancz)
Paul Cornell Something More (Orion/Gollancz)
Adam Roberts On (Orion/Gollancz)
[Complete list of notable books scheduled for June]
SFFH Films opening 22 June in US:
Dr. Dolittle 2 [ website | IMDb ]
New on Region 1 DVD, 19 June:
Kiss Me Deadly [1955]
Moby Dick [1956; script by Ray Bradbury]
Star Trek TOS Vol. 25
Star Trek TOS Vol. 26
Universal Soldier (1992)
Conventions (21 - 24 June)
DUM DUM 2001 (Tampa FL)
MIDWESTCON 52 (Florence KY)
CONTRAPTION 2001 (Roseville MI)
Author Appearances
Tue 19 Jun 2001
Neil Gaiman (American Gods) signs at Border’s World Trade Center, Church & Vesey Sts., New York NY, US, 6 p.m.
Octavia E. Butler reads and signs at Elliott Bay Book Company, 101 South Main St, Seattle WA, US, 7:30 p.m. (2001 Clarion West Writers Workshop Reading)
Wed 20 Jun 2001
Neil Gaiman (American Gods) signs at Book Revue, 313 New York Avenue, Huntington NY, US, 8 p.m.
Terry Bisson (The Pickup Artist) reads at KGB Bar, 85 East 4th, New York NY, US, 7 p.m. (SciFi.com reading, hosted by Ellen Datlow and Terry Bisson)
Kelly Link (Stranger Things Happen) reads at KGB Bar, 85 East 4th, New York NY, US, 7 p.m. (SciFi.com reading, hosted by Ellen Datlow and Terry Bisson)
Thu 21 Jun 2001
Karen Joy Fowler (Sister Noon) reads at Holbrooke Hotel, 212 West Main St, Grass Valley CA, US, 7-9 p.m.
Neil Gaiman (American Gods) signs at Pages For All Ages, 1201 Savoy Plaza, Champaign/Savoy IL, US, 7 p.m.
Fri 22 Jun 2001
Neil Gaiman (American Gods) signs at Barnes & Noble, 55 Old Orchard Center, Skokie IL, US, 8 p.m.
Jack Ketchum (The Lost) reads at Housing Works Used Books Café, 126 Crosby St, New York NY, US, 7 p.m. (HWA New York event)
Neil Gaiman (American Gods) signs at The Stars Our Destination, 705 Main St., Evanston IL, US, 1 p.m.
Sat 23 Jun 2001
Neil Gaiman (American Gods) signs at Books & Co., 350 E. Stroop St., Dayton OH, US, 7 p.m.
Ellen Datlow, Gardner Dozois
appear at Borders, 1727 Walnut St., Philadelphia PA, US, 7:30 p.m. (Philadelphia Fantastic event)
Richard Matheson (Twilight Zone Scripts Vol. 1) signs at Dark Delicacies, 4213 West Burbank Blvd, Burbank CA, US, 2 p.m.
George C. Chesbro (Keeper) reads and signs at Flights of Fantasy Books & Games, 221 Central Ave, Albany NY, US, time tba
Robert Katz (Maret) reads and signs at Flights of Fantasy Books & Games, 221 Central Ave, Albany NY, US, time tba
Neil Gaiman (American Gods) signs at Joseph-Beth Booksellers, 161 Lexington Green Circle, Lexington KY, US, 1 p.m.
Sun 24 Jun 2001
Neil Gaiman (American Gods) signs at Joseph-Beth Booksellers, 13217 Shaker Square, Cleveland OH, US, 1 p.m.
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