Books Published this week:
Jacqueline Carey Kushiel's Dart (Tor)
Alastair Reynolds Revelation Space (Ace; 1st US edition)
[Complete list of notable books scheduled for June]
SFFH Films opening 15 June in US:
Tomb Raider [ website | IMDb ]
New on Region 1 DVD, 12 June:
2001 A Space Odyssey (Limited Edition Collector's Set)
The New Stanley Kubrick Collection
Farscape #4
The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961)
The Final Programme (1973)
Memoirs of a Survivor (1981)
The Twilight Zone, Vol. 43
Conventions (15 - 17 June)
CONJURATION 2001 (Columbia MO)
FANTASTIKA 2001 (SWECON) (Stockholm, Sweden)
Author Appearances
Tue 12 Jun 2001
James Patrick Kelly, Jonathan Lethem, Pamela Sargent
appear on SciFi.com Chat, 9 p.m. EST (Asimov's Father's Day anthology)
Wed 13 Jun 2001
Jacqueline Carey, Sarah Douglass, Juliet Marillier
group signing at University Books, Seattle WA, US, 7 p.m.
Thu 14 Jun 2001
John R. Platt (Bell, Book & Beyond) signs at Barnes & Noble, Freehold NJ, US, 7 p.m. (with Bob Beideman and William O'Donnell, contributors to the anthology edited by P.D. Cacek)
Jacqueline Carey, Sarah Douglass, Juliet Marillier
group signing at Borderlands Books, San Francisco CA, US, 8 p.m.
R.A. Salvatore (Ascendance) signs at Tatnuck Bookseller, 335 Chandler Street, Worcester MA, US, 7 p.m.
Fri 15 Jun 2001
Jacqueline Carey, Sarah Douglass, Juliet Marillier
group signing at Mysterious Galaxy, 7051 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite #302, San Diego CA, US, 7 p.m.
Sat 16 Jun 2001
Storm Constantine (The Way of Light) signs at Andromeda Books, Birmingham, UK, 12 noon
Paul Cornell (Something More) signs at Andromeda Books, Birmingham, UK, 12 noon
Adam Roberts (On) signs at Andromeda Books, Birmingham, UK, 12 noon
Alice Borchardt (The Wolf King) signs at Barnes & Noble, 7626 Westheimer, Houston TX, US, 2 p.m.
R.A. Salvatore (Ascendance) signs at Waldenbooks, 323 Maine St, Portland ME, US, 2 p.m.
Sun 17 Jun 2001
Arwen Elys Dayton (Resurrection) signs at Mysterious Galaxy, 7051 Clairemont Mesa Blvd., Suite #302, San Diego CA, US, 2:30 p.m.
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