A reading by Lucius Shepard of his story ''Mengele'', with accompanying musical improvisations by avant-garde musician Elliott Sharp, goes live on the Sci-fi channel's website Seeing Ear Theatre on March 29, 2000, and will be available for listening thereafter.
The members of the Sidewise Awards for Alternate History jury invite recommendations of alternate history novels and stories first published during 1999, especially any published outside the SF genre press. Contact
the Sidewise jury, c/o Steven Silver. A
checklist of items already recommended may be found at the Sidewise
website, http://www.uchronia.net/sidewise/.
Deadline is April 15th to apply to this year's Odyssey summer writing workshop, which this year features Dan Simmons as special writer-in-residence. The workshop lasts six weeks, from June 12 to July 21, on the campus of New Hampshire College. For further details see http://www.sff.net/odyssey/.
February Announcements