Selected Forthcoming Books, June 2000
US books |
UK books |
+ 1st US edition |
» classic or backlist reprint
- Brown, Fredric From These Ashes: The Short SF of Fredric Brown (NESFA Press, cln, hc)
- Constantine, Storm Crown of Silence (Orion/Gollancz, hc/tpb)
- Datlow, Ellen, ed. Vanishing Acts (Tor, anth, hc)
- Gloss, Molly Wild Life (Simon & Schuster, hc)
- Hartwell, David G., ed. Year's Best SF 5 (HarperCollins/Eos, anth)
- Kerr, Katharine, & Kate Daniel Polar City Nightmare (Orion/Gollancz, hc/tpb)
- McCarthy, Wil The Collapsium (Orion/Gollancz, hc/tpb)
- Powers, Tim Declare (Subterranean Press, hc)
- Rucker, Rudy Realware (HarperCollins/Eos, tpb)
- Sawyer, Robert J. Calculating God (Tor, hc)
- Scott, Melissa The Jazz (Tor, hc)
- Shetterly, Will Chimera (Tor, hc)
- Shirley, John Demons (CD Publications, hc)
- Swanwick, Michael Cigar-Box Faust and Other Miniatures (Tachyon Publications, cln, hc)
- Vinge, Joan D. Tangled up in Blue (Tor, hc)
- » Ballard, J.G. The Crystal World, High-Rise, and The Unlimited Dream Company (HarperCollins Flamingo)
- » Bear, Greg Queen of Angels and Tangents (cln) (Orion/Millennium)
- » Bellamy, Edward Looking Backward: 2000-1887 (Penguin/Signet Classic [May])
- » Blish, James A Case of Conscience (Orion/Millennium, tpb)
- Brin, David Foundation's Triumph (HarperCollins Eos)
- Clement, Hal Half Life (Tor)
- » del Rey, Lester The Best of Lester del Rey (Del Rey, cln, tpb)
- » Gibson, William Mona Lisa Overdrive and Burning Chrome (cln) (HarperCollins Voyager)
- Gotlieb, Phyllis Violent Stars (Tor, tpb)
- » Haldeman, Joe Mindbridge (Orion/Gollancz, tpb)
- Haydon, Elizabeth Rhapsody (Tor)
- Joyce, Graham Dark Sister (Tor, h, tpb)
- » Leiber, Fritz The Wanderer (Orion/Gollancz, tpb)
- » Piercy, Marge Woman On the Edge of Time (The Women's Press, tpb)
- » Robinson, Kim Stanley A Short, Sharp Shock (HarperCollins Voyager)
- Silverberg, Robert Lord Prestimion (HarperCollins Eos)
- » Smith, Cordwainer Norstrilia (Orion/Gollancz, tpb)
- Steele, Allen Clarke County, Space (Ace)
- » Zelazny, Roger This Immortal (Orion/Gollancz, tpb)
These are selected forthcoming titles from the complete listings in the June 2000 Locus Magazine. Abbreviations indicate
hc=hardcover; tpb=trade paperback; otherwise mass-market pb, or we're not sure
cln=collection; om=omnibus; anth=anthology; otherwise novel
h=horror; nf=nonfiction; a=associational [non-sffh]; otherwise sf/fantasy
1st US editions (+) are books previously published in the UK or other countries; otherwise US and UK books listed as originals are 1st English language editions. Schedules are tentative and subject to change -- particularly in later months.