---- May 2000 Books ----
- Bisson, Terry In the Upper Room and Other Likely Stories (Tor, c, hc)
- Brown, Eric New York Nights (Orion/Gollancz, hc)
- Calder, Richard Malignos (Simon & Schuster/Earthlight, pb?)
- Cherryh, C.J. Fortress of Dragons (Avon Eos, hc)
- Clough, Brenda W. The Doors of Death and Life (Tor, hc)
- Harlan, Thomas The Gate of Fire (Tor, hc)
- Jones, Diana Wynne The Worlds of Chrestomanci (HarperCollins UK, c, ya, hc, tp)
- Keyes, J. Gregory Empire of Unreason (Ballantine Del Rey, tp)
- Mason, Lisa Pangaea, Book II: Imperium Afire (Bantam Spectra, pb?)
- McKillip, Patricia A. The Tower at Stony Wood (Ace, hc)
- McKinley, Robin Spindle's End (Penguin Putnam, ya, hc)
- Niven, Larry Saturn's Race (Tor, hc)
- Reed, Robert Marrow (Tor, hc)
- Stableford, Brian The Fountains of Youth (Tor, hc)
- Swanwick, Michael Tales of Old Earth (North Atlantic/Tachyon Publications, c, hc)
- Womack, Jack Going, Going, Gone (HarperCollins/Voyager, pb?)
Forthcoming books are selected titles from the comprehensive listings updated every three months in Locus Magazine. This color indicates 1st editions published in the UK; This color indicates 1st US editions of books previously in the UK or elsewhere; others are 1st editions published in the US. Abbreviations indicate hc=hardcover, tp=trade paperback; c=collection, a=associational [non-genre], h=horror, nf=nonfiction. If not indicated hc or tp, the book is mass-market paperback or we're not sure. Schedules are tentative and subject to change -- particularly in later months.