---- February 2000 Books ----
- Anderson, Poul Genesis (Tor, hc)
- Baker, Kage Mendoza in Hollywood (Harcourt, hc)
- Banks, Iain M. Inversions (Pocket, 1st US, hc)
- Barnes, John Candle (Tor, hc)
- Barrett, Neal, Jr. Perpetuity Blues (Golden Gryphon Press, c, hc)
- Bova, Ben Venus (Hodder & Stoughton, hc)
- Constantine, Storm Sea Dragon Heir (Tor, 1st US, hc)
- Gentle, Mary The Book of Ash #2: Carthage Ascendant (Avon Eos, pb?)
- Goonan, Kathleen Ann Crescent City Rhapsody (Orion, hc)
- Goonan, Kathleen Ann Crescent City Rhapsody (Avon Eos, hc)
- Gould, Steven Blind Waves (Tor, hc)
- Hambly, Barbara The Knight of the Demon Queen (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
- McDevitt, Jack Infinity Beach (HarperPrism, hc)
- Noon, Jeff Needle in the Groove (Transworld/Anchor UK, tp)
- Russell, Eric Frank Major Ingredients (NESFA Press, c, hc)
- Steele, Allen Oceanspace (Ace, hc)
- Swanwick, Michael Moon Dogs (NESFA Press, c, hc)
- Tiptree, James, Jr. Meet Me at Infinity (Tor, c, hc)
- Turtledove, Harry Colonization: Down to Earth (Ballantine Del Rey, hc)
- Zettel, Sarah The Quiet Invasion (Warner Aspect, hc)
Forthcoming books are selected titles from the comprehensive listings updated every three months in Locus Magazine. This color indicates 1st editions published in the UK; This color indicates 1st US editions of books previously in the UK or elsewhere; others are 1st editions published in the US. Abbreviations indicate hc=hardcover, tp=trade paperback; c=collection, a=associational [non-genre], h=horror, nf=nonfiction. If not indicated hc or tp, the book is mass-market paperback or we're not sure. Schedules are tentative and subject to change -- particularly in later months.