Listed by Date April 2000
Sat 1 Apr 2000
- David Gemmell (Hero in the Shadows) signs at Mysterious Galaxy, 3904 Convoy St, #107, San Diego CA, US, 2:30 p.m.
- David Gerrold (Jumping Off the Planet) signs at Mysterious Galaxy, 3904 Convoy St, #107, San Diego CA, US, 2:30 p.m.
Sun 2 Apr 2000
- David Gemmell (Hero in the Shadows) signs at Dangerous Visions, 13563 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks CA, US, 2-4 p.m.
- Richard Layman signs at Dangerous Visions, 13563 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks CA, US, 2-4 p.m.
- Terry Pratchett (The Fifth Elephant) signs at Other Change of Hobbit, 2020 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley CA, US, 7:30-9 p.m.
Mon 3 Apr 2000
- Terry Pratchett (The Fifth Elephant) signs at Dangerous Visions, 13563 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks CA, US, 7:30 p.m.
- Kristen Britain (Green Rider) signs at Waldenbooks, Edison Mall, 4125 Cleveland Ave., Fort Myers FL, US, 1-3 p.m.
Sat 8 Apr 2000
- Barbara Hambly (Knight of the Demon Queen) signs at Dangerous Visions, 13563 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks CA, US, 2-4 p.m.
- Harry Turtledove (Down to Earth) signs at Dangerous Visions, 13563 Ventura Blvd., Sherman Oaks CA, US, 2-4 p.m.
- Neil Gaiman (American Gods) signs at Golden Apple Comics, 7711 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles CA, US, 1-3 p.m. (Working the till for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund)
- Neil Gaiman (American Gods) reads at Golden Apple Comics, Los Angeles CA, US, 8:30 p.m. (Reading, Q&A, coffee and dessert; tickets $100 benefiting the CBLDF, attendance limited to 40)
- Nancy Holder (Angel: Not Forgotten) signs at Mysterious Galaxy, 3904 Convoy St, #107, San Diego CA, US, 2:30 p.m.
- Jeff Mariotte (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Xander Chronicles II) signs at Mysterious Galaxy, 3904 Convoy St, #107, San Diego CA, US, 2:30 p.m.
Sun 9 Apr 2000
- Paul Levinson (The Silk Code) reads and signs at Literacy Volunteers of America, Carmel NY, US, 2 p.m.
Sat 15 Apr 2000
- Michael Stackpole (The Dark Glory War) signs at Mysterious Galaxy, 3904 Convoy St, #107, San Diego CA, US, 2:30 p.m.
Kristine Smith, Bob Weinberg, Sarah Zettel
group signing at The Stars Our Destination, 1021 Belmont Ave., Chicago IL, US, 2 p.m. (the store's 12th anniversary bash)
Phyllis Eisenstein, Jody Lynn Nye, Mary Francis Zambreno
group signing at The Stars Our Destination, 1021 Belmont Ave., Chicago IL, US, 5:30 p.m. (the store's 12th anniversary bash)
Jay Bonansinga, Tina Jens, Yvonne Navarro
group signing at The Stars Our Destination, 1021 Belmont Ave., Chicago IL, US, 7 p.m. (the store's 12th anniversary bash)
Mon 17 Apr 2000
- Paul Di Filippo (Joe's Liver) reads at New York Performance Works, 128 Chambers Street at West Broadway, New York NY, US, 7 p.m. (New York Review of Science Fiction Reading)
- Matt Ruff (Sewer, Gas & Electric) reads at New York Performance Works, 128 Chambers Street at West Broadway, New York NY, US, 7 p.m. (New York Review of Science Fiction Reading)
- Scott Westerfeld (Evolution's Darling) reads at New York Performance Works, 128 Chambers Street at West Broadway, New York NY, US, 7 p.m. (New York Review of Science Fiction Reading)
Sat 22 Apr 2000
- Paul Levinson (The Silk Code) reads and signs at Barnes and Noble, Towson MD, US, 3 p.m.
- Charles L. Grant (Riders in the Sky; Black Oak #3 Winter Knight) signs at Borders, Whitehall Mall, MacArthur Rd., Allentown PA, US, 2 p.m. ((610)434-4768)
Wed 26 Apr 2000
- Jeanne Cavelos signs at Toadstool Bookshop, Lorden Plaza, route 101A, Milford NH, US, 7 p.m. (SF discussion group)
Fri 28 Apr 2000
- Peter Heck (A Phule and His Money) reads at Borders, 1727 Walnut St., Philadelphia PA, US, 7:30 p.m. ((Philadelphica Fantastic reading series)
- Paul Levinson (The Silk Code) signs at Borders Books, 1727 Walnut St., Philadelphia PA, US, 7:30 p.m. (CANCELLED -- will be rescheduled)