Locus Online


Poll Results | Survey Results | About the Voting | About the Results

Do you visit the following websites...?

  online poll '98 magazine poll
Event Horizon 23% 26*
Sci-Fi Wire 25 36*
Tomorrow 4 7
Ansible 14 6
SF Site 41 7
SFWA 29 -
other 41 -

The second column shows percentages from the 1998 Locus magazine poll of those who said they read online publications. (*The first row's 26% applied to Omni Online; the second row's 36% applied to SF Weekly.) 41% of the online ballots mentioned websites other than those listed; among the most often mentioned were Tangent Online, Horrornet, Internet Science Fiction Database (ISFDB), SFRevu, Hellnotes,, Speculations,, Infinity Plus, and homepages for various publishers and authors.

How do you usually acquire or read current books?

buy in hardcover 25%
buy the book club edition 4%
borrow from friend or library 9%
wait for the paperback 15%
only read pb originals 2%
don't 'keep up' 7%
depends 27%

This question was not terribly successful, since many respondents indicated they didn't fit neatly into any one category. Some mentioned getting review copies, a couple said they primarily buy used books, a couple mentioned the SFWA Circulating Book Plan, and one said he reads primarily magazine SF.

SF/F/H activities (10 = most interested, 0 = no interest at all)

activity average
books, magazines 9.59
movies 6.55
TV 5.07
fan activities 3.28
computer/video games 2.85
filksinging 1.20
comics, graphic novels 3.46
webistes/online services 5.97

Answers in every category ranged from 0 to 10 -- except for filksinging, where there were answers of -1 and -7, and for books and magazines, where all answers were 5 or higher except for a single answer of 1. 183 of the 203 ballots tabulated filled in these answers.


  1st online poll 2nd online poll
male 66.5% 76.8%
female 33.5% 26.1%

The percentages in the 2nd online poll are more like those of the magazine's poll, where the ratio has typically been 72%/28% male to female.


  1st online poll 2nd online poll
under 21 5% 4%
21-30 26% 17%
31-40 42% 39%
41-50 16% 26%
over 50 6% 7%
average 34.6 37.3
median 34 36
mode (most common) 33/35 38
min 15 16
max 65 75
no answer 5% 7%

Voters in the second poll were noticeably older, perhaps because we were asking for all-time favorites.

Read Locus Magazine?

  1st online poll 2nd online poll
Yes 30% 37%
Yes, subscribe 44% 34%
No 23% 22%

Fewer subscribers, but more readers, voted this time.

How often do you visit Locus Online?

  1st online poll 2nd online poll
Daily 18% 16%
Weekly 31% 25%
Monthly 24% 32%
Rarely 26% 20%

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