100 (or so) Novellas Novelettes Short Stories
These pages contain lists of 100+ prominent stories in each category published before 1990, based on a combination of awards records and anthology reprint records (from Bill Contento's CD ROM Locus Index and Index to Anthologies and Collections), and including all Hugo, Nebula, and Locus winning stories (sometimes recategorized to the story's actual length). The stories are suggestions only; you may vote for anything.
- Aldiss, Brian W. The Saliva Tree [1965]
- Anderson, Poul No Truce with Kings [1963]
- Anderson, Poul The Queen of Air and Darkness [1971]
- Anderson, Poul The Saturn Game [1981]
- Asimov, Isaac The Martian Way [1952]
- Asimov, Isaac The Dead Past [1956]
- Asimov, Isaac Profession [1957]
- Bear, Greg Hardfought [1983]
- Bishop, Michael Her Habiline Husband [1983]
- Bishop, Michael The Samurai and the Willows [1976]
- Boucher, Anthony The Compleat Werewolf [1942]
- Brackett, Leigh Lorelei of the Red Mist (with Ray Bradbury) [1946]
- Bujold, Lois McMaster The Mountains of Mourning [1989]
- Campbell, John W., Jr. Forgetfulness [1937]
- Campbell, John W., Jr. Who Goes There? [1938]
- Campbell, John W., Jr. Cloak of Aesir [1939]
- Card, Orson Scott Eye for Eye [1987]
- Chandler, A. Bertram Giant Killer [1945]
- Charnas, Suzy McKee Unicorn Tapestry [1980]
- Clarke, Arthur C. A Meeting with Medusa [1971]
- Cogswell, Theodore R. The Specter General [1952]
- Cowper, Richard Piper at the Gates of Dawn [1976]
- Crowley, John Great Work of Time [1989]
- Del Rey, Lester Nerves [1942]
- Delany, Samuel R. The Star Pit [1967]
- Dickson, Gordon R. Soldier, Ask Not [1964]
- Dickson, Gordon R. Lost Dorsai [1980]
- Disch, Thomas M. The Brave Little Toaster [1980]
- Ellison, Harlan A Boy and His Dog [1969]
- Ellison, Harlan The Region Between [1970]
- Farmer, Philip José The Alley Man [1959]
- Farmer, Philip José Riders of the Purple Wage [1967]
- Fast, Howard The Trap ["The First Men"] [1960]
- Guin, Wyman Beyond Bedlam [1951]
- Haldeman, Joe W. Hero [1972]
- Heinlein, Robert A. Blowups Happen [1940]
- Heinlein, Robert A. Coventry [1940]
- Heinlein, Robert A. By His Bootstraps [1941]
- Heinlein, Robert A. Universe [1941]
- Heinlein, Robert A. Logic of Empire [1941]
- Heinlein, Robert A. Gulf [1949]
- Heinlein, Robert A. The Man Who Sold the Moon [1950]
- Kessel, John Another Orphan [1982]
- Kornbluth, C. M. Two Dooms [1958]
- Kress, Nancy Trinity [1984]
- Kuttner, Henry Clash by Night (with C. L. Moore; as by Lawrence O'Donnell) [1943]
- Kuttner, Henry Vintage Season (with C. L. Moore; as by Lawrence O'Donnell) [1946]
- Le Guin, Ursula K. The Word for World Is Forest [1972]
- Leiber, Fritz Ship of Shadows [1969]
- Leiber, Fritz Ill Met in Lankhmar [1970]
- Leinster, Murray Sidewise in Time [1934]
- Leinster, Murray Proxima Centauri [1935]
- Longyear, Barry B. Enemy Mine [1979]
- Lovecraft, H. P. The Shadow Out of Time [1936]
- MacLean, Katherine The Missing Man [1971]
- Martin, George R. R. A Song for Lya [1974]
- Martin, George R. R. Nightflyers [1980]
- McCaffrey, Anne Weyr Search [1967]
- McCaffrey, Anne Dragonrider [1968]
- Miller, P. Schuyler The Sands of Time [1937]
- Miller, Walter M., Jr. Dark Benediction [1951]
- Miller, Walter M., Jr. The Darfsteller [1955]
- Moorcock, Michael Behold the Man [1966]
- Pohl, Frederik The Midas Plague [1954]
- Pohl, Frederik The Gold at the Starbow's End [1972]
- Pohl, Frederik The Merchants of Venus [1972]
- Robinson, Kim Stanley Green Mars [1985]
- Robinson, Kim Stanley The Blind Geometer [1986]
- Robinson, Spider Stardance (with Jeanne Robinson) [1977]
- Robinson, Spider By Any Other Name [1976]
- Russ, Joanna Souls [1982]
- Russell, Eric Frank ...And Then There Were None [1951]
- Shepard, Lucius A Traveler's Tale [1984]
- Shepard, Lucius R&R [1986]
- Shepard, Lucius The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter [1988]
- Shepard, Lucius The Father of Stones [1989]
- Silverberg, Robert Hawksbill Station [1967]
- Silverberg, Robert Nightwings [1968]
- Silverberg, Robert Born With the Dead [1974]
- Silverberg, Robert Sailing to Byzantium [1985]
- Silverberg, Robert Gilgamesh in the Outback [1986]
- Silverberg, Robert The Secret Sharer [1987]
- Simak, Clifford D. The Big Front Yard [1958]
- Smith, Cordwainer A Planet Named Shayol [1961]
- Smith, Cordwainer On the Storm Planet [1965]
- Spinrad, Norman Riding the Torch [1974]
- Stevenson, Robert Louis The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde [1886]
- Sturgeon, Theodore Killdozer! [1944]
- Sturgeon, Theodore The Golden Helix [1954]
- Swann, Thomas Burnett The Manor of Roses [1966]
- Tenn, William Firewater [1952]
- Thomas, Theodore L. The Weather Man [1962]
- Tiptree, James, Jr. Houston, Houston, Do You Read? [1976]
- Tiptree, James, Jr. The Only Neat Thing to Do [1985]
- Tuttle, Lisa The Storms of Windhaven (with George R. R. Martin) [1975]
- Vance, Jack The Miracle-Workers [1958]
- Vance, Jack The Moon Moth [1961]
- Vance, Jack The Last Castle [1966]
- Vance, Jack Rumfuddle [1973]
- Vance, Jack The Dragon Masters [1962]
- Varley, John In the Hall of the Martian Kings [1977]
- Varley, John The Persistence of Vision [1978]
- Varley, John PRESS ENTER [] [1984]
- Varley, John Blue Champagne [1981]
- Wagner, Karl Edward Beyond Any Measure [1982]
- Wells, H. G. The Time Machine [1895]
- Wells, H. G. The Invisible Man [1897]
- Willis, Connie The Last of the Winnebagos [1988]
- Wolfe, Gene The Fifth Head of Cerberus [1972]
- Wolfe, Gene The Death of Dr. Island [1973]
- Wolfe, Gene Seven American Nights [1978]
- Wyndham, John Consider Her Ways [1956]
- Zahn, Timothy Cascade Point [1983]
- Zelazny, Roger He Who Shapes [1965]
- Zelazny, Roger Home Is the Hangman [1975]
- Zelazny, Roger 24 Views of Mt. Fuji, by Hokusai [1985]