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OCTOBER 1999 ARCHON 23 (Oct 1-3 '99) Gateway Center & Holiday Inn, Collinsville IL. GoH: Gardner Dozois. AGoH: Ray Van Tillburg. TM: Forrest J Ackerman. Memb: $35.Info: Archon 23, Box 8387, St. Louis MO 63132; (314) 326-3026; e-mail: zellich@il.net; website: www.stlf.org/archon/23/index.html CON*CEPT/BOREAL '99 (Oct 1-3 '99) Days Inn Downtown, Montreal, QC, Canada; rms C$85 sngl/dbl, C$95 tpl/quad. GoHs: Jane Dorsey, Norbert Spehner. TM: Larry Stewart. Memb: C$30 at door. Info: Concept, Box 405, Stn. H, Montreal, QC, H3G 2L1, Canada; e-mail: afm@infinit.net VALLEYCON 24 (Oct 1-3 '99) Quality Inn & Suites, Fargo ND; rms $47. GoH: J. Gregory Keyes. AGoH: Ron Walotsky. Memb: $20 at door. Banquet: $25 at door. Info: Valleycon 24, Box 7202, Fargo ND 58106; e-mail: valleycon@hotmail.com VIABLE PARADISE III (Oct 1-3 '99) Island Inn, Martha's Vineyard MA; rms $90-$148. GoH: Joe Haldeman. AGoH: Rick Berry. FGoHs: Ted & Bonnie Atwood. Guests: eluki bes shahar, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Esther M. Friesner, Gay Haldeman, Jael, Ellen Kushner, Maureen F. McHugh, Charles Ryan, Darrell Schweitzer, Delia Sherman, Allen Steele, more. Memb: $40 at door. Info: Martha's Vineyard SF Assoc., Ltd., Box 3404, Oak Bluffs MA 02557; website: www.tiac.net/users/rmontor/paradise INT'L EDGAR ALLAN POE CONFERENCE (Oct 7-10 '99) The Jefferson Hotel, Richmond VA. Guests: John Dunning, John Astin & the Poe Performance. Memb: $75 student, $130 others. Info: Conferences & Institutes Registration, Pennsylvania State U, Box 10850, State College PA 16805; fax: (814) 863-5175; website: www.outreach.psu.edu/C&I/EdgarAllanPoe CONCLAVE 24 (Oct 8-10 '99) Holiday Inn South/Convention Ctr, Lansing MI; rms $69. GoH: James Hogan. AGoH: Erin McKee. FGoH: Marian Skupski. Memb: $30 at door. Info: Conclave 24, Box 2915, Ann Arbor MI 48106; (313) 454-1554; e-mail: Conclave@hamjudo.com; website: www.conclavesf.org CONTEXT XII (Oct 8-10 '99) Harley Hotel, Columbus OH; rms $72. GoH: Robert J. Sawyer. Memb: $40 at door. Info: Context, c/o FANACO, Box 163391, Columbus OH 43216; (614) 878-6824; e-mail: mevans@freenet.columbus.oh.us; website: www.contextcon.com GAYLAXICON 1999 (Oct 8-11 '99) Arlington Hotel & Towers, Arlington VA (nr Washington DC); rms $99 sngl/dbl. GoH: Diane Duane. AGoH: Nancy Janda. Memb: $60. Info: Gaylaxicon 1999, c/o Lambda Sci-Fi, Box 656, Washington DC 20044; (202) 232-3141; e-mail: gcon1999@aol.com; website: http://members.aol.com/lambdasf/lsf/gcon1999.html NECRONOMICON 1999 (Oct 8-10 '99) Radisson Inn - Sabal Park, Tampa FL. GoHs: Joan D. Vinge, Jennifer Roberson. Guests: Joseph Green, Richard Lee Byers, Vince Courtney, Owl Goingback. Memb: $25. Info: Necronomicon 1999, Box 2076, Riverview FL 33568; e-mail: raggedyAnn@compuserve.com OCTOCON X (Oct 8-10 '99) Royal Marine Hotel, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin, Ireland. Tenth Irish National SF Con. GoH: Robert Rankin. Guests: Harry Harrison, Maggie Furey, Robert Holdstock, Graham Joyce, Kim Newman, Michael Scott, Ian McDonald. Memb: IEP22/Euro27 at door. Info: Octocon X, c/o 43 Eglinton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4, Ireland; phone + 353 (0) 1 260.52.04; fax +353 (0) 1 269.40.39; e-mail: dstewart@iol.ie; website: www.iol.ie/~jshields/octocon CANVENTION 19/INCONSEQUENTIAL II (Oct 15-17 '99) Lord Beaverbrook Hotel, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada; C$84. GoH: Tanya Huff. Memb: C$30 to 10/4/99, C$35 at door. Info: Brian A. Davis, Canvention Liaison, 45 Charm Court, Fredericton NB E3B 7J6, Canada; (506) 459-5758; e-mail: badavis@nbnet.nb.ca INCON '99 (Oct 15-17 '99) Double Tree Inn, Spokane WA. GoH: Charles de Lint. AGoH: Margaret Organ-Kean. Memb: $25 at door. Info: InCon, Box 9112, Spokane WA 99209; e-mail: incon@juno.comzz SWECON/UPPSALA: 1999 (Oct 15-17 '99) Uppsala, Sweden. Swedish National con. GoHs: Michael Swanwick, Lars-Olov Strandberg. Memb: 250 SEK at door. Info: Uppsala 1999, Postal Giro 629, 49 57-4 Kruse, Sweden; e-mail: swecon@dang.se; website: http://sfweb.dang.se/1999e.html ARCANA 29 (Oct 22-24 '99) Holiday Inn Express, St. Paul MN. GoH: Ramsey Campbell. Emph: horror/dark fantasy. Memb: $30 at door. Info: Arcana, Box 8036, Lake St. Stn., Minneapolis MN 55408; (612) 825-9353; e-mail (Eric Heideman): eheideman@uswest.net; website: www.inergy.com/JBROWER MILEHICON 31 (Oct 22-24 '99) Sheraton, Lakewood CO; rms $79 sngl/dbl, $89 tpl/quad. GoHs: Lois McMaster Bujold, K.W. Jeter. AGoH: Robert Daniels, Jr. TM: Kevin J. Anderson. Memb: $26 to 10/10/99, $28 at door. Info: MileHiCon 31, Box 101322, Denver CO 80250; (303) 657-5912; e-mail: lindanel@ix.netcom.com; website: www.econet.com/milehicon TUSCON 26 (Oct 22-24 '99) Executive Inn, Tucson AZ. GoH: Laurell K. Hamilton. AGoH: Lee Seed. Memb: $35 at door. Info: TusCon 26, Box 26822, Tucson AZ 85726. 4TH ENCOUNTERS OF SCIENCE, SF, & THE FANTASTIC (Oct 28-Nov 2 '99) Cascais, Portugal. Theme: The 7 Capital Sins. Info: Assiação Portuguesa de Ficção Cientifica e Fantástico, Bloco UV - 2° Piso - Porta 11, Outeiro da Vela, 2750 Cascais, Portugal; (305) 1-484-17-82; e-mail: simetria@esoterica.pt; website: http://simetria.esoterica.pt CON*STELLATION XVIII (Oct 29-31'99) Airport Sheraton, Huntsville AL. GoH: Allen Steele. AGoH: Darryl Elliott. FGoHs: Tom & Anita Feller. TM: David Weber. Memb: $35. Info: ConStellation XVIII, Box 4857, Huntsville AL 35815; (256) 880-8210; e-mail: constell@con-stellation.org; website: www.con-stellation.org DITTO 12 (Oct 29-31 '99) Radisson Metrodome, Minneapolis MN. Theme: Fanzines. Memb: $30 to 10/15/99, $40 at door; $10 supp. Info: Ditto 12, c/o Karen Cooper, 101 E. Minnehaha Pky., Minneapolis MN 55419; (612) 823-1497; e-mail: karen@counterpane.com ICON 24 [NEW DATE & SITE] (Oct 29-31 '99) Longbranch Hotel, Cedar Rapids IA. GoHs: Peter S. Beagle, Bill Johnson, Charles Piehl. TM: Rusty Hevelin. Memb: $40 at door. Info: ICON 24, Box 525, Iowa City IA 52244; (319) 626-2099; e-mail: icon@sflis.org; website http://www.mindbridge.org/icon TERRACON 2 (Oct 29-31 '99) Best Western Executive Inn, Fife WA. GoH: Dave Duncan. TM: David Tackett. Memb: $20 to 10/15/99, $30 at door. Weaponless con. Info: Terracon, Box 11816, Olympia WA 98508; (206) 528-2908 (10 a.m.-10 p.m. PST); e-mail: terracon@iname.com; website: http://terracon.freeservers.com HISPACON 1999 (Oct 29-Nov 1 '99) Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Spanish national convention. Info: Hispacon, c/o AGASF, Apdo. 607, Santiago de Compostela 15700, Spain. NOVEMBER 1999 WORLD FANTASY CONVENTION 1999/VOYAGES (Nov 4-7 '99) Rhode Island Conv. Ctr., Westin Hotel, & Biltmore, Providence RI. GoHs: Patricia A. McKillip, Charles de Lint, Robert Silverberg. AGoHs: Leo & Diane Dillon. Special Guest: Samuel R. Delany. TM: John M. Ford. Memb: $125 to 10/15/99, then more (limit 850); $35 supp; Banquet: $42; payment to MCFI. Info: World Fantasy Convention, Box 1010, Framingham MA 01701; fax (617) 776-3243; e-mail: wfc@mcfi.org; web: www.worldfantasy.org NOVACON 29 (Nov 5-7 '99) Birmingham UK. GoH: Ian Stewart. Memb: £32 to 10/30/99, £35 at door. Info: Novacon 29, c/o Carol Morton, 14 Park Street, Lye, Stourbridge, W. Midlands, DY9 8SS, UK; e-mail: martin@empties.demon.co.uk ORYCON 21 (Nov 12-14 '99) DoubleTree Columbia River, Portland OR. GoH: Nicola Griffith. AGoH: Nene Thomas. Sci GoH: Charles Sheffield. Memb: $35 to 10/15/99,$45 at door. Info: OryCon 21, Box 5703, Portland OR 97228; (503) 232-6506; e-mail: saxon@agora.rdrop.com PHILCON '99 (Nov 12-14 '99) Adam's Mark Hotel, Philadelphia PA. GoH: Katherine Kurtz. AGoH: Jill Bauman. Memb: $35 to 10/31/99, $40 at door. Info: PhilCon 99, Box 8303, Philadelphia PA 19101; (215) 957-4004; e-mail: philcon@netaxs.com; website: www.philcon.org WINDYCON XXVI (Nov 12-14 '99) Hyatt Regency Woodfield, Schaumburg IL; rms $81 sngl/dbl, $94 tpl/quad. GoHs: Kristine Kathryn Rusch & Dean Wesley Smith. AGoH: Steven Vincent Johnson. Ed. GoH: Ellen Datlow. FGoH: Charles Boston Baden. TM: Barry B. Longyear. Memb: $30 to 10/15/99, $40 at door. Info: Windycon XXVI, Box 184, Palatine IL 60078; e-mail: windycon@windycon.org; website: www.windycon.org COZY-CON (Nov 19-21 '99) Scheveningen, Netherlands. Memb: NLG50. Info: Annemarie van Ewyck, Obrechtstraat 4, 2517 VT Den Haag, Netherlands; e-mail: cozycon@cena.demon.nl EXOTICON 2 (Nov 19-21 '99) Quality Hotel, Metairie LA; rms $89 dbl. GoHs: Spider & Jeanne Robinson. AGoH: Carl Lundgren. Memb: $35 at door. Info: Exoticon 2, Box 9431, Bridge City LA 70096; (504) 436-3378; e-mail: rfontenot@earthlink.net; website: www.exoticon.net TROPICON 18 (Nov 19-21 '99) Clarion Hotel, Hollywood FL; rms $60. GoH: Mike Resnick. AGoH: Ron Walotsky. Guests: Lynn Abbey, Adam Troy Castro, Jack C. Haldeman II, more. Memb: $24 to 10/18/99, $28 at door. Info: Tropicon 18, c/o SFSFS, Box 70143, Fort Lauderdale FL 33307; e-mail: tropicon@scifi.squawk.com; website: http://sfsfs.org/Tropicon CHAMBANACON 29 (Nov 26-28 '99) Clarion Hotel, Champaign IL. GoH: Andrew J. Offutt. FGoHs: Samanda B. Jeude & Donald Cook. TM: Wilson ''Bob'' Tucker. Memb: $25 advance, $30 at door. Info: ChamBanaCon 29, Box 2908, Springfield IL 62708; (513) 651-0427 (Paula Robinson); e-mail: ChamBanaCn@aol.com; website: www.ussursus.org/chambanacon CONCAT 11 (Nov 26-28 '99) Radisson, Knoxville TN; rms $65 + tax. GoH: Neil Gaiman. AGoH: Lisa Snelling. Memb: $25 to 11/10/99, then $35. Info: ConCat 11, 316 E. Scott Ave., Knoxville TN 37917; (423) 637-6564; e-mail: chloiea@mailexcite.com; website: www.vic.com/~chloiea/ConCat.html LOSCON XXVI (Nov 26-28 '99) Burbank Airport Hilton, Burbank CA; rms $86. GoH: Connie Willis. AGoH: Alex Ross. FGoH: Joe Siclari. Memb: $35 to 10/31/99, $40 at door. Info: LosCon XXVI c/o LASFS, 11513 Burbank Blvd., N. Hollywood CA 91601; (818) 760-9234; e-mail: loscon26@lasfs.org FIRST ZIMBABWE NATIONAL SF CONFERENCE (Nov 27-28 '99) Harare, Zimbabwe - CANCELLED
DECEMBER 1999 NORDCON 13 (Dec 2-5 '99) Gdansk, Poland. Memb: 30DM to 10/31/00, then 40DM. Info: Gdanski Klub Fantastyki, Box 76, 80-325 Gdansk 37, Poland; phone +48-58-531073; e-mail: papier@gkf.3miasto.pl; website: www.gkf.3miasto.pl DRACON '99 (Dec 3-5 '99) Hotel Santon, Brno, Czech Republic. Memb: $10 at door (Fri.). Info: Dracon '99, Box 130, 61500 Brno, Czech Republic; e-mail: pes@brn.czn.cz; website: www.dracon.cz/dracon99_eng.html SMOFCON 17 (Dec 10-12 '99) New Orleans LA. Convention-runners con. Memb: $70 at door. Info: Smofcon 17, Box 61363, Sunnyvale CA 94088. 11 FESTIVAL DE LA SCIENCE-FICTION & DE L'IMAGINAIRE DE ROANNE (Dec 15-21 '99) Roanne, France. Info: c/o Jo Taboulet, Festival de la SF, Rhone-Alpes SF, 12 avenue de Paris, 42334 Roanne cedex, France; phone: + 04-77-72-09-25; e-mail: tabouletj@ardep.fr MILLENIUM (Dec 27 '99-Jan 1 '00) N Europe–CANCELLED Next page: 2000. |
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